U.S. opposition to a war on Iraq
9.11関連の団体で、活発な活動を続ける MoveOn からのメールより一部引用。

Dear MoveOn supporters worldwide

Yesterday we launched a nationwide TV ad campaign in the U.S.
which has received a great deal of national and local media
attention. Our key message is Let the Inspections Work.

You can see the ad itself on our home page at


I've also attached some news coverage of the ad below which
describes the ad in some detail.

This ad is part of our campaign to communicate the depth and
breadth of opposition to an Iraq War in the U.S. Although
the polls show very thin support for war until now the media
has not widely reported this.

Our biggest surprise is how many members of the media around
the world are interested in this story. Apparently the
American public is widely seen as moving lock-step behind the
most extremist members of the Bush administration. Journalists
around the world seem surprised by the strength of opposition
in the U.S.
