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"0,-ryoshuu.mp3,旅愁 by J.P.Ordway,2009/08/20,,1913417,1:59,差し替え元",
"1,kazenokomoriuta_guiter.mp3,風の子守唄 ,2009/01/31,,2279967,2:22,",


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エクラの日記のカテゴリ一覧 Ver2.0
entry = function(){
Fx.cDat = "889,弟の納骨式 ,,-888,#初めての方へ ,,887,仲間 ,,-886,データ ,,885,思い出のアルバム ,,884,VerUP ,,883,ドラマの感想&詳細 ,,882,健康維持 ,,881,+ きもちの声 + ,,880,+ 優しいきもち + ,,879,+ 少しの勇気 + ,,878,+ 恋するココロ + ,,-877,+ 心の鏡 + ,,876,タイのUbonより ,,-875,タイのUbonにて ,,874,歌舞伎 ,,873,弟の死 ,,872,マカオ ,,871,ワ・ン行 ,,870,通販 ,,-869,ブラウザ ,,868,娯楽 ,,-867,ヤ行 ,,866,Haiku & Tanka poems ,,865,マ行 ,,864,ハ行 ,,-863,ナ行 ,,862,タ行 ,,-861,サ行 ,,860,カ行 ,,859,ア行 ,,-858,た行 ,,-857,さ ,,-856,さ行 ,,-855,あ行 ,,-854,か ,,-853,か行 ,,852,バレエ ,,851,ヘルの小部屋 ,,850,感謝 ,,-849,簡単 ,,848,想ひ.. ,,-847,想ひのままに.. ,,846,芸術祭始まる ,,845,天下りと官僚 ,,844,台風被害 ,,843,人間の性 ,,842,福祉行政 ,,841,江戸 ,,840,味噌煮込みうどん ,,839,農業 ,,838,堅調 ,,837,軟調 ,,836,教養 ,,835,博物館 ,,834,大相撲 ,,833,野球 ,,832,自然観察 ,,-831,2009.9.23 ,,830,旅行 ,,829,新聞報道記事抜粋 ,,828,Shar_aqu ,,-827,Sharaku ,,826,祭礼 ,,-825,不調 ,,824,爽やかに秋が来た ,,-823,エクラのカレンダー ,,-822,温泉 ,,821,事件事故 ,,820,生誕 ,,-819,好調 ,,-818,好調.. ,,817,宝塚歌劇 ,,-816,泣いて笑って... ,,-815,古代オリエント博物館 ,,814,マロン ,,813,初孫 ,,812,学校生活 ,,811,ほんたうのたべもの(音楽) ,,810,mental sketch modified ,,809,おばさんの日記 ,,808,政治不信、選挙 ,,807,天体□(星雲・星団) ,,-806,時々 ,,805,戦争と平和 ,,804,選挙、政治 ,,803,天体ショー ,,802,孫 ,,801,とんかつ ,,800,台風関連 ,,-799,料理 ,,-798,キカイダー ,,797,Eclat.CyberCity ,,-796,エクラ サイバーシティ ,,-795,imagination ,,-794,kuusou ,,-793,kikaida ,,792,台風情報 ,,-791,日記みたいなもの ,,790,白桃ツアーに参加、、、。 ,,789,少子化対策、母子福祉対策 ,,788,選挙 ,,-787,kokoro ,,786, () ,,-785,スタイルシート ,,784,お仕事 ,,783,VistaのCookieの保存場所 ,,782,ハーレー ,,781,夏休み、海、海水浴、レジャー ,,780,政治不信、選挙。 ,,-779,あれカテゴリ? ,,-778,記入テスト ,,-777,つかの間の^^ ,,776,政治、政治不信 ,,775,事件事故、犯罪 ,,774,反省 ,,-773,()()() ,,772,() ,,-771,(・・) ,,-770,(・∀・) ,,-769,Photo ,,768,(1) ,,767,A ,,766,政治。選挙 ,,765,政治、政治不信、選挙 ,,764,PC 全般 ,,-763,omoi ,,-762,ALO日記 ,,761,経済、保険 ,,760,あんずの想ひ ,,-759,あんずの想い ,,758,コンサート ,,757,外食 ,,-756, 気ままに・・・ ,,-755,夏に咲く花 ,,754,6月24日 ,,753,慰霊の日 ,,752,行事情報 ,,751,うれしいー ,,750,ライブ ,,749,じゅごん ,,748,厚生労働省不祥事 ,,747,オフレコ□ ,,746,北朝鮮問題 ,,745,政治不信 ,,744,モノ ,,743,地球環境 ,,742,ドラマ ,,-741,俳句に心を・・・ ,,-740,text ,,-739,返し詩 ,,738,地球環境。健康 ,,737,学校、教育 ,,736,修旅、観光。研修 ,,735,NET犯罪 ,,734,野鳥、自然観察 ,,733,新型インフルエンザ□ ,,732,ヒカルイマイ ,,731,鴫山城 ,,730,ーー城ーー ,,729,淋しい人 ,,728,南会津イベント情報 ,,727,報道から ,,726,速報□インフルエンザ関連 ,,725,危険な生物 ,,724,節水 ,,723,インフルエンザ ,,722,今日の歴史 ,,721,庭仕事 ,,720,航空関係 ,,719,気象情報 ,,718,米軍基地からの流弾事件 ,,717,定額給付金 ,,716,日米の密約 ,,715,米兵のひき逃げ事件 ,,714,米軍基地被害 ,,713,速報 ,,712,アメリカ追従の百害 ,,-711,アメリカ追従の薬害 ,,710,歴史教科書問題 ,,709,米軍基地問題 ,,708,米軍、米兵の事件事故 ,,707,徒然 ,,-706,今日の一日 ,,705,日常の出来事 ,,704,ソウル ,,703,年金問題 ,,-702,詩のようなもの ,,-701,days* ,,700,高校野球 ,,699,こんにちは(^_^) ,,698,一言! ,,697,SNS関連 ,,696,ぴょんちゃん♪ ,,695,卒業 ,,-694,チャットシステム ,,693,@えーいち ,,692,Scandinavia ,,-691,Scandinavia ,,690,参考にしたい考え方…。 ,,689,真理 ,,-688,伝言 ,,-687,緊急連絡 ,,-686,HP作り ,,-685,どっぷり芸能界 ,,684,出来事 ,,683,怒り ,,-682,また編集 ,,-681,鉄道模型レイアウト ,,-680,脱税で告発@@ ,,-679,編集について ,,678,HP? ,,-677,煙草の禁煙方法 ,,-676,巨人情報 ,,-675,ニュ-ス ,,-674,OSについて ,,-673,総入替工事中 ,,-672,巨人のこと ,,-671,疑問 ,,-670,3 ,,-669,画像テスト ,,-668,質問 ,,-667,利用目的 ,,666,漫画詳細 ,,665,琉球の民話より ,,664,本日の1曲 ,,663,生け花 ,,662,たくあん漬け ,,-661,携帯 ,,660,禁煙日誌 ,,-659,素敵な出逢い ,,658,趣味の事 ,,-657,1 ,,656,孫の事 ,,655,日本が終わる日 ,,654,『岡山・私設ニュース』 ,,653,番外編 ,,652,今日の一句♪ ,,651,ゴルフ ,,650,・・ ,,649,ニュース ,,648,soft ,,647,毎日の食事&血糖値 ,,646,20世紀少年 ,,645,紅葉 ,,644,野獣達からのメッセージ ,,643,学園祭 ,,642,あ~しんど!! ,,-641,おしらせ ,,640,ペット ,,639,お気に入りの歌 ,,638,ハーブの勉強 ,,637,チョッピリ楽しみ ,,636,閑話休題 ,,635,メモ帳 ,,634,折々のこと ,,633,仕入れ業者 ,,632,旭山動物園へ行く ,,631,“o(><)o”クヤシィ~! ,,630,今日の出来事 ,,629,英語 ,,628,災害 ,,627,こんばんわ~☆ ,,626,気まま ,,625,夢物語 ,,624,前向きに(^ー^* ) ,,623,オリンピック ,,622,亜林湖の詩 ,,-621,グランドオープン@@ ,,-620,ひとりごと・・・。 ,,619,北京五輪ニュース ,,618,その他雑記 ,,617,店情報 ,,-616,香炉等 ,,-615,香炉 ,,-614,お香(Incense) ,,-613,お願い...* ,,-612,香炉など ,,611,更新情報 ,,610,お盆休み ,,609,PC□&□インターネット ,,-608,Asaheart Diary ,,607,散歩 ,,606,弓道関係 ,,605,ひと時の旅 ,,604,|□|д・) ソォーッ… ,,603,´´(;´ρ`A)アチィ・・・ ,,-602,家庭菜園!! ,,-601,十の善き戒め ,,-600,こころの満足 ,,-599,心の満足 ,,598,年金 ,,597,赤沢自然休養林 ,,596,領土問題・・・・ ,,595,あっと言う間の7月に!! ,,-594,* ,,-593,初めまして。 ,,592,Suamahime 2008 更新情報□ ,,591,ど素人園芸と花の写真 ,,590,eclatのこと ,,589,シルクローリット ,,588,読書 ,,587,グルメ気分□ ,,586,古代蓮の里 ,,585,ネットで地引網日誌 ,,584,PCライフ ,,583,中村羅針さんの画□ ,,582,急性喉頭蓋炎 ,,581,酒 ,,580,中国野菜エンツァイ ,,579,日頃の事 ,,-578,. ,,-577,個人タクシー ,,576,一年の折り返し地点 ,,575,カレンダー ,,-574,ど素人園芸 ,,573,領域確保 ,,572,計画 ,,-571,琴海野母地区 ,,570,昨日の風雨は嘘のよう!! ,,-569,> ,,-568,風景 ,,-567,中島川地区 ,,566,未登録ユーザー ,,565,気侭な□読書 ,,564,Mainの紹介 ,,563,歴史の証言 ,,-562,浦上地区 ,,-561,お店情報 ,,-560,出島・大浦地区 ,,-559,aaa ,,-558,10000102 ,,-557,10000101 ,,556,野菜栽培 ,,-555,韓国の最新ニュース ,,-554,お香(insence) ,,-553,その他 ,,552,HPの更新 ,,551,映画の感想 ,,550,学習 ,,549,肌寒いです!! ,,548,息子 ,,547,寒いね~ ,,-546,yahooオークション ,,545,焦りました(!・_・メ) ,,-544,5月8日(木)晴れ 20度 ,,543,回想録 ,,-542,片言 ,,-541,片 言 ,,-540,初日 ,,539,地域 ,,538,次は何を読む? ,,-537,種蒔き記録 ,,536,会津の風と空のタグとCSS--公開します ,,535,戯れ言 ,,-534,プロ野球 ,,533,庭作り ,,532,蝶の記録 ,,531,たべもの ,,530,今日のおすすめ ,,529,想い ,,528,報告 ,,527,★⌒(@^-゜@)v ヨロシクネ~♪ね ,,526,Days of eclat(CSS編) ,,-525,Days of eclat (CSS編) ,,524,Days of eclat (日記タグ編) ,,523,ハーブ ,,-522,言の葉 ,,521,PCのセットアップは!? ,,520,半角空白 ,,519,nikki ,,518,画像 ,,-517,ぶろぐ ,,516,問わず語りに ,,515,植物 ,,-514,今日の画像 ,,513,花 ,,512,シルクレボルシオン ,,-511,お花 ,,-510,TBS感謝祭・・・・・ ,,509,LIVE ,,508,清明祭(シーミ) ,,507,種捲き ,,506,「ぶたねこタウン」イベント ,,505,祝い ,,504,お勧め ,,503,お寺を舞台に… ,,502,池のある景色を楽しみに ,,501,スキー ,,500,シルクレボリシオン ,,499,サイトカスタマイズ ,,-498,サイト装飾 ,,497,抗議 ,,-496,サイト構築 ,,495,F料理屋ー日記 ,,-494,料理屋ー日記 ,,-493,F-料理屋 ,,-492,今月の様子 ,,491,words ,,490,Norway ,,-489,Norway ,,488,ニュ~ス ,,487,催事 ,,486,ゆっくりと ,,-485,メモ ,,484,チョッピリ変更しました。 ,,-483,ちゅんちゅん♪ ,,482,SF 寝台券高校 ,,481,SF街道 ,,-480,お天気 ,,-479,今日のこと ,,-478,What's New ,,477,息子達へ ,,476,漢学 ,,-475,食料自給率 ,,-474,豆知識 ,,473,ただいま読書中。 ,,472,踏んじゃった!! ,,471,自分用のメモ ,,470,雪 ,,469,雪下ろし(^_^.) ,,468,百舌の哀 ,,-467,+。..*・゜ ,,466,真冬 ,,465,バレンタインデー ,,464,気象関係 ,,-463,お散歩 ,,462,連休 ,,461,ショッピング ,,460,デザイン変更 ,,459,くちずさむ歌 ,,458,手作り料理 ,,457,寒いはず!! ,,456,劇毒注意 ,,-455,羽生善治の本 ,,-454,羽生善治の本より ,,453,火曜日 ,,-452,セキュリティー ,,-451,[セキュリティ ,,450,お気楽雀 ,,449,食べ物 ,,448,写真 ,,447,ゲームの感想&詳細 ,,446,ご案内 ,,445,NEWS ,,-444,キラキラ ,,-443,三行詩。 ,,-442,* 三 行 詩 * ,,441,旅紀行 ,,-440,今日も雪? ,,-439,仕事について ,,438,PCの勉強 ,,-437,+ poetic + ,,-436,きむら鉄道物語 ,,435,Mac ,,434,川柳もとき ,,-433,荒し ,,-432,今年の展望 ,,-431,編集 ,,-430,メイン ,,429,美肌に成るお手入れ ,,428,セブ島 ,,-427,設定方法 ,,-426,模型購入 ,,425,雪は程々に!! ,,-424,天気 ,,-423,+ソウルメイト+ ,,-422,平成十六夜日記 ,,-421,判らない・・・ ,,-420,エクラ編集について ,,-419,荒らし ,,-418,きむら鉄道レイアウト ,,-417,barchetta ,,-416,支援事業 ,,415,嬉しい ,,414,困ったな ,,413,目覚めた朝に。。 ,,-412,eclatな日々・・・ ,,-411,heat is ,,-410,heart ,,409,透□子 ,,408,□□□ ,,407,(^ー^* ) ,,406,愛しいひとへ ,,405,良い子講座 ,,404,自分用メモ料理 ,,403,PCで遊ぶ ,,-402,francetei ,,401,tunekoの日記帳 ,,400,建築 ,,399,d ,,-398,#A123 ,,-397,私の ,,396,歯医者 ,,395,健康 ,,394,パソコンライフ ,,-393,木曽路 ,,-392,四季折々 ,,391,生涯学習 ,,-390,自然環境 ,,389,days ,,-388,asaheart ,,387,ご挨拶!! ,,-386,本 ,,385,どうでも良い事(ナラカクナッテ ,,384,更新 ,,383,そこはかとなく ,,-382,つれ ,,-381,つれづれノート。 ,,-380,memomemo ,,-379,やってみた!! ,,378,n ,,377,じじとばばの日記 ,,376,今年の運勢占って見ました ^^ ,,-375,お年玉 ,,-374,ポエム集 ,,373,エクラ探訪 ,,372,一行掲示板 ,,-371,新年2008年 ,,370,平成十六夜日記ダイジェスト版 ,,369,アニメ詳細 ,,-368,感想 ,,-367,投稿 ,,-366,ぼやき ,,-365,師走・・・ ,,364,C= (-。- ) フゥー ,,-363,12月29日土曜日 ,,362,明治大正 ,,-361,樹氷 ,,360,エクラのCSS ,,359,日記(12月) ,,358,(~_~) ,,-357,Kinema ,,-356,移転 ,,-355,Kinema ,,354,スクロールバーのカラー表示方法 ,,353,教会 ,,352,CSS編集 ,,351,家事&畑仕事。 ,,-350,スカパー宇宙域 ,,349,メニュー画面の項目を・・・で囲む方法 ,,348,呟き! ,,-347,「アポロの間」No.1〜No.41(2005.2) ,,346,パルナソスの粋 ,,345,Days of eclat ,,344,生活 ,,-343,ありがとうございました。 ,,-342,しつもん ,,341,遊び ,,340,MyPage ,,339,はじめて日記□□♪□ ,,-338,タグ ♪ ,,337,海外旅行 ,,336,プルダウンメニュー ,,335,社会 ,,334,フラッシュ表示方法 ,,333,メニュー用編集画面の表示方法 ,,-332,eclatの編集・・ ,,331,とぜんさう ,,-330,バイト ,,-329,book ,,328,仕事 ,,327,タグとcssにおける表記方法 ,,-326,アクセス1位ニュース ,,-325,eclat編集 ,,-324,07.12.18 ,,323,kouzi ,,322,工事なう ,,321,季節 ,,320,GAIAXな日々 ,,-319,デジタルワールド ,,318,音楽感想&詳細 ,,317,工事1 ,,-316,戯言 ,,315,test1 ,,-314,エクボさん用 ,,313,commonスクリプト ,,-312,commonCSS ,,311,釣り ,,310,挨拶スクリプト ,,309,芸術 ,,308,タグがわかりません。 ,,307,足跡CSS ,,306,お友達リストCSS ,,305,リンク集CSS ,,304,日記/コラムCSS ,,303,プロフィールCSS ,,-302,初期状態 ,,301,万馬券 ,,300,名馬リキエイカンの大往生 ,,299,馬がつむぐ夫婦の絆□芦沢勝利・訓子さん□/鹿児島 ,,298,トーヨーアサヒ ,,297,天皇賞馬テンメイ、その母天皇賞馬トウメイの軌跡□Ⅰ ,,296,元騎手、調教師□境勝太郎さん□いつも馬がいた ,,295,史上最強馬「カブラヤオー」星になる ,,294,オースミダイナー物語 ,,-293,??? ,,-292,テンプレート ,,291,題詠百歌 ,,290,子供の空間 ,,-289,初日記 ,,-288,雀の歌 ,,287,良い子通信エクラ改造系 ,,286,css ,,-285,カウンター設置方法 ,,284,良い子の皆さん用置手紙 ,,283,置手紙 ,,282,よもやま記 ,,-281,メイン用スクリプト ,,-280,秘密の日記 ,,279,身辺の出来事 ,,278,アニメの感想 ,,277,エクラ ,,276,メイン用タグ編集画面の表示方法 ,,-275,メニュー用タグ編集画面の表示方法 ,,274,メニュー用タグ ,,273,共通設定CSS ,,272,独り言 ,,271,トップ の 写真 ,,-270,ひとり言♪ ,,269,HP情報(eclat専用) ,,268,カテゴリ ,,-267,気が向くままに・・・ ,,-266,てすと ,,-265,思ったこと ,,-264,今日の写真 ,,263,昔読んだ詩 ,,262,更新しました。 ,,-261,ひとり言・・・( ̄o ̄;)ボソッ・・ ,,260,トップページCSS ,,259,メニューCSS ,,258,メイン用タグ ,,-257,足跡ログCSS ,,256,掲示板CSS ,,255,カレン・システム ,,254,ご挨拶 ,,253,ツール ,,-252,改造 ,,251,ウォーキング ,,-250,music ,,-249,なんか・・ ,,248,地方の天下り人事 ,,247,つれずれに♪ ,,-246,時代屋 武ちゃん ,,245,もう寝よう ,,244,私信 ,,243,ホームページ作成 ,,-242,こぼれ落ちる想い ,,241,モバイル ,,240,ぷろぐ ,,239,芸能 ,,-238,散文詩 ,,237,HP作成 ,,236,ぶたにこまる ,,235,ひとりごと ,,234,PC ,,-233,tesuto ,,232,DVDメモ ,,231,会津のやさしさについて ,,230,お題100 ,,229,家庭用ゲーム ,,228,楓絡み ,,227,雑記 ,,226,バトン ,,-225,(T_T) ,,-224,個人意見 ,,-223,運営状況 ,,222,蒼騎 ,,221,気が向いたら更新する ,,220,死にたい ,,-219,不定期更新日記 ,,218,bought DVD ,,217,便利屋□日記 ,,216,2006・8・28 ,,-215,関西 ,,214,その2 ,,213,rental CD ,,212,rental DVD ,,-211,DVD ,,210,今日の愚痴 ,,209,小説 ,,208,夢小説 ,,-207,6月の曲 ,,206,国際結婚、失敗日記 ,,205,ムッシーのだいありぃ。 ,,-204,てんとう無視のだいありぃ。 ,,203,カイトのだいありぃ。 ,,-202,日記・・・なのかなぁorz ,,-201,日記・・・なのかなぁorz ,,-200,詩・・・なのかなぁorz ,,199,ink-blot ,,-198,z ,,-197,az ,,196,コネタ ,,-195,ゴゴ市日常 ,,194,DQ5 ,,193,マイブーム ,,192,挨拶 ,,-191,異議あり! ,,-190,こんな事もあったなぁ ,,-189,伝記 ,,188,ハーボット ,,187,舞伝説 ,,-186,占い・鑑定 ,,185,ギルド戦□戦績 ,,184,at Kioto ,,183,NDS ,,-182,お願いです。 ,,-181,ホームページ ,,180,旅日記 ,,179,更新日記 ,,-178,32条 ,,177,バスケ日記 ,,-176,タグ ,,175,あやしい系 ,,174,花言葉 ,,173,会社にて ,,172,えっと ,,171,goo ,,170,Diary♪ ,,169,knight scoop ,,-168,night scoop ,,167,pas・de・trois ,,166,お ,,165,夫婦の会話 ,,164,diary(甲斐) ,,-163,日記(甲斐) ,,-162,初の日記です ,,161,聴之介 ,,160,マスター公示 ,,-159,オリジナル・ビデオ映画「アイドルな探偵 ミチ&サチ」 ,,158,2 ,,157,日常 ,,156,p ,,155,1 ,,-154,受験勉強 ,,153,血液型 ,,-152,育成 ,,151,BlogPet ,,-150,at Web ,,149,memo ,,148,読書時間 ,,147,物語 ,,146,コトバアソビ ,,145,風待ち ,,144,レンアイ教授 ,,143,災害情報 ,,142,徒然に… ,,141,禁煙 ,,140,習作 ,,139,手紙 ,,138,詩惑抄 ,,137,コトバ ,,-136,css@eclat ,,135,子供 ,,134,どうでも良いことだけど ,,133,エッセイ ,,132,01ビジネス ,,131,HP ,,-130,ビジネス ,,-129,FE(ゲームレビュー) ,,-128,TS(ゲームレビュー) ,,-127,TS(レビュー) ,,-126,遙か(雑談) ,,125,遙か(小説) ,,-124,遙か(ゲームレビュー) ,,-123,遙か ,,-122,ジョニー映画 ,,-121,遙か小説 ,,120,ポエム&エッセイ ,,119,New Diary ,,118,日常詩 ,,117,Diet ,,116,会社 ,,115,セックス ,,-114,ちこ初 ,,113,徒然日記―side daiary― ,,112,いたすぎる・・・ ,,111,1月9日 ,,110,今夜のぽえむ ,,-109,Livly ,,108,地震 ,,107,映画 ,,106,メッセージ ,,105,poem ,,104,poem ,,-103,ひみつ! ,,102,あけおめ ,,101,webペット ,,100,イベント ,,99,心のままに ,,98,エクラしりとり ,,97,感memo ,,96,HP ,,95,韓流 ,,94,覚え書き(笑) ,,93,アンミラ ,,92,aaaaa ,,91,health&beauty ,,90,Soliloquy ,,-89,とりあえず ,,88,web ,,87,Why not? ,,86,Entertainment ,,85,Shops&Foods ,,84,IT & etc ,,83,Ordinary ,,-82,小学校 ,,-81,おもちゃ ,,-80,17 ,,-79,妊娠・出産 ,,78,ダイエット ,,-77,ラブラブ ,,76,スロ ,,75,本当にあった話 ,,74,趣味 ,,73,つぶやき ,,72,ケータイ ,,71,包丁侍 ,,70,くーまん ,,69,初HP作成 ,,68,000 ,,-67, 2004 10/30 23:09 ,,-66,2004 10/30 12:47 ,,-65,2004 10/30 02:20 ,,-64,2004 10/29 12:14 ,,63,店主 ,,62,詩 ,,61,コラム ,,60,ども ,,59,セリカ ,,58,001 ,,-57,01 ,,56,DQ8 ,,-55,管理人 ,,54,雑話 ,,53,テスト ,,52,徒然に ,,51,お知らせ ,,50,ぽえむ ,,49,与太話 ,,48,新・エクラの感想 ,,-47,某大学BBSより ,,-46,My日記♪ ,,-45,My ,,-44,2004年11月25日 ,,43,インターネット ,,42,予定は未定 ,,-41,時事ひとこと☆ ,,-40,そう言えば ,,-39,タナトス(管理人) ,,38,つれづれ ,,-37,はじめに ,,36,新日記 ,,-35,お知らせ!! ,,34,サイト作成 ,,33,Trash ,,32,Harbot ,,31,diary ,,-30,旧日記 ,,-29,ニッキ ,,-28,サッカー ,,-27,阿波おどり ,,-26,カテゴリ1 ,,-25,今日のひとこと ,,-24,カスタマイズ ,,-23,こしかたの記、絵画 ,,22,なんとなく…。 ,,21,eclat情報 ,,20,What's New? ,,19,ポエム ,,18,すあまのきもち ,,-17,お知らせ☆ ,,-16,自由なひろば ,,-15,だいありー ,,14,GOLFのページ ,,13,情報 ,,12,最新情報 ,,-11,2004.11.3 ,,-10,サーバー削除 ,,9,更新履歴 ,,-8,ブラウザ ,,-7,中の人 ,,6,エッセイ ,,5,eclat ,,4,TV ,,3,音楽 ,,2,書評 ,,1,日記 ,,0,全カテゴリ";
Fx.abc = true;

entry2 = function(){
var s1 = "",s0 = "",s = Fx.cDat.split(" ,,"),a,b,str;
var c0 = 0,c1 = 0;
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a = s[i].split(",");
b = a[0].replace(/^\-/,"");
str = "\x3cnobr>【\x3ca href='main.html?no=103&uri=/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;c=" + b + ";n=1'>\x3cspan class='n1'>C" + b + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan class='n2'>" + a[1] + "\x3c/span>\x3c/a>】\x3c/nobr> ";
if(a[0].charAt(0) == "-"){ c1++; s1 += str; }
else { c0++; s0 += str; }
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Fid("l4Disp").style.display = "block";
echo("msgDisp", "done.");
echo("txt1", "");
newEntry = function(){
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nE1(); echo("txt1", "");
echo("msgDisp", "検索中です");
nE1 = function(){
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;n=0;c=" + Fx.cMax2);
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var a = "";
a = RegExp.$1;
a = a.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
a = (a.match(/\(0 件\)$/) ? "-" : "") + Fx.cMax2 + "," + a.replace(/\s\(\d+ 件\)$/, "") + " ,,";
echo("txt1", a + echo("txt1"));
} else {
var n = Fx.cMax2 - Fx.cMax;
echo("msgDisp", "完了:" + (n ? n + "件が新規に追加されています。" : "新しいカテゴリはありませんでした。"));
abEntry2 = function(){
echo("txt1", "");
echo("msgDisp", "簡易チェック中です。");
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;n=0", "abE2");
Lo.abE2 = function(){
var s = Re.abE2.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "").match(/\x3cli>/g);
if(s.length == Fx.cMaxB + 1){
echo("msgDisp", "総数に変化がありませんでしたが。精査を行いますか? \x3cbutton onclick='abEntry()'>精査する\x3cbutton>");
} else {
echo("msgDisp", "数値が合致しません。精査を行いますか? \x3cbutton onclick='abEntry()'>精査する\x3cbutton>");

abEntry = function(){
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echo("txt1", "");
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Fx.cAB = Fx.cDat.split(" ,,"); Fx.cAB.reverse();
abSub = function(){
echo("msgDisp", "C" + Fx.cMax2 + "をチェック中....");
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;n=0;c=" + Fx.cMax2, "ab2");
abSub2 = function(){
Fx.abc = true;
Lo.ab2 = function(){
var a = Re.ab2.responseText.indexOf("(0 件)") == -1;
var b = Fx.cAB[Fx.cMax2].charAt(0) != "-";
if((a && !b) || (!a && b)){
echo("txt1", echo("txt1") + (b ? "+" : "-") + Fx.cMax2 + " ");
if(Fx.cMax2 > 1){
if(Fx.abc) abSub();
else {
echo("msgDisp", "中断されました。\x3cbutton onclick='abSub2()'>再開\x3c/button>");
else echo("msgDisp", "完了:");
abStop = function(){
if(!Fx.abc) Fid("l4Disp").style.display = "none";
Fx.abc = false;

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#dat1Disp .n1 { color:tomato; }
#dat1Disp .n2 { color:brown; }
.dispInfo { font-size:11pt; margin-left:1em; }
.dispInfo span { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
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#l4Disp { display:none; margin-left:1em; }
#msgDisp { color:#808080; }
<$$a href="main.html?no=185">#185 エクラの日記のカテゴリ一覧 Ver2.0<$$/a>
<$$div id="logo">
<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/wee01b.gif" align="left" hspace="13" alt="" />
<$$div class="l1">【日記に付けるカテゴリについて】<$$/div>
<$$div class="l2">
 日記の更新フォームの中の「カテゴリ」には注意が必要です。セレクト欄の横の入力欄で新規のカテゴリを作成することが出来ますが、その作成したカテゴリ名は<$$span>エクラ全会員が共有<$$/span>しています。また、一度登録したカテゴリは<$$span>変更<$$/span>できません。変更しても異なるカテゴリで新たに<$$span>登録<$$/span>されていますから<$$span>命名<$$/span>は良く考えて。<$$br >
 カテゴリの変更などで1つの記事も当該カテゴリを使わない状態になると、日記のカテゴリ一覧から<$$span>除外<$$/span>されます。これは新着日記にも当てはまります。そのカテゴリの一覧を掲げますので参考になれば幸いです。<$$br clear="all" />
<$$div class="l3">
【<$$a href="javascript:updateEntry()">データの更新<$$/a>】【<$$a href="main.html?no=103&user=all">拡張新着日記<$$/a>】
<$$form id="l4Disp"><$$textarea id="txt1" cols="80" rows="3" wrap="soft"><$$/textarea><$$br />
<$$input type="button" value="新規検索" onclick="newEntry()" /><$$input type="button" value="チェック" onclick="abEntry2()" /><$$input type="button" value="中 止" onclick="abStop()" /> <$$span id="msgDisp">done.<$$/span>

<$$div class="infoTime"><$$span id="cnt3"><$$/span> 2009/12/14 現在<$$/div>
<$$div class="dispInfo">■(A)新着日記に記載されて<$$span>いない<$$/span>カテゴリの一覧(全<$$span id="cnt1"><$$/span>件)<$$/div>
<$$div id="dat1Disp"><$$/div>
<$$div class="dispInfo">■(B)新着日記に記載されて<$$span>いる<$$/span>カテゴリの一覧(全<$$span id="cnt0"><$$/span>件)<$$/div>
<$$div id="dat0Disp"><$$/div>
document.title = "エクラの日記のカテゴリ一覧 Ver2.0";
コメント (1)

entry = function(){

ini = function(){
cp3 = function(){ return cal.year + to2(cal.month) + to2(cal.date); };
enc = function(s){ return encodeURIComponent(s); };
cal = new Object();
cal.user = Fx.loc.match(/user=([a-z0-9\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan";
cal.dat = Fx.loc.match(/dat=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 1252416289;
cal.str = "";
cal.actDat = "";
cal.date = 1;
var a = new Date();
cal.nowYear = a.getFullYear();
cal.nowMonth = a.getMonth() + 1;
cal.nowDate = a.getDate();

cal.year = Fx.loc.match(/year=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : cal.nowYear;
cal.month = Fx.loc.match(/month=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : cal.nowMonth;
Fx.e("/home/" + cal.user + "/" + Fx.times(cal.dat,1));

_sub_calen_year_month = function(){
var str = "", s = "Calendar"
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
str += "\x3cspan class='calen" + i + "'>" + s.charAt(i) + "\x3c/span>";
str += "\x3cspan id='calenYear'>\x3c/span>\-\x3cspan id='calenMonth'>\x3c/span>";
echo("top1Logo", str);

to2 = function(s){ return ("0" + s).slice(-2); };
/* 年月のセレクトの表示 */
calenSelectShow = function(){ return;
var str = "<select name='year'>";
for(var i = 2005; i < 2013; i++){
str += "<option value='" + i + "'";
if(i == cal.year) str += " selected='selected'";
str += ">" + i + "年</option>";
str += "</select><select name='month' onchange='selChg(this.form)'>";
for(i = 1; i < 13; i++){
str += "<option value='" + i + "'";
if(i == cal.month) str += " selected='selected'";
str += ">" + i + "月</option>";
str += "</select>";
echo("calenSelectForm", str);

/* データの取得 */
Lo.entry = function(){
var str = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
str = str.replace(/^.+\x3cdiv id="responses">/, "");
cal.article = str.match(/name="article_id" value="(\d+)"/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
re = str.match(/id=\d+.+?>cal::\d{8}[^<]+</g);
re = re.join("");
cal.str = re.replace(/id=(\d+).+?>(cal::\d{8}[^<]+)</g, "$1$2\n");
calenDatDecode = function(s){
return (
s.replace(/\[(.+?)\,(.*?)\]/g, "\x3cb class='dat1'>*\x3c/b>$1\x3cspan class='hide'>$2\x3c/span>\x3cbr />")
/* データの挿入 */
calenDataShow = function(){
var reg = new RegExp("\\d+cal::" + cal.year + to2(cal.month) + ".+","g");
var r1 = cal.str.match(reg),a1,a2,a3;
if(r1 == null) return;
for(var i = 0; i < r1.length; i++){
a1 = RegExp.$1; a2 = RegExp.$2; a3 = RegExp.$3;
var a = Fid("cp" + a2);
var str = calenDatDecode(a3);
echo(a.lastChild, "\x3ca href='javascript:daysEntry(" + a2 + ")'>" + str + "\x3c/a>");
var b = Ftag(a, "a");
echo(b[1], "編集");
b[1].href = "javascript:sEntry(" + a1 + "," + a2 + ")";
b[0].href = "main.html?no=84&dat=" + cal.dat + "&num=" + a1;

lastDate = function(month){
var a = month - 1;
if(a < 0) a = 11;
return [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][a];

calenMain = function(year,month){
echo("calenYear", year);
echo("calenMonth", month);

echo("calenLogo", "\x3ca href='main.html?no=184&user=" + cal.user + "&dat=" + cal.dat + "'>" + cal.user + "@eclat\x3c/a>");

var str = ""; s = "Feb Jan Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" ");
for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){
str += "\x3ca class='month" +
(i == month - 1 ? "Act" : "Def") +
"' href='javascript:calenMainTo(" + (i + 1) + ")' title='" +
(i + 1) + "月'>" + s[i] + "\x3c/a> ";
str += " \x3ca href='main.html?no=184&user=" + cal.user + "&dat=" + cal.dat + "&year=" + year + "&month=" + month + "'>uri\x3c/a>";

var str = "<table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3'><tbody><tr>";
var i,j,n,s = "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" ");
for(i = 0; i < 7; i++){
str += "<th class='th" + (i == 0 ? "0" : i == "6" ? "1" : "2") + "'>" + s[i] + "</th>";
str += "</tr><tr>";
var date = year + "/" + to2(month) + "/01 09:00";
var d1 = (new Date(date)).getDay();
var max = lastDate(month);
var d2 = (d1 + max - 1) % 7;
var bmax = lastDate(month - 1);
var cnt = -1;
var day,link;
var d = 1 - d1;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
str += "<tr>";
for(j = 0; j < 7; j++){
day = d == -5 ? 30 : d == -4 && max == 31 ? 31 : d;
link = "\x3ca href='main.html?no=84' target='_blank' class='lin1'>" + day + "\x3c/a>";
s1 = year + to2(month) + to2(day);
str += day > 0 && day <= max ?
"<td id='cp" + s1 + "' class='act td" + (year == cal.nowYear && month == cal.nowMonth && (cal.nowDate == d) ? "3" : j % 7 == 0 ? "0" : j % 7 == 6 ? "1" : "2") + "'>\x3cdiv class='d1'>\x3cspan class='cnt" + (i < 10 ? "1" : "2") + "'>" + link + "\x3c/span> \x3ca href='javascript:sEntry(" + day + ",0)'>新規\x3c/a>\x3c/div>\x3cdiv class='d2'>*\x3c/div></td>" : "<td class='td4 month2'>・</td>";
str += "</tr>";
str += "</tbody></table>";

echo("listDisp", str);
if(cal.str != "") calenDataShow();
calenMainTo = function(month){
cal.month = month;

sEntry = function(n,fg){
cal.date = fg ? fg % 100 : n;
echo("sTD1", "■" + cal.year + "年" + cal.month + "月" +
(fg ? fg % 100 : n) + "日\x3cbr />:" + (fg ? "編集" : "新規"));
echo("sDispButton", fg ? "(*^(^* ) 編集!" : "\(*⌒ー⌒*)/新規!");
sDispMode = fg;
sDispNo = n;
echo("posterName", Vis.from);
var str = echo(Fid("cp" + fg).lastChild);
str = str.replace(/\x3cbr\s?\/?>|\x3c\/?a[^>]*>|\x3c\/?b[^>]*>/gi, "");
var i = 0;
str.replace(/(.+?)\x3cspan [^>]+>(.*?)\x3c\/span>/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
echo("posterNo" + i,e1.replace(/^\*/,""));
echo("posterStr" + i,e2);
return "";
Fid(fg ? "posterStr0" : "posterNo0").focus();
absDispPosition = function(a){
var o = Fid("listDisp");
o.className = "opa";
a.style.display = "block";
a.style.left = (o.offsetLeft + Math.floor(o.offsetWidth / 7) + 2) + "px";
a.style.top = (o.offsetTop + 33) + "px";
a.style.width = (o.offsetWidth - Math.floor(o.offsetWidth / 7) * 2 - 8) + "px";
a.style.height = (o.offsetHeight - 40) + "px";

daysEntry = function(date){
var str = echo(Fid("cp" + date).lastChild);
str = str.replace(/\x3c\/?a[^>]*>/gi, "");
str = str.replace(/(\x3c\/?)span/g, "$1div");
str = str.replace(/class="hide"/g, "");
var d = String(date);
var d1 = d.replace(/(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)/, "$1/$2/$3");
str = d1 + Po.dateByDay(d1,1) + "\x3cbr />" + str;
echo("daysMsg", Fx.col(str));
sDispReset = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
echo("posterNo" + i,"");
echo("posterStr" + i,"");
sDispClose = function(){
Fid("sDisp").style.display = "none";
Fid("daysDisp").style.display = "none";
Fid("listDisp").className = "";
selChg = function(o){
cal.month = Number(o.month.options[o.month.selectedIndex].value);
calenMain(cal.year, cal.month);
submitEntry = function(n){
var s = "",a,b;
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
a = echo("posterNo" + i);
b = echo("posterStr" + i);
if(a != "") s+= "[" + a + "," + b + "]";
cal.actDat = s;
var str = enc("cal::" + cp3() + s);
var dat = sDispMode ?
"mode=update&oid=" + enc(Vis.oid) + "&type=comments&id=" + enc(sDispNo) + "&text=" :
"article_id=" + enc(cal.article) + "&poster_name=" + enc(echo("posterName")) + "&comment=";
dat += str;
Fx.e("diary_" + (sDispMode ? "editor" : "comment"),dat,"sDispResponse");
Lo.sDispResponse = function(){
echo(Fid("cp" + cp3()).lastChild.firstChild, calenDatDecode(cal.actDat));
Fx.col = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^\(\^\* \))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\( \*\^\)\^\*\)|^^|\(#\^\-\^#\)|p\(\^\-\^\)q)/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss2'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\(\^\-\^y|\(\*\^\-\^\*\)|\(\*\^_\^\*\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kao1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(愛|大好き)/g, "\x3cspan class='big'>$1\x3c\/span>");

return s;

Fx.footerAdd = "Eclat Cyber City Calendar Ver1.1 Last update 2009/11/03\x3cbr />";
counter = function(){
var str1 = echo("posterNo0") + echo("posterNo1") + echo("posterNo2");
var str2 = echo("posterStr0") + echo("posterStr1") + echo("posterStr2");
var str = str1 + str2;
var s = str.length;
var cnt = 13 + s;
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) if(echo("posterNo" + i) != "") cnt += 3;
cnt +=
(s - str.replace(/<|>/g, "").length) * 3 +
(s - str.replace(/"/g, "").length) * 5 +
(s - str.replace(/\x26|'/g, "").length) * 4;
echo("cntDisp", cnt);

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font-size:24pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";
padding-top:4px; padding-bottom:8px;
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.calen1 { color:gold; }
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.calen3 { color:tomato; }
.calen4 { color:#808080; }
.calen5 { color:lightsalmon; }
.calen6 { color:sandybrown; }
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line-height:1em; white-space:nowrap;
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#listDisp {

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<table width="100%" class="topMenu"><tbody><tr>
<td class="top1">
<$$div class="top1Header">#184 #84 #85 #103<$$/div>
<$$div id="top1Logo"><$$/div>
<$$span class="calenLogo" id="calenLogo"><$$/span>
<$$span id="nowDate"><$$/span>

<td align="right" valign="bottom">
<form class="calenSelectForm" id="calenSelectForm"></form>

<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="bottomLink"> <$$/div>

<form id="sDisp" class="absDisp">
<table width="100%"><tbody><tr>
<td width="180px">
<$$div><$$span id="posterName"><$$/span><$$/div>
<$$div id="sTD1">■新規<$$/div>
<td><table width="100%"><tbody>
<tr><td>φ(..) title : <input type="text" size="16" id="posterNo0" class="in1" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="posterStr0" cols="28" rows="3" class="in2" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()" ><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td>φ(..) title : <input type="text" size="16" id="posterNo1" class="in1" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="posterStr1" cols="28" rows="3" class="in2" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()" ><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td>φ(..) title : <input type="text" size="16" id="posterNo2" class="in1" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="posterStr2" cols="28" rows="3" class="in2" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()" ><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="sb1"><input type="button" value="送信" id="sDispButton" onclick="submitEntry()" /><input type="button" value="やめ" onclick="sDispClose()" />
文字数 : <$$span id="cntDisp">0<$$/span>/200(max)

<$$div id="daysDisp" class="absDisp">
<$$div id="daysMsg"><$$/div>
<$$div class="daysClose"><$$a href="javascript:sDispClose()"><$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/7852.gif" alt="" border="0" /><$$br />とじる<$$/a>
document.title = "カレンダー Ver1.1";
コメント (2)

#mainDisp {
.logo {
font-size:18pt; font-family:serif; font-weight:bold;
margin-bottom:.5em; margin-top:.5em;
.black {
.gif192 img {
border:1px solid #ccc;
border-radius:.5em; -moz-border-radius:.5em;

.gif192 div {
.n1 {
font-weight:bold; color:#00f; font-size:11pt;
.i1 { color:darkgreen; }
<$$div class="logo">
<$$a href="main.html?no=183">#183 なんちゃんと葉月の画像倉庫<$$/a>
<$$div class="gif192">
GIF画像 (192x96)<$$br />

<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki.gif" width="192" height="96" alt="alt="なんちゃんと葉月" /></td><td>
<$$div class="n1">gakusei_nancyan_hazuki.gif<$$/div>
<$$div class="i1">なんちゃんと葉月<$$/div>
<$$div class="i2">サッカーボールを蹴って遊んでいるなんちゃんと葉月です<$$/div>

<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/gakusei_nancyan_hazuki.gif" width="192" height="96" alt="学生服の二人" /></td><td>
<$$div class="n1">gakusei_nancyan_hazuki.gif<$$/div>
<$$div class="i1">学生服のふたり<$$/div>
<$$div class="i2">学生服を着ています<$$/div>

<$$div class="jpeg">
JPEG画像<$$br />


<$$div class="black">
黒背景用の画像<$$br />


コメント (0)

ent = function(s){

entry = function(s){
var s1 = "<object id='tube' width='300' height='240' ";
var uri = "http://www.youtube.com/v/" + s + "&hl=ja&fs=1&autoplay=1&enablejsapi=1" +
var str = s1 + "type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='" +
uri + "'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param></object>";
str = s1 + "classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'>" +
"<param name='movie' value='" + uri + "'></param>" +
"<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param></object>";

Fid("tubeMain").innerHTML = str;


.list img { width:90px; height:70px; }

<$$div id="tubeMain"><$$/div>
<$$div class="list">
<$$a href="javascript:ent('vKaUVlg6z3c')"><$$img src="http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/vKaUVlg6z3c/default.jpg" alt="" /><$$/a>


コメント (0)

<$$img yukikko />

document.title = "汎用エディタ関数群";
tubeEntry = function(obj){
Fid("td1").className = "ch1";
var o = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex];
if(tubeEntry.bef != null) tubeEntry.bef.style.color = "gold";
tubeEntry.bef = o;
o.style.color = "#0f0";
var s = o.value;
var s1 = "<object id='tube' width='320' height='1' ";
var uri = "http://www.youtube.com/v/" + s + "&hl=ja&fs=1&autoplay=0&enablejsapi=1" +
var str = s1 + "type='application/x-shockwave-flash' data='" +
uri + "'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param></object>";
str = s1 + "classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'>" +
"<param name='movie' value='" + uri + "'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param>" +
"<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param></object>";

o = Fid("tubeBuff");
var num = parseInt(o.options[o.selectedIndex].value) * 1000;
setTimeout("tubeControl()", num);

Fx.moonMove = function(n){
var o = Fid("moon");
var str;
if(n == 0) str = 0;
if(n == 1) str = o.offsetHeight - 290;
if(n == 2) str = o.offsetHeight - 290 - 24;
if(n == 3) str = o.offsetHeight - 290 - 264;
o.style.backgroundPosition = "right " + str + "px";

osc = function(no){
var obj = Fid("tube");
if(no == 0){
if(Fid("tubeLoop").selectedIndex == 1){
var o = tubeEntry.bef.parentNode;
var n1 = o.options.length;
var n2 = o.selectedIndex;
o.selectedIndex = n2 < n1 - 1 ? n2 + 1 : 0;

tubeControl = function(){
var o = Fid("tube"); o.height = 24;
o.addEventListener("onStateChange", "osc");
setTimeout("tubePlayEntry()", 1000);

tubePlayEntry = function(){
var o = Fid("tube");
o.height = 264;
setTimeout("Fx.moonMove(0)", 2000);

funcError = function(){
return true;

Fx.setExec = function(num){
var obj = Fid("T1");
var str = obj.value;
var i,j,a,b,c,obj,s;
if(num == 1) obj.value = Fx.setExec.Bef || "";
} else {
var o = Fid("setExec");
var n = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value;
if(n == ""){
if( str != ""){
window.onerror = funcError;
Fx.setExec.Bef = str;
case "isD" :
obj.value = str.replace(/\x3c(\/?)(img|a|div|span|br|hr)/g, "\x3c\x24\x24\x24\x24$1$2");
case "isUnD" : obj.value = str.replace(/\x24\x24/g, ""); break;
case "isAsciiBy10" : a = "";
for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++) a += str.charCodeAt(i) + " ";
obj.value = a; break;
case "isAsciiBy16" : a = "";
for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
b = str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
if(b.length == 1) b = "0" + b;
a += b + " ";
obj.value = a; break;
case "isC34C44" : str = str.replace(/\x22/g, "~~" + "1").replace(/\x27/g, "\x22");
str = str.replace(/\x7e\x7e1/g, "\x27"); obj.value = str; break;
case "isObj" :
s = Fid("I1").value;
if(s == ""){
a = eval(s); b = "";
for(i in a) b += i + " = " + a[i] + "\n";
obj.value = b; break;
default : break;

ctr = function(n){ return;
var o1 = Fid("td1").style;
var o2 = Fid("tube");
var w = parseInt(o1.width);
w += n ? 15 : -15;
o1.width = w + "px";
o2.width = w;
o2.height = parseInt(w * .84);

seChange = function(n){
var o = n.options[n.selectedIndex];
if(seChange.bef == null) seChange.bef = Fid("se0");
if(seChange.bg == null) seChange.bg = Fid("se0").options[0];
seChange.bef.style.display = "none";
seChange.bg.style.color = "gold";
o.style.color = "#00ff00";
var s = o.value;
var a = Fid(s);
a.style.display = "inline";
seChange.bef = a;
seChange.bg = o;
o.blur(); window.focus();

seBuEntry = function(){
var o = Fid("seMe");
var s = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value;
if(s == "se0"){
Fid("oDisp").innerHTML = "";
window.onresize = null;
} else {

pageChg = function(n){

midiEntry = function(o){

midiPlay = function(obj, s){
window.onresize = null;
var str = s = "" ? "" : "<embed src='http://www11.plala.or.jp/nancyan/gaiax/goo/midi/" + s +
"' repeat='true' loop='true' autostart='true' width='320' height='40' style='background-color:#000'></embed>";
obj.className = "mon";
if(midiPlay.bef != null){
if(midiPlay.bef == obj){
str = "";
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midiPlay.bef.className = "moff";
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Fid("oDisp").innerHTML = str;
return false;

fileReDecode = function(s){
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fileDecode = function(a){
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s = s.replace(/\t/g, "\n");
return s;
fileLoadEntry = function(){
var s = fileReDecode(Fx.str);
Fid("T2").value = s.match(/\x3c(textarea)[^>]+>(.+)\x3c\/\1/) ? fileDecode(RegExp.$2) : "削除されています。\n\nまたは、最新の記事番号よりも多く番号を取得しています";
var F2 = document.forms["editForm"];
F2.elements["category_id"].value = s.match(/.+?"(\d+)" selected=/) ? RegExp.$1 : "0";
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F2.elements["article_id"].value = s.match(/name="article_id" value="(\d+)" \/>.+?$/) ? RegExp.$1 : "-1";


<option value="1" selected="selected">日記</option>
<option value="253">ツー
s = s.replace(/^.+?(<form\s)/, function(e0,e1){
return (
e1 + "target='" + (window.name == "main_nancyan" ? "winTEMP" : "main_nancyan") +
"' name='updateForm' "
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I2Exec = function(no){
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var a = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
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num = a + 146295;
a += no;
if(a >= 100 && a < 200) n1 = "#" + a;
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num += no;
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Fx.ent = fileLoadEntry;

pEnt = function(obj){
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pEnt.bef = obj;
setTimeout(function(){ Fid("T1").scrollTop = pEnt.bef.scr; textChange(); }, 0);

if(obj.className == "file"){

Fx.cmd = function(n){
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var o = Ftag(Fid("eButton"), "button");
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u = Fx.dec(key(s, m[i]));
o[no].dat = u;
o[no].scr = "0";
o[no].style.color = "#00ff00";
str += "[" + m[i] + "]\n" + u + "\n[/" + m[i] + "]\n";
o[0].dat = str;
o[0].scr = "0";
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textChange = function(){
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var s3 = s.split("\n").length;
Fid("textInfo").value = " " + s3 + " " + s1 + "/" + (s1 + s2);

mSizeSet = function(o){
var obj = Fid("T1");
if(mSizeSet.bef == null) mSizeSet.bef = 10.5;
var n = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value - 0;
obj.style.fontSize = n + "pt";
obj.rows += (mSizeSet.bef - n) * 6;
mSizeSet.bef = n;
o.blur(); obj.focus();

bgcSet = function(o){
var a = o.options[o.selectedIndex];
var obj = Fid("T1");
obj.style.color = "#" + a.value;
obj.style.backgroundColor = "#" + a.bg;
o.blur(); obj.focus();

コメント (1)

汎用エディタ Ver1.0
entry = function(){
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top.document.getElementsByTagName("frameset")[0].cols = "0, *";
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top.document.getElementsByTagName("frameset")[0].cols = "20%, 80%";
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Fx.strBuff = Fx.str;
var str = Fx.dec(key(Fx.str, "DATA")).replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
str = str.match(/(≫ [^≫]+)/g);
var s1 = "<select id='seMe' onchange='seChange(this)'>";
var s2 = "",p;
for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
var s = str[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(",");
s1 += "<option value='se" + i + "'";
if(i == 0) s1 += " selected='selected' style='color:#00ff00'";
s1 += "'>" + s[0] + "</option>";
s2 += "<select id='se" + i + "' class='s1' onchange='" +
(i == 0 ? "midiEntry(this)'" : "tubeEntry(this)' style='display:none'") + ">";
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p = s[j].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
s2 += "<option value='" +
(i == 0 ? (j - 1) + "' style='color:#00ff00" : p.substring(0,11)) + "'>" +
(i == 0 ? s[j] : p.substring(12)) + "</option>";
s2 += "</select>";
s1 + "</select>" + s2 +
"<button id='seBu' onclick='seBuEntry()'>≫</button>"
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Fx.getTextHeight = function(){
return ((window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight) - (Fid("td3").offsetHeight * 3) - 40) + "px";

Lo.addFunc = function(){
var str = Re.addFunc.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, " ");
str = Fx.dec(key(str, "addFunc"));

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type="button" onclick="pEnt(this)" value="File2" class="file" /><input
type="button" onclick="pEnt(this)" value="File3" class="file" /><input
type="button" onclick="pEnt(this)" value="音楽" class="midi" /><input
type="button" onclick="pEnt(this)" value="仕様" class="help" id="help" /></nobr>

<$$div id="menu2" class="help">
<$$div class="edit">
<select id="setExec">
<option value="">eval実行(No.9)</option>
<option value="isObj">OBJの内容確認</option>
<option value="isD">$$のセット</option>
<option value="isUnD">$$の除去</option>
<option value="isAsciiBy10">Ascii変換(10)</option>
<option value="isAsciiBy16">Ascii変換(16)</option>
<option value="isC34C44">C34-C44交換</option>
<input type="button" value="実行" id="setExecButton" onclick="Fx.setExec(0)" /><input type="button" value="戻す" id="setBefore" onclick="Fx.setExec(1)" />

<$$div class="file">
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<nobr>A : <input type="text" name="article_id" id="I2" value="#180" /><input
type="button" value="前頁" id="I2pageLeft" onclick="I2Exec(-1)" class="button" /><input
type="button" value="次頁" id="I2pageRight" onclick="I2Exec(1)" class="button" /><input
type="button" value="取得" id="I2Entry" onclick="I2Exec(0)" class="button" />
C : <input type="text" name="category_id" value="" id="I2c" />
タイトル : <input type="text" name="article_title" value="" id="I2t" class="txt" />
<input type="checkbox" name="article_notify" value="1" checked="checked" />公開する
<input type="button" value="送信" disabled="disabled" class="button" /></nobr>

<$$div class="midi" >
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<$$div class="help" >
≫<$$a href="main.html?no=180">このページ<$$/a>
≫<$$a href="main.html?no=main.html?sys_update2&page=146475">P1をup2で更新<$$/a>
≫<$$a href="main.html?no=main.html?sys_update2&page=146476">P2をup2で更新<$$/a>
<input type="button" value="リセット" onclick="Fid('T1').value = Fid('T1').defaultValue;" />


<$$div id="showDisp" class="help">
<$$div class="edit">
<$$textarea id="T1" name="article_sentences" cols="80" rows="30" onkeypress="textChange()" onclick="textChange()">
<$$div class="file">
<$$textarea id="T2" cols="80" rows="30" >
<$$div class="midi"><form>音楽のページ</form><$$/div>
<$$div class="help">ヘルプのページ<$$/div>


<td id="td1" class="ch0" valign="top">
<$$div id="td1Menu">
<$$div class="dispInfo">瞳を閉じて、静かに聴いて。<$$/div>
<$$div class="dispBody">
<$$a href="#" onclick="midiPlay(this,'Tukiyo.mid'); return false;" class='moff'>≫ 月夜に聴いて<$$/a><$$br />
<$$a href="#" onclick="midiPlay(this,'laputa.mid'); return false;" class='moff'>≫ ラピュタは如何?<$$/a><$$br />
<$$a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="midiPlay(this,'woods_of_holynight.mid'); return false;" class="moff">≫ 聖なる夜の森の中で・・<$$/a> <$$br />
<$$a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="midiPlay(this,'HeIsPirate.mid'); return false;" class="moff">≫ 彼は海賊なのか?<$$/a><$$br />


<tr><td id="td2" align="bottom">
<$$div id="oDisp"><$$/div>

<tr><td id="td3" colspan="2">
<table width="100%"><tbody><tr>
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<iframe name="main_nancyan" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<$$div id="calen"><$$/div>

document.title = "汎用エディタ Ver1.0";
Fx.actKey = null;

≫ 音楽 : 上弦の月に坐りて,
≫ 動画 : スロット,
h1eTNFFMscE 押忍!番長 操 Distance full version,
p-2ZTC7129M <MAD> 押忍!番長 full.ver,
7FRLHQhm2eg <MAD> 銀河英雄伝説 檄!帝国華撃団,
biGsRIoH7kI 轟けDREAM,
TRN8Z8GhhFM サクラ大戦"檄!帝国華撃団
≫ 動画 : スタジオジブリ,
CiSSYTZmoKg <演奏> もののけ姫 - 久石譲,
sASc4wrJRWE <演奏> 天空の城ラピュタ,
Z6jCthWMgG8 <BS2> 天空の城ラピュタ 君をのせて,
NTW7vmtE3fw <MTV> カントリーロード-本名陽子,
Bi24-FtrvRs <MTV> 隣のトトロ,
cgfdYpziu5k <MTV> 天空の城ラピュタ 君をのせて,
8ENp4y97lxU 千と千尋の神隠し いつも何度でも
≫ 動画 : フォーク&ポップス,
jJALPCK0T7Q 恋のマイアヒ ・ ヌマヌマ,
8m4bHFIVhGo チャンピオン : アリス,
vKaUVlg6z3c 神田川 : かぐや姫,
wwxJuoaG2p8 赤ちょうちん : かぐや姫,
ZdiasBeVkFg 妹 : 南こうせつ(かぐや姫),
f0wAvGDAqEg 22才の別れ : 風(フォトムービー),
T4RKmZz6_y4 いちご白書をもう一度 : バンバン,
Vl2XbBlNCzs 償い : さだまさし,
6fr1iZ68_wc あなたがいない : スクールデイズ,
hKHL_A5kRHM 無縁坂 : グレープ,
nFvL4Tnna-Y 乾杯 : 長渕剛,
5ulyyB2a_ZA 旅立ち : 松山千春,
zrqn9zmDeCw あみん : 待つわ
≫ 動画 : 癒し系の音楽,
lVxUlBtNNzE 癒し系の音楽と画像 : River of Stars,
v8DuhVuExuI 癒しの風景と音楽 : ジブリ
コメント (0)



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<$$div class="listDisp">M.

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (1)

コメント (0)

コメント (2)

コメント (2)

コメント (2)

コメント (1)

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Lo.e3 = function(){
var s = Re.e3.responseText;
setTimeout("entry()", 50);

言葉の箱の転送<$$br />

document.title = "言葉の箱の転送";
コメント (3)

コメント (2)

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<$$div id="logo"><$$a href="main.html?no=168">ヘルの小部屋<$$/a><$$/div>
<$$div id="helpMain">
心の奥に 仕舞い込んだ想いを 言葉に乗せて<$$br />
<$$br />
document.title = "ヘルの小部屋";
コメント (1)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

dat = [
"wNSfmKqkLw 2009 12/26 13:05 iFScvSrisnpvyucTEiJ comment1, Fx.user:michibell No.28 ",
"ZLQiYMofaw 2009 12/26 13:08 Re: 夏休み comment4, Fx.user:hatahira No.571 ",
"JmnBdRCdVjaBYSfRlP 2009 12/26 13:04 Re: ゴルフ合宿 comment2, Fx.user:masamim No.186 ",
"yZEgQTQazHvh 2009 12/26 13:07 Re: ☆Hey!ヽ('ー'#)/ Hello!☆ comment4, Fx.user:barchetta No.466 ",
"yCiWVPwIxjxyFs 2009 12/26 13:12 Re: こんにちは comment1, Fx.user:tuneko-3 No.159 ",
"yCiWVPwIxjxyFs 2009 12/26 13:08 Re: こんにちは comment1, Fx.user:tuneko-3 No.158 ",
"dVQxZtUzbFKYjqUw 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: お疲れ様でした comment3, Fx.user:xxxusawarld13xxx No.100 ",
"AqUHwjweY 2009 12/26 13:03 jKCSSUbfjRDSSO comment1, Fx.user:tajimayoitoko No.283 ",
"prUuuiLhpGCJs 2009 12/26 13:08 Re: 流石に comment1, Fx.user:happyporon No.717 ",
"XTpaTgeXhqIoBiJA 2009 12/26 13:06 Re: 矢張り女性は comment4, Fx.user:happyporon No.716 ",
"OkkLQYHUxWVdhrFYTup 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: 9 , 9です comment1, Fx.user:naka-27 No.588 ",
"XtNIbCih 2009 12/26 13:03 EFQlMmbMCCcxhuanRFZ comment2, Fx.user:sakkun-my-life No.62 ",
"URWADeDvBCj 2009 12/26 13:08 Re: お久しぶりです。comment3, Fx.user:miti1935 No.517 ",
"YJIluavgCngL 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: 息がやっと@息も絶え絶え?--; Fx.user:sumire1003 No.109 ",
"gSmjGffPiHw 2009 12/26 13:08 Re: oha!!!!!・・・@@ comment4, Fx.user:sumire1003 No.108 ",
"nQGEHPtLX 2009 12/26 13:06 Re: こんにちは♪ comment1, Fx.user:sumire1003 No.107 ",
"VDYeePvx 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: おばんどす^^@自分で増やした!--; comment5, Fx.user:webkyoto No.312 ",
"xuScSQPsTbkkobfuXA 2009 12/26 13:07 Re: おばんどす^^@お越しやす~!^^ comment1, Fx.user:webkyoto No.311 ",
"WCmMTbztKgsNuFkiKrx 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: おはようさんどす^^@こんにちわ~!^^ comment2, Fx.user:webkyoto No.310 ",
"ITrhzQExFkypChuq 2009 12/26 13:03 Re: おはようございます! comment1, Fx.user:takuro-tada1123 No.687 ",
"DFMldgjtxahXldXG 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: こんばんは^^ comment2, Fx.user:144fm No.61 ",
"uVADHsUrbkZKvI 2009 12/26 13:03 Re: こんばんわぁ(*^_^*)comment4, Fx.user:144fm No.60 ",
"RpKxrlyovNLMAxAp 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: おじゃましてます~^^ comment1, Fx.user:namikaze77 No.710 ",
"RyYRaMRTGsIzmESfbkY 2009 12/26 13:10 Re: こんにちは~(●^▽^●) comment1, Fx.user:chjhiro No.319 ",
"RyYRaMRTGsIzmESfbkY 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: こんにちは~(●^▽^●) comment1, Fx.user:chjhiro No.318 ",
"vcjKZxVxtOaPEQIYD 2009 12/26 13:07 Re: おはよう~様♪ comment4, Fx.user:chjhiro No.317 ",
"NLGHFkxswjMTXQPGhLC 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: (癶ё癶)コンチワァァァァァァァァァァァァ comment2, Fx.user:chjhiro No.316 ",
"QYzDiaxJCfSFLRKf 2009 12/26 13:03 zOeRumnmw comment1, Fx.user:chjhiro No.315 ",
"lmKhQLZHpiFW 2009 12/26 13:04 WRNinAFhLeb comment2, Fx.user:yoppy1102 No.42 ",
"QowFVOaFWJxb 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: 恐縮に存じます comment1, Fx.user:motozosenya No.242 ",
"vLpTCUuuOpdF 2009 12/26 13:03 Re: Jin さんへ comment3, No.241 ",
"aWBKsoAXx 2009 12/26 13:06 Re: (^-^*)/こんにちは~♪ comment1, Fx.user:iichan No.100 ",
"qTVVIQalxxmcamvmdoG 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: スイス comment3, Fx.user:iichan No.99 ",
"fNtEHVEcnuGYQ 2009 12/26 13:04 Re: 再度ご報告です comment2, Fx.user:meeranz No.481 ",
"woHGGdFIShERlBPd 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: 友情 comment4, Fx.user:cherry109 No.214 ",
"woHGGdFIShERlBPd 2009 12/26 13:05 Re: 友情 comment4, Fx.user:cherry109 No.213 ",
"GjnvYShzVIWoNV 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: おはようございます。 comment4, Fx.user:yama0008 No.347 ",
"JYjrfaEytDKlOoz 2009 12/26 13:04 Re: はじめまして comment2, Fx.user:piccolo-nonbe No.60 ",
"MixHDfhJvTeXy 2009 12/26 13:06 Re: 拓郎さんへ♪ comment4, Fx.user:botanic No.280 ",
"vvPWcKKqmsvDblnYRcx 2009 12/26 13:09 Re: 新春のお喜びを申し上げます。 comment1, Fx.user:nori-pee No.254 "
entry = function(){
var a;
for(var i = 0; i < dat.length; i++){
a = dat[i]
a = a.replace(/^([a-zA-Z\s]+)(\d{4} \d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d)/, "$2 $1");
a = a.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\s+$/, "");
a = a.replace(/Fx.user:([a-z0-9\-]+) No.(\d+)$/, "$1($2)");
dat[i] = a;

echo("txt", dat.join("\n"));


<$$textarea id="txt" cols="80" rows="20" wrap="soft"><$$/textarea>
コメント (2)

研究課題・高度なレベル1 足跡の実験結果
■研究課題・高度なレベル1 足跡の実験結果(二回目) at 2009/11/12
<$$div class="list">
12:04 botanic 9-13 : botanicさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはB7C000です。<$$br />
12:04 hokuto894yu 68-141 : hokuto894yuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH11U001です。<$$br />
12:04 sandybeach 23-64 : sandybeachさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS10H002です。<$$br />
12:04 funabin2ikoo 108-183 : funabin2ikooさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF12O003です。<$$br />
12:04 woodyham 6-14 : woodyhamさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはW8M004です。<$$br />
12:04 shaw 57-116 : shawさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS4W005です。<$$br />
12:04 packman-jun 45-144 : packman-junさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP11N006です。<$$br />
12:04 restroom 4-12 : restroomさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはR8M007です。<$$br />
12:04 noren 25-73 : norenさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN5N008です。<$$br />
12:04 webkyoto 65-138 : webkyotoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはW8O009です。<$$br />
12:04 funabinikoo 108-269 : funabinikooさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF11O010です。<$$br />
12:04 xxx-love 2-3 : xxx-loveさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはX8E011です。<$$br />
12:04 tajimayoitoko 27-112 : tajimayoitokoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT13O012です。<$$br />
12:04 ruikalove 20-105 : ruikaloveさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはR9E013です。<$$br />
12:04 midori11941 10-31 : midori11941さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM111014です。<$$br />
12:04 jesus-heart-church 8-10 : jesus-heart-churchさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはJ18H015です。<$$br />
12:04 teruka3 43-94 : teruka3さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT73016です。<$$br />
12:04 shymoon 7-6 : shymoonさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS7N017です。<$$br />
12:04 izayoi 20-47 : izayoiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI6I018です。<$$br />
12:04 idolhappiness 7-10 : idolhappinessさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI13S019です。<$$br />
12:04 emu 19-56 : emuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE3U020です。<$$br />
12:04 kumachan 43-92 : kumachanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK8N021です。<$$br />
12:04 maria-monika0827 27-79 : maria-monika0827さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM167022です。<$$br />
12:04 kadoma1428 34-75 : kadoma1428さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK108023です。<$$br />
12:04 francetei 21-39 : franceteiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF9I024です。<$$br />
12:04 okitom 37-88 : okitomさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO6M025です。<$$br />
12:04 chj56790 36-142 : chj56790さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはC80026です。<$$br />
12:04 noppopc 28-97 : noppopcさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN7C027です。<$$br />
12:04 yama0008 58-117 : yama0008さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY88028です。<$$br />
12:04 takuro-tada1123 8-17 : takuro-tada1123さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT153029です。<$$br />
12:04 iichan 47-127 : iichanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI6N030です。<$$br />
12:04 macy 26-58 : macyさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM4Y031です。<$$br />
12:04 oishiine 19-36 : oishiineさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO8E032です。<$$br />
12:04 akemu 19-53 : akemuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA5U033です。<$$br />
12:04 akicyann 26-64 : akicyannさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA8N034です。<$$br />
12:04 sakuzou 35-74 : sakuzouさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS7U035です。<$$br />
12:04 naka-27 85-152 : naka-27さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN77036です。<$$br />
12:04 syoumei 17-53 : syoumeiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS7I037です。<$$br />
12:04 orfe 64-176 : orfeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO4E038です。<$$br />
12:04 uma2008 28-77 : uma2008さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはU78039です。<$$br />
12:04 yoppy1102 10-20 : yoppy1102さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY92040です。<$$br />
12:04 aotaro11 48-87 : aotaro11さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA81041です。<$$br />
12:04 net-works 4-10 : net-worksさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN9S042です。<$$br />
12:04 nori-pee 36-172 : nori-peeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN8E043です。<$$br />
12:04 hinoki1027 8-28 : hinoki1027さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH107044です。<$$br />
12:04 noripee823 28-118 : noripee823さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN103045です。<$$br />
12:04 chjhiro 33-175 : chjhiroさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはC7O046です。<$$br />
12:04 yukimama 5-6 : yukimamaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY8A047です。<$$br />
12:04 sakura1205 25-69 : sakura1205さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS105048です。<$$br />
12:04 motozosenya 66-131 : motozosenyaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM11A049です。<$$br />
12:04 morinosei 32-94 : morinoseiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM9I050です。<$$br />
12:04 bihadakirei 5-4 : bihadakireiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはB11I051です。<$$br />
12:04 eruze-mintmamu 4-6 : eruze-mintmamuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE14U052です。<$$br />
12:04 sumire1003 15-14 : sumire1003さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS103053です。<$$br />
12:04 shiro 5-7 : shiroさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS5O054です。<$$br />
12:04 bunchan00 2-1 : bunchan00さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはB90055です。<$$br />
12:04 fund 2-1 : fundさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF4D056です。<$$br />
12:04 akkishonan 45-60 : akkishonanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA10N057です。<$$br />
12:04 ecx78 22-51 : ecx78さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE58058です。<$$br />
12:04 arinko3 8-12 : arinko3さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA73059です。<$$br />
12:04 faith-aki 5-7 : faith-akiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF9I060です。<$$br />
12:04 white-moon 17-25 : white-moonさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはW10N061です。<$$br />
12:04 sasaken21 17-38 : sasaken21さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS91062です。<$$br />
12:04 144fm 10-22 : 144fmさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーは15M063です。<$$br />
12:04 okurairi 4-5 : okurairiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO8I064です。<$$br />
12:04 tanpopo 44-111 : tanpopoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT7O065です。<$$br />
12:04 masamim 16-41 : masamimさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM7M066です。<$$br />
12:04 happyporon 49-157 : happyporonさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH10N067です。<$$br />
12:04 aizu-no-atorie-27 17-58 : aizu-no-atorie-27さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA177068です。<$$br />
12:04 saikourin3 23-55 : saikourin3さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS103069です。<$$br />
12:04 yattyan 30-35 : yattyanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY7N070です。<$$br />
12:04 fuji-san 19-20 : fuji-sanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF8N071です。<$$br />
12:04 sen1003 32-70 : sen1003さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS73072です。<$$br />
12:04 aoe 25-65 : aoeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA3E073です。<$$br />
12:04 gontango 17-21 : gontangoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはG8O074です。<$$br />
12:04 misonoen 18-69 : misonoenさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM8N075です。<$$br />
12:04 pooh 14-36 : poohさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP4H076です。<$$br />
12:04 mie-ayu 38-120 : mie-ayuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM7U077です。<$$br />
12:04 moonrabbit 35-57 : moonrabbitさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM10T078です。<$$br />
12:04 kunichanganbare 24-63 : kunichanganbareさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK15E079です。<$$br />
12:04 namikaze77 23-36 : namikaze77さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN107080です。<$$br />
12:04 tuneko-3 15-44 : tuneko-3さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT83081です。<$$br />
12:04 kazu 38-87 : kazuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK4U082です。<$$br />
12:04 jin8t 19-63 : jin8tさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはJ5T083です。<$$br />
12:04 tensi001 55-125 : tensi001さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT81084です。<$$br />
12:04 kuretake1 41-98 : kuretake1さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK91085です。<$$br />
12:04 cherry109 8-11 : cherry109さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはC99086です。<$$br />
12:04 kasiwazin 30-72 : kasiwazinさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK9N087です。<$$br />
12:04 barchetta 25-105 : barchettaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはB9A088です。<$$br />
12:05 pearl 42-120 : pearlさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP5L089です。<$$br />
12:05 pearl08 43-151 : pearl08さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP78090です。<$$br />
12:05 piccolo-nonbe 21-54 : piccolo-nonbeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP13E091です。<$$br />
12:05 kuretake001 27-64 : kuretake001さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK111092です。<$$br />
12:05 hanano55renge 4-3 : hanano55rengeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH13E093です。<$$br />
12:05 sakkun-my-life 14-42 : sakkun-my-lifeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS14E094です。<$$br />
12:05 zuiun 5-10 : zuiunさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはZ5N095です。<$$br />
12:05 ai-love 12-30 : ai-loveさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA7E096です。<$$br />
12:05 tanken 8-18 : tankenさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT6N097です。<$$br />
12:05 erste917 22-41 : erste917さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE87098です。<$$br />
12:05 miti1935 13-32 : miti1935さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM85099です。<$$br />
12:05 taxi-driver 6-9 : taxi-driverさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT11R100です。<$$br />
12:05 casablanca 13-33 : casablancaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはC10A101です。<$$br />
12:05 sakurako-0017 14-22 : sakurako-0017さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS137102です。<$$br />
12:05 youchan1951 9-17 : youchan1951さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY111103です。<$$br />
12:05 marons 6-8 : maronsさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM6S104です。<$$br />
12:05 yu-ma 9-18 : yu-maさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY5A105です。<$$br />
12:05 neko329 12-18 : neko329さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN79106です。<$$br />
12:05 memory11 21-44 : memory11さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM81107です。<$$br />
12:05 ibuchan 9-19 : ibuchanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI7N108です。<$$br />
12:05 pchan 4-12 : pchanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP5N109です。<$$br />
12:05 meeranz 12-28 : meeranzさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM7Z110です。<$$br />
12:05 kou-oxana-allen 11-14 : kou-oxana-allenさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK15N111です。<$$br />
12:05 yukie 4-20 : yukieさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY5E112です。<$$br />
12:05 yuji705 9-22 : yuji705さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY75113です。<$$br />
12:05 firefly01 12-33 : firefly01さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF91114です。<$$br />
12:05 power-bass7 17-41 : power-bass7さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP117115です。<$$br />
12:05 yukiusagi898 23-46 : yukiusagi898さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY128116です。<$$br />
12:05 kokoro227 36-74 : kokoro227さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK97117です。<$$br />
12:05 torum 7-9 : torumさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT5M118です。<$$br />
12:05 aoi-love 16-38 : aoi-loveさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA8E119です。<$$br />
12:05 kizuna 9-19 : kizunaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK6A120です。<$$br />
12:05 abasan 4-12 : abasanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA6N121です。<$$br />
12:05 white-rabbit 7-14 : white-rabbitさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはW12T122です。<$$br />
12:05 aikarubari 10-17 : aikarubariさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA10I123です。<$$br />
12:05 satake11 4-7 : satake11さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS81124です。<$$br />
12:05 yozo1124 11-17 : yozo1124さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY84125です。<$$br />
12:05 june 7-13 : juneさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはJ4E126です。<$$br />
12:05 boonyan 5-12 : boonyanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはB7N127です。<$$br />
12:05 noel 7-21 : noelさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN4L128です。<$$br />
12:05 samuasura 26-22 : samuasuraさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS9A129です。<$$br />
12:05 inaget 13-20 : inagetさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI6T130です。<$$br />
12:05 enmasama3 4-5 : enmasama3さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE93131です。<$$br />
12:05 pitylove 9-34 : pityloveさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP8E132です。<$$br />
12:05 00dream00 6-5 : 00dream00さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーは090133です。<$$br />
12:05 ahojuku 15-22 : ahojukuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA7U134です。<$$br />
12:05 zero-ty 21-27 : zero-tyさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはZ7Y135です。<$$br />
12:05 soleil 17-41 : soleilさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS6L136です。<$$br />
12:05 karuikoneko 10-31 : karuikonekoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK11O137です。<$$br />
12:05 hope777 6-10 : hope777さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH77138です。<$$br />
12:05 eve24 6-9 : eve24さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE54139です。<$$br />
12:05 althjp 4-2 : althjpさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA6P140です。<$$br />
12:05 m-kikaku-jyouhou 3-2 : m-kikaku-jyouhouさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM16U141です。<$$br />
12:05 mikiharb 10-47 : mikiharbさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM8B142です。<$$br />
12:05 kengo 8-12 : kengoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK5O143です。<$$br />
12:05 satomi 5-5 : satomiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS6I144です。<$$br />
12:05 miyusanakari 3-2 : miyusanakariさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM12I145です。<$$br />
12:05 sepianet 10-15 : sepianetさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS8T146です。<$$br />
12:05 emu17 4-5 : emu17さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE57147です。<$$br />
12:05 shion 45-12 : shionさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS5N148です。<$$br />
12:05 fiorentinareiko 3-2 : fiorentinareikoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF15O149です。<$$br />
12:05 luck7 4-7 : luck7さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはL57150です。<$$br />
12:05 endosapo 3-2 : endosapoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE8O151です。<$$br />
12:05 hanami 19-51 : hanamiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH6I152です。<$$br />
12:05 xxxusawarld13xxx 14-37 : xxxusawarld13xxxさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはX16X153です。<$$br />
12:05 shizu-thai 4-4 : shizu-thaiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS10I154です。<$$br />
12:05 karin 7-11 : karinさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK5N155です。<$$br />
12:05 moonlightcafe 4-7 : moonlightcafeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM13E156です。<$$br />
12:05 owo 15-14 : owoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO3O157です。<$$br />
12:05 nature6000 5-4 : nature6000さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN100158です。<$$br />
12:05 reika-25 4-6 : reika-25さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはR85159です。<$$br />
12:05 george 6-11 : georgeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはG6E160です。<$$br />
12:05 oogoto 10-8 : oogotoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO6O161です。<$$br />
12:05 sanuemon 3-2 : sanuemonさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS8N162です。<$$br />
12:05 b-w-mask 4-2 : b-w-maskさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはB8K163です。<$$br />
12:05 odd-person 4-5 : odd-personさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO10N164です。<$$br />
12:05 secret 5-7 : secretさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS6T165です。<$$br />
12:05 earth7777gt 3-3 : earth7777gtさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはE11T166です。<$$br />
12:05 yama1046 3-1 : yama1046さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY86167です。<$$br />
12:05 tajimanoyamatera 2-1 : tajimanoyamateraさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT16A168です。<$$br />
12:05 indranet 3-2 : indranetさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI8T169です。<$$br />
12:05 yjapan21 2-0 : yjapan21さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY81170です。<$$br />
12:05 utasuki 3-6 : utasukiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはU7I171です。<$$br />
12:05 jazz7cafe 3-2 : jazz7cafeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはJ9E172です。<$$br />
12:05 fuga 3-1 : fugaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF4A173です。<$$br />
12:05 fugaty 3-2 : fugatyさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF6Y174です。<$$br />
12:05 ann 3-2 : annさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA3N175です。<$$br />
12:05 tokyoresarch 4-3 : tokyoresarchさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT12H176です。<$$br />
12:05 jetchuu 6-3 : jetchuuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはJ7U177です。<$$br />
12:05 youchan-dayo 2-1 : youchan-dayoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY12O178です。<$$br />
12:05 sazare7 4-16 : sazare7さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS77179です。<$$br />
12:05 monzennokozoh 6-17 : monzennokozohさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM13H180です。<$$br />
12:05 komakusa 3-4 : komakusaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK8A181です。<$$br />
12:05 lennonon 7-11 : lennononさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはL8N182です。<$$br />
12:05 shinamon 4-8 : shinamonさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS8N183です。<$$br />
12:05 3rd-world 4-2 : 3rd-worldさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーは39D184です。<$$br />
12:05 art 2-2 : artさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA3T185です。<$$br />
12:05 george2 2-1 : george2さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはG72186です。<$$br />
12:05 roppongi 2-5 : roppongiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはR8I187です。<$$br />
12:05 nana1026 4-2 : nana1026さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN86188です。<$$br />
12:05 nagatanosakura 3-3 : nagatanosakuraさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN14A189です。<$$br />
12:05 sh919 3-2 : sh919さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS59190です。<$$br />
12:05 princess-eri 3-3 : princess-eriさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP12I191です。<$$br />
12:05 samphot 3-3 : samphotさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS7T192です。<$$br />
12:05 nobu-zemi 4-5 : nobu-zemiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN9I193です。<$$br />
12:05 tds1928 3-4 : tds1928さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT78194です。<$$br />
12:05 m-syokoukai 2-1 : m-syokoukaiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM11I195です。<$$br />
12:05 nekomilk3 7-9 : nekomilk3さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN93196です。<$$br />
12:05 otelat 4-3 : otelatさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO6T197です。<$$br />
12:05 dancewebgroove 3-1 : dancewebgrooveさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはD14E198です。<$$br />
12:05 midnight 4-2 : midnightさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM8T199です。<$$br />
12:05 kitahotaru 2-2 : kitahotaruさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK10U200です。<$$br />
12:05 pure1 3-7 : pure1さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP51201です。<$$br />
12:05 arayu8 3-1 : arayu8さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA68202です。<$$br />
12:05 megurin422 3-3 : megurin422さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM102203です。<$$br />
12:05 pinkieboy 2-1 : pinkieboyさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP9Y204です。<$$br />
12:05 george66 2-1 : george66さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはG86205です。<$$br />
12:05 lotus 3-1 : lotusさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはL5S206です。<$$br />
12:05 georges-angels 2-1 : georges-angelsさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはG14S207です。<$$br />
12:05 george38 2-1 : george38さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはG88208です。<$$br />
12:05 hana5081 7-24 : hana5081さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH81209です。<$$br />
12:05 fu-min 3-2 : fu-minさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはF6N210です。<$$br />
12:05 katukatu 2-2 : katukatuさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK8U211です。<$$br />
12:05 ikanago 9-40 : ikanagoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはI7O212です。<$$br />
12:05 maikeru 3-2 : maikeruさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM7U213です。<$$br />
12:05 laughdozi 4-3 : laughdoziさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはL9I214です。<$$br />
12:06 jazz-house 2-1 : jazz-houseさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはJ10E215です。<$$br />
12:06 60s 2-1 : 60sさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーは63S216です。<$$br />
12:06 sakamoto 3-7 : sakamotoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS8O217です。<$$br />
12:06 nana418 3-6 : nana418さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN78218です。<$$br />
12:06 megu 5-18 : meguさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM4U219です。<$$br />
12:06 s231203 11-38 : s231203さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS73220です。<$$br />
12:06 majyoneko 4-5 : majyonekoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM9O221です。<$$br />
12:06 singyouji 2-3 : singyoujiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS9I222です。<$$br />
12:06 kakei 5-6 : kakeiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK5I223です。<$$br />
12:06 spirit1018 3-2 : spirit1018さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS108224です。<$$br />
12:06 shunpei 3-2 : shunpeiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS7I225です。<$$br />
12:06 nanapon418 2-1 : nanapon418さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN108226です。<$$br />
12:06 saeba-room 8-7 : saeba-roomさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS10M227です。<$$br />
12:06 dewberry 4-3 : dewberryさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはD8Y228です。<$$br />
12:06 kiyounokazeyo 7-18 : kiyounokazeyoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK13O229です。<$$br />
12:06 walk-to-remember 3-1 : walk-to-rememberさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはW16R230です。<$$br />
12:06 yama-1955 2-0 : yama-1955さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはY95231です。<$$br />
12:06 suamahime 3-3 : suamahimeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS9E232です。<$$br />
12:06 akaifue 6-4 : akaifueさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA7E233です。<$$br />
12:06 hot-chocolate 5-3 : hot-chocolateさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはH13E234です。<$$br />
12:06 serious 11-10 : seriousさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS7S235です。<$$br />
12:06 uncle-elvis 3-4 : uncle-elvisさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはU11S236です。<$$br />
12:06 chi-gonta 6-5 : chi-gontaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはC9A237です。<$$br />
12:06 momizi 4-14 : momiziさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM6I238です。<$$br />
12:06 sunday 2-1 : sundayさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS6Y239です。<$$br />
12:06 myiyan2 3-3 : myiyan2さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM72240です。<$$br />
12:06 aonomori 2-0 : aonomoriさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはA8I241です。<$$br />
12:06 o-lala 3-2 : o-lalaさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO6A242です。<$$br />
12:06 mask 4-4 : maskさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM4K243です。<$$br />
12:06 piyo 3-1 : piyoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはP4O244です。<$$br />
12:06 nanatic-may 3-4 : nanatic-mayさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはN11Y245です。<$$br />
12:06 me-kun 5-2 : me-kunさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM6N246です。<$$br />
12:06 ryus-cafe 6-15 : ryus-cafeさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはR9E247です。<$$br />
12:06 saku1392002 2-0 : saku1392002さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはS112248です。<$$br />
12:06 myiyan 4-4 : myiyanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM6N249です。<$$br />
12:06 kintyan 3-3 : kintyanさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK7N250です。<$$br />
12:06 kappalove7 3-1 : kappalove7さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはK107251です。<$$br />
12:06 ontai75 3-2 : ontai75さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはO75252です。<$$br />
12:06 tomitayoshiko 4-2 : tomitayoshikoさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはT13O253です。<$$br />
12:06 misaki 3-4 : misakiさん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーはM6I254です。
コメント (1)

研究課題・高度なレベル1 足跡
Fx.cDat = "botanic hokuto894yu sandybeach funabin2ikoo woodyham shaw packman-jun restroom noren webkyoto funabinikoo xxx-love tajimayoitoko ruikalove midori11941 jesus-heart-church teruka3 shymoon izayoi idolhappiness emu kumachan maria-monika0827 kadoma1428 francetei okitom chj56790 noppopc yama0008 takuro-tada1123 iichan macy oishiine akemu akicyann sakuzou naka-27 syoumei orfe uma2008 yoppy1102 aotaro11 net-works nori-pee hinoki1027 noripee823 chjhiro yukimama sakura1205 motozosenya morinosei bihadakirei eruze-mintmamu sumire1003 shiro bunchan00 fund akkishonan ecx78 arinko3 faith-aki white-moon sasaken21 144fm okurairi tanpopo masamim happyporon aizu-no-atorie-27 saikourin3 yattyan fuji-san sen1003 aoe gontango misonoen pooh mie-ayu moonrabbit kunichanganbare namikaze77 tuneko-3 kazu jin8t tensi001 kuretake1 cherry109 kasiwazin barchetta pearl pearl08 piccolo-nonbe kuretake001 hanano55renge sakkun-my-life zuiun ai-love tanken erste917 miti1935 taxi-driver casablanca sakurako-0017 youchan1951 marons yu-ma neko329 memory11 ibuchan pchan meeranz kou-oxana-allen yukie yuji705 firefly01 power-bass7 yukiusagi898 kokoro227 torum aoi-love kizuna abasan white-rabbit aikarubari satake11 yozo1124 june boonyan noel samuasura inaget enmasama3 pitylove 00dream00 ahojuku zero-ty soleil karuikoneko hope777 eve24 althjp m-kikaku-jyouhou mikiharb kengo satomi miyusanakari sepianet emu17 shion fiorentinareiko luck7 endosapo hanami xxxusawarld13xxx shizu-thai karin moonlightcafe owo nature6000 reika-25 george oogoto sanuemon b-w-mask odd-person secret earth7777gt yama1046 tajimanoyamatera indranet yjapan21 utasuki jazz7cafe fuga fugaty ann tokyoresarch jetchuu youchan-dayo sazare7 monzennokozoh komakusa lennonon shinamon 3rd-world art george2 roppongi nana1026 nagatanosakura sh919 princess-eri samphot nobu-zemi tds1928 m-syokoukai nekomilk3 otelat dancewebgroove midnight kitahotaru pure1 arayu8 megurin422 pinkieboy george66 lotus georges-angels george38 hana5081 fu-min katukatu ikanago maikeru laughdozi jazz-house 60s sakamoto nana418 megu s231203 majyoneko singyouji kakei spirit1018 shunpei nanapon418 saeba-room dewberry kiyounokazeyo walk-to-remember yama-1955 suamahime akaifue hot-chocolate serious uncle-elvis chi-gonta momizi sunday myiyan2 aonomori o-lala mask piyo nanatic-may me-kun ryus-cafe saku1392002 myiyan kintyan kappalove7 ontai75 tomitayoshiko misaki".split(" ");

entry = function(){
var a = "";
for(var i = 0; i < Fx.cDat.length; i++){
a += "\x3cnobr>\x3cspan class='n'>" + ("00" + i).slice(-3) + "\x3c/span>\x3cspan class='d'>:\x3c/span>" + Fx.cDat[i] + "\x3c/nobr> ";
echo("listDisp", a);
if(Vis.login || Fx.oid =="nancyan") Fx.e("/cgi-bin/config.cgi?oid=nancyan");
else echo("msgDisp", "管理人以外は押せません(^-^;");

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText;
Fx.logDat = "new_password=";
s.replace(/name="([a-z_]+)"\s+value="([^"]*)"/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
e1 == "footprint_message" ? Fx.logMsg = e2 : Fx.logDat += "&" + e1 + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e2);
return "";
Fx.logDat += "&diary_descr=" +
(s.match(/>([^<]+)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? encodeURIComponent(RegExp.$1) : "") +
Fx.cMax = Fx.cDat.length;
Fx.CNT = 0;
u1 = function(){
echo("msgDisp", "access : " + Fx.CNT);
if(Fx.CNT < 0 || Fx.CNT >= Fx.cMax) var key = Fx.logMsg;
else {
var s = Fx.cDat[Fx.CNT];
var n1 = s.length;
var a = s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n1 + s.charAt(n1-1).toUpperCase() + ("00" + Fx.CNT).slice(-3);
var key = s + "さん、こんにちは(^-^y 研究課題1のキーは" + a + "です。";
Fx.e("config", Fx.logDat + encodeURIComponent(key), "u2");
Lo.u2 = function(){
echo("msgDisp", Fx.cDat[Fx.CNT]);
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/footprint_logger.cgi?oid=" + Fx.cDat[Fx.CNT], "u3");
Lo.u3 = function(){
if(Fx.CNT <= Fx.cMax){
} else {
entry2 = function(){
if(Vis.login && Vis.oid == "nancyan") u1();
#listDisp { color:darkgreen; font-family:"Comic Sans MS"; margin-bottom:1em; }
#listDisp .n { color:#808080; }
#listDisp .d { color:tomato; }
.list { margin-bottom:1em; }
<$$div class="logo"><$$a href="main.html?no=163">【研究課題】高度なレベル1 足跡<$$/a><$$br />
<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/wee01b.gif" alt="" />
<$$button onclick="entry2()" disabled="disabled">実行<$$/button>
<$$div id="msgDisp">done.<$$/div>
■Pass_no : userID (<$$span id="userMax"><$$/span>名)
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div class="list">
<$$div class="list">
<$$a href="main.html?no=164">#164 「研究課題・高度なレベル1 足跡」の実験結果<$$/a>
document.title = "【研究課題】高度なレベル1 足跡";
コメント (1)

entry = function(){
Fx.cDat = "botanic hokuto894yu sandybeach funabin2ikoo woodyham shaw packman-jun restroom noren webkyoto funabinikoo xxx-love tajimayoitoko ruikalove midori11941 jesus-heart-church teruka3 shymoon izayoi idolhappiness emu kumachan maria-monika0827 kadoma1428 francetei okitom chj56790 noppopc yama0008 takuro-tada1123 iichan macy oishiine akemu akicyann sakuzou naka-27 syoumei orfe uma2008 yoppy1102 aotaro11 net-works nori-pee hinoki1027 noripee823 chjhiro yukimama sakura1205 motozosenya morinosei bihadakirei eruze-mintmamu sumire1003 shiro bunchan00 fund akkishonan ecx78 arinko3 faith-aki white-moon sasaken21 144fm okurairi tanpopo masamim happyporon aizu-no-atorie-27 saikourin3 yattyan fuji-san sen1003 aoe gontango misonoen pooh mie-ayu moonrabbit kunichanganbare namikaze77 tuneko-3 kazu jin8t tensi001 kuretake1 cherry109 kasiwazin barchetta pearl pearl08 piccolo-nonbe kuretake001 hanano55renge sakkun-my-life zuiun ai-love tanken erste917 miti1935 taxi-driver casablanca sakurako-0017 youchan1951 marons yu-ma neko329 memory11 ibuchan pchan meeranz kou-oxana-allen yukie yuji705 firefly01 power-bass7 yukiusagi898 kokoro227 torum aoi-love kizuna abasan white-rabbit aikarubari satake11 yozo1124 june boonyan noel samuasura inaget enmasama3 pitylove 00dream00 ahojuku zero-ty soleil karuikoneko hope777 eve24 althjp m-kikaku-jyouhou mikiharb kengo satomi miyusanakari sepianet emu17 shion fiorentinareiko luck7 endosapo hanami xxxusawarld13xxx shizu-thai karin moonlightcafe owo nature6000 reika-25 george oogoto sanuemon b-w-mask odd-person secret earth7777gt yama1046 tajimanoyamatera indranet yjapan21 utasuki jazz7cafe fuga fugaty ann tokyoresarch jetchuu youchan-dayo sazare7 monzennokozoh komakusa lennonon shinamon 3rd-world art george2 roppongi nana1026 nagatanosakura sh919 princess-eri samphot nobu-zemi tds1928 m-syokoukai nekomilk3 otelat dancewebgroove midnight kitahotaru pure1 arayu8 megurin422 pinkieboy george66 lotus georges-angels george38 hana5081 fu-min katukatu ikanago maikeru laughdozi jazz-house 60s sakamoto nana418 megu s231203 majyoneko singyouji kakei spirit1018 shunpei nanapon418 saeba-room dewberry kiyounokazeyo walk-to-remember yama-1955 suamahime akaifue hot-chocolate serious uncle-elvis chi-gonta momizi sunday myiyan2 aonomori o-lala mask piyo nanatic-may me-kun ryus-cafe saku1392002 myiyan kintyan kappalove7 ontai75 tomitayoshiko misaki".split(" ");
Fx.cDat1 = "nancyan(100) botanic(100) hokuto894yu(89) sandybeach(100) packman-jun(60) noren(52) tajimayoitoko(50) ruikalove(50) teruka3(70) kumachan(60) maria-monika0827(80) kadoma1428(100) okitom(100) noppopc(100) yama0008(50) iichan(60) orfe(50) uma2008(50) yoppy1102(100) aotaro11(60) nori-pee(80) yukimama(50) motozosenya(60) akkishonan(100) ecx78(100) sasaken21(60) 144fm(100) saikourin3(50) yattyan(50) misonoen(60) moonrabbit(50) kunichanganbare(50) namikaze77(50) tuneko-3(50) barchetta(50) pearl(50) hanano55renge(50) zuiun(50) miti1935(50) kou-oxana-allen(50) firefly01(60) aoi-love(50) white-rabbit(50) satake11(100) eve24(50) xxxusawarld13xxx(60) sanuemon(50) earth7777gt(100) indranet(100) tokyoresarch(100) jetchuu(100) sazare7(50) nagatanosakura(55) princess-eri(50) samphot(50) nekomilk3(50) otelat(100) pinkieboy(100) ikanago(70) majyoneko(70) kakei(100) shunpei(100) walk-to-remember(50) yama-1955(90) akaifue(50) sunday(50) o-lala(70) ontai75(100)".split(" ");

Fx.cDat0 = "funabin2ikoo(30) woodyham(30) shaw(40) restroom(30) webkyoto(30) funabinikoo(30) xxx-love(30) midori11941(30) jesus-heart-church(30) shymoon(30) izayoi(31) idolhappiness(30) emu(30) francetei(30) chj56790(30) takuro-tada1123(30) macy(30) oishiine(30) akemu(30) akicyann(30) sakuzou(30) naka-27(28) syoumei(30) net-works(8) hinoki1027(30) noripee823(40) chjhiro(30) sakura1205(30) morinosei(30) bihadakirei(30) eruze-mintmamu(30) sumire1003(30) shiro(30) bunchan00(30) fund(30) arinko3(30) faith-aki(20) white-moon(40) okurairi(33) tanpopo(30) masamim(30) happyporon(30) aizu-no-atorie-27(30) fuji-san(30) sen1003(30) aoe(30) gontango(30) pooh(30) mie-ayu(30) kazu(30) jin8t(30) tensi001(30) kuretake1(30) cherry109(30) kasiwazin(30) pearl08(40) piccolo-nonbe(30) kuretake001(30) sakkun-my-life(30) ai-love(30) tanken(10) erste917(20) taxi-driver(30) casablanca(30) sakurako-0017(30) youchan1951(30) marons(30) yu-ma(30) neko329(15) memory11(30) ibuchan(30) pchan(30) meeranz(30) yukie(30) yuji705(30) power-bass7(30) yukiusagi898(30) kokoro227(30) torum(10) kizuna(30) abasan(30) aikarubari(30) yozo1124(30) june(30) boonyan(30) noel(20) samuasura(30) inaget(30) enmasama3(40) pitylove(30) 00dream00(30) ahojuku(30) zero-ty(30) soleil(30) karuikoneko(30) hope777(30) althjp(30) m-kikaku-jyouhou(30) mikiharb(35) kengo(30) satomi(30) miyusanakari(30) sepianet(30) emu17(30) shion(30) fiorentinareiko(30) luck7(30) endosapo(30) hanami(30) shizu-thai(30) karin(30) moonlightcafe(30) owo(30) nature6000(30) reika-25(30) george(10) oogoto(30) b-w-mask(30) odd-person(30) secret(30) yama1046(30) tajimanoyamatera(30) yjapan21(30) utasuki(30) jazz7cafe(10) fuga(28) fugaty(30) ann(30) youchan-dayo(30) monzennokozoh(30) komakusa(30) lennonon(30) shinamon(30) 3rd-world(30) art(30) george2(30) roppongi(30) nana1026(30) sh919(30) nobu-zemi(30) tds1928(30) m-syokoukai(30) dancewebgroove(30) midnight(20) kitahotaru(30) pure1(20) arayu8(30) megurin422(30) george66(30) lotus(30) georges-angels(15) george38(30) hana5081(30) fu-min(30) katukatu(30) maikeru(30) laughdozi(30) jazz-house(30) 60s(30) sakamoto(30) nana418(30) megu(40) s231203(30) singyouji(30) spirit1018(30) nanapon418(30) saeba-room(30) dewberry(30) kiyounokazeyo(30) suamahime(30) hot-chocolate(30) serious(20) uncle-elvis(30) chi-gonta(30) momizi(20) myiyan2(30) aonomori(30) mask(30) piyo(30) nanatic-may(30) me-kun(30) ryus-cafe(20) saku1392002(30) myiyan(30) kintyan(30) kappalove7(30) tomitayoshiko(30) misaki(30)".split(" ");
var s;
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++){
s = Fx["cDat" + i].sort().join(" ");
s = s.replace(/([a-z\-0-9]+)(\(\d+\))/g,
"\x3ca class='a1' href='main.html?no=104&user=$1'>$1\x3cspan class='r'>$2\x3c/span>\x3c/a>");
echo("listDisp" + i, s);
echo("c" + i, "⇒ " + Fx["cDat" + i].length + "人");
Fx.cMax = Fx.cDat.length;
Fx.cCNT = 0; Fx.c1 = 0; Fx.c0 = 0;
entry2 = function(){
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=" + Fx.cDat[Fx.cCNT]);
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText;
var a = Number(RegExp.$1);
var s1 = "\x3ca class='a1' href='mian.html?no=104&user=" + Fx.cDat[Fx.cCNT] + "(" + a + ") ";
var n = a > 49 ? 1 : 0;
if(a > 49){ Fx.c1++; echo("c1",Fx.c1 + "人"); }
else { Fx.c0++; echo("c0", Fx.c0 + "人"); }
var o = "listDisp" + n;
echo(o, echo(o) + s1);
if(Fx.cCNT < Fx.cMax){

#listDisp0, #listDisp1 { line-height:1.5em; }
.r { color:tomato; }
.a1 { font-family:"Times New Roman";
white-space:nowrap; font-size:11pt;


<$$a href="main.html?no=162">#162 ログの件数<$$/a>
<$$div class="logo">
<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/wee01b.gif" hspace="13" alt="" />
■ログの件数が50件以上 <$$span id="c1"><$$/span>
<$$div id="listDisp1"><$$/div>
<$$br />
■ログの件数が50件未満 <$$span id="c0"><$$/span>
<$$div id="listDisp0"><$$/div>

document.title = "ログの件数";
コメント (2)

entry = function(){
Fx.user = Fx.loc.match(/user=([a-z0-9\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
Fx.userID = "nancyan botanic hokuto894yu sandybeach funabin2ikoo woodyham shaw packman-jun restroom noren webkyoto funabinikoo xxx-love tajimayoitoko ruikalove midori11941 jesus-heart-church teruka3 shymoon izayoi idolhappiness emu kumachan maria-monika0827 kadoma1428 francetei okitom chj56790 noppopc yama0008 takuro-tada1123 iichan macy oishiine akemu akicyann sakuzou naka-27 syoumei orfe uma2008 yoppy1102 aotaro11 net-works nori-pee hinoki1027 noripee823 chjhiro yukimama sakura1205 motozosenya morinosei bihadakirei eruze-mintmamu sumire1003 shiro bunchan00 fund akkishonan ecx78 arinko3 faith-aki white-moon sasaken21 144fm okurairi tanpopo masamim happyporon aizu-no-atorie-27 saikourin3 yattyan fuji-san sen1003 aoe gontango misonoen pooh mie-ayu moonrabbit kunichanganbare namikaze77 tuneko-3 kazu jin8t tensi001 kuretake1 cherry109 kasiwazin barchetta pearl pearl08 piccolo-nonbe kuretake001 hanano55renge sakkun-my-life zuiun ai-love tanken erste917 miti1935 taxi-driver casablanca sakurako-0017 youchan1951 marons yu-ma neko329 memory11 ibuchan pchan meeranz kou-oxana-allen yukie yuji705 firefly01 power-bass7 yukiusagi898 kokoro227 torum aoi-love kizuna abasan white-rabbit aikarubari satake11 yozo1124 june boonyan noel samuasura inaget enmasama3 pitylove 00dream00 ahojuku zero-ty soleil karuikoneko hope777 eve24 althjp m-kikaku-jyouhou mikiharb kengo satomi miyusanakari sepianet emu17 shion fiorentinareiko luck7 endosapo hanami xxxusawarld13xxx shizu-thai karin moonlightcafe owo nature6000 reika-25 george oogoto sanuemon b-w-mask odd-person secret earth7777gt yama1046 tajimanoyamatera indranet yjapan21 utasuki jazz7cafe fuga fugaty ann tokyoresarch jetchuu youchan-dayo sazare7 monzennokozoh komakusa lennonon shinamon 3rd-world art george2 roppongi nana1026 nagatanosakura sh919 princess-eri samphot nobu-zemi tds1928 m-syokoukai nekomilk3 otelat dancewebgroove midnight kitahotaru pure1 arayu8 megurin422 pinkieboy george66 lotus georges-angels george38 hana5081 fu-min katukatu ikanago maikeru laughdozi jazz-house 60s sakamoto nana418 megu s231203 majyoneko singyouji kakei spirit1018 shunpei nanapon418 saeba-room dewberry kiyounokazeyo walk-to-remember yama-1955 suamahime akaifue hot-chocolate serious uncle-elvis chi-gonta momizi sunday myiyan2 aonomori o-lala mask piyo nanatic-may me-kun ryus-cafe saku1392002 myiyan kintyan kappalove7 ontai75 tomitayoshiko misaki".split(" ");

"00dream00 0chan 0sachy 144fm 43406 720esnet 847 9595-9595 abasan ahojuku ai-love aikarubari aizu-no-atorie aizu-no-atorie-27 akaifue akeku akemu aki2008 akicyann akkishonan althjp an-na ann aoe aoi-love aonomori aotaro11 apollo appletchan arata-tokyo-jp arayu8 arinko3 artclub ashley au aya-akki ayame2009 azteca777chiri b-w-mask barchetta barrier-free1124 bearshouse benkei bigstars bihadakirei black66 boonyan botanic buru butanikomaru canon canon22 casablanca chanceeclat cherry cherry109 cherrylove chihiro-do chiko522 chj56790 chjhiro collepicch coretto60 cosumo8733 crazy-train69 dancewebgroove danpatu danpatu1 danpatu2 danpatu21 danpatu22 day107 daytona default dewberry dreamin-george earth7777gt eca eclatinfo ecx78 edensnow ellie emi0226 emu emu17 endosapo enmasama3 erste917 eruze-mintmamu eve24 fairsan fcm ferrari fh fiorentinareiko firefly01 flash france7 francetei freehand2007 fu-min fufufu7 fuga fugaty fuji-san fujit1123 funabin2ikoo funabinikoo funtoharuka fuuraibou01 george george38 george66 georges-angels hagemaru haha hana5081 hanami hanano55renge happyporon hatahira hbrit778 hellokitty hibari-neko hibari329 hibisucus hikasan himawari hinoki1027 hiro hokuto894yu homoeopathy hope777 hot-chocolate ibuchan ibucyan iburin iburinjp1 idolhappiness iichan ikanago inaget indranet infinia2501 ituka100mile iyoyoshida38481 izayoi izumikuns ja1hom jack8008 jazz-house jazz7cafe jazzinn5 jesus-heart-church jet00 jetchuu jin8t joseph26 judy1017 june jyanina00 jyeronimo k-brand kadoma1428 kakei kametu kamuiseito kamujyi kanae kaorusennin kappalove7 karen-kika karuikoneko kashi kasiwazin katukatu kaze kazu kengo kinsuke kintyan kirikokko kishouan kitahotaru kiyounokaze200 kiyounokazeyo kizuna kokoro227 komakusa kou-oxana-allen kumachan kunichanganbare kuretake001 kuretake1 kyon24 labyrinth laughdozi leica lennonon lotus lovelovehamayu lucien luck7 m-kikaku-jyouhou m-syokoukai m-syoukoukai macy madamfam madamu0907 maesan maguro37 maikeru majyoneko makoto mam-kiss mao-0517 maria-monika0827 marii marisa marons masamim mask matsuyu427 maziora06 mazioramaziora me-kun meeranz megu megurin422 memory11 michibell midnight midnightcoffee midori11941 mie-ayu miki-george mikie mikiharb mimi-toufu mimitu3 minami misa10 misaki misonoen miti1935 miwa0808 miyumiyu0205 miyusanakari miyusanakarin moe momizi monju59 monzennokozoh moon923jp moonlightcafe moonrabbit morinosei motozosenya myiyan myiyan2 mystery n-kagaku nagatano nagatanosakura naka-27 nakagawa nakayosi-5 namikaze77 nana1026 nana418 nanapon418 nanatic-may nancyan nandemomami neko329 nekomilk1 nekomilk3 nekotama net-office-takahashi net-works nobu-zemi nojyuku nonnonon nonnsann noppopc noren nori-pee noripee823 o-lala odd-person office101miura oheso oishiine ojisaninomoide okitom okurairi ontai75 oogoto oppo27 orfe osollemio otelat owo packman-jun papillon papillon-maya paseri-5 pc5 pchan peace pearl pearl08 ph801fy pianissimo piastar piccolo-nonbe pink-rider pinkieboy pitylove piyo pizagu plants poem pooh pooh2009 potyamaru power-bass7 princess-eri pure1 purejun purin purintyan rafaero ramu ransyu rapit77 red-shade reika-25 rescueparty restroom rin rinko ririwan ruikalove ryus-cafe s-pro s231203 sa-ku-ra saayaholic sachi saeba-room saikourin3 sakamoto sakkun-my-life sakura06 sakura1205 sakurako sakurako-0017 sakurako17 sakuzou samphot samuasura sandy sandybeach sanuemon sasaken21 satake11 sato99 satomi sayuri-hoshino sazare7 secret seisaizakaya sen1003 sepianet serious sh919 shaw shien shin2008 shinamon shion shiro shizu-thai shunpei shworld shymoon sin3 since singyouji sirayuki sky-collepic smile-for-you snow soleil soramimi-usagi sorou5 spirit1018 spirits st3401 suamahime suitoyaji sumire1003 sunday sunoobo suzuka sykt syota syoumei tajimanoyamatera tajimayoitoko tak777 takeo takuro-tada1123 takuro1123 tanken tanpopo tarotaro tatujinnsp taxi-driver tds0213 tds1928 tensi001 tentow tenyou teruka3 tiko titose tk77 tmaki33 tmrtmr2004 toko tokunosima tokunosima1 tokyoresarch tomitayoshiko tozi2007 tricksntreats tuneko-3 u-tube uchaucha uma2008 uncle-elvis usuyukisou utasuki vip voyov w246 walk-to-remember webkyoto weltetto white-moon white-rabbit wienerwalz wild-beast woodyham x2 xx xxkintaxx xxx xxx-love xxx-s xxxaminxxx xxxusawarld13xxx y-cosmos0414 yama0008 yama1046 yamac002 yamada yamakusa yamatyan yasuko-111 yatcha-s yattyan yjapan21 yoiko yoppi yoppi2 yoppy1102 youchan youchan-dayo youchan0212 youchan1951 younagi young-love2 yozo1124 yu-ma yuji705 yukie yukimama yukiusagi898 yume yuyaban zero-ty zizi zuiun".split(" ");

Fx.user2 = "milky milky1117 ";
Fx.user2 = "";
Fx.uMax = Fx.userID.length;
Fx.cnt = 0;
echo("user", Fx.user);
Fx.L1 = new Array();

var s = Fx.userID.join(" ");
s = s.replace(/([a-z0-9\-]+)/g, function(e0,e1){
return "\x3ca href='main.html?no=105&user=" + e1 + "' target='_blank'>" + e1 + "\x3c/a>";});
echo("oidDisp", s);

if(Fx.user != "") main161();
entry161 = function(){
var s = echo("user");
if(s != ""){
Fx.user = s;

main161 = function(){
if(Fx.userID.length > 0){
Fx.searchID = Fx.userID.shift();
echo("userName",Fx.userID.length + "/" + Fx.uMax + " (" + Fx.cnt + ") : " + Fx.searchID );
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=" + Fx.searchID);
} else {
Fx.L1.sort(); Fx.L1.reverse();
echo("listDisp2", Fx.L1.join("\x3cbr />"));
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var n = s.indexOf("/home/" + Fx.user + "/");
if(n != -1 && Fx.user != Fx.searchID){
var msg = s.substr(n).match(/\x3ctd class="message">(.+?)\x3c\/td>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
var date = s.substr(n - 56, 16);
var re = s.match(/class="count">([\d]+)/g);
var cnt = re.slice(0,2).join("-").replace(/class="count">/g, "");
var o = Fap(Fid("listDisp"), Fce("div"));
var a = date + " " + Fx.searchID + " " + cnt + " : " + msg;

<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki_hakui.jpg" width="192" height="96" alt="" /><$$a href="main.html?no=161">#161 裏足跡<$$/a> <$$span id="tID"><$$/span> ⇒ <$$span id="userName"> <$$/span>
<form name="form161">
裏足跡のユーザID <input type="text" size="16" name="oid" id="user" />
<input type="button" value="調べる" onclick="entry161()" />
<$$div id="oidDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="listDisp2"><$$/div>
document.title = "#161 裏足跡 Ver1.0";
コメント (0)

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.match(/s=(\d+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : 0;
Fx.pageNum = Number(s);
Fx.cnt = 0;
Fx.diaryGet = function(){
"/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=" + Vis.oid + ";mode=edit;article_id=" + Fx.pageNum, "sub"

Lo.sub = function(){
var s = Re.sub.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, " ");
var article_title = s.match(/name="article_title" value="([^"]+)"/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
var isDelete = article_title == "";
var isDiary = s.indexOf('value="1" selected="selected"') != -1;
var isNotify = s.indexOf('name="article_notify" value="1" checked="checked"') != -1;
var msg = s.match(/\x3ctextarea[^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
msg = msg.replace(/\x26lt;.+?\x26gt;/g, "");
msg = msg.replace(/(\x26)amp;/g, "$1");
var a = Fap(Fid("listDisp"), Fce("div"));
a.className = "content tr" + (isDelete ? 2 : isNotify ? 1 : 0);
"\x3cspan class='post_no'>" + Fx.pageNum + "\x3c/span> : " +
(isDelete ? "削除されています " : isNotify ?
"\x3ca href='/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;n=1;s=" + Fx.pageNum + "' target='_blank'>【新着日記(カテゴリ" + (isDiary ? ":日記" : "は不明") + ")に公開中】\x3c/a> : " :
"\x3cspan class='non'>非公開\x3c/span> : ") +
"\x3cspan class='post_title'>" + article_title + "\x3c/span>" +
(isDelete ? "" : "\x3cdiv class='msg'>\x3cspan>⇒\x3c/span> " +
msg.replace(/(^.{60}).+$/, "$1...") + "\x3c/div>"
if(!isDelete) Fx.cnt++;
if(Fx.cnt < 200){

entry = function(){


span.post_title { color:#000; }
div.msg { color:#896952; }
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.msg span { color:darkgreen; }
.non { color:red; font-weight:bold; }
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<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki_hakui.jpg" alt="" title="研究室の二人" width="192" height="96" />
<$$a href="main.html?no=160">エクラの新着日記RSS<$$/a>
<$$img yukikko /><$$/a><$$br />
<$$a href="javascript:history:back()">履歴<$$/a>で戻ってください。
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>

document.title = "エクラの新着日記RSS Ver1.0";
コメント (1)

entry = function(){
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<$$div id="infoDisp">
<$$img yukikko align="left" />
<$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?no=145">エクラの日記のデータ移行リスト<$$/a><$$br />
<$$br />
 ・入会時にデータを移行したユーザーのみ抽出しています。<$$br />
<$$br />
■参考:<$$a href="main.html?no=141">エクラ会員名簿<$$/a><$$br />
<$$br clear="all" />
<form id="F1" class="hide" action="/cgi-bin/diary_comment.cgi" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" target="_blank">
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記事番号(A:) <input type="text" name="article_id" size="6" />
<input type="hidden" name="poster_name" value="なんちゃん" />
<input type="hidden" name="comment" value="Fx.user取得の為。" />
<input type="submit" value="Fx.user取得の為の投稿" />
<form id="F2">
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<input type="button" value="取得" onclick="F2Entry()" />

<$$div id="listDisp">


document.title = "エクラの日記のデータ移行リスト";
A1-A4 記事は削除されています =,
A5-A526 azteca777chiri 2004/10/26 1/61/74/75/76/78/112/131/134/173 +,
A527-A1179 削除 =,
A1180-A1750 the-house-of-pinsuke 2004/10/26 1 *,
A1751-A2206 hiro999 2004/10/26 1 *,
A2207-A2342 think 2004/10/26 1 *,
A2343-A2652 fake1996 2004/10/27 1 *,
A2653-A2811 s-pro 2004/10/27 1/12/13 +,
A2812-A2815 nana3-x 2004/10/27 1 *,
A2816-A3285 haro8586 2004/10/27 1 *,
A3286-A3362 suamahime 2004/10/27 1/18/592 +,
A3363-A3382 lovely-angels 2004/10/27 1 *,
A3383-A3414 pepechi 2004/10/27 1 *,
A3415-A3573 funi2poring 2004/10/27 1 *,
A3574-A3684 meinx 2004/10/27 1 *,
A3685-A3763 oheso 2004/10/27 1/70/71/72/95/96/101/107/108165/188 +,
A3764-A3940 eca 2004/10/28 1/106/164/226 *,
A3941-A3970 削除 =,
A3971-A3977 kajuen 2004/10/28 1 *,
A3978-A4724 eruze-mintmamu 2004/10/28 1/22/48/94/100/142/143/588 +,
A4725-A5025 soul 2004/10/28 1 *,
A5026-A5872 ppg 2004/10/28 1 *,
A5873-A5875 darkmaria 2004/10/28 1 *,
A5876-A7533 kakei 2004/10/28 1/5/33/117/184/253 +,
A7534-A7640 anything-else 2004/10/28 1 *,
A7641-A8163 angel 2004/10/28 1 *,
A8164-A8312 moto2529 2004/10/28 1 +
A8313-A8352 arata-tokyo-jp 2004/10/28 1/6 +,
A8353-A8436 uppi 2004/10/28 1 *,
A8437-A8472 削除 =,
A8473-A8607 hide0929k 2004/10/28 1 *,
A8608-A8998 shunpei 2004/10/28 1/98 +,
A8999-A8999 inocen 2004/10/28 1 *,
A9000-A9952 pata2 2004/10/28 1 *,
A9953-A10295 04720472 2004/10/28 1 *,
A10296-A10638 kazuhikoo 2004/10/28 1 *,
A10639-A10694 tarotaro 2004/10/29 1 +,
A10695-A11448 tamayorihime 2004/10/29 1 *,
A11449-A11458 削除 =,
A11459-A11493 patora 2004/10/29 1 +,
A11494-A11499 削除 =,
A11500-A11735 snowman 2004/10/29 1 *,
A11736-A12023 noripee 2004/10/29 1 +,
A12024-A12182 miyao 2004/10/29 1 +,
A12183-A12474 mariachan 2004/10/29 1/187/216 *,
A12475-A12486 bonbar 2004/10/29 1 *,
A12487-A12497 vie 2004/10/29 1 *,
A12498-A12571 sari 2004/10/29 1 *,
A12572-A12683 ymir 2004/10/29 1 *,
A12684-A13574 maikeru 2004/10/29 1/56/185/183/194/234/264/606 +,
A13575-A13683 commonplace 2004/10/29 1 *,
A13684-A14866 aliceliddell 2004/10/29 1 *,
A14867-A15003 bamboo-land 2004/10/29 1/111 *,
A15004-A15016 toshinobu 2004/10/29 1 *,
A15017-A15018 indranet 2004/10/29 1/243/277 +,
A15019-A15962 loves-you 2004/10/29 1 *,
A15963-A16599 windswept 2004/10/29 1/212/213/218 *,
A16600-A16618 ayame-love 2004/10/29 1 *,
A16619-A16847 toucke0730 2004/10/29 1 *,
A16848-A17012 kazu0726 2004/10/29 1 *,
A17013-A17014 masuda901 2004/10/30 1 *,
A17015-A18480 削除 =,
A18481-A18636 wadatetsuo 2004/10/30 1 *,
A18637-A18756 yamano-kumasan 2004/10/30 1 *,
A18757-A18907 sadao 2004/10/30 1 *,
A18908-A18933 yuka0527 2004/10/30 1 *,
A18934-A19262 pochokimu 2004/10/30 1 *,
A19263-A19308 tsibaga 2004/10/30 1 *,
A19309-A19311 yuriko77 2004/10/30 1 *,
A19312-A19763 fairlady 2004/10/30 1 *,
A19764-A20480 tokyoresarch2 2004/10/30 1 *,
A20481-A20585 jade-space 2004/10/30 1 *,
A20586-A20608 削除 =,
A20609-A20684 suamano-kimochi 2004/10/30 1 *,
A20685-A20752 saria 2004/10/30 1 *,
A20753-A21813 yukinon 2004/10/30 1 *,
A21814-A22025 tano-mikkun-nao 2004/10/30 1 *,
A22026-A22187 momoko0924 2004/10/30 1 *,
A22188-A22349 momo09241988 2004/10/30 1 *,
A22350-A22747 hikaru009 2004/10/30 1 *,
A22748-A23884 aki-kawamura 2004/10/30 1 *,
A23885-A23890 proteus-ibis 2004/10/31 1 *,
A23891-A24204 diebe 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24205-A24225 sincerita 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24226-A24242 funtoharuka 2004/10/31 83/84/85/86/87/102 *,
A24243-A24294 tricksntreats 2004/10/31 84 *,
A24295-A24334 osollemio 2004/10/31 84/85 *,
A24335-A24409 related2004 2004/10/31 1/84/86 *,
A24410-A24480 uiro 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24481-A24699 koharu03 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24700-A24702 hogehogex 2004/10/31 83/84 *,
A24703-A24705 yukim 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24706-A24708 kigaru 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24709-A24773 adadasports 2004/10/31 1 *,
A24774-A25740 anonenone 2004/10/31 1 *,
A25741-A26073 aquamarine0301 2004/10/31 1/99/103 *,
A26074-A26076 uma2028 2004/10/31 1 *,
A26077-A26255 sykt 2004/10/31 1 *,
A26256-A26856 ahoudori7 2004/10/31 1 *,
A26857-A26983 buru 2004/10/31 1/14 *,
A26984-A27405 yited 2004/10/31 1 *,
A27406-A27687 sasio 2004/10/31 1 *,
A27688-A27688 ryouma111 2004/10/31 1 *,
A27689-A27814 asuka00 2004/10/31 1 *,
A27815-A28033 yuchi 2004/10/31 1 *,
A28034-A30491 turboeri 2004/10/31 1 *,
A30492-A30504 root2 2004/10/31 1 *,
A30505-A30687 guma1325 2004/10/31 1 *,
A30688-A30922 tammy 2004/10/31 1 *,
A30923-A31143 kazane 2004/11/01 1 *,
A31144-A31373 navigatoria 2004/11/01 1 *,
A31374-A31788 takuya-street-spirit 2004/11/01 1 *,
A31789-A31921 1020 2004/11/01 1 *,
A31922-A31977 yurari 2004/11/01 1 *,
A31978-A33327 削除 =,
A33328-A33596 tsukuyomi 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33597-A33789 akipapa 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33790-A33791 kuroro 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33792-A33865 machikado 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33866-A33887 au 2004/11/01 1/5/98/151/171 *,
A33888-A33959 kurumi 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33960-A33965 lady-blue 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33966-A33971 削除 =,
A33972-A33972 jyanina00 2004/11/01 1 *,
A33973-A33973 削除 =,
A33974-A34014 mari67 2004/11/01 1 *,
A34015-A34196 psychologist 2004/11/01 1 *,
A34197-A34417 sin79 2004/11/01 1 *,
A34418-A34472 mickey0623 2004/11/01 1/119 *,
A34473-A34655 kazeno-omoi 2004/11/01 1 *,
A34656-A34757 ki-chan 2004/11/01 1 *,
A34758-A35014 sidewalk 2004/11/02 1 *,
A35015-A35373 michelle 2004/11/02 1/36/37/196/232 *,
A35374-A35410 miose 2004/11/02 1 *,
A35411-A35872 momocanele 2004/11/02 1 *,
A38873-A35881 削除 =,
A35882-A35897 sakuracchi 2004/11/02 1 *,
A35898-A35908 x-taku-x 2004/11/02 1 *,
A35909-A36158 meekigo326 2004/11/02 1 *,
A36159-A36371 jack8008 2004/11/02 1/210 *,
A36372-A36542 titose 2004/11/02 1/20/32/88/91/98 *,
A36543-A37639 sayurin777 2004/11/03 1 *,
A37640-A37687 削除 =,
A37688-A38693 vacuum 2004/11/03 1 *,
A38694-A38948 hana-chan 2004/11/03 1/24 *,
A38949-A39081 rosemary 2004/11/03 1 *,
A39082-A39402 yodai 2004/11/03 1 *,
A39403-A39740 kyorosuke 2004/11/03 1 *,
A39741-A39910 chizuru1031 2004/11/03 1 *,
A39911-A39920 sanx2 2004/11/03 1/192 =,
A39921-A42678 torum 2004/11/04 1 +,
A42679-A42696 ike005 2004/11/04 1 *,
A42697-A42700 xxmomoxx 2004/11/04 1 *,
A42701-A42708 cesia-luminne 2004/11/04 1 *,
A42709-A43509 削除 =,
A43510-A44118 shimataro 2004/11/05 1 *,
A44119-A44423 orange506 2004/11/05 1 *,
A44424-A44655 jamjamjam 2004/11/05 1 *,
A44656-A45295 noro 2004/11/05 1 *,
A45296-A46803 rindo 2004/11/05 1 *,
A46804-A46872 yukiand1 2004/11/05 1 *,
A46873-A46948 sprinkle 2004/11/05 1 *,
A46949-A47596 kkkkkkkkkk 2004/11/06 1 +,
A47597-A47649 kazuya82 2004/11/06 1 *,
A47650-A47776 sunusunu 2004/11/06 1 *,
A47777-A47782 oscar73 2004/11/06 1 *,
A47783-A47847 haru1202 2004/11/06 1 *,
A47848-A48651 削除 =,
A48652-A48721 yuki221 2004/11/07 1 *,
A48722-A48940 yucchi 2004/11/07 1 *,
A48941-A49009 yutatomo 2004/11/07 1 *,
A49010-A49027 削除 =,
A49028-A49600 rinstar 2004/11/08 1 *,
A49601-A50173 rhayakawa 2004/11/08 1 *,
A50174-A51826 hikasan 2004/11/08 1/180 +,
A51827-A51990 corocoro 2004/11/08 1 *,
A51991-A52161 rurupapo 2004/11/08 1 *,
A52162-A52262 sami 2004/11/08 1 *,
A52263-A52266 loveko 2004/11/08 1 *,
A52267-A52267 新規投稿(au at 2004 11/08 16:15) =,
A52268-A52268 新規投稿(bamboo-land at 2004 11/08 18:18) =,
A52269-A52269 新規投稿(arata-tokyo-jp at 2004 11/08 18:35) =,
A52270-A52270 削除 =,
A52271-A52271 新規投稿(titose at 2004 11/08 20:06) =,
A52272-A52528 削除 =,
A52529-A52529 新規投稿(shunpei at 2004 11/08 20:24) =,
A52530-A52530 削除 =,
A52531-A52531 新規投稿(hikasan at 2004 11/08 23:22) =,
A52532-A52532 新規投稿(vega at 2004 11/09 00:30) =,
A52533-A52533 削除 =,
A52534-A53563 tokyoresarch 2004/10/30 1 +,
A53564-A54593 tokyoresarch2 2004/10/30 1 +,
A54594-A55544 削除 =,
A55545-A55545 新規投稿(eruze-mintmamu at 2004 11/09 03:47) =,
A55546-A55548 削除 =,
A55549-A55549 新規投稿(eca at 2004 11/09 11:15) =,
A55550-A55550 新規投稿(bamboo-land at 2004 11/09 13:4) =,
A55551-A55551 新規投稿(arata-tokyo-jp at 2004 11/09 14:12) =,
A55552-A55552 削除 =,
A55553-A55553 新規投稿(au at 2004 11/09 16:01) =,
A55554-A55554 削除 =,
A55555-A55555 新規投稿(flash at 2004 11/09 16:50) =,
A56946-A57294 fufufu7 2004/11/10 1 +,
A57925-A58329 fufufu 2004/11/11 1 +,
A83733-A86166 ewigkeitxx 2004/12/03 1 *,
コメント (0)

0009 00dream00 0sachy 12345 1boy 2005 27 54321 720esnet abasan adadasports ahojuku ai ai-love aikarubari aimy21 aizu-no-atorie-27 akaifue akanezora akeku akeku-w akemu akipapa akki-shonan akkishonan akm2 albatros althjp american-custom angels-egg-07 anonenone anything-else anzu0825 apollo apollorfeuridice appuppu aoe aoi-love aonomori aotaro11 aquamarine0301 arata-tokyo-jp arayu8 asandybeach asuka00 atwill910 au ayaka ayu52 azimut azteca777chiri bamboo-land banksiaelutea barchetta barrier-free1124 be-quiet bellchan benkei beside bihadakirei bihou biscoty blue blue-heart blue-shadow boonyan botanic brezzy bump-alliance buru butanikomaru chanceeclat casablanca catsdr celcelf11 cetace cetu chatnoir cherry109 cherrylove chiko522 chj56790 chjhiro chug collepicch cotton-candy creator-0001 creator-0002 creator-0003 creator-0007 creator-007 crystal3636 crazy-train69 danpatu danpatu21 day107 dewberry desperado diebe dokihoyo doragonfly85 eca eclair eclatinfo ecx78 edensnow edguy eetomo elco ellie emirin emishi emu17 endosapo enmasama3 erika erste917 eruze-mintmamu eve24 fairsan fairyai faith fake1996 fang0925 field-black fimii fiorentinareiko firefly01 flash flower20 francetei freehand2007 fu fu-min fufufu fufufu7 fugaty fuji-san fujit1123 funabin2ikoo funabinikoo funtoharuka george117 georges-angels georges glad grumble habo-purin haha hakkunine hana-chan hana55renge hanano55renge happy390 happyhappy happyporon harmony haro8586 hatahira heesun hibari-neko hibari329 hibisucus hide0929k hidechan hikariko hikasan hiro0918 hiro999 hiroyuki hitomi hk120710 hokuto894yu homoeopathy honeybonbon hope777 hot-chocolate hottyan hbrit778 ibuchan ibucyan iburin iburinjp1 idukonakako iichan ikanago iichan ike-hxg inaget indranet infinia2501 inocen ituka100mile ituki iyoyoshida38481 izanai155 izayoi izumikuns j-wave-sailing jikei ja1hom jack8008 jade-space jakejake jas-39 jas39 jazz7cafe jet00 jetchuu jimihen jin83 jin8t john juana june junpeco justice jyanina00 kadoma1428 kaduki kagegitune kaito kajiyan kakei kame kametu kamuiseito kamujyi kanrakanra kaori kaorusennin kappa kappalove7 karasaifuu karasaifuu2 karen-kika karuikoneko kashi kasiwazin kasiwazin1 kazedayori kazenone kazu kazu-3 keaim kengo khan kigaru kimura kimura--tetsudou kimura-tetsudou kimura-tetsudou24 kimura-tetsudou208 kimura-tetsudou221 kimura-tetsudou28316 kimura-tetsudou30 kimura-tetsudou513 kimura-tetsudou-dayo kimura-railway kimutan kimutan-ganbarou kimutan-y kimutan54 kimutan1126 kimutan2007 kingyo49 kinsuke kintyan kisho-an kishouan kishouan326 kitahotaru kiyoe kiyounokazeyo kjm44402 kkkkkkkkkk knao8873 koguma kokoro kokoro227 kokoro927 komakusa komex kosumosu-kurabu kou-oxana-allen kouki koyama-net ksino34 ksino3456 kumachan kunichanganbare kurena kuretake001 kuroro kurorohome kurosawamio labyrinth lat1c laughdozi laughdozi19 ledporsche leica lennonb2 lennonon lenon lovehime2003 lovelovehamayu loves-you luck7 lucky92san m-aizunokaze-1 m-kikaku-jyouhou m-syokoukai macy madamfam mae1215 maguro37 maikeru majyoneko mame mari67 maria-monika0827 mariachan marine marineblue-bluesky marons martinweb masa masa934 masamim mask masuda901 matsuyu427 matthiolaincana-stock mayachan maziora06 me-kun meeranz megurin422 memory11 michelle michiaki michibell mickey0623 midnight midori11941 mie-ayu mikie mikiharb mimimi mimi-toufu mimitu3 minami minemon minemon1 misa10 misaki mitch mitch-29 miti1935 miy miy3 miyao miyo miyo2 miyo3 miyumiyu0205 miyusanakari miyusanakarin mizukiren-awaodori mollet momizi monzennokozoh moon-love016 moon923jp moonflower moto2529 motozosenya morinosei musical myiyan myiyan2 mystery n-kagaku nagatanosakura nakataako nami171717 namikaze71 namikaze77 nana nana418 nanapi nanapi-may nanapon nanapon418 nanatic nanatic-may nancyan nandemomami naorin nasu-mama nature6000 neko nekomilk1 nekomilk2 nekomilk3 nekotama net-office-takahashi net-works nightmare noa nobu-zemi nojyuku non525 nonnon nonnonon nonnsann noppopc2 noren nori-pee noripee noripee823 o-lala o4o91de9o o0apple0o office101miura oheso oishiine ojisan-in-omoide ojisaninomoide okey okitom ontai75 oogoto orange506 orange-flavor orfe osollemio otelat owo packman-jun papillon-maya paseri-5 pasri patora pearl pearl08 pezun0088 ph801fy pianissimo piastar piccolo-nonbe pika pinkie-comets pinkieboy pinkieboy2 pino pitylove piyo piyoko pjtc plutomix poem pooh potyamaru prince prince007 prince3 princess-eri plutomix ponntanosippo pure pure-2 pure1 purple-dream qwe212 rafaero ranan ransyu red-shade reika-25 reika25 renna-satokawa-love-poet requiem01 rescueparty rika1017 rin rinko ririwan rocket1213 root2 roseab rsdkt ruikalove rulue rumi-nakata ryus-cafe s-pro s231203 saayaholic sachi saeba-room sakamoto sakkun-my-life sakura1205 sakuracchi sakuzou sally-b sam-material samphot samuasura sandy sandybeach sanx2 sanuemon sarasa-sara saria sasaken21 sazanami satake11 sato99 satomi sazare7 seaco-w sen0925 sen1003 sensya3 shaw shimo shinamon shinobine shunpei shworld sidewalk since sinnosuke sinobine sirayuki sizuki skavaty skavaty-tennis-club sky-collepic smile-for-you sora soramimi-usagi soratobukokoro soratobukokoro2 sorohg sorou5 soyokaze spirit1018 ss suamahime suitoyaji sumire-co summer-rabbit support suzu suzuka suzukikun suzum suzume sweet-peach sykt syou88 syounika taichan taichan-mama tajimayoitoko taka taka-love takeo tako takuji-k takuro-tada1123 tama tamayorihime tanken tano-mikkun-nao tanpopo tarotaro tatujinnsp taxi-driver tds1928 tensi001 tentomusi tentow tenyou ter-sky-b teruka3 teruka10 tesi001 tezuka tinako25 tit4tat titose tmrtmr2004 tohhenboku toko tokoyama tokunosima tokyoresarch tokyoresarch2 tokyoyomiurikyojingun tombo tomitayoshiko tomoclub tomoya torum toshinobu toto78to toybox-alpha treason tricksntreats truth-day tsibaga tsubasaurus tuneko-3 tx uma2028 uncle-elvis uppi utasuki vega venice vista voyov w2467 wakuwaku-spirit walk-to-remember watabosi weather webkyoto weltetto wienerwalz windows windswept wood wood73 woodyham x-taku-x xx xxchuchuxx xxkintaxx xxx xxx-s xxxusapyon13xxx y-cosmos0414 yama0008 yamatyan yamada yatcha-s yattyan ym ymir yoiko yokahi yoko yokorystars8897 yoppy1102 yosukomu you--nagi youchan-dayo youchan1951 young-love2 yourary yoursong yozo1124 yozo19550101 yu-ma yuji705 yukiand1 yukie yukilove yukimama yukiusagi0524 yukiusagi898 yume yutaka yutaka1010 yutaka107 yutaka108 yutaka109 yutaka2000 yuyaban zeku zero zero-ty zizi zux375 azteca777chiri the-house-of-pinsuke hiro999 think fake1996 s-pro nana3-x haro8586 suamahime lovely-angels pepechi funi2poring meinx oheso eca kajuen eruze-mintmamu soul ppg darkmaria kakei anything-else angel moto2529 arata-tokyo-jp uppi hide0929k shunpei inocen pata2 04720472 kazuhikoo tarotaro tamayorihime patora snowman noripee miyao mariachan bonbar vie sari ymir maikeru commonplace aliceliddell bamboo-land toshinobu indranet loves-you windswept ayame-love toucke0730 kazu0726 masuda901 wadatetsuo yamano-kumasan sadao yuka0527 pochokimu tsibaga yuriko77 fairlady tokyoresarch2 jade-space suamano-kimochi saria yukinon tano-mikkun-nao momoko0924 momo09241988 hikaru009 aki-kawamura proteus-ibis diebe sincerita funtoharuka tricksntreats osollemio related2004 uiro koharu03 hogehogex yukim kigaru adadasports anonenone aquamarine0301 uma2028 sykt ahoudori7 buru yited sasio ryouma111 asuka00 yuchi turboeri root2 guma1325 tammy kazane navigatoria takuya-street-spirit 1020 yurari tsukuyomi akipapa kuroro machikado au kurumi lady-blue jyanina00 mari67 psychologist sin79 mickey0623 kazeno-omoi ki-chan sidewalk michelle miose momocanele sakuracchi x-taku-x meekigo326 jack8008 titose sayurin777 vacuum hana-chan rosemary yodai kyorosuke chizuru1031 sanx2 torum ike005 xxmomoxx cesia-luminne shimataro orange506 jamjamjam noro rindo yukiand1 sprinkle kkkkkkkkkk kazuya82 sunusunu oscar73 haru1202 yuki221 yucchi yutatomo rinstar rhayakawa hikasan corocoro rurupapo sami loveko tokyoresarch tokyoresarch2 fufufu7 fufufu ewigkeitxx

コメント (12)

00dream00 0sachy 12345 720esnet 847 abasan account33 ahojuku ai-love aikarubari aizu-no-atorie aizu-no-atorie-27 akaifue akeku akemu aki2008 akicyann akkishonan althjp angels-egg-07 aoe aoi-love aotaro11 apollo appletchan arata-tokyo-jp arayu8 architetto arinko3 artclub asaheart9 ashley au aya-akki ayumi36 azteca777chiri barchetta barrier-free1124 bearshouse benkei bigstars bihadakirei black66 boonyan botanic bump-alliance buru butanikomaru canon canon22 casablanca chanceeclat cherry109 cherrylove chiko522 chj56790 chjhiro collepicch coretto60 cosumo8733 crazy-train69 danpatu danpatu1 danpatu2 danpatu21 danpatu22 day107 daytona dewberry dokihoyo earth7777gt eca eclatinfo ecx78 edensnow ellie emi0226 emirin emu17 endosapo enmasama3 erste917 eruze-mintmamu eve24 fairsan faith-aki ferrari fh fimii fiore fiorentinareiko firefly01 flash france7 francetei freehand2007 fu fu-min fufufu7 fuga fugaty fuji-san fujit1123 funabin2ikoo funabinikoo funtoharuka fuuraibou01 george george66 georges georges-angels habo-purin hagemaru haha hakkunine hakuho hana5081 hanami hanano55renge happy390 happyporon hatahira hbrit778 hellokitty hibari-neko hibari329 hibisucus hidechan hikasan hinawa hinoki1027 hiro hiro0918 hiromi39373 hiroyuki hokuto894yu homoeopathy hope777 hot-chocolate hottyan ibuchan ibucyan iburin iburinjp1 iichan ikanago inaget indranet infinia2501 innocent-love ituka100mile iyoyoshida38481 izayoi izumikuns ja1hom jack8008 jakejake jas-39 jas39 jazz7cafe jazzinn5 jesus-heart-church jet00 jetchuu jin8t joseph26 judy1017 june jyanina00 jyeronimo jyo3ysd k-brand kadoma1428 kakei kametu kamuiseito kamujyi kaorusennin kappalove7 karen-kika karuikoneko kashi kasiwazin katukatu kaze kazedayori kazu kengo kinsuke kintyan kirikokko kishouan kitahotaru kiyounokaze200 kiyounokazeyo kizuna kkkkkkkkkk kokoro227 komakusa kosumosu-kurabu kou-oxana-allen ksino34 kumachan kunichanganbare kuretake001 kuretake1 kuroro kururin3131 kyon24 labyrinth laughdozi leica lennonon lotus lovelovehamayu lucien luck7 m-aizunokaze-1 m-kikaku-jyouhou m-syokoukai m-syoukoukai macy madamfam madamu0907 maesan maikeru majyoneko makoto mam-kiss mamineco maria-monika0827 marons masamim mask matsuyu427 maziora06 mazioramaziora me-kun meeranz megu megurin422 memory11 michiaki michibell midnight midnightcoffee midori11941 mie-ayu miki-george mikie mikiharb milky milky1117 mimi-toufu mimimi mimitu3 minami misa10 misaki misonoen miti1935 miyao miyo3 miyumiyu0205 miyusanakari miyusanakarin moe momizi monju59 monzennokozoh moon923jp moonrabbit morinosei motozosenya myiyan myiyan2 mystery n-kagaku nagatano nagatanosakura naka-27 nakayosi-5 namikaze77 nana1026 nana418 nanakamada nanapon418 nanatic-may nancyan nandemomami naorin nature6000 nekomilk1 nekomilk3 nekotama net-office-takahashi net-works nobu-zemi nonnonon nonnsann noppopc noren nori-pee noripee noripee823 o-lala office101miura oheso oishiine ojisan-in-omoide ojisaninomoide okitom ontai75 oogoto orfe osollemio otelat owo packman-jun papillon papillon-maya paseri-5 patora pchan pearl pearl08 ph801fy pianissimo piastar piccolo-nonbe pitylove piyo pizagu plants plutomix pooh potyamaru princess-eri pure1 purin purintyan rafaero ramu ransyu rapit77 red-shade reika-25 rescueparty rin rinko rsdkt ruikalove ryus-cafe s-pro s231203 saayaholic sachi saeba-room saikourin3 sakamoto sakanakun sakkun-my-life sakura06 sakura1205 sakurako sakuzou samphot samuasura sandy sandybeach sanuemon sanx2 sasaken21 satake11 sato99 satomi sayuri-hoshino sazare7 secret seisaizakaya sen1003 sepia serious shaw shien shin2008 shinamon shion shizu-thai shunpei shworld shymoon sin3 since singyouji sinobine sirayuki sky-collepic smile-for-you snow soramimi-usagi sorou5 spirit1018 st3401 suamahime suitoyaji sumire1003 sunoobo suzuka sykt syota syoumei taichan tajimayoitoko tak777 takashimtjp takeo takuro-tada1123 takuro1123 tanken tanpopo tarotaro tatujinnsp taxi-driver tds0213 tds1928 tensi001 tentow tenyou ter-sky-b teruka3 tiko titose tk77 tmaki33 tmrtmr2004 tohhenboku toko tokunosima tokunosima1 tokyoresarch tomitayoshiko torum tozi2007 tricksntreats truth-day tuneko-3 tyako0712 uchaucha uncle-elvis usuyukisou utasuki voyov w246 walk-to-remember webkyoto weltetto white-moon white-rabbit wienerwalz woodyham xx xxkintaxx xxx xxx-s xxxusapyon13xxx y-cosmos0414 yama0008 yama1046 yamada yamakusa yamatyan yasuko-111 yatcha-s yattyan yoiko yokorystars8897 yoppi yoppi2 yoppy1102 youchan1951 younagi young-love2 yozo1124 yu-ma yuji705 yukie yukimama yukiusagi898 yume yutaka2000 yuyaban zero-ty zizi zuiun
281105 aa6mmtc acsys adamo88 aika aiko0407 ajisai akanesizuka aki911 akinohana-303 akiom2007 akiom2008 akki-shonan anzusmaplove aoeiu aoepapa arichang asa202 astic astro asuhahare asuka ayagosse ayan2002 ayumi50 banchooh baysidebar bbbebe1970 beautyram bell bit4096 biwanoki1 bluerose1212 bluewing910 bon23 bugen0303 chancebloom chewinggumweekend chiena chimaman chirarin cosumo2004 countryyumemi cutestyle cyari24 dattarakorededouda divarei donbey dune925 ekosan3 erieri espresso faith fimiis fish819 flower3186 flower77 freedom funabin funabin2 funabin3 george2 ginmomoaq grumble gymnastics-number1 hachipochi hadame hamasan49 hana1212 hanahana hanakutyo hanami3 hanami7 hanamizuki12 hanano55rengesou happyshizuka harada133 hareotoko haruka hid07468 hidechin hideko7 hiibisukasu hiroe hironobu huuraibou ichigo0206 iina iityan ike-b index inhabit iwatekougen j-wave-sailing jetli jikei jingmei jn4246 john jr3xhk juwels k-lemon kaigancafe karayan karuikoneko1 kasaburanka13 kaseguma kazenone kazu33 keaim keaim2 keiji1208 keiko5144 keisukexx99 keityan kenmat kiko kimura kimura-testudou221 kimura-tetsudou0207 kimura-tetsudou2 kimutan kimutan54 kisino34 kiui3 kn24zuka kobamebaru kohaku kojin-taxi505 kokorokirari kotora kotora888 kotorin kouichi3 kunichan415ganbare kuroneko3 kurorohome kyohei kyon2k kyootoko lat1c lemon3000 lifting111 little-aki lllsayulll lupinchen m4649k maamade magatama-43 majyonekojiji mamiko manachans mangorou marii marron2002 maruchin marunyan masa934 mask2006 memory7 merodye mimi001 mitu5125 miyabi55 miyo731 miyochan726 mizuki-secret mizushima monti3488 moonluna1129 morinose mrsyouji msyamada mtvil murasaki2nd myimyi mysjn myutin naito19 naka27 nakayosi-2 nami1717 namikaze nanachan natsuko3 nemochin ninnin961 nyandaro okappy4820 okasinoie onnji palmier paseri55 patochan pekopuko piano picoris pinkie-comets pinkieboy pinkieboy2 pnishi popo525 pure-2 quaint ramucuri renaishika renge79 reocchi02 rika827 riyona roswell rufuli777 rulue ryousan sachinaoki saionziyukiko sakura1205jp sakura4649 sana3713 sana37kazu13 sanaetyan sanpeiy sbankin12 searat seiemon2324 shera912 shun shuwjin444 siamese sikura simpleanzustay sky1991 smilelove snake05 soyokaze stella5000 summer-rabbit support syou88 t5kem9 taigaa taiyou1 takkyoyaji takosuke00 takumayuri takumindisco tanton tcam tds15002w temmye tenka todo2345 tokyoyomiurikyojingun tom1944 tomoclub toriisanta torutotto toshimaro totonoheya totoro totoro2007 trashup tsuyaka tuneko ukimama umikazeboy unkokusaiyon usapyon vaiosqare venus vista warugakimama wood wood73 x-nao-x y302841690000 yamaboushi77 yamac002 yamahati yamaneko1124 yanocchi39 yashamaru yasuko112 you---nagi yoursong3721 yuhoh yukiusagi0524 yusuke yutaka108 yutan70 yuuko3a zero001 zidaiya
コメント (1)

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bs("a","mikiharb(958) yoppy1102(35) morinosei(1167) oogoto(604) francetei(359) motozosenya(228) iichan(90) hibisucus(261) ");
bs("a","akicyann(949) sepianet(212) moonlightcafe(19) soleil(64) meeranz(470) ");
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bs("a","kakei(1287) sakuzou(269) y-cosmos0414(12) reikamama(22) ");

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bs("c","haha(5) hanano55renge(536) hellokitty(14) hibari329(56) ");
bs("c","kunichanganbare(171) kyon24(75) ");
bs("c","labyrinth(141) laughdozi(115) ");
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bs("c","uma2008(72) uncle-elvis(39) usuyukisou(77) ");
bs("c","w246(6) walk-to-remember(4) weltetto(33) wienerwalz(603) woodyham(1) ");
bs("c","xxkintaxx(367) xxx-s(1) ");
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.targetForm { padding:.5em; color:darkgreen; }
<$$div id="sysDisp">
<$$div id="sys2">
<form action="/home/nancyan/main.html" method="get" id="userForm">
<$$div class="logo">
<$$div class="logo_title"><$$a href="main.html?no=103">Eclat Diary<$$/a> 3.0.1<$$/div>
<$$span><$$a href="#" id="calenUri">Fx.uri<$$/a><$$/span> |
<$$span><$$a href="#" id="userUri" target="_blank">User.uri<$$/a> <$$/span>
<$$div class="inp" >
<input type="hidden" name="no" value="103" />
* <input type="text" size="12" name="user" /><input type="submit" value="取得" />
<form name="targetForm" class="targetForm">
<$$b>■target<$$/b> <input name="s1" type="radio" checked="checked" onclick="targetFormEntry(0)" />_self
<input name="s1" type="radio" onclick="targetFormEntry(1)" />_blank
<$$div id="modeDisp">
<$$div class="msg">
<$$div class="info">■リンクについて<$$/div>
<$$div> エクラの会員のリンク(IDの箇所)は全て<$$b>#105<$$/b>を通して汎用掲示板で表示しますので足跡は残りません。また、開いた先のページ内リンクも同様に全て<$$b>#105<$$/b>を通しています。<$$/div>
<$$div class="info">■*印について<$$/div>
<$$div> リンクの末尾に<$$span class="s403">*<$$/span>印のあるものは403規制されていて一部のホストからは閲覧できません。私の環境では規制されていますので携帯のjig9から閲覧しています。<$$/div>
<$$div id="sys21">
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">只今作成中です<$$/div>
<$$div class="msg_m"> 最初は小さな切っ掛けでした。エクラのメンバーの中の一人が集中スパム投稿の被害にあって、それを調べたのが始まりでした。私は全ての掲示板に目を通しました。最初はスパムを見付けるだけのものでした。でも読み進めて行くうちに興味が沸いたのです。日記も書かないし、足跡も何処にも残していないのに掲示板だけ動いてる。。とっても微笑ましいものでした。その2人をずーと温かい目で見守っていたい。<$$/div>
<$$div id="sys1">
<$$div id="sys11">
<$$div id="bbsMsg">
<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki_hakui.jpg" alt="" width="192" height="96" align="left" />
 <$$a class="top_logo" href="main.html?no=156">#156 eclat cyber city<$$br />
  ~みんなの掲示板~<$$/a><$$br />
<$$br />
 ※もう少しで完成します(^-^y<$$br />

<$$br clear="left" />
<$$div id="sys11Main">
■クラスS:<$$span id="sCNT"><$$/span>名 毎日更新されている掲示板(ふたりの言葉の箱)
<ul id="list_s"></ul>
■クラスA:<$$span id="aCNT">0<$$/span>名 活動している掲示板
<ul id="list_a"></ul>
■クラスB:<$$span id="bCNT">0<$$/span>名 日記・メモ帳として利用している掲示板
<ul id="list_b"></ul>
■クラスC:<$$span id="cCNT">0<$$/span>名 停滞中の掲示板
<ul id="list_c"></ul>
■クラスD:<$$span id="dCNT">0<$$/span>名 記事がゼロの掲示板
<ul id="list_d"></ul>
<ul id="list_e">
<li><$$a href="/home/nancyan/main.html?no=105&user=arata-tokyo-jp">arata-tokyo-jp<$$/a><$$span class="tips">(メニュー非公開)<$$/span><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=arata-tokyo-jp&page=14#bbs_no273">P14-No.273 2006/06/09<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=arata-tokyo-jp&page=62#bbs_no1224">P62-No.1224 2009/08/29<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=fairsan">fairsan<$$/a><$$span class="tips">(メニュー非公開)<$$/span><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=fairsan&page=61#bbs_no1213">P61-No.1213 2006/07/22<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=fairsan&page=74#bbs_no1469">P74-No.1469 2009/08/10<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=flash">flash<$$/a><$$span class="tips">(メニュー非公開)<$$/span><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=flash&page=7#bbs_no135">P7-No.135 2006/05/17<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=flash&page=57#bbs_no1128">P57-No.1128 2009/08/10<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=oheso">oheso<$$/a><$$span class="tips">(メニュー非公開)<$$/span><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=oheso&page=11#bbs_no217">P11-No.217 2007/07/30<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=oheso&page=16#bbs_no300">P16-No.300 2009/08/10<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=rescueparty">rescueparty<$$/a> <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=rescueparty&page=5#bbs_no98">P5-No.98 2007/10/23<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=rescueparty&page=8#bbs_no140">P8-No.140 2009/08/10<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=shaw">shaw<$$/a><$$span class="tips">(メニュー非公開)<$$/span><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=shaw&page=1#bbs_no7">P1-No.7 2007/11/03<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=shaw&page=90#bbs_no1789">P90-No.1789 2009/07/10<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=titose">titose<$$/a> <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=titose&page=40#bbs_no792">P40-No.792 2007/10/23<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=titose&page=42#bbs_no820">P42-No.820 2009/08/10<$$/a></li>
<ul id="list_f">
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=rafaero">rafaero<$$/a> <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=rafaero&page=17#bbs_no320">P17-320 2007/08/26<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=rafaero&page=78#bbs_no1542">P78-No.1542 2009/08/28<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=serious">serious<$$/a><$$span class="tips">(メニュー非公開)<$$/span><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=serious&page=3#bbs_no51">P3-No.51 2009/03/15<$$/a> ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=serious&page=16#bbs_no305">P16-No.305 2009/08/29<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=myiyan2">myiyan2(265)<$$/a> <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=myiyan2&page=14#bbs_no267">P14-No.267 2009/08/18 ~ <$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=myiyan2&page=14#bbs_no270">P14-No.270 2009/08/26<$$/a></li>
<li><$$a href="main.html?no=105&user=s-pro">s-pro(842)<$$/a> No.842<$$span class="tips">(分類保留)<$$/span></li>
<ul id="list_g">
<li>pizagu ruiklove nanasyo appletchan</li>
document.title = "みんなの掲示板";
コメント (0)

es = function(s) { return s.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""); };
sp = function(s) { return s + " "; };
ar = function(s) { return Fid("T" + s).value; };
as = function(s) { return sp(ar(s)); };
fooError = function(){
Fid("T4").value += sp(Fx.u);

foo = function(){
var s = Fx.str.replace(/\r?\n/g, ""), f = "",fn = 4;
Fri = Freq();
Fri.open("get", "/home/" + Fx.u + "/friends.html", false);
var s1 = s + Fri.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
s1.replace(/"\/home\/([\w\-]+)\//g, function(e0,e1){
if((" " + as(1) + as(2) + as(3) + as(4) + sp(Fx.u) + sp(f)).indexOf(sp(" " + e1)) == -1){
f += sp(e1);
fn = 3;
return "";
Fid("T2").value += f;
Fid("T" + fn).value += sp(Fx.u);
setTimeout("Fx.act()", 50);

Fx.act = function(){
if(es(ar(1)) == ""){
Fid("T1").value = ar(2);
Fid("T2").value = "";
Fid("F2").value = Number(Fid("F2").value) + 1;
var a = es(ar(1));
if(a == ""){
} else {
Fx.u = RegExp.$1;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=" + Fx.u;
Fid("T1").value = a.replace(/^[\w\-]+\s*/, "");
Fid("F1").value = Fx.u;
for(var i = 1; i < 5; i++){
a = es(ar(i));
Fid("S" + i).value = a == "" ? 0 : es(ar(i)).split(" ").length;
if(Fx.sleep) Fget();
subSort = function(o){
var obj = Fid(o);
var a = es(obj.value).split(" ");
obj.value = a.join(" ");

subEnd = function(){
Fid("F1").value = "";
Lo.me = function(){
var s = Fx.dec(key(Re.me.responseText, "list"));
var o = s.match(/A\d+\,([\w\-]+)/g);
Fid("T2").value += " " + o.join(" ").replace(/A\d+\,/g, "");
Fid("S2").value = Fid("T2").value.split(" ").length + 1;
if(mem2CNT < 8) mem2();

mem2 = function(){
if(mem2CNT > 7){
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=" + (mem2CNT + 146441), "me");

entry = function(){
Fx.sleep = true;
Fid("T1").value = Fid("T3").value = Fid("T4").value = "";
if(Fid("T2").value == "") Fid("T2").value = "nancyan";
Fid("F2").value = 0;

<$$div class="info">
<$$a href="main.html?no=155">ID取得ツールVer3.0(log + friends)<$$/a>
<form name="Fxform">
<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="1"><tbody><tr><td>
<$$img hamu1 align="left"/>
FriendsのページからユーザーIDを捜し歩きます。<$$br />
<input type="button" value="取得開始" onclick="entry()" />
<input type="button" value="停止" onclick="Fx.sleep = false;" />
<input type="button" value="再開" onclick="Fx.sleep = true; Fget();" /> 取得レベル:
<input id="F2" size="4" value="0" />※階層
<input type="button" value="移行会員をリストに追加" onclick="mem2()" />
<tr><td class="d1">エントリー:<input id="S1" size="4" value="0" />人 ※検証待ち 検証中:
<input id="F1" size="20" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T1"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="d1">抽出リスト:<input id="S2" size="4" value="1" />人 ※エントリー待ち</td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T2">nancyan<$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="d1">有効リスト:<$$input id="S3" size="4" value="0" />人 ※検証済み</td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T3"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="d1">無効リスト:<input id="S4" size="4" value="0" />人 ※退会されています。</td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T4"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<$$br /><$$br />
table { width:80%; background-color:#ffefff; margin-left:10%;}
td.d1 { background-color:#eee; }
textarea {width:100%; height:4em; }
div.info { font-size:13pt; text-align:center;
font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:1em;

mem2CNT = 0;
Fx.ent = foo;
Fx.err = fooError;
document.title = "ID取得ルーチンVer3.0";
コメント (0)

コメント (0)



A56946-A57294,fufufu7 2004/11/10 1,+,2004 09/17,349,1246,506
A57925-A58329,fufufu 2004/11/11 1,+,2004 11/09,405,787,982
A58330-A59485,karasaifuu2 2004/11/11 1/6/16/17/19/25/29/35/41/47/50/104/105/110/120/133/149/155/156/158,+,2005 03/21,1217,1193,1008
A65232-A65244,rescueparty 2004/11/13 1,+,2005 05/16,22,17684,117
A66002-A66350,fu 2004/11/14 1,+,2004 11/14,350,1287,498
A68132-A68334,michiaki 2004/11/16 1,+,2004 12/08,204,1735,223
A69329-A69737,matsuyu427 2004/11/27 1,+,2008 11/16,1423,4185,705
A83733-A86166,ewigkeitxx 2004/12/03 1,*,2004 11/22,2434,1,1019
A86475-A87263,yoursong 2004/12/04 1,+,2007 10/05,790,853,1
A93343-A93745,yoko 2004/12/07 1,+,2004 10/14,403,91,1021
A93801-A94368,kazedayori 2004/12/08 1/118/138/139/140/144/141/142/143/144/150/230,+,2008 11/29,837,5388,1006
A96308-A96399,nonnsann 2004/12/09 1,+,2007 10/16,215,3387,114
A103028-A104482,truth-day 2004/12/20 1,+,2004 07/28,1455,509,164
A104501-A104584,anzu0825 2004/12/21 2,+,2004 09/01,84,51,3
A106847-A106850,bump-alliance 2004/12/28 1,+,2005 03/10,13,1809,208
A107817-A108270,fairsan 2004/12/31 1/115/116,+,2007 10/22,490,3392,1375
A112382-A112513,boonyan 2005/02/19 1/234/236/471/488/506/531/556,+,2008 11/30,439,12864,822
A116180-A116446,sinobine 2005/06/20 1,+,2004 10/01,267,196,999
A123356-A124078,hope777 2007/10/16 1/309,+,2008 11/25,1008,5067,256
A124089-A124197,luck7 2007/11/17 1,+,2008 11/30,416,5384,106
A124680-A126357,ai-love 2007/11/20 1,+,2008 11/11,1751,38838,1119
A126360-A126509,funabinikoo 2007/11/20 1,+,2008 11/29,470,118369,2054
A126510-A126542,taichan 2007/11/20 1/366,+,2008 11/24,40,11091,256
A126545-A126547,ryus-cafe 2007/11/20 1/242/383,+,2008 05/16,14,9605,42
A126557-A126618,tajimayoitoko 2007/11/21 1/248/434/536,+,2008 10/22,131,38553,274
A126645-A126691,funabin2ikoo 2007/11/22 1,+,2008 11/29,144,63970,626
A127624-A127758,kadoma1428 2007/11/28 1,+,2008 11/29,804,41699,27
A127997-A128334,aoe 2007/11/28 1,+,2008 11/29,634,27985,146
A129864-A130187,akicyann 2007/12/01 1,+,2008 09/10,337,6581,748
A130686-A130758,mikiharb 2007/12/02 1/513/523/580,+,2008 11/27,362,20100,810
A131023-A131042,yu-ma 2007/12/03 1,+,2009 01/18,487,22202,396
A133023-A133037,namikaze77 2007/12/08 1,+,2008 12/11,105,21345,558
A133953-A134999,pchan 2007/12/10 1,+,2007 09/28,1047,5495,1008
A136209-A136219,sanae35013 2007/12/13 1,+,2007 11/20,11,0,103
A136776-A136830,freehand2007 2007/12/16 1/2/321/328/335/344/441/487/539,+,2008 12/28,356,4152,4312/
A137165-A137223,voyov 2007/12/21 1/329/331/357,+,2008 11/29,536,5732,2
・2009 01/18 sanae35013さん、yu-maさん追加。
・2009 01/02 namikaze77さん追加。
・2008 12/28 freehand2007さん追加。
コメント (1)

#145 移行会員名簿ページ7


A49028-A49600,rinstar 2004/11/08 1,*,2004 10/08,573,3,1021
A49601-A50173,rhayakawa 2004/11/08 1,*,2004 10/08,573,4,1021
A50174-A51826,hikasan 2004/11/08 1/180,+,2008 11/28,3091,12401,305
A51827-A51990,corocoro 2004/11/08 1,*,2004 10/31,164,39,1015
A51991-A52161,rurupapo 2004/11/08 1,*,2003 12/31,171,2,480
A52162-A52262,sami 2004/11/08 1,*,2004 11/07,101,79,150
A52263-A52266,loveko 2004/11/08 1,*,2004 08/31,4,3,9
A52267,新規投稿(au at 2004 11/08 16:15),=
A52268,新規投稿(bamboo-land at 2004 11/08 18:18),=
A52269,新規投稿(arata-tokyo-jp at 2004 11/08 18:35),=
A52271,新規投稿(titose at 2004 11/08 20:06),=
A52529,新規投稿(shunpei at 2004 11/08 20:24),=
A52531,新規投稿(hikasan at 2004 11/08 23:22),=
A52532,新規投稿(vega at 2004 11/09 00:30),=
A52534-A53563,tokyoresarch 2004/10/30 1,+,2008 11/28,2533,4131,68
A53564-A54593,tokyoresarch2 2004/10/30 1,+,2004 10/30,1747,25,68
A55545,新規投稿(eruze-mintmamu at 2004 11/09 03:47),=
A55549,新規投稿(eca at 2004 11/09 11:15),=
A55550,新規投稿(bamboo-land at 2004 11/09 13:4),=
A55551,新規投稿(arata-tokyo-jp at 2004 11/09 14:12),=
A55553,新規投稿(au at 2004 11/09 16:01),=
A55555,新規投稿(flash at 2004 11/09 16:50),=
コメント (0)



A36543-A37639,sayurin777 2004/11/03 1,*,2004 10/22 08:28,1097,49,1021
A37688-A38693,vacuum 2004/11/03 1,*,2004 08/20 06:37,1006,19,1021
A38694-A38948,hana-chan 2004/11/03 1/24,*,2004 11/14 04:28,256,656,720
A38949-A39081,rosemary 2004/11/03 1,*,2004 09/24 17:01,133,17,3
A39082-A39402,yodai 2004/11/03 1,*,2004 11/01 19:28,321,4,1021
A39403-A39740,kyorosuke 2004/11/03 1,*,2004 11/03 19:13,338,40,460
A39741-A39910,chizuru1031 2004/11/03 1,*,2004 10/31 15:02,170,11,193
A39911-A39920,sanx2 2004/11/03 1/192,+,2006 01/20 08:01,17,1466,27
A39921-A42678,torum 2004/11/04 1,+,2008 11/22 01:35,4244,34935,1276
A42679-A42696,ike005 2004/11/04 1,*,2004 07/19 13:05,18,11,1
A42697-A42700,xxmomoxx 2004/11/04 1,*,2004 08/31 15:36,4,6,9
A42701-A42708,cesia-luminne 2004/11/04 1,*,2002 07/28 17:06,8,6,32
A43510-A44118,shimataro 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 10/08 03:26,609,8,1021
A44119-A44423,orange506 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 10/30 20:11,305,174,904
A44424-A44655,jamjamjam 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 10/24 17:16,232,4,1001
A44656-A45295,noro 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 11/05 12:31,640,12,419
A45296-A46803,rindo 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 09/24 00:22,1508,6,1021
A46804-A46872,yukiand1 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 11/03 13:37,69,79,584
A46873-A46948,sprinkle 2004/11/05 1,*,2004 09/18 01:04,76,7,1
A46949-A47596,kkkkkkkkkk 2004/11/06 1,+,2004 10/23 16:54,647,355,374
A47597-A47649,kazuya82 2004/11/06 1,*,2004 11/03 20:31,53,5,12
A47650-A47776,sunusunu 2004/11/06 1,*,2004 07/20 14:29,127,32,556
A47777-A47782,oscar73 2004/11/06 1,*,2004 11/06 22:37,6,5,51
A47783-A47847,haru1202 2004/11/06 1,*,2004 10/23 21:06,65,18,356
A48652-A48721,yuki221 2004/11/07 1,*,2004 09/20 21:26,70,26,173
A48722-A48940,yucchi 2004/11/07 1,*,2004 10/26 14:28,219,7,1021
A48941-A49009,yutatomo 2004/11/07 1,*,2004 11/09 20:05,70,159,587
コメント (0)



A30923-A31143,kazane 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 09/12 20:39,221,4,1021
A31144-A31373,navigatoria 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 09/01 00:00,230,16,190
A31374-A31788,takuya-street-spirit 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/31 03:46,415,75,260
A31789-A31921,1020 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 11/01 01:48,133,13,939
A31922-A31977,yurari 2004/11/01 1,*,2005 03/01 02:24,57,12,2
A33328-A33596,tsukuyomi 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/31 04:57,269,31,438
A33597-A33789,akipapa 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/22 16:59,193,179,34
A33790-A33791,kuroro 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 12/11 17:47,3,1172,24
A33792-A33865,machikado 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/30 18:31,74,18,101
A33866-A33887,au 2004/11/01 1/5/98/151/171,*,2005 11/16 23:25,78,6256,238
A33888-A33959,kurumi 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/22 02:25,72,23,255
A33960-A33965,lady-blue 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/30 16:00,6,14,18
A33972-A33972,jyanina00 2004/11/01 1,*,2008 04/05 09:33,2,2444,12
A33974-A34014,mari67 2004/11/01 1,*,2001 10/08 05:48,41,220,642
A34015-A34196,psychologist 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/31 19:31,182,39,8
A34197-A34417,sin79 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 11/01 20:47,221,5,101521
A34418-A34472,mickey0623 2004/11/01 1/119,*,2005 08/18 22:04,58,3374,45
A34473-A34655,kazeno-omoi 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 10/11 02:32,183,46,60
A34656-A34757,ki-chan 2004/11/01 1,*,2004 09/21 20:01,102,22,1013
A34758-A35014,sidewalk 2004/11/02 1,*,2004 10/29 22:47,257,146,10
A35015-A35373,michelle 2004/11/02 1/36/37/196/232,*,2008 02/14 19:09,430,1982,562
A35374-A35410,miose 2004/11/02 1,*,2004 09/27 21:06,37,10,349
A35411-A35872,momocanele 2004/11/02 1,*,2004 08/10 16:33,462,59,567
A35882-A35897,sakuracchi 2004/11/02 1,*,2004 07/23 09:40,16,234,263
A35898-A35908,x-taku-x 2004/11/02 1,*,2003 05/21 23:35,11,12622,1112
A35909-A36158,meekigo326 2004/11/02 1,*,2004 10/29 23:03,250,12,164
A36159-A36371,jack8008 2004/11/02 1/210,*,2006 07/10 22:44,218,1060,427
A36372-A36542,titose 2004/11/02 1/20/32/88/91/98,*,2006 07/05 22:19,235,4361,796
コメント (0)



A23885-A23890,proteus-ibis 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 09/25 01:40,6,12,5
A23891-A24204,diebe 2004/10/31 1,*,2005 06/09 23:31,373,978,757
A24205-A24225,sincerita 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 09/28 03:55,21,5,202
A24226-A24242,funtoharuka 2004/10/31 83/84/85/86/87/102,*,2005 01/01 07:16,23,702,1
A24243-A24294,tricksntreats 2004/10/31 84,*,2004 10/24 18:17,52,1394,7
A24295-A24334,osollemio 2004/10/31 84/85,*,2004 10/10 17:56,40,785,7
A24335-A24409,related2004 2004/10/31 1/84/86,*,2004 10/30 18:34,75,28,1
A24410-A24480,uiro 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 01/22 00:04,71,10,61
A24481-A24699,koharu03 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/30 23:55,219,26,928
A24700-A24702,hogehogex 2004/10/31 83/84,*,2004 10/08 12:02,3,20,1
A24703-A24705,yukim 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/08 12:02,3,21,1
A24706-A24708,kigaru 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 09/22 12:20,3,129,33
A24709-A24773,adadasports 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/30 15:29,65,79,613
A24774-A25740,anonenone 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/31 10:29,967,92,1021
A25741-A26073,aquamarine0301 2004/10/31 1/99/103,*,2005 02/21 23:34,350,707,1
A26074-A26076,uma2028 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/03 10:58,3,120,31
A26077-A26255,sykt 2004/10/31 1,*,2005 10/06 05:18,182,7015,612
A26256-A26856,ahoudori7 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/14 15:18,601,5,1021
A26857-A26983,buru 2004/10/31 1/14,*,2008 10/26 15:53,188,9204,622
A26984-A27405,yited 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 09/30 02:51,422,82,1
A27406-A27687,sasio 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/30 11:30,282,5,10
A27688-A27688,ryouma111 2004/10/31 1,*,2003 06/02 18:57,1,5,39
A27689-A27814,asuka00 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/07 01:21,126,2065,1017
A27815-A28033,yuchi 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/26 14:28,219,10,1021
A28034-A30491,turboeri 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/31 13:20,2458,8,1021
A30492-A30504,root2 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 07/15 00:26,13,324,337
A30505-A30687,guma1325 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/11 02:32,183,41,60
A30688-A30922,tammy 2004/10/31 1,*,2004 10/07 21:40,235,66,1021
コメント (0)



A17013-A17014,masuda901 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 09/06 18:48,2,277,4
A18481-A18636,wadatetsuo 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/28 08:41,156,6,33
A18637-A18756,yamano-kumasan 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/17 19:26,120,22,427
A18757-A18907,sadao 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/30 10:33,151,23,365
A18908-A18933,yuka0527 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 04/30 21:23,26,13,30
A18934-A19262,pochokimu 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/07 08:01,329,4,33
A19263-A19308,tsibaga 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 09/12 08:33,46,286,1021
A19309-A19311,yuriko77 2004/10/30 1,*,2002 08/01 12:38,3,8,77
A19312-A19763,fairlady 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/29 20:31,452,97,1021
A19764-A20480,tokyoresarch2 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/30 09:39,1747,25,68
A20481-A20585,jade-space 2004/10/30 1,*,2005 03/19 02:46,118,787,66
A20609-A20684,suamano-kimochi 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/30 15:30,76,23,1
A20685-A20752,saria 2004/10/30 1,*,2001 03/12 12:57,68,141,1021
A20753-A21813,yukinon 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/30 17:11,1061,4,438
A21814-A22025,tano-mikkun-nao 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 12/16 18:02,222,661,138
A22026-A22187,momoko0924 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/10 09:15,162,3,437
A22188-A22349,momo09241988 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/10 09:15,162,5,437
A22350-A22747,hikaru009 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/29 04:47,398,28,48
A22748-A23884,aki-kawamura 2004/10/30 1,*,2004 10/18 01:53,1137,8,1021
コメント (0)



A10639-A10694,tarotaro 2004/10/29 1,+,2006 05/16 23:38,156,2452,39
A10695-A11448,tamayorihime 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 12/06 01:57,759,170,1022
A11459-A11493,patora 2004/10/29 1,+,2004 07/23 18:22,35,6346,1037
A11500-A11735,snowman 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 10/20 19:33,236,10,86
A11736-A12023,noripee 2004/10/29 1,+,2004 10/04 23:29,288,244,1021
A12024-A12182,miyao 2004/10/29 1,+,2004 09/15 23:23,159,242,239
A12183-A12474,mariachan 2004/10/29 1/187/216,*,2007 03/12 15:30,300,1008,1023
A12475-A12486,bonbar 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 05/01 14:38,12,9,76
A12487-A12497,vie 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 09/12 11:23,11,39,507
A12498-A12571,sari 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 10/21 18:27,74,24,721
A12572-A12683,ymir 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 09/27 16:21,112,126,157
A12684-A13574,maikeru 2004/10/29 1/56/185/183/194/234/264/606,+,2008 11/25 01:15,1312,10738,1244
A13575-A13683,commonplace 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 10/24 20:58,109,19,1
A13684-A14866,aliceliddell 2004/10/29 1,*,2003 07/04 07:59,1183,46,1021
A14867-A15003,bamboo-land 2004/10/29 1/111,*,2005 07/08 00:52,165,1626,233
A15004-A15016,toshinobu 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 06/05 22:50,13,476,7
A15017-A15018,indranet 2004/10/29 1/243/277,+,2007 12/18 22:32,6,2215,13
A15019-A15962,loves-you 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 10/29 22:02,944,30,346
A15963-A16599,windswept 2004/10/29 1/212/213/218,*,2008 10/16 05:19,955,3264,15
A16600-A16618,ayame-love 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 10/29 21:32,19,16,41
A16619-A16847,toucke0730 2004/10/29 1,*,2004 10/29 23:08,229,11,817
A16848-A17012,kazu0726 2004/10/29 1,*,2003 04/30 21:08,165,525,1022
コメント (0)



A5-A526,azteca777chiri 2004/10/26 1/61/74/75/76/78/112/131/134/173,+,2008 08/21 20:06,644,12509,1031
A1180-A1750,the-house-of-pinsuke 2004/10/26 1,*,2004 08/27 23:36,571,30,475
A1751-A2206,hiro999 2004/10/26 1,*,2004 09/30 11:14,456,145,1003
A2207-A2342,think 2004/10/26 1,*,2004 10/25 18:01,136,46,15
A2343-A2652,fake1996 2004/10/27 1,*,2004 10/27 00:15,310,265,273
A2653-A2811,s-pro 2004/10/27 1/12/13,+,2008 01/22 15:31,156,13376,404
A2812-A2815,nana3-x 2004/10/27 1,*,2005 03/22 13:44,5,55,58
A2816-A3285,haro8586 2004/10/27 1,*,2004 11/17 22:42,472,1632,876
A3286-A3362,suamahime 2004/10/27 1/18/592,+,2008 07/09 14:51,94,7250,11
A3363-A3382,lovely-angels 2004/10/27 1,*,2004 07/23 19:00,20,18,1
A3383-A3414,pepechi 2004/10/27 1,*,2004 10/27 11:57,32,9,1
A3415-A3573,funi2poring 2004/10/27 1,*,2004 10/27 18:03,159,42,71
A3574-A3684,meinx 2004/10/27 1,*,2003 01/10 01:13,111,100,150
A3685-A3763,oheso 2004/10/27 1/70/71/72/95/96/101/107/108/165/188,+,2007 02/10 17:56,147,5435,277
A3764-A3940,eca 2004/10/28 1/106/164/226,*,2007 02/09 07:58,318,4522,99
A3971-A3977,kajuen 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/25 02:14,7,18,9
A3978-A4724,eruze-mintmamu 2004/10/28 1/22/48/94/100/142/143/588,+,2008 09/08 11:47,776,4949,145
A4725-A5025,soul 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/28 11:40,301,7,324
A5026-A5872,ppg 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/27 17:36,847,6,1011
A5873-A5875,darkmaria 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 07/12 06:01,3,10,2
A5876-A7533,kakei 2004/10/28 1/5/33/117/184/253,+,2008 10/15 23:57,2208,16386,1260
A7534-A7640,anything-else 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 09/10 19:42,107,151,373
A7641-A8163,angel 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/28 01:57,523,55,114
A8164-A8312,moto2529 2004/10/28 1,+,2004 05/03 12:54,149,145,1004
A8313-A8352,arata-tokyo-jp 2004/10/28 1/6,+,2004 12/19 04:32,43,1230,1140
A8353-A8436,uppi 2004/10/28 1,*,2001 07/16 01:39,84,180,487
A8473-A8607,hide0929k 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/25 14:49,135,146,70
A8608-A8998,shunpei 2004/10/28 1/98,+,2008 11/01 21:22,591,5718,98
A8999-A8999,inocen 2004/10/28 1,*,2003 12/15 06:18,1,112,1
A9000-A9952,pata2 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/21 00:29,953,9,528
A9953-A10295,04720472 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/27 21:36,343,9,1021
A10296-A10638,kazuhikoo 2004/10/28 1,*,2004 10/27 21:36,343,4,1021


 <$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/home/azteca777chiri/diary/2000" >main.html?no=103&uri=/home/azteca777chiri/diary/2000<$$/a>
 <$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/home/yamada/diary/2004/11/1099708815.html" >main.html?no=103&uri=/home/yamada/diary/2004/11/1099708815.html<$$/a>

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str += "件</td><td class='right up" + (m[2] > 1000 ? "1" : m[2] > 100 ? "2" : "0") + "'>" +
m[2] + "人</td><td class='num'>\x3ca href='main.html?no=105&user=" + n[0] +
"'>" + m[3] + "件\x3c/a></td>";
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Fx.dt +=
"<th>No</th><th>記事番号</th><th>移行件数</th><th>移行ユーザー</th><th>登録日</th>" +
"<th>カテゴリ</th><th>備考</th><th>最新投稿日</th><th>日記</th><th>増加数</th><th>" +
"訪問者数</th><th>掲示板</th></tr>" + str
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<$$div id="infoDisp">
<$$div class="logo"><$$a href="main.html?no=145">#145 エクラのデータ移行会員名簿(全ページ)<$$/a> | <$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=146440">編集<$$/a> | 管理更新 | データ編集<$$/div>
<ul id="menuList">
<li>P1 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=1">2004/10/26-28登録、35名。3名退会。A1-A10638<$$/a></li>
<li>P2 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=2">2004/10/29登録、24名。2名退会。A10639-A17012<$$/a></li>
<li>P3 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=3">2004/10/30登録、21名。2名退会。A17013-A23884<$$/a></li>
<li>P4 ; <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=4">2004/10/31登録、28名。A23885-A30922<$$/a></li>
<li>P5 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=5">2004/11/1-2登録、32名。4名退会。A30923-A36542<$$/a></li>
<li>P6 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=6">2004/11/3-7登録、31名。4名退会。A36543-A49027<$$/a></li>
<li>P7 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=7">2004/11/8-9登録、8名。1名退会。新規投稿開始。A49028-A55555<$$/a></li>
<li>P8 : <$$a href="main.html?no=145&page=8">2004/11/10以降登録、現在36名。A55556-<$$/a></li>
<$$div class="infoMsg">
※参考・<$$a href="main.html?no=141">#141 エクラの会員名簿<$$/a><$$br />
<$$span class="b">*1<$$/span> 一覧表に於ける記事数などの数値は<$$span class="a">2008/11/29-30<$$/span>現在のものです。<$$br />
<$$span class="b">*2<$$/span> リンクは、それぞれ<$$span class="a">103,104,105<$$/span>で汎用ルーチンに渡しています。(<$$span class="a">103<$$/span>では登録年の<$$span>Index of<$$/span>を表示します)<$$br />
<$$span class="b">*3<$$/span> データは08/11/29-30現在のものです。フレームでテーブル幅が狭いときは左のバインダをクリックして。
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="myMsg"><$$/div>

document.title = "エクラの日記のデータ移行会員名簿 Ver1.0" ;
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<$$img yukikko /><$$br />
このページには<$$a href="main.html?no=141">#141エクラ会員名簿<$$/a>で利用するデータ<$$span class="red">退会者名簿<$$/span>が保存されています。<$$br />

<$$br />
<$$br />
データの参照は<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=146439">こちら<$$/a>のsys_diaryから。
<$$div class="tips">データの更新は名簿のページから自動更新させるのでここでは実行しないこと。<$$/div>
#mainDisp {
text-align:center; margin-bottom:10em;
.info {
font-weight:bold; color:darkgreen;
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.tips { background-color:yellow; color:red; border:1px solid steelblue;
padding:.25em; width:50%; margin:1em auto;
document.title = "エクラ退会者名簿のデータ";
281105 aa6mmtc acsys adamo88 aika aiko0407 ajisai akanesizuka aki911 akinohana-303 akiom2007 akiom2008 akki-shonan anzusmaplove aoeiu aoepapa arichang asa202 astic astro asuhahare asuka ayagosse ayan2002 ayumi50 banchooh baysidebar bbbebe1970 beautyram bell bit4096 biwanoki1 bluerose1212 bluewing910 bon23 bugen0303 chancebloom chewinggumweekend chiena chimaman chirarin cosumo2004 countryyumemi cutestyle cyari24 dattarakorededouda divarei donbey dune925 ekosan3 erieri espresso faith fimii fimiis fish819 flower3186 flower77 freedom funabin funabin2 funabin3 george2 georges-world ginmomoaq grumble gs gymnastics-number1 hachipochi hadame hamasan49 hana1212 hanahana hanakutyo hanami3 hanami7 hanamizuki12 hanano55rengesou happyshizuka harada133 hareotoko haruka hid07468 hidechin hideko7 hiibisukasu hiroe hironobu honeybonbon huuraibou ichigo0206 iina iityan ike-b index inhabit iwatekougen j-wave-sailing jetli jikei jingmei jn4246 john jr3xhk juwels k-lemon kaigancafe karayan karuikoneko1 kasaburanka13 kaseguma kazenone kazu33 keaim keaim2 keiji1208 keiko5144 keisukexx99 keityan kenmat kiko kimura kimura-testudou221 kimura-tetsudou-dayo kimura-tetsudou0207 kimura-tetsudou2 kimura-tetsudou35 kimura00 kimutan kimutan54 kimutan65 kiui3 kn24zuka kobamebaru kohaku kojin-taxi505 kokorokirari kotora kotora888 kotorin kouichi3 kunichan415ganbare kuroneko3 kurorohome kyohei kyon2k kyootoko lat1c lemon3000 lifting111 little-aki lllsayulll lupinchen m4649k maamade magatama-43 majyonekojiji mamiko manachans mangorou marii marron2002 martinweb maruchin marunyan masa934 mask2006 memory7 merodye mimi001 mitu5125 miyabi55 miyo731 miyochan726 mizuki-secret mizushima monti3488 moonluna1129 mrsyouji msyamada mtvil murasaki2nd myimyi mysjn myutin naito19 naka27 nakayosi-2 nami1717 namikaze nanachan natsuko3 nemochin ninnin961 nyandaro oasis okappy4820 okasinoie onnji palmier paseri55 patochan pekopuko piano picoris pinkie-comets pinkieboy pinkieboy2 pnishi popo525 pure-2 quaint ramucuri renaishika renge79 reocchi02 rika827 riyona roswell rufuli777 rulue ryousan sachinaoki saionziyukiko sakura1205jp sakura4649 sana3713 sana37kazu13 sanaetyan sanpeiy sbankin12 searat seiemon2324 shera912 shun shuwjin444 siamese sikura simpleanzustay sky1991 smilelove snake05 soyokaze stella5000 summer-rabbit support suzu syou88 t5kem9 taigaa taiyou1 takosuke00 takumayuri takumindisco tanton tcam tds15002w temmye tenka todo2345 tokyoyomiurikyojingun tom1944 tomoclub toriisanta torutotto toshimaro totonoheya totoro totoro2007 trashup tsuyaka tuneko ukimama umikazeboy unkokusaiyon usapyon vaiosqare venus vista warugakimama withoutyou wood wood73 x-nao-x y302841690000 yamaboushi77 yamac002 yamahati yamaneko1124 yanocchi39 yashamaru yasuko112 yosi you---nagi yoursong3721 yuhoh yukiusagi0524 yusuke yutaka108 yutan70 yuuko3a zero001 zidaiya
コメント (2)

<$$img yukikko /><$$br />
このページには<$$a href="main.html?no=141">#141エクラ会員名簿<$$/a>で利用するデータ<$$span class="red">(B)<$$/span>が保存されています。<$$br />
ほかのページからも参照される場合がありますから構成を決めます。<$$br />
<$$br />
<$$div class="info">ID 訪問数 入会日 日記の記事数 最新記事 掲示板の記事数 最新記事<$$/div>
以上の7件を半角空白で区切ったものをカンマで追加します。<$$br >
日付は数値(/10000)、記事数がゼロはハイフンで区別します。<$$br >
<$$br />
データの参照は<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=146438">こちら<$$/a>のsys_diaryから。
<$$div class="tips">データの更新は名簿のページから自動更新させるのでここでは実行しないこと。<$$/div>
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document.title = "エクラ会員名簿のデータ(B)";

m-aizunokaze-1 438 121495524 0 - 1 121495524,
m-kikaku-jyouhou 2505 121059876 6 121618602 4 121104636,
m-syokoukai 2942 120903618 0 - 3 121417572,
m-syoukoukai 352 120863394 0 - 1 120863394,
macy 13943 119964108 9 120670308 301 121841436,
madamfam 7412 119565216 93 120035700 241 121086438,
madamu0907 973 119859030 1 120283074 9 119936406,
maesan 2305 120426918 5 121171464 17 121809780,
maikeru 9842 109904352 1269 121838148 1244 121244316,
majyoneko 20606 119562858 0 - 1 119562858,
makoto 12656 119873970 30 121088472 179 121800744,
mam-kiss 1351 121336878 22 121794942 34 121808946,
mari67 218 109929744 41 100248768 642 109931844,
maria-monika0827 12572 119575170 15 121293318 330 121811778,
marons 5642 119670072 0 - 40 121785510,
masa 116 110302716 0 - 1 110302716,
masamim 9109 119755722 64 121806702 112 121806708,
mask 12564 120228948 1 121126050 2 121773816,
matsuyu427 3965 110155236 1392 121811460 705 112702920,
maziora06 974 119574864 0 - 2 119263572,
mazioramaziora 826 119747658 0 - 3 120048678,
me-kun 3402 119764890 15 121463796 95 121830090,
meeranz 61036 119615640 53 121491954 448 121793196,
megu 2024 120887952 28 121816788 74 121837674,
megurin422 26178 119634462 0 - 2 119090916,
memory11 5517 119632482 48 121828110 171 121835226,
michiaki 1576 110056326 204 110246688 222 121422372,
michibell 1940 119621340 6 120852498 17 121608954,
midnight 7770 110084304 100 121107324 72 120736482,
midnightcoffee 2406 119747340 0 - 4 119193858,
midori11941 16821 119699946 13 121465452 336 121835676,
mie-ayu 27579 119574516 0 - 684 121837422,
miki-george 459 121473654 3 121493982 3 121602810,
mikie 1542 119624820 4 121550736 8 121450548,
mikiharb 16094 119659902 321 121832124 744 121842696,
milky 194 119735622 0 - 1 119735622,
milky1117 1668 119739126 0 - 0 -,
mimi-toufu 35558 119476896 0 - 1 119476896,
mimimi 6150 119724456 50 120808740 122 120083214,
mimitu3 507 119632350 1 119690622 3 120350796,
minami 2358 111664872 20 113141370 15 112155822,
misa10 2994 119725488 4 120425340 38 121121196,
misaki 5138 119752956 40 119229156 75 120099270,
misonoen 2567 120434238 0 - 1 120434238,
miti1935 9031 119688780 142 121824336 290 121836048,
miyao 239 109900962 159 109525818 239 109609650,
miyo3 24733 119770776 85 121843560 337 121843488,
miyumiyu0205 3445 119725920 13 119937300 39 120212286,
miyusanakari 4094 119927334 0 - 14 121188864,
miyusanakarin 400 119858616 0 - 11 119883498,
moe 544 120066510 0 - 1 120066510,
momizi 17746 119675832 11 120651420 40 118647408,
monju59 9 119745084 19 119543472 10 119315112,
monzennokozoh 47379 119554812 92 121775400 2 119825118,
moon923jp 4823 119561484 7 119864742 50 121336488,
moonrabbit 1551 119738490 10 119297196 3 119749506,
morinosei 7557 121150944 8 121842096 362 121843728,
moto2529 145 109894602 149 108355644 1004 111709368,
motozosenya 35860 119656134 13 121120116 191 121725036,
myiyan 5033 119689374 10 119932386 75 120383268,
myiyan2 4385 119702160 14 120874866 35 120869268,
mystery 2890 119786952 35 121824420 42 121825002,
n-kagaku 2579 119622048 3 121368276 16 120839478,
nagatano 3292 119559606 0 - 1 119559606,
nagatanosakura 4020 119559630 6 120999114 6 120779148,
naka-27 25379 121178340 0 - 147 121823628,
nakayosi-5 2346 121358448 0 - 48 121837590,
namikaze77 14383 119707098 87 121815168 482 121835238,
nana 281 110160900 1 110161530 2 110161476,
nana1026 7179 119712960 5 121265130 110 121121196,
nana418 21515 119630028 66 120642414 226 121783614,
nanakamada 5878 119771364 64 121824720 143 121654362,
nanatic-may 6385 119662146 24 121014660 435 121689750,
nancyan 2625 119641872 144 121751622 112 121843788,
nandemomami 6311 119711988 27 121284120 18 120257070,
naorin 2266 120494514 0 - 2 120498882,
nature6000 4530 119725236 158 121733550 7 121241358,
nekomilk1 1080 119574078 19 119539428 73 119508888,
nekomilk3 22513 119582382 76 121522698 495 121660032,
nekotama 841 119700786 1 119700906 2 119785578,
net-office-takahashi 5262 119770710 69 121315914 0 -,
nobu-zemi 8603 119751714 12 121801494 13 121673448,
nogyan 62 121596402 1 121604568 4 121625538,
nonnon 119 110513976 0 - 1 110513976,
nonnonon 2693 119582532 39 119372508 213 119968170,
nonnsann 3097 110258076 215 119253768 114 116582358,
noppopc 23232 119633640 0 - 42 121810092,
noren 34021 119673444 66 120865620 3 120246954,
nori-pee 62980 119623944 33 121386816 183 121707288,
noripee 226 109900578 288 109690014 1021 109883724,
noripee823 57892 119675892 12 120834630 60 121651398,
o-lala 5635 119733246 0 - 8 120200226,
office101miura 13001 119606796 16 121496280 144 121228614,
oheso 5258 109888602 147 117109776 276 121442406,
oishiine 10473 119755068 169 121841034 437 121825068,
ojisan-in-omoide 990 119680608 6 119444700 247 121181196,
ojisaninomoide 5389 119665710 16 121732002 490 121837986,
okitom 47967 119642148 54 121420692 144 121809396,
ontai75 15773 119702832 30 121766208 99 121819608,
oogoto 19435 119638122 95 121800564 516 121842678,
orfe 67271 119543292 180 121825008 3787 121828944,
osollemio 608 109917876 40 109739856 7 105443742,
otelat 3377 119859438 22 120885822 115 121524066,
owo 6165 119716938 33 121358688 66 121296000,
packman-jun 31976 119624082 11 121836990 5 120100278,
papillon 43 119595126 0 - 40 119471322,
papillon-maya 3677 119608338 0 - 53 119798790,
paseri-5 8851 119572854 0 - 107 121806546,
patora 5612 109900344 35 109057452 1037 120007134,
pchan 2756 119726382 1047 119092938 1007 120205242,
pearl 34895 119651064 1 119711562 47 121578372,
pearl08 50486 119660130 1 119665872 127 121741296,
pezun0088 4292 110194848 28 110328876 7 105499212,
ph801fy 10944 119633052 107 121838076 139 121344162,
pianissimo 3719 119934678 15 120532236 99 120556356,
piastar 778 120852306 7 121035240 15 121076784,
piccolo-nonbe 19732 119734662 11 121741800 39 121488372,
pitylove 6101 119697510 19 121794870 964 121843968,
piyo 2312 109861230 8 120819810 5 109928052,
pizagu 7455 119585652 31 120683976 52 120049338,
plants 1292 120624306 20 121465578 6 120728286,
plutomix 946 110230476 17 111286092 2 110266584,
pooh 13737 119591016 15 121748760 146 121749078,
popochan 420 119736420 12 121574694 14 119914680,
potyamaru 1484 119711694 0 - 44 119989080,
princess-eri 4263 119797512 4 120100842 3 120501174,
pure1 8879 119744538 12 121816650 131 121808976,
purejun 32 121086600 1 121086786 2 121207464,
purin 981 120192612 0 - 1 120192612,
purintyan 871 119850552 0 - 1 119850552,
rafaero 1265 110198646 7 109394736 871 121844172,
ramu 983 120124578 1 120125034 1 120124578,
ransyu 2136 120109260 2 120199662 16 121033908,
rapit77 759 119841180 101 120359724 554 121815168,
red-shade 462 112185918 0 - 1 112185918,
reika-25 7385 119607330 0 - 241 121797294,
rescueparty 16810 110034678 22 111618762 117 120020418,
rin 856 109876092 0 - 1 109876092,
rinko 14909 119598024 63 121447590 209 120479646,
root2 323 109922550 13 108981876 337 121442406,
ruikalove 10197 120763140 0 - 1 120763140,
ryus-cafe 6486 119556882 14 121093956 42 119764446,
s-pro 12836 109880862 156 120098346 402 121422990,
s231203 7190 120316266 31 121837908 29 120778062,
saayaholic 264 111527724 0 - 1 111527724,
sachi 6389 111880032 79 121798134 73 119384124,
saeba-room 17003 120298656 37 121662492 138 121714500,
sakamoto 3876 120380202 1 120381318 1 120380202,
sakanakun 884 121334496 0 - 1 121334496,
sakkun-my-life 25196 119664510 2 120625008 44 121197276,
sakura06 41 119745864 0 - 3 119835456,
sakura1205 10756 119909976 96 121843398 18 121773558,
sakurako 647 120062790 0 - 1 120062790,
sakuzou 28379 119702130 12 120055962 162 121842810,
samphot 5610 119828904 0 - 30 121586394,
samuasura 14346 119616426 49 121837584 67 121395282,
sandy 7651 119831910 5 121610862 49 121647792,
sandybeach 45687 119597880 130 121568694 239 121764618,
sanuemon 5685 119970732 6 121529742 34 121725738,
sanx2 1298 109948782 17 113771166 24 119313246,
saria 139 109913808 68 98436942 1021 101254770,
sasaken21 17406 119677518 8 121439634 68 121825980,
satake11 22561 119681340 1 121063626 14 121707306,
sato99 1624 119646630 0 - 1 119646630,
satomi 28428 119646762 59 120428472 1 119646762,
sazare7 49263 119595666 34 121621902 94 121843932,
secret 14920 120029400 19 121808328 16 120556746,
seisaizakaya 609 119977050 2 119977638 2 120375024,
sen1003 21494 119556780 0 - 1 119556780,
sepia 10 119896674 0 - 1 119896674,
serious 5719 121419654 1 121429056 29 121736832,
shaw 43848 119449110 3 120271182 1716 121787340,
shin2008 686 121491606 23 121824678 18 121832196,
shinamon 3640 119851014 0 - 37 121769874,
shion 4850 119851458 90 121700082 25 121529442,
shizu-thai 1109 119727300 0 - 9 121648284,
shunpei 5511 109896456 590 121812216 98 120282252,
shworld 2311 120014946 9 120550242 20 120574668,
shymoon 1031 119685918 6 119295372 72 121556670,
sin3 1751 120504156 0 - 1 120504156,
since 15 121155834 0 - 2 121380750,
singyouji 202 121401432 0 - 1 121401432,
sinobine 195 111919662 267 109660752 999 110492154,
sirayuki 2403 119635308 49 121802010 18 121732584,
sky-collepic 197 116816214 0 - 1 116816214,
smile-for-you 1972 119630712 4 119794584 38 121755636,
snow 6957 119857410 34 121841724 124 121838142,
soramimi-usagi 811 119605782 0 - 1 119605782,
sorou5 9984 119666214 88 121598724 369 121500084,
spirit1018 1429 120071868 3 121185606 11 121212768,
st3401 3073 119711292 28 121810836 56 121546224,
suamahime 6357 109887420 95 121645668 10 121500822,
suitoyaji 4247 119662848 0 - 4 119801328,
sumire1003 2112 121266666 1 121412472 24 121471794,
sunoobo 2950 119785734 2 119450304 43 121837872,
suzuka 2109 119764362 0 - 13 120233952,
sykt 6515 109920444 182 112854348 611 120212460,
syota 91 119866266 0 - 6 119123850,
taichan 9069 119555748 39 120237852 248 121747128,
tajimayoitoko 28080 119562954 117 121827366 270 121482402,
tak777 4715 119786016 8 120556836 10 119962602,
takashimtjp 587 120637044 2 120654480 3 120641724,
takeo 8329 119649300 0 - 8 119914386,
takkyoyaji 16054 119563080 32 121525686 94 121439586,
takuro-tada1123 11460 119756142 92 121828410 312 121733166,
takuro1123 23 119791914 0 - 1 119791914,
tanken 2333 119602668 119 121773078 250 121834548,
tanpopo 32068 111760980 120 121760070 1333 121842888,
tarotaro 2303 109897710 156 114779028 39 111789150,
tatujinnsp 2544 119730570 34 121700496 15 120715206,
taxi-driver 11410 120007686 16 121622244 79 121648476,
tds0213 670 119954148 0 - 1 119954148,
tds1928 3219 119957154 6 120455232 20 120593130,
tensi001 19639 119622762 0 - 1 119622762,
tentow 871 115866306 0 - 1 115866306,
tenyou 11116 119747874 99 121760940 7 121526802,
ter-sky-b 2597 110209128 2 113966742 46 113962710,
teruka3 44005 119460384 45 121408590 1009 121754664,
tiko 1311 119864646 0 - 4 121824390,
titose 4103 109938774 235 115210554 795 119621964,
tk77 240 119777166 0 - 1 119777166,
tmaki33 251 120135564 1 120135642 0 -,
tmrtmr2004 4262 119858844 21 121205994 117 121051026,
tohhenboku 1558 119708736 0 - 114 119924178,
toko 1800 119988486 9 120952938 66 121772280,
tokunosima 380 119626116 0 - 2 119295810,
tokunosima1 2438 119798658 0 - 1 119798658,
tokyoresarch 3809 109911828 2423 121840170 68 109409310,
tomitayoshiko 3213 119636292 0 - 141 121661982,
torum 32236 109949988 4199 121828986 1257 121618326,
tozi2007 2311 119719272 2 120185928 32 120999036,
tricksntreats 1032 109917828 52 109860942 7 109450800,
truth-day 497 110352048 1455 109100736 164 110363856,
tuneko-3 11274 119741862 110 121810866 110 121520562,
uchaucha 875 119747646 4 119159136 78 121754646,
uncle-elvis 3830 119847366 12 119771316 36 121413144,
usuyukisou 636 119712012 0 - 78 119693094,
utasuki 4571 121032312 5 121686918 58 121842390,
voyov 4407 119821734 392 121843098 2 118517376,
w246 1847 119984250 4 120407604 7 120506472,
w2467 2146 119616216 2 119616378 21 120001506,
walk-to-remember 3771 120357774 0 - 4 121625334,
webkyoto 1446 119787804 1 121713114 16 120079350,
weltetto 2863 119617812 0 - 32 120214314,
white-moon 14945 119660730 12 121250076 119 121828536,
white-rabbit 6538 119720646 9 119926188 56 121824654,
wienerwalz 1562 119663316 71 119107254 604 119721120,
woodyham 4580 120528582 3 121007994 2 120549234,
xx 542 120925752 0 - 1 120925752,
xxkintaxx 7645 119625768 189 121379370 343 121143204,
xxx 318 116824728 0 - 1 116824728,
xxx-s 1427 120926700 0 - 2 120927828,
xxxusapyon13xxx 33525 119721660 138 121837296 326 121773912,
y-cosmos0414 2744 119769150 3 121827294 12 120035880,
yama0008 22783 119655672 93 120045678 205 121750152,
yama1046 3942 119729244 0 - 9 120800190,
yamada 1014 109951014 0 - 3 109951320,
yamakusa 17 119673258 18 119388102 114 119668224,
yamatyan 1934 119795664 2 120131076 89 120677886,
yasuko-111 2021 120149676 0 - 1 120149676,
yatcha-s 2184 110224458 37 113370606 39 113115570,
yattyan 19548 119597658 191 121825206 54 121738560,
yoiko 18146 119593932 1 119898258 11 119846226,
yoko 90 110242650 403 109773756 1021 109922802,
yokorystars8897 2118 119848206 10 120938094 10 119182386,
yoppi 2002 119863788 3 121798248 20 120421428,
yoppy1102 7465 119753706 3 119840586 31 121772736,
youchan1951 14739 119584398 23 119848890 192 121565448,
younagi 68 119589234 18 119431854 87 121760514,
young-love2 4136 110916138 11 111020238 54 119696688,
yoursong 727 110209284 790 119153934 0 -,
yozo1124 12729 119794464 3 119925024 21 120847458,
yu-ma 13990 119664054 313 121837794 323 121838088,
yuji705 8262 119837568 19 121826928 46 121819620,
yukie 10132 119655876 0 - 556 121843740,
yukimama 3630 119754888 0 - 14 120904158,
yukiusagi898 14745 119719884 6 121266462 77 121750572,
yume 806 110578794 0 - 1 110578794,
yumi522 16 121494354 0 - 1 121494354,
yutaka2000 4667 120122028 7 121808556 31 121232910,
yuyaban 3178 119582790 1 119590380 20 121817844,
zero-ty 10259 119877246 4 119929602 275 121800918,
zizi 3102 119693262 16 120280926 10 119694174,
zuiun 4179 119684706 0 - 17 121121196
コメント (1)

<$$img yukikko /><$$br />
このページには<$$a href="main.html?no=141">#141エクラ会員名簿<$$/a>で利用するデータ<$$span class="red">(A)<$$/span>が保存されています。<$$br />
ほかのページからも参照される場合がありますから構成を決めます。<$$br />
<$$br />
<$$div class="info">ID 訪問数 入会日 日記の記事数 最新記事 掲示板の記事数 最新記事<$$/div>
以上の7件を半角空白で区切ったものをカンマで追加します。<$$br >
日付は数値(/10000)、記事数がゼロはハイフンで区別します。<$$br >
<$$br />
データの参照は<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=146437">こちら<$$/a>のsys_diaryから。
<$$div class="tips">データの更新は名簿のページから自動更新させるのでここでは実行しないこと。<$$/div>
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document.title = "エクラ会員名簿のデータ(A)";

00dream00 1869 119843328 20 121705494 11 121829802,
0sachy 1219 115260120 5 119921568 6 119921586,
12345 5579 119626140 148 121690872 79 121548744,
720esnet 15362 110187306 0 - 1 110187306,
847 44048 120852126 2 121239690 19 121696374,
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account33 2 119752776 0 - 1 119752776,
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ai-love 31294 119552550 1748 121334676 1118 121552938,
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akaifue 3157 110741352 0 - 12 121171938,
akeku 1985 119595714 74 119397162 352 121207278,
akemu 17499 119738166 30 121655004 291 121834530,
aki2008 1775 119970774 5 120044958 16 120862578,
akicyann 2246 119650230 332 121769898 662 121843662,
akkishonan 79483 119618364 7 120127536 334 121807026,
althjp 4747 119679144 112 121812810 10 119846988,
angels-egg-07 2327 119756784 15 121841478 0 -,
anzu0825 51 110359932 84 109404504 3 107138940,
aoe 20157 119623296 466 121835784 142 120937782,
aoi-love 3093 120115770 23 121836414 42 121003722,
aotaro11 14251 119664342 0 - 6 121297038,
apollo 1972 119760594 246 121841988 43 121759290,
appletchan 35924 119694462 248 121840836 39 121662384,
arata-tokyo-jp 1216 109894878 43 110339832 1101 121843272,
arayu8 7420 119563374 0 - 7 120001608,
architetto 288 121480500 0 - 1 121480500,
arichan 50 119756892 16 119714028 82 119718090,
arinko3 2162 121104036 0 - 36 121831926,
artclub 925 120322638 3 120835518 10 121506930,
asaheart9 7684 119762106 44 121833948 113 121825518,
ashley 1411 119774832 0 - 1 119774832,
au 5970 109928346 78 113215110 238 120867540,
aya-akki 400 120133062 0 - 0 -,
ayumi36 939 121154202 13 121525674 5 121341732,
azteca777chiri 12268 109875420 643 119483556 1031 110126034,
barchetta 25169 119666448 11 120960558 370 121791858,
barrier-free1124 1115 119625912 7 119376270 360 121194222,
bearshouse 247 119697612 30 121563240 18 120785190,
benkei 7727 119729022 42 121737180 53 121557822,
bigstars 2568 120427914 0 - 1 120427914,
bihadakirei 4452 120090360 48 121835514 61 121026666,
black66 618 121593414 3 121800930 3 121738404,
boonyan 9051 110874312 332 121841358 677 121825848,
botanic 15674 119440104 150 121322118 186 121811298,
bump-alliance 1639 110424366 13 111044844 208 114217842,
buru 8448 109921470 183 120686832 622 111193944,
butanikomaru 648 119238516 0 - 3 120383586,
canon 988 119842512 1 119961768 1 119842512,
canon22 328 119842266 0 - 37 119839872,
casablanca 30013 119672826 22 121334898 199 121732392,
chanceeclat 1312 119657580 1 119657676 42 121665060,
cherry109 9395 119712564 44 121656072 141 121827354,
cherrylove 4043 119712636 11 121603938 75 121650744,
chiko522 1885 119655546 1 120065550 96 120808290,
chj56790 43392 119675130 20 119547360 63 121655850,
chjhiro 45779 119675298 0 - 250 121827210,
collepicch 1186 115856988 0 - 1 115856988,
coretto60 569 119755500 3 119020638 95 119921718,
cosumo8733 5711 120147846 17 121506708 39 121229124,
crazy-train69 1536 119983692 0 - 0 -,
danpatu 487 119631666 0 - 2 119095536,
danpatu1 33 120341502 0 - 1 120341502,
danpatu2 544 120987000 0 - 1 120987000,
danpatu21 3016 119631720 0 - 2 119271108,
danpatu22 557 119798610 0 - 1 119798610,
day107 9051 119753862 30 120428010 22 119852160,
daytona 6882 119711844 29 119669526 2 118561212,
dewberry 3061 117536064 73 121843104 0 -,
eca 4359 109888950 318 117097548 99 121455396,
eclatinfo 5143 110028012 40 121501710 45 121528098,
ecx78 14839 109875102 0 - 82 120017562,
edensnow 6376 119961120 68 121835322 317 121843332,
ellie 266 110273550 3 110436324 9 110401662,
emi0226 2 119646846 16 119590422 48 119591304,
emirin 8417 119752470 29 121521900 105 121635198,
emu17 8527 119715918 1 119859438 289 121802772,
endosapo 814 119730522 0 - 12 119658984,
enmasama3 3460 119841420 13 121295796 32 121395126,
erste917 27834 119621358 6 120579048 110 121672722,
eruze-mintmamu 4462 109891650 773 121843710 141 120728304,
eve24 7468 119642544 49 111599340 86 121828542,
fairsan 3236 110445774 490 119298432 1374 121442412,
faith-aki 8037 120498066 6 120549432 81 120645246,
ferrari 1213 119622960 204 111486894 1013 119892846,
fh 531 121498518 0 - 6 121779606,
fiore 10899 120273972 0 - 6 120332868,
fiorentinareiko 2701 119685762 91 121768464 62 120696402,
firefly01 8075 119676942 6 110975874 172 121715322,
flash 61976 109926108 182 118767942 978 121442406,
france7 1171 119731644 1 119994960 1 119731644,
francetei 31712 119701746 54 121777758 305 121797546,
freehand2007 3185 119776686 232 121833648 41 121713576,
fu 1146 110038128 350 110038704 498 110099622,
fu-min 3100 119973684 3 121585758 4 120151656,
fufufu 651 110010372 405 109995156 982 109930332,
fufufu7 1109 110006070 349 109541574 506 110632242,
fuga 3036 119973762 3 121593924 2 119973762,
fugaty 4002 119946912 4 120388116 8 120127914,
fuji-san 9005 119655654 27 119653428 670 121839750,
fujit1123 2364 119628606 1 120004122 40 121835694,
funabin2ikoo 44201 119572914 109 121834296 564 121774872,
funabinikoo 82956 119554224 367 121841748 1787 121841400,
funtoharuka 560 109917696 23 110453136 1 109917696,
fuuraibou01 309 119726586 0 - 90 119951088,
george 4436 121352226 10 121711572 75 121587216,
george66 1851 121586226 6 121773978 1 121586226,
georges 861 119596332 21 119599254 78 119608122,
georges-angels 3481 121098792 11 121382754 71 121392414,
habo-purin 5898 110119800 16 119962158 189 121775970,
hagemaru 1113 119866254 1 119834340 11 119866254,
haha 2392 119838780 6 120631872 6 119975418,
hakkunine 696 119689020 44 119693178 95 121474632,
hakuho 525 110173044 4 120523524 8 113145366,
hana5081 4845 120363936 0 - 1 120363936,
hanami 4334 121552764 16 121824546 11 121715772,
hanano55renge 8023 119691942 90 121817526 463 121833234,
happy390 1385 119773434 0 - 9 120511722,
happyporon 30542 119526408 28 121723506 351 121793940,
hatahira 3142 119684430 104 121720746 417 121823856,
hbrit778 423 119658540 0 - 1 119658540,
hellokitty 19 119751234 0 - 15 119716296,
hibari-neko 17622 119755578 18 121008594 208 121798782,
hibari329 19 119753454 0 - 57 119607852,
hibisucus 3734 119655360 4 119893038 235 121843896,
hidechan 8513 119646798 23 121663644 114 121799154,
hikasan 10310 109985058 2981 121838862 305 112963146,
hinawa 218 119818176 0 - 1 119818176,
hinoki1027 3132 121392630 8 121720710 6 121496052,
hiro 52 110228076 0 - 0 -,
hiro0918 121 115944912 0 - 1 115944912,
hiromi39373 267 121176360 7 121585680 4 121215738,
hiroyuki 8731 119581962 45 121794672 197 121017204,
hokuto894yu 62866 119585628 43 121828212 36 120388920,
homoeopathy 2294 119923788 0 - 1 119923788,
hope777 3735 119520972 930 121836138 250 120653208,
hot-chocolate 5755 119587920 37 121706052 133 120048276,
hottyan 465 119885610 3 120523464 1 119885610,
ibuchan 55651 119629614 1 119940720 27 121180464,
ibucyan 3575 119611254 0 - 23 119552244,
iburin 219 119648094 0 - 2 118809240,
iburinjp1 3553 119631696 0 - 2 118968654,
iichan 42673 119622354 256 121840740 69 121707348,
ikanago 39544 119233434 186 121823826 1133 121843914,
inaget 4961 119587782 15 121764084 17 121480794,
indranet 2062 109905378 6 119798472 13 119640552,
infinia2501 14705 119625036 0 - 17 120029526,
innocent-love 594 121540200 25 121834662 10 121601496,
ituka100mile 2851 119535954 20 121146486 88 121568544,
iyoyoshida38481 9796 119923116 16 121494588 11 120628254,
izayoi 40379 119757432 630 121842588 235 121738338,
izumikuns 3577 119716410 0 - 249 121210752,
ja1hom 996 119651268 0 - 76 119634120,
jack8008 906 109938762 218 115253904 0 -,
jakejake 430 116048298 1 116048388 2 116048472,
jas-39 1147 110192922 14 110313714 343 110384616,
jas39 651 109996854 0 - 152 109386834,
jazz7cafe 19299 119949492 0 - 31 121642530,
jazzinn5 124 119774052 2 119616996 12 119834088,
jesus-heart-church 1435 121222872 0 - 3 121227786,
jet00 6035 119775666 65 121487214 158 121756890,
jetchuu 2095 119786304 11 121487238 19 121487226,
jin8t 11168 119675046 53 121835268 111 121837650,
joseph26 418 119845434 1 120137022 2 121199520,
judy1017 238 120862566 2 120872226 4 121058436,
june 6197 119655510 18 120925734 72 121604130,
jyanina00 2254 109929264 3 120735558 12 120481488,
jyeronimo 359 119681778 0 - 1 119681778,
jyo3ysd 312 119750784 0 - 1 119750784,
k-brand 148 119737452 0 - 3 119785926,
kadoma1428 30607 119620656 610 121840296 26 120582462,
kakei 14933 109893918 2202 121802898 1253 121805898,
kame 120 111406596 0 - 1 111406596,
kametu 1947 119648322 0 - 3 119665854,
kamuiseito 4774 120921456 4 121054038 27 121211436,
kamujyi 693 119648370 0 - 2 119485020,
kaorusennin 1128 119709480 0 - 24 119960946,
kappalove7 1365 112178634 0 - 8 119964138,
karen-kika 548 119883192 1 119883360 6 121120446,
karuikoneko 17627 119603778 11 121273860 24 121202064,
kashi 2008 109872954 2 119673480 13 119898036,
kasiwazin 22453 119536422 303 121791738 1358 121714026,
katukatu 3894 119855094 0 - 1 119855094,
kaze 7988 121086192 39 121838130 129 121836468,
kazedayori 4867 110250192 830 121647150 1006 110024574,
kazu 23913 119621268 17 120869964 413 121840512,
kengo 6558 119786412 10 120021186 43 121699356,
kinsuke 12558 119720748 3 119976726 16 120022584,
kintyan 3769 119727138 13 120477738 486 121729356,
kirikokko 17 118554552 0 - 0 -,
kishouan 1120 119733138 0 - 1 119733138,
kitahotaru 2733 119680188 4 120017544 272 121622040,
kiyoe 3251 119812164 4 120261864 5 120609540,
kiyounokaze200 935 119811078 0 - 6 119510106,
kiyounokazeyo 5632 119712222 0 - 9 121102266,
kizuna 928 121005888 1 121716852 1 121005888,
kkkkkkkkkk 337 109971642 647 109851804 373 109723674,
kokoro227 14513 119625042 19 121602132 84 121772802,
komakusa 10789 119730348 7 113414922 339 121816368,
kosumosu-kurabu 4090 119814318 6 120090984 25 121755654,
kou-oxana-allen 7843 119654280 0 - 1 119654280,
ksino34 5956 119726304 6 120280260 101 121616766,
kumachan 12672 119583216 9 121690950 22 121285776,
kunichanganbare 16442 119715918 2 119920704 172 119923008,
kuretake001 22774 119631138 0 - 1 119631138,
kuretake1 21531 119984886 0 - 1 119984886,
kuroro 1028 109927674 3 110275482 24 109003110,
kururin3131 106 121216260 0 - 5 121274322,
kyon24 1194 119685816 5 119292414 76 119831028,
labyrinth 8545 120523818 111 121751226 103 121760010,
laughdozi 6459 119706162 0 - 22 121503366,
leica 7925 119738940 6 121763178 2 118547226,
lennonon 4015 119763444 39 121843740 29 121769784,
lotus 264 121057626 12 121842096 2 121062336,
lovelovehamayu 2004 119749080 62 120663876 84 121580148,
lucien 4 120523764 0 - 1 120523764,
luck7 4090 119527914 340 121836234 97 121801470
コメント (0)

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list = function(n){
var a;
var header = "<tr class='th'><th class='th'>番号</th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(0)'>ID<$$/a></th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(1)'>訪問数<$$/a></th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(2)'>登録日<$$/a></th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(3)'>日記<$$/a></th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(4)'>最新の投稿<$$/a></th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(5)'>掲示板<$$/a></th>" +
"<th><$$a href='javascript:listChg(6)'>最新の投稿<$$/a></th></tr>";

if(Fx.li == n){
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < Fx.anc.length; i++){
Fx.anc[i] = Fx.anc[i].replace(/^[a-z0-9\-]*\s/, "");
a = es(Fx.anc[i]).split(" ")[n];
Fx.anc[i] = (n ? ("000000000" + a).slice(-10) : a) + " " + es(Fx.anc[i]);
if(n != 0 && n != 2) Fx.anc.reverse();
var s1 = "",a,b,cn = 1;
for(var i = 0; i < Fx.anc.length; i++){

a = es(Fx.anc[i]).split(" ");
s1 += "<tr class='tr" + (i % 2) + "'>";
s1 += "<td class='d0'><" + "a href='#' onclick='makeLinks(this); return false;'>" + (i + 1) + "<" + "/a></td>";
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"a href='main.html?sys_footprint&user=" + a[1] + "'>" +
a[1] + "<" + "/a></td>";
for(var j = 2; j < a.length; j++){
b = a[j].replace(/^0+(\d)/, "$1");
s1 += "<td class='num" + (n == j - 1 ? " sel" : "") + "'>" +
(j == 3 || j == 5 || j == 7? gt(b) : b) + "</td>";
s1 += "</tr>";
if(i % 20 == 19){
s1 += "<tr class='tr2'><td colspan='8' id='TR" + cn + "'>上へのリンク</td></tr>" +
Fx.li = n;
Fid("listDisp").innerHTML =
"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tbody>" +
header + Fx.dec(s1) + "</tbody></table>";

gt = function(n){
if(n == "-") return "....";
var a = new Date();
a.setTime(Number(n) * 10000);
return (
a.getFullYear() + "/" +
("0" + (a.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "/" +
("0" + a.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + a.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" +
("0" + a.getMinutes()).slice(-2)

makeLinks = function(o){
var obj = Ftag(o.parentNode.parentNode, "td");
var u = obj[1].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
var s = obj[5].innerHTML;
if(s.indexOf(">") != -1) return;
obj[5].innerHTML = "<" + "a href='main.html?no=103&user=" + u + "' target='_blank'>" +
s + "<" + "/a>";

dataEntry = function(n){
var a = Ftag(Fid("listDisp"), "tr");
var o;
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
if(a[i].className == "th") Ftag(a[i], "th")[n + 1].className = "sel";
if(a[i].className == "tr2"){
Ftag(a[i], "td")[0].innerHTML =
"<$$a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>JS:履歴で戻る<$$/a> | " +
"<$$a href='#menuDisp'>■ページの上へ<$$/a>";
var s = "名前 訪問者数 サイト登録日 日記の投稿件数 日記の最新投稿日 掲示板の投稿件数 掲示板の最新投稿日".split(" ");
var s1 = "■P0 ";
var c = Math.floor(Fx.ancLen / 20);
for(i = 1; i < c; i++){
s1 += "<" + "a href='#TR" + i + "'>P" + i + "<" + "/a> ";
Fid("listDispInfo").innerHTML =
"■エクラ会員名簿です。<" + "span>" + s[n] + "<" + "/span>で並び替えを行っています。<" + "br />■現在は<" + "a href='main.html?no=142' target='_blank'>(A)<" + "/a>が<" + "span>" + Fx.aLen + "名<" + "/span>で<" + "a href='main.html?no=143' target='_blank'>(B)<" + "/a>の<" + "span>" + Fx.bLen + "名<" + "/span>と合わせて<" + "span>" + Fx.ancLen + "名<" + "/span>の登録者リストが保存されています。<" + "div id='listLinks'>" + s1 + "<" + "/div>";

Fx.add = function(){
Fx.aLen = Fx.dat.split(",").length;
Fx.bDat = es(Fx.dec(cr(key(Fx.str, "act"))));
Fx.dat += "," + Fx.bDat;
var n = Fx.loc.match(/type=(\d)/) ? RegExp.$1 - 0 : 0;
var s = Fx.dat;
Fx.anc = s.split(",");
Fx.ancLen = Fx.anc.length;
Fx.bLen = Fx.ancLen - Fx.aLen;
for(var i = 0; i < Fx.ancLen; i++){
Fx.anc[i] = " " + Fx.anc[i];
Fx.li = "7";
Fx.ent = Fx.out;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=146439";

Fx.out = function(){
var s = es(Fx.dec(cr(key(Fx.str, "slp"))));
Fid("outDisp").innerHTML = "<" + "div class='listInfo'>■退会者リストです。現在<" + "span>" + s.split(" ").length + "名<" + "/span>が保存されています。<" + "br />■ <" + "br />■<" + "/div><" + "div class='outData'>" + s + "<" + "/div>";

Fx.ini = function(){
Fx.dat = es(Fx.dec(cr(key(Fx.str, "act"))));
Fx.aDat = Fx.dat;
Fx.ent = Fx.add;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=146438";

entry = function(){
Fx.ent = Fx.ini;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=146437";

es = function(s){ return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); };
cr = function(s){ return s.replace(/\r?\n/g, ""); };

Fx.getUserDat = function(o,c){
var d = 0;
Foo = Freq();
Foo.open("get", "/cgi-bin/" + c + ".cgi?n=1;oid=" + o, false);
var s = cr(Foo.responseText);
var a;
case "diary" : if(s.match(/全カテゴリ \((\d+) 件\).+?(\d+) (\d+\/\d+ \d+:\d+)/)){
a = new Date(RegExp.$2 + "/" + RegExp.$3 + ":00");
d = RegExp.$1 + " " + (a.getTime() / 10000);
} break;
case "bbs" : if(s.match(/\(総件数: (\d+) 件\).+?(\d+) (\d+\/\d+ \d+:\d+)/)){
a = new Date(RegExp.$2 + "/" + RegExp.$3 + ":00");
d = RegExp.$1 + " " + (a.getTime() / 10000);
} break;
case "footprint" : if(s.match(/総アクセス数: (\d+) HIT \(since (\d+) (\d+\/\d+ \d+:\d+)\)/)){
a = new Date(RegExp.$2 + "/" + RegExp.$3 + ":00");
d = RegExp.$1 + " " + (a.getTime() / 10000);
} break;
default : break;
if(d == 0) d = "0 -";
return d;

UserEnt = function(){
if(User.length > 0){
var a = es(User.shift());
var b = a.split(" ")[0];
var d1 = Fx.getUserDat(b, "footprint");
if(d1 == "0 -"){
Fid("T2").value += b + " ";
} else {
UserDat += b + " " + d1 + " " +
Fx.getUserDat(b, "diary") + " " + Fx.getUserDat(b, "bbs") + ",\n";

Fid("S1").value = UserCnt + "/" + UserMax;
setTimeout("UserEnt()", 100);
} else {
} else {
Fx.ab = false;

F0Show = function(){
Fid("T1").value = UserDat;
F0Stop = function(){
F0Fg = false;

F0Entry = function(){
Fx.ab = true;
var s = Fx.bDat;
F0Fg = true;
UserDat = "";
User = s.split(",");
UserMax = User.length;
UserCnt = 0;
Fid("S1").value = UserCnt + "/" + UserMax;
Fid("T1").value = "";
Fid("T2").value = "";
Fid("T3").value = "";
listChg = function(n){

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<$$img yukikko /><$$br/ >
<$$a href="main.html?no=141">エクラ会員名簿 Ver1.0<$$/a><$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=0">名前<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=1">訪問数</$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=2">サイト登録<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=3">日記投稿数<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=4">最新記事<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=5">掲示板投稿数<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=141&type=6">最新記事<$$/a>
<$$div id="listDispInfo" class="listInfo">
■登録者名簿のデータ(A)を取得しています・・・<$$br />
■登録者名簿のデータ(B)を取得しています・・・<$$br />
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="outDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="msgDisp">


<form name="F0" id="F0Form">
<tr><td colspan="2">
リスト取得状況:<input type="text" size="10" id="S1" />
<input type="button" value="状況の表示" onclick="F0Show()" />
<input type="button" value="停止" onclick="F0Stop()" />
■有効リスト(A)<$$br /><$$textarea id="T1" cols="60" rows="10"><$$/textarea></td>
<td rowspan="2" valign="top">■無効リスト<$$br /><$$textarea id="T2" cols="30" rows="10"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
■有効リスト(B)<$$br /><$$textarea id="T3" cols="60" rows="10"><$$/textarea></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="button" value="データの取得" onclick="F0Entry()" /></td></tr>

document.title = "エクラ会員名簿 Ver1.0";
コメント (0)

es = function(s) { return s.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""); };
sp = function(s) { return s + " "; };
ar = function(s) { return Fid("T" + s).value; };
as = function(s) { return sp(ar(s)); };
fooError = function(){
Fid("T4").value += sp(Fx.u);

foo = function(){
var s = Fx.str.replace(/\r?\n/g, ""), f = "",fn = 4;
Fri = Freq();
Fri.open("get", "/home/" + Fx.u + "/friends.html", false);
var s1 = s + Fri.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
s1.replace(/"\/home\/([0-9a-z\-]+)\//g, function(e0,e1){
if((" " + as(1) + as(2) + as(3) + as(4) + sp(Fx.u) + sp(f)).indexOf(sp(" " + e1)) == -1){
f += sp(e1);
fn = 3;
return "";
Fid("T2").value += f;
Fid("T" + fn).value += sp(Fx.u);
setTimeout("Fx.act()", 50);

Fx.act = function(){
if(es(ar(1)) == ""){
Fid("T1").value = ar(2);
Fid("T2").value = "";
Fid("F2").value = Number(Fid("F2").value) + 1;
var a = es(ar(1));
if(a == ""){
} else {
Fx.u = RegExp.$1;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=" + Fx.u;
Fid("T1").value = a.replace(/^[a-z0-9\-]+\s*/, "");
Fid("F1").value = Fx.u;
for(var i = 1; i < 5; i++){
a = es(ar(i));
Fid("S" + i).value = a == "" ? 0 : es(ar(i)).split(" ").length;
if(Fx.sleep) Fget();
subSort = function(o){
var obj = Fid(o);
var a = es(obj.value).split(" ");
obj.value = a.join(" ");

subEnd = function(){
Fid("F1").value = "";

entry = function(){
Fx.sleep = true;
Fid("T1").value = Fid("T3").value = Fid("T4").value = "";
if(Fid("T2").value == "") Fid("T2").value = "nancyan";
Fid("F2").value = 0;

<$$div class="info"><$$a href="main.html?no=140">ID取得ツールVer2.0(Friends編)<$$/a><$$/div>
<form name="Fxform"><table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="1"><tbody><tr><td>
<$$img hamu1 align="left"/>
FriendsのページからユーザーIDを捜し歩きます。<$$br />
<input type="button" value="取得開始" onclick="entry()" />
<input type="button" value="停止" onclick="Fx.sleep = false;" />
<input type="button" value="再開" onclick="Fx.sleep = true; Fget();" /> 取得レベル:
<input id="F2" size="4" value="0" />※階層
<tr><td class="d1">エントリー:<input id="S1" size="4" value="0" />人 ※検証待ち 検証中:
<input id="F1" size="20" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T1"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="d1">抽出リスト:<input id="S2" size="4" value="1" />人 ※エントリー待ち</td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T2">nancyan<$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="d1">有効リスト:<$$input id="S3" size="4" value="0" />人 ※検証済み</td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T3"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td class="d1">無効リスト:<input id="S4" size="4" value="0" />人 ※退会されています。</td></tr>
<tr><td><$$textarea id="T4"><$$/textarea></td></tr>
<$$br /><$$br />
table { width:80%; background-color:#ffefff; margin-left:10%;}
td.d1 { background-color:#eee; }
textarea {width:100%; height:4em; }
div.info { font-size:13pt; text-align:center;
font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:1em;

Fx.ent = foo;
Fx.err = fooError;
document.title = "ID取得ルーチンVer2.0(Friends編)";
コメント (0)

コメント (0)

entry = function(){
var s = "123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 33 50 33 48 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 120 96 101 124 110 88 95 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 33 50 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 110 88 95 52 56 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 33 50 103 101 110 88 95 38 32 81 45 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 123 101 103 117 33 49 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 122 100 101 110 88 95 38 32 81 44 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 123 98 117 33 49 117 32 72 52 47 42 10 34 105 38 54 39 60 37 32 81 107 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 59 58 117 104 117 100 96 110 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 38 37 48 48 49 117 104 117 96 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 101 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 52 59 60 120 44 32 80 62 60 100 52 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 100 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 51 57 52 62 48 100 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 103 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 51 57 52 62 48 96 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 102 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 52 59 60 120 44 32 80 62 60 100 52 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 97 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 51 57 52 62 48 100 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 96 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 51 57 52 62 48 100 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 99 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 52 59 60 120 44 32 80 62 60 100 52 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 98 32 56 117 104 117 119 61 32 81 32 81 37 111 122 122 32 82 32 82 32 82 108 123 58 54 59 123 59 48 123 63 37 122 43 52 62 60 103 59 49 122 49 61 32 81 56 57 122 38 52 56 37 57 48 122 51 57 52 62 48 103 123 50 60 51 119 110 88 95 88 95 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 59 38 97 32 80 37 117 104 117 33 48 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 57 52 44 48 39 38 124 117 106 117 100 117 111 117 101 110 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 60 48 97 32 80 37 117 104 117 33 48 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 52 57 57 124 117 106 117 100 117 111 117 101 110 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 49 45 121 117 45 37 121 117 44 37 110 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 52 56 121 117 38 32 81 45 121 117 38 32 81 44 110 88 95 32 83 52 39 117 60 121 117 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 117 104 117 103 101 101 101 121 117 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 117 104 117 103 101 101 101 110 88 95 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 59 38 97 32 80 37 124 117 46 88 95 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 117 104 117 38 48 57 51 123 60 59 59 48 39 32 50 60 49 32 81 61 110 88 95 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 117 104 117 38 48 57 51 123 60 59 59 48 39 32 77 48 60 50 61 32 81 110 88 95 40 117 48 57 38 48 117 60 51 117 33 48 60 48 97 32 80 37 124 117 46 88 95 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 117 104 117 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 55 58 49 44 123 54 57 60 48 59 32 81 32 50 60 49 32 81 61 110 88 95 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 117 104 117 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 55 58 49 44 123 54 57 60 48 59 32 81 32 77 48 60 50 61 32 81 110 88 95 40 88 95 88 95 49 45 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 45 37 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 44 37 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 52 56 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 38 32 81 45 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 38 32 81 44 117 104 117 59 48 32 82 117 32 68 39 39 52 44 33 48 124 110 88 95 63 117 104 117 101 110 88 95 88 95 51 58 39 117 33 48 60 117 104 117 101 110 117 60 117 105 117 59 58 110 117 33 49 33 49 117 60 124 117 46 88 95 49 45 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 110 88 95 45 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 32 72 52 32 81 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 110 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 59 38 97 32 80 37 124 117 46 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 60 117 104 104 117 101 124 117 46 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 32 82 39 60 32 81 48 33 48 119 105 57 52 44 48 39 117 59 52 56 48 104 32 57 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 117 60 117 33 49 119 32 57 119 117 57 48 51 32 81 104 32 57 119 100 96 32 57 119 117 32 81 58 37 104 32 57 119 100 96 32 57 119 117 32 83 60 38 60 55 60 57 60 32 81 44 104 32 57 119 38 61 58 32 82 32 57 119 107 105 60 56 50 117 38 39 54 104 32 57 119 119 117 33 49 117 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 63 32 56 117 33 49 117 119 32 57 119 117 55 58 39 49 48 39 104 32 57 119 101 32 57 119 107 105 122 57 52 44 48 39 107 119 124 110 88 95 40 117 48 57 38 48 117 46 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 32 82 39 60 32 81 48 33 48 119 105 57 52 44 48 39 117 59 52 56 48 104 32 57 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 117 60 117 33 49 119 32 57 119 117 57 48 51 32 81 104 32 57 119 100 96 32 57 119 117 32 81 58 37 104 32 57 119 100 96 32 57 119 117 32 83 60 38 60 55 60 57 60 32 81 44 104 32 57 119 38 61 58 32 82 32 57 119 107 105 60 56 50 117 38 39 54 104 32 57 119 119 117 33 49 117 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 63 32 56 117 33 49 117 119 32 57 119 117 55 58 39 49 48 39 104 32 57 119 101 32 57 119 107 105 122 57 52 44 48 39 107 119 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 40 117 48 57 38 48 117 60 51 117 33 48 60 48 97 32 80 37 124 117 46 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 60 117 104 104 117 101 124 117 46 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 32 82 39 60 32 81 48 33 48 119 105 49 60 32 83 117 60 49 104 32 57 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 117 60 117 33 49 119 32 57 119 117 38 32 81 44 57 48 104 32 57 119 32 53 32 74 32 54 32 76 32 49 32 76 32 74 32 75 111 117 52 55 38 58 57 32 80 32 81 48 110 117 32 63 120 32 76 32 75 32 65 32 64 32 61 111 117 119 33 49 117 60 117 33 49 119 117 32 51 32 76 32 54 32 76 32 71 32 76 32 73 32 76 32 49 32 60 111 117 32 83 60 38 60 55 57 48 110 117 32 49 32 74 32 53 111 117 100 96 37 45 110 117 32 73 32 64 32 67 32 49 111 117 100 96 37 45 110 117 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 111 100 110 32 57 119 107 105 60 56 50 117 38 39 54 104 32 57 119 119 117 33 49 117 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 63 32 56 117 33 49 117 119 32 57 119 117 55 58 39 49 48 39 104 32 57 119 101 32 57 119 107 105 122 49 60 32 83 107 119 124 110 88 95 40 117 48 57 38 48 117 46 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 32 82 39 60 32 81 48 33 48 119 105 49 60 32 83 117 60 49 104 32 57 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 117 60 117 33 49 119 32 57 119 117 38 32 81 44 57 48 104 32 57 119 32 53 32 74 32 54 32 76 32 49 32 76 32 74 32 75 111 117 52 55 38 58 57 32 80 32 81 48 110 117 32 63 120 32 76 32 75 32 65 32 64 32 61 111 117 119 33 49 117 60 117 33 49 119 117 32 51 32 76 32 54 32 76 32 71 32 76 32 73 32 76 32 49 32 60 111 117 32 83 60 38 60 55 57 48 110 117 32 49 32 74 32 53 111 117 100 96 37 45 110 117 32 73 32 64 32 67 32 49 111 117 100 96 37 45 110 117 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 111 100 110 32 57 119 107 105 60 56 50 117 38 39 54 104 32 57 119 119 117 33 49 117 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 62 63 32 56 117 33 49 117 119 32 57 119 117 55 58 39 49 48 39 104 32 57 119 101 32 57 119 107 105 122 49 60 32 83 107 119 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 40 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 63 117 104 104 117 33 48 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 123 57 48 59 50 32 81 61 120 100 124 124 117 46 117 63 117 104 117 101 110 117 40 117 48 57 38 48 117 46 117 63 117 33 49 104 117 100 110 117 40 88 95 40 88 95 88 95 51 32 80 59 54 32 81 60 58 59 117 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 58 32 75 32 54 33 48 124 117 46 88 95 51 58 39 117 33 48 60 117 104 117 101 110 117 60 117 105 117 59 58 110 117 33 49 33 49 117 60 124 117 46 88 95 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 33 49 104 117 38 32 81 44 32 62 60 32 56 110 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 107 117 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 120 96 101 124 117 46 88 95 45 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 33 50 33 48 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 120 52 56 32 62 60 32 56 120 102 101 124 110 88 95 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 110 88 95 38 32 81 45 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 123 101 103 117 33 49 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 122 100 101 110 88 95 38 32 81 44 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 123 98 117 33 49 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 117 104 117 38 48 57 51 123 60 59 59 48 39 32 50 60 49 32 81 61 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 117 104 117 38 48 57 51 123 60 59 59 48 39 32 77 48 60 50 61 32 81 110 88 95 40 88 95 49 45 32 62 60 32 56 117 33 49 104 117 38 32 81 45 32 62 60 32 56 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 57 52 44 48 39 38 32 62 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 60 32 56 123 32 81 58 37 117 104 117 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 57 52 44 48 39 38 32 62 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 60 32 56 123 57 48 51 32 81 117 104 117 45 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 33 49 117 52 56 32 62 60 32 56 33 50 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 38 60 59 33 48 49 45 32 62 60 32 56 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 38 48 32 81 32 49 60 56 48 58 32 80 32 81 33 48 119 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 58 32 75 32 54 33 48 124 119 121 117 38 37 48 48 49 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 88 95 51 32 80 59 54 32 81 60 58 59 117 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 58 32 76 32 64 33 48 124 117 46 88 95 51 58 39 117 33 48 60 117 104 117 101 110 117 60 117 105 117 59 58 110 117 33 49 33 49 117 60 124 117 46 88 95 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 33 49 104 117 38 32 81 44 32 62 60 32 56 110 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 107 117 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 120 96 101 124 117 46 88 95 45 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 33 50 33 48 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 120 52 56 32 62 60 32 56 120 102 101 124 110 88 95 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 110 88 95 38 32 81 45 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 123 101 103 117 33 49 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 122 100 101 110 88 95 38 32 81 44 32 62 60 32 56 117 104 117 101 123 98 117 33 49 117 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 39 52 59 49 58 56 33 48 124 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 58 32 82 60 49 32 81 61 117 104 117 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 55 58 49 44 123 54 57 60 48 59 32 81 32 50 60 49 32 81 61 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 58 61 48 60 50 61 32 81 117 104 117 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 55 58 49 44 123 54 57 60 48 59 32 81 32 77 48 60 50 61 32 81 110 88 95 40 88 95 49 45 32 62 60 32 56 117 33 49 104 117 38 32 81 45 32 62 60 32 56 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 52 57 57 32 62 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 60 32 56 123 38 32 81 44 57 48 123 37 60 45 48 57 32 49 58 37 117 104 117 44 37 32 62 60 32 56 110 88 95 49 58 54 32 80 56 48 59 32 81 123 52 57 57 32 62 119 49 58 32 81 119 33 49 60 32 56 123 38 32 81 44 57 48 123 37 60 45 48 57 32 73 48 51 32 81 117 104 117 45 37 32 62 60 32 56 117 33 49 117 52 56 32 62 60 32 56 33 50 32 72 52 32 81 61 123 38 60 59 33 48 49 45 32 62 60 32 56 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 38 48 32 81 32 49 60 56 48 58 32 80 32 81 33 48 119 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 58 32 76 32 64 33 48 124 119 121 117 38 37 48 48 49 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 88 95 60 51 117 33 48 59 38 97 32 80 37 124 117 46 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 58 32 75 32 54 33 48 124 110 88 95 40 117 48 57 38 48 117 60 51 117 33 48 60 48 97 32 80 37 124 117 46 88 95 32 54 32 49 32 68 32 55 32 58 32 76 32 64 33 48 124 110 88 95 40 88 95 105 122 38 54 39 60 37 32 81 107 34 59".split(" ");
var k = 85;
var t = "";
var r = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
var a = Number(s[i]);
if(a == 36){
r = 1;
a = Number(s[i]);
if(a == 32){
a = (Number(s[i]) - 48) ^ k;
} else if(a == 33){
++i;a=(Number(s[i]) + 77) ^ k;
} else if(a == 35){
a = (Number(s[i]) + 141) ^ k;
} else a = a ^ k;
if(r == 1){
r = 2;
e = a;
} else if(r == 2){
r = 0;
t = t + String.fromCharCode(a * 256 + e);
} else t = t + String.fromCharCode(a);
echo("decodeDisp", t);
<br />

<$$textarea id="decodeDisp" cols="120" rows="24" ><$$/textarea>

document.title = "decode";
コメント (0)

コメント (1)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

コメント (0)

dat = [
"2009/01/31,1,kazenokomoriuta_guiter.mp3,風の子守唄 ,39048,,2279967,2:22,",
"2009/02/13,1,sad_days.mp3,Sad days,28027,1234536296,2392398,2:29,",
"2009/04/05,0,happybirthday_to_you.mp3, ハッピーバースデー トゥー ユー,28129,1239116632,624849,0:39,なんちゃんの誕生日",
"2009/04/27,0,ave_maria_schubert_2.mp3, シューベルトのアベ・マリア*2,28133,1240843941,2142216,2:13,",
"2009/06/21,0,menuetto_bach.mp3,メヌエット by Bach,28135,1245624355,1339141,1:23,",
"2009/08/20,0,eclat/ryoshuu.mp3,旅愁 by J.P.Ordway,39062,,1913417,1:59,",
"2009/08/20,0,nancyan/ryoshuu.mp3,旅愁 by J.P.Ordway,39061,,1913417,1:59,差し替え元",
"2009/08/31,0,nancyan/annie_laurie.mp3,アニーローリー by J.Scott,35161,1251724871,2128248,2:13,",
"2009/09/07,0,nancyan/auralee.mp3,オーラリー by G.poulton,35377,1252327389,2152489,2:14,",
"2009/10/01,0,eclat/koiniochite.mp3,恋におちて,39064,,3191954,3:19,(*^(^* )v",
"2009/12/20,4,eclat/ainoyume.mid,愛の夢,39072,,57731,4:28,( *^)^*)",
"2009/12/20,4,eclat/canon.mid,カノン,39070,,21152,5:26,( *^)^*)",
"2009/12/20,4,eclat/toyoutolove.mid,To you to Love.,39073,,20129,2:29,( *^)^*)",
Lo.e2 = function(){ entry(); };
entry = function(){ return;
if(!Vis.login) { alert("ログインしてください"); return; }
if(dat.length > 0){
var a = dat.shift();
Fx.e("diary_editor", "mode=update&type=comments&oid=" + Vis.oid +
"&text=" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "&id=" + a.split(",")[4], "e2"

<$$a href="javascript:entry()">一括編集<$$/a>
コメント (0)

mooTools No.2

extend: function(properties){
for (var property in properties) this[property] = properties[property];
return this;

create: function(options){
var self = this;
options = options || {};
return function(event){
var args = options.arguments;
args = (args != undefined) ? $splat(args) : Array.slice(arguments, (options.event) ? 1 : 0);
if (options.event) args = [event || window.event].extend(args);
var returns = function(){
return self.apply(options.bind || null, args);
if (options.delay) return setTimeout(returns, options.delay);
if (options.periodical) return setInterval(returns, options.periodical);
if (options.attempt) return $try(returns);
return returns();

run: function(args, bind){
return this.apply(bind, $splat(args));

pass: function(args, bind){
return this.create({bind: bind, arguments: args});

bind: function(bind, args){
return this.create({bind: bind, arguments: args});

bindWithEvent: function(bind, args){
return this.create({bind: bind, arguments: args, event: true});

attempt: function(args, bind){
return this.create({bind: bind, arguments: args, attempt: true})();

delay: function(delay, bind, args){
return this.create({bind: bind, arguments: args, delay: delay})();

periodical: function(periodical, bind, args){
return this.create({bind: bind, arguments: args, periodical: periodical})();



limit: function(min, max){
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this));

round: function(precision){
precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 0);
return Math.round(this * precision) / precision;

times: function(fn, bind){
for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) fn.call(bind, i, this);

toFloat: function(){
return parseFloat(this);

toInt: function(base){
return parseInt(this, base || 10);


Number.alias('times', 'each');

var methods = {};
if (!Number[name]) methods[name] = function(){
return Math[name].apply(null, [this].concat($A(arguments)));
})(['abs', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos', 'exp', 'floor', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'tan']);


test: function(regex, params){
return ((typeof regex == 'string') ? new RegExp(regex, params) : regex).test(this);

contains: function(string, separator){
return (separator) ? (separator + this + separator).indexOf(separator + string + separator) > -1 : this.indexOf(string) > -1;

trim: function(){
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

clean: function(){
return this.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();

camelCase: function(){
return this.replace(/-\D/g, function(match){
return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase();

hyphenate: function(){
return this.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(match){
return ('-' + match.charAt(0).toLowerCase());

capitalize: function(){
return this.replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match){
return match.toUpperCase();

escapeRegExp: function(){
return this.replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');

toInt: function(base){
return parseInt(this, base || 10);

toFloat: function(){
return parseFloat(this);

hexToRgb: function(array){
var hex = this.match(/^#?(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})$/);
return (hex) ? hex.slice(1).hexToRgb(array) : null;

rgbToHex: function(array){
var rgb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g);
return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHex(array) : null;

stripScripts: function(option){
var scripts = '';
var text = this.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(){
scripts += arguments[1] + '\n';
return '';
if (option === true) $exec(scripts);
else if ($type(option) == 'function') option(scripts, text);
return text;

substitute: function(object, regexp){
return this.replace(regexp || (/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g), function(match, name){
if (match.charAt(0) == '\\') return match.slice(1);
return (object[name] != undefined) ? object[name] : '';



has: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,

keyOf: function(value){
for (var key in this){
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && this[key] === value) return key;
return null;

hasValue: function(value){
return (Hash.keyOf(this, value) !== null);

extend: function(properties){
Hash.each(properties, function(value, key){
Hash.set(this, key, value);
}, this);
return this;

combine: function(properties){
Hash.each(properties, function(value, key){
Hash.include(this, key, value);
}, this);
return this;

erase: function(key){
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete this[key];
return this;

get: function(key){
return (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? this[key] : null;

set: function(key, value){
if (!this[key] || this.hasOwnProperty(key)) this[key] = value;
return this;

empty: function(){
Hash.each(this, function(value, key){
delete this[key];
}, this);
return this;

include: function(key, value){
var k = this[key];
if (k == undefined) this[key] = value;
return this;

map: function(fn, bind){
var results = new Hash;
Hash.each(this, function(value, key){
results.set(key, fn.call(bind, value, key, this));
}, this);
return results;

filter: function(fn, bind){
var results = new Hash;
Hash.each(this, function(value, key){
if (fn.call(bind, value, key, this)) results.set(key, value);
}, this);
return results;

every: function(fn, bind){
for (var key in this){
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && !fn.call(bind, this[key], key)) return false;
return true;

some: function(fn, bind){
for (var key in this){
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && fn.call(bind, this[key], key)) return true;
return false;

getKeys: function(){
var keys = [];
Hash.each(this, function(value, key){
return keys;

getValues: function(){
var values = [];
Hash.each(this, function(value){
return values;

toQueryString: function(base){
var queryString = [];
Hash.each(this, function(value, key){
if (base) key = base + '[' + key + ']';
var result;
switch ($type(value)){
case 'object': result = Hash.toQueryString(value, key); break;
case 'array':
var qs = {};
value.each(function(val, i){
qs[i] = val;
result = Hash.toQueryString(qs, key);
default: result = key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
if (value != undefined) queryString.push(result);

return queryString.join('&');


Hash.alias({keyOf: 'indexOf', hasValue: 'contains'});

var Event = new Native({

name: 'Event',

initialize: function(event, win){
win = win || window;
var doc = win.document;
event = event || win.event;
if (event.$extended) return event;
this.$extended = true;
var type = event.type;
var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
while (target && target.nodeType == 3) target = target.parentNode;

if (type.test(/key/)){
var code = event.which || event.keyCode;
var key = Event.Keys.keyOf(code);
if (type == 'keydown'){
var fKey = code - 111;
if (fKey > 0 && fKey < 13) key = 'f' + fKey;
key = key || String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase();
} else if (type.match(/(click|mouse|menu)/i)){
doc = (!doc.compatMode || doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? doc.html : doc.body;
var page = {
x: event.pageX || event.clientX + doc.scrollLeft,
y: event.pageY || event.clientY + doc.scrollTop
var client = {
x: (event.pageX) ? event.pageX - win.pageXOffset : event.clientX,
y: (event.pageY) ? event.pageY - win.pageYOffset : event.clientY
if (type.match(/DOMMouseScroll|mousewheel/)){
var wheel = (event.wheelDelta) ? event.wheelDelta / 120 : -(event.detail || 0) / 3;
var rightClick = (event.which == 3) || (event.button == 2);
var related = null;
if (type.match(/over|out/)){
switch (type){
case 'mouseover': related = event.relatedTarget || event.fromElement; break;
case 'mouseout': related = event.relatedTarget || event.toElement;
if (!(function(){
while (related && related.nodeType == 3) related = related.parentNode;
return true;
}).create({attempt: Browser.Engine.gecko})()) related = false;

return $extend(this, {
event: event,
type: type,

page: page,
client: client,
rightClick: rightClick,

wheel: wheel,

relatedTarget: related,
target: target,

code: code,
key: key,

shift: event.shiftKey,
control: event.ctrlKey,
alt: event.altKey,
meta: event.metaKey


Event.Keys = new Hash({
'enter': 13,
'up': 38,
'down': 40,
'left': 37,
'right': 39,
'esc': 27,
'space': 32,
'backspace': 8,
'tab': 9,
'delete': 46


stop: function(){
return this.stopPropagation().preventDefault();

stopPropagation: function(){
if (this.event.stopPropagation) this.event.stopPropagation();
else this.event.cancelBubble = true;
return this;

preventDefault: function(){
if (this.event.preventDefault) this.event.preventDefault();
else this.event.returnValue = false;
return this;


var Class = new Native({

name: 'Class',

initialize: function(properties){
properties = properties || {};
var klass = function(){
for (var key in this){
if ($type(this[key]) != 'function') this[key] = $unlink(this[key]);
this.constructor = klass;
if (Class.prototyping) return this;
var instance = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this;
if (this.options && this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this);
return instance;

for (var mutator in Class.Mutators){
if (!properties[mutator]) continue;
properties = Class.Mutators[mutator](properties, properties[mutator]);
delete properties[mutator];

$extend(klass, this);
klass.constructor = Class;
klass.prototype = properties;
return klass;


Class.Mutators = {

Extends: function(self, klass){
Class.prototyping = klass.prototype;
var subclass = new klass;
delete subclass.parent;
subclass = Class.inherit(subclass, self);
delete Class.prototyping;
return subclass;

Implements: function(self, klasses){
Class.prototying = klass;
$extend(self, ($type(klass) == 'class') ? new klass : klass);
delete Class.prototyping;
return self;



inherit: function(object, properties){
var caller = arguments.callee.caller;
for (var key in properties){
var override = properties[key];
var previous = object[key];
var type = $type(override);
if (previous && type == 'function'){
if (override != previous){
if (caller){
override.<parent = previous;
object[key] = override;
} else {
Class.override(object, key, override);
} else if(type == 'object'){
object[key] = $merge(previous, override);
} else {
object[key] = override;

if (caller) object.parent = function(){
return arguments.callee.caller.<parent.apply(this, arguments);

return object;

override: function(object, name, method){
var parent = Class.prototyping;
if (parent && object[name] != parent[name]) parent = null;
var override = function(){
var previous = this.parent;
this.parent = parent ? parent[name] : object[name];
var value = method.apply(this, arguments);
this.parent = previous;
return value;
object[name] = override;



implement: function(){
var proto = this.prototype;
$each(arguments, function(properties){
Class.inherit(proto, properties);
return this;

コメント (1)

<$$img src="files/hamu_folder1.gif" alt="" height="35" width="35" />このページは汎用足跡掲示板のシステムです。<$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?sys_footprint">このページを実行すると表示されます<$$/a>

Fx.footprint = function(user){
Fx.user = user;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=" + user;
Fx.mode = "footprint";
ft = function(o){

Fx.ent = function(){

case "css" : Fx.ent_css(); break;
case "source" : Fx.ent_source(); break;
default : break;

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/^.+?(<body\s)/, "$1").replace(/(<\/body>).+?$/, "$1");
s = s.replace(/(counter">)(.+?<$$\/div>)/, "$1<$$div id='uP'>.<$$/div>\x3cdiv class='since'>$2<$$/div>");
Fx.owner = s.match(/class="add"/) ? true : false;
s = s.replace(/\x3cdiv\sid="back.+\x3c\/div>/, "");
s = s.replace(/\x3ccolgroup.+?\/colgroup>|\x3ctd\sclass="add".+?\x3c\/td>/g, "");

s = s.replace(/(\d)\s\s時/g, "(0$1)").replace(/(\d\d)\s時/g, "($1)");
s = s.replace(/(<caption>)(.+?)(\d+)(.+?<\/caption>)/g, "$1■$2<$$span>$3<$$/span>$4");
s = s.replace(/(<caption>)(.+?)(<\/caption>)/, "$1$2 ⇒ <$$a href='javascript:Fx.o1();'>重複しているIDは<$$span id='u1'>.<$$/span>件です<$$/a>$3");
s = s.replace(/(day">)(\d{4}\s\d\d\/\d\d)/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return e1 + e2 + " " + Po.dateByDay(e2,1);}
n = 1;
s = s.replace(/(date">)(\d{4}\s\d\d\/\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d)/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return 'no">' + n++ + '\x3c/td>\x3ctd class="' + e1 + e2;}
s = s.replace(/([a-z0-9_\-]+)(<$$\/a><\/td>\s*<$$td\sclass="message)(">)(.*?)(<\/td>)/g,
return (
e1 + e2 + (e4 == "" ? " non" : "") + e3 +
"<$$a href=javascript:Fx.footprint('" + e1 + "')>" +
(e4 == "" ? "言葉は少なめ" : e4) + "\x3c/a>" + e5
s = s.replace(/(<table\s)/g, "$1cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' ");
s = s.replace(/(\swidth=")(\d+)(")/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return e1 + Math.floor(e2 * .5) + e3;
s = s.replace(/\t/g, "\n");
Fid("cssDisp").value = "";
Fid("sourceDisp").value = "";
Fid("eclat_diary").href = "main.html?no=103&user=" + Fx.user;
Fid("eclat_bbs").href = "main.html?no=105&user=" + Fx.user;
/* setTimeout("afterExec()", 50);*/

mlinks = function(s, n){
var s2 = ["main", "profile", "friends", "links", "bbs", "footprint", "diary",
"bbs", "footprint", "diary"];
return "<$$a href='" + (s < 4 ? "/home/" + n + "/" : s < 7 ? "/cgi-bin/" : "main.html?sys_") +

afterExec = function(){
var obj = Fid("messages");
var o = Ftag(obj, "tr");
var str = " ",n = 0,a,b,c,c1,o1;
var r = "<a target='_blank' href='";
var s2 = ["main", "profile", "friends", "links", "bbs", "footprint", "diary",
"bbs", "footprint", "diary"];

for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
o1 = Ftag(o[i], "td");
b = Ftn(Ftag(o1[2], "a")[0]);
a = b + " ";
if(str.indexOf(a) != -1){
o[i].className = "sec";
} else str += a;
o1[0].innerHTML = r + "/home/" + b + "/menu.html'>" + Ftn(o1[0]) + "";
c1 = Ftn(o1[1]);
c = c1.split(" ");
cc = 0;
o1[1].innerHTML =
c[0].replace(/(\d)/g, function(e0,e1){
return r + "../" + b + "/" + s2[cc++] + ".html'>" + e1 + "";}) + " " +
c[1].replace(/(\d\d|\/)/g, function(e0,e1){
return r + "/cgi-bin/" + s2[cc++] + ".cgi?oid=" + b + ";n=30'>" + e1 + "";}) + " " +
c[2].replace(/(\d\d|:)/g, function(e0,e1){
return r + "main.html?sys_" + s2[cc++] + "&user=" + b + "'>" + e1 + "";}) + " " +
Fid("u1").firstChild.nodeValue = n;
var r1 = r + "/home/" + Fx.user + "/";
var r2 = r + "/cgi-bin/";
"\x3ca href='main.html?sys_footprint&user=" + Fx.user + "'>Fx.user(" + Fx.user + ")\x3c/a>" +
" ⇒_self / " + r1 + "'>home\x3c/a> " + r1 + "menu.html'>menu\x3c/a> " +
r1 + "main.html'>main\x3c/a> " + r1 + "profile.html'>profile\x3c/a> " +
r1 + "friends.html'>friends\x3c/a> " + r1 + "links.html'>links\x3c/a> " +
r2 + "bbs.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=30'>bbs\x3c/a> " +
r2 + "diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=30'>diary\x3c/a> " +
r2 + "footprint.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + "'>footprint\x3c/a> ⇒_blank"

var o = Fid("rer");
var op = o.options;
var ne = false;
for(var i = 0; i < op.length; i++){
if(op[i].value == Fx.user){
ne = true;
var a;
o.insertBefore(op[i], op[0]);
} else {
a = Fce("option");
Fap(a, Fctn(Fx.user));
a.value = Fx.user;
if(op.length == 0){
Fap(o, a);
} else {
o.insertBefore(a, op[0]);
o.selectedIndex = 0;

Fx.o1 = function(){
var o = Fid("messages");
o.className = o.className == "" ? "userSec" : "";

Fx.o2 = function(s){
Fx.uri = "/home/" + Fx.user + "/" + s + ".css";
Fx.mode = "css";

Fx.o3 = function(s){
Fx.uri = "/home/" + Fx.user + "/" + s + ".html";
Fx.mode = "source";

Fx.ent_css = function(){
var o = Fid("cssDisp");
var str = Fx.str.replace(/\ /gm, " ");
o.className = "show";
o.value = str;

Fx.dispClose = function(s){
var o = Fid(s + "Disp");
o.className = o.className == "show" ? "hide" : "show";

Fx.ent_source = function(){
var o = Fid("sourceDisp");
var str = Fx.str.replace(/\x09/gm, " ");
o.className = "show";
o.value = str;

selChange = function(){
var o = Fid("rer");

.hide { display:none; }
.show { display:block; }
form { margin:0; }
body {margin:0; font-size:10pt; }
#mainDisp { padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em; }
a {text-decoration:none;}
div.sysDispBefore {
font-size:18pt; color:steelblue; margin:8px;
background:url(files/hamu_folder1.gif) no-repeat; padding:10px 38px 15px;
#counter {
background:url(files/y_line_b.gif) no-repeat left 10px; display:block;
text-align:left; padding:15px 0px 20px 50px;
#counter div.user {
font-family:"Arial Black"; color:blueviolet;
font-size:13pt; margin-bottom:4px;
#counter div.since { color:darkgreen; }

caption {color:#000; text-align:left; font-size:10pt; margin-right:.25em;
padding:.25em; border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; line-height:1em;
background-color:lavender; white-space:nowrap;
caption span {color:steelblue; margin-left:.25em; margin-right:.25em; }
#messages { width:100%; }
td {border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; line-height:1em; padding:.25em; font-size:10pt; white-space:nowrap; }
td.non {text-align:right;}
.message a:link {color:steelblue;}
.message a:visited {color:darkgreen;}
.message a:hover {color:magenta;}
.non a:link {color:tomato;}
td.user_id a:visited {
background-color:yellow; color:red;
td.user_id a:hover {
color:magenta; background-color:transparent;
div.ds1 {float:left;}

a img {border:none;}
span.day0 {color:red;}
span.day1 {color:#808080;}
span.day6 {color:blue;}

td.graph img {
#days td.graph img { border-top-color:orange; }
#hours td.graph img { border-top-color:lime; }
#wdays td.graph img { border-top-color:steelblue; }


td.count {text-align:right;}
td.wday {color:#808080;}
td.no {text-align:right;}
#footerDisp { clear:both; margin-right:1em; }
#messages.userSec tr.sec {display:none;}
#userSelect { width:150px; }
#uP { color:#808080; }
#cssDisp {width:90%; background-color:#eeeeff;}
#sourceDisp {width:90%; background-color:#ffefff; }
#footprintMenu { margin-bottom:.5em; }
#footprintMenu a { text-decoration:underline; }

.fxxForm { background-color:lavender; text-align:center; }
select{ font-size:10pt; width:20em;}
a.btn { color:darkgreen; }
a.btn:hover { background-color:darkgreen; color:#fff; }
#sysDisp a {}
<$$div class="sysDispBefore"><$$a href="main.html?no=121">sys_footprint/汎用足跡<$$/a><$$/div>

<$$div id="footprintMenu">
<$$div>■CSSの表示 ⇒
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('common');">common<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('main');">main<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('menu');">menu<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('profile');">profile<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('bbs');">bbs<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('bbs_form');">bbs_form<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('diary');">diary<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('links');">links<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('friends');">friends<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('footprint');">footprint<$$/a> |
【<$$a href="javascript:Fx.dispClose('css');" class="btn">テキストエリアの表示・非表示<$$/a>】
<$$textarea id="cssDisp" cols="80" rows="20" class="hide"><$$/textarea>
<$$div>■ソースの表示 ⇒
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o3('main');">main.html<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o3('menu');">menu.html<$$/a> |
【<$$a href="javascript:Fx.dispClose('source');" class="btn">テキストエリアの表示・非表示<$$/a>】
■<$$a href="#" id="eclat_diary">エクラの日記<$$/a>
■<$$a href="#" id="eclat_bbs">エクラの掲示板<$$/a>
<$$textarea id="sourceDisp" cols="80" rows="20" class="hide"><$$/textarea>
<form name="Fxx" class="fxxForm">
<$$span id="FxxLink">
ユーザー入力:<input type="text" size="20" name="user" /><input
type="button" onclick="ft(this.form)" value="取得" />
履歴:<select id="rer"></select><input type="button" onclick="selChange()" value="取得" />
<$$div id="sysDisp"><$$/div>

<iframe name="main_nancyan" width="0" height="0"frameborder="0"></iframe>


Fx.user = Fx.loc.match(/user=([a-z0-9_\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan";
document.title = "ECLAT 汎用足跡 Ver4.0 [" + Fx.user + "]";
コメント (3)


calenSystem = function(){
this.req = Freq();
this.req.onreadystatechange = this.reqEntry;
this.reqEntry.obj = this;
this.req.open("GET", "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all", true);

calenSystem.prototype = {
reqEntry : function(){
if(this.obj.req.readyState == 4){
if(this.obj.status == 200){


sub1 = function(){
Fn1 = new calenSystem();


Fx.sp = function(s){ return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); };
Fx.show = function(o,func){
var a,b,p = o.parentNode;
var a = p.getElementsByTagName("div");
b = p.getElementsByTagName("span");
if(b.length) p.removeChild(b[0]);
} else {
a = Fap(p, Fce("div"));
Fx.act = a;
a.className = "num";
if(func != "show" && func != "entry"){
} else {
a.innerHTML = "取得するものはありません。";
Fx.showSource = function(o,func){
var p = o.parentNode;
var a = p.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
} else {
a = Fap(p, Fce("textarea"));
a.className = "text";
a.value = "Fx." + func + " = " + Fx[func];

Fx.getNewArticleByAll = function(){
Fx.ent = function(){if(Fx.str.match(/n=0;s=(\d+)/)) Fx.act.innerHTML = " ⇒ " + RegExp.$1;};
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;n=0";
Fx.getUserByAll = function(){
Fx.ent = function(){
Fx.temp = Fx.str.match(/"\/home\/([a-z0-9\-]+)\/"/g);
Fx.ent = function(){
var a = Fx.str.match(/"\/home\/([a-z0-9\-]+)\/"/g);
var b = Fx.temp.concat(a);
a = " " + b.join(" ").replace(/("|\/home\/|\/)/g, "");
a = a.replace(/(\s[a-z0-9\-]+)(\1{1,})/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return e1 + "(" + (Fx.sp(e2).split(" ").length + 1) + ")";});
Fx.act.innerHTML = a;
Fx.uri = RegExp.$1;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=all;n=100";

Fx.getArticleTitle = function(n){
var o = Fx.act.parentNode;
var a = o.insertBefore(Fce("span"), Ftag(o, "a")[0].nextSibling);
Fx.ent = function(){
if(Fx.str.match(/name="article_title" value="(.+?)"/)) Fap(Fx.act, Fctn(RegExp.$1 + " "));
else Fap(Fx.act, Fctn("※削除されています"));
Fap(Fx.act, Fce("br"));
Fx.cnt--; Fx.num--;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=nancyan&mode=edit&article_id=" + Fx.num;
Ftag(Fx.act.parentNode, "span")[0].innerHTML = (100 - Fx.cnt) + "/1000 <" + "a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='Fx.fg=false;'>stop<" + "/a>";
if(Fx.cnt > 0 && Fx.fg) Fget();
if(n == null) n = 152535;
Fx.cnt = 1000;
Fx.num = n;
Fx.fg = true;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=nancyan&mode=edit&article_id=" + n;

Fx.entry = function(){
var str = Fx.dec(key(Fx.str, "data"));
str = str.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\s.+)/g, "\x3cdiv>■Fx.\x3ca href='#' onclick='Fx.show(this,\"$1\"); return false;'>$1$2\x3c/a> | \x3ca href='#' onclick='Fx.showSource(this,\"$1\"); return false;'>ソース\x3c/a>\x3c/div>");
Fid("disp").innerHTML = str;


#disp { color:blue; }
div.num { color:darkgreen; font-family:Verdana;}
textarea.text { width:80%; height:100px; background-color:#ffefff; color:#000;
border:none; display:block;


<$$hr size="1" noshade="noshade" />
<$$div id="disp"><$$/div>
<$$hr size="1" noshade="noshade" />
<$$a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="sub1()">新しい構造の検証<$$/a>

document.title = "汎用サブルーチン集No.1";
entry このページのエントリ
show サブルーチン集のコール
getNewArticleByAll 新着日記にて最新の記事番号を得る
getUserByAll 新着日記の200件にある全てのユーザ名を得る
getArticleTitle 引数の番号のタイトルを得る
コメント (1)

汎用CSS 2.0.1

entry = function(){
if(window.screen.height == 600){
Fid("txt1").style.height = "335px";
Fid("updateForm").r1[2].checked = true;
echo("userID", Fx.loc.match(/user=([\w\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : Vis.login ? Vis.oid : "nancyan");
var page = Fx.loc.match(/page=([\w]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "diary";
var o = Fid("sel");
for(var i = 0; i < o.options.length; i++){
if(o.options[i].value == page){
o.selectedIndex = i; break;
Fx.CNT = 0;
loadEntry = function(){
var o = Fid("userID");
var s = echo(o);
if(s.length < 2 || s.match(/[^a-z0-9\-]+/)){
o.focus(); o.select();
o = Fid("sel");
var s1 = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value
echo("infoUpdate", "更新\x3cb>0\x3c/b>回目");
Fx.CNT = 0;
echo("userPage", s1 == "bbs" || s1 == "footprint" ?
"\x3ca href='/cgi-bin/" + s1 + ".cgi?oid=" + s + "' target='_blank'>閲覧\x3c/a>" :
s1 != "common" && s1 != "bbs_form" ?
"\x3ca href='/home/" + s + "/" + s1 + (s1 == "diary" ? "/" : ".html") + "' target='_blank'>閲覧\x3c/a>" : ""
Fx.e("/home/" + s + "/" + s1 + ".css?" + (new Date()).getTime(), "load2");
echo("absDisp" , ""); Fid("absDisp").className = "hide"; echo("cate", "情報");
if(s1 == "diary") Fx.e("/home/" + s + "/diary/menu.html", "cateEntry");
Lo.cateEntry = function(){
var s = Re.cateEntry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/^.+\x3chr \/>/, "");
s = s.replace(/(href=)/g, 'target="_blank" $1');
echo("cate", "\x3ca href='javascript:cateShow()'>情報\x3c/a>");
echo("absDisp", s);
cateShow = function(){
var o = Fid("absDisp");
o.className = o.className != "show" ? "show" : "hide";
Lo.load2 = function(){
echo("txt1", Re.load2.responseText); counter();
var o = Fid("sButton");
if(Vis.oid == echo("userID")){
echo("infoMsg", "done..."); o.disabled = false;
} else {
echo("infoMsg", "\x3cfont color='red'>管理人以外は編集が出来ませんので\x3cb>閲覧だけ\x3c/b>にして下さい。\x3c/font>");
echo("infoUpdate", "");
o.disabled = true;
Lo.load2.err = function(){
var o = Fid("userID");
echo("infoMsg", "\x3cb>" + echo(o) + "\x3c/b>のサイトは存在しません");
Fid("sButton").disabled = true;
echo("txt1", "");
counter(); o.focus(); o.select();
submitEntry = function(){
echo("infoMsg", ".....update Now!....");
var o = Fid("sel");
var dat = "css=" + encodeURIComponent(echo("txt1")) + "&target=" + o.options[o.selectedIndex].value + "&oid=" + Vis.oid + "&mode=update";
Fx.e("css_editor", dat, "up2");
Lo.up2 = function(){
echo("infoUpdate", "更新\x3cb>" + Fx.CNT + "\x3c/b>回目");
echo("infoMsg", "update : " + (new Date()).toLocaleString() + "....done.");

rEntry = function(n){ Fid("txt1").style.fontSize = n + "pt"; };
counter = function(){ echo("infoCnt", echo("txt1").length + "/20000(max)"); };
* { box-border:content-box; }
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#updateForm { margin-left:1em; margin-right:2em; }
#txt1 {
background-color:#ffefff; width:100%; border:1px solid #ccc;
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#infoDisp a:hover { color:steelblue; }
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font-size:11pt; border:1px solid lightblue; background-color:steelblue;
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#msgDisp span { font-size:11pt; }
input { font-size:11pt; }
<$$div id="absDisp" class="hide"><$$/div>
<form name="updateForm" id="updateForm">
<$$div id="infoDisp">
■<$$a href="main.html?no=119">#119 汎用CSS 2.0.1<$$/a>
<input type="text" size="12" id="userID" />
<select id="sel" onchange="loadEntry()">
<option value="common">共通設定</option>
<option value="main">トップページ</option>
<option value="menu">メニュー</option>
<option value="profile">プロフィール</option>
<option value="bbs">掲示板 (表示)</option>
<option value="bbs_form">掲示板 (フォーム)</option>
<option value="diary">日記 / コラム</option>
<option value="links">リンク集</option>
<option value="friends">友達リスト</option>
<option value="footprint">足跡</option>
<$$span id="cate">情報<$$/span>
<$$span class="radio">
<input type="radio" name="r1" onclick="rEntry(10.5)" />小
<input type="radio" name="r1" onclick="rEntry(11)" checked="checked" />中
<input type="radio" name="r1" onclick="rEntry(12)" />大
<$$span id="userPage"><$$/span>
<input type="button" value="取得" onclick="loadEntry()" />
<$$textarea id="txt1" cols="80" rows="24" wrap="soft"
onkeypress="counter()" onmousedown="counter()" onchange="counter()"><$$/textarea>
<$$div id="msgDisp">
<input type="button" value="送信" onclick="submitEntry()" id="sButton" />
<$$span id="infoCnt"><$$/span>
<$$span id="infoUpdate">閲覧<$$/span>
<$$span id="infoMsg"><$$/span>
document.title = "汎用CSS 2.0.1";
コメント (0)


entry = function(){
Uoid = Vis.oid;
Ulogin = Vis.login;
Usid = Vis.sid;

Lo.postResponse = function(){
Fid("listTable").className = "tb1";

defSet = function(){
Vis.sid = "8356b7f01465486bb209f61c4aff9e65dc6ead19";
document.cookie =
"SID=" + Vis.sid + "; domain=.www.eclat.cc; path=/;" +
"expires=Tue, 31-Dec-2030 23:59:59;";
Vis.login = true;
Vis.oid = "default";

fxSet = function(){
Vis.sid = null;
document.cookie =
"SID=xx; domain=.www.eclat.cc; path=/; expires=Tue, 31-Dec-2000 23:59:59;";
Vis.oid = null;
Vis.login = false;

strDec = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/\x3c\/?t.>/g, "");
s = s.replace(/\x3cbr \/>/g, "\n");
s = encodeURIComponent(s);
return s;
e2Entry = function(s){
Fid("listTable").className = "tb2";
par = function(o,s){
var a = o;
var str = s.toUpperCase();
while(a.tagName != str) a = a.parentNode;
return a;
deleteRow = function(o){
var msg = echo(par(o,"th").lastChild);
if(msg == "") msg = "白紙";
if(confirm("『" + msg + "』の項目を削除しようとしています!\n\n・右側の内容の欄も同時に削除されます。\n・本当に削除しても宜しいのでしょうか?")){
var a = par(o, "tr");
insertRow = function(o){
var a = o;
while(a.tagName != "TR") a = a.parentNode;
var b = a.parentNode.lastChild.cloneNode(true);
editEntry = function(o){
var p = par(o, "tr");
if(p.className == "tr_act"){
var a = p.firstChild;
echo(a.lastChild, Ftag(a, "textarea")[0].value.replace(/\n/g, "\x3cbr>"));
a = p.lastChild;
echo(a.lastChild, Ftag(a, "textarea")[0].value.replace(/\n/g, "\x3cbr>"));
p.className = "tr_slp";
} else {
if(p.className == "tr_slp"){
p.className = "tr_act";
} else {
var obj = par(o, "td");
var a = Fce("textarea"); a.rows = "6";
var b = obj.lastChild;
a.value = echo(b).replace(/\x3cbr\s?\/?>/gi, "\n");

obj = obj.previousSibling;
a = Fce("textarea"); a.rows = "3";
b = obj.lastChild;
a.value = echo(b).replace(/\x3cbr\s?\/?>/gi, "\n");
p.className = "tr_act";
submitEntry = function(o){
var obj = Ftag(par(o, "tbody"), "tr");
var str = "",a,b,a1,a2;
for(var i = 1; i < obj.length; i++){
a = obj[i]; a1 = a.firstChild; a2 = a.lastChild;
str += "&name=" +
encodeURIComponent(a.className == "tr_act" ?
Ftag(a1,"textarea")[0].value : echo(a1.lastChild).replace(/\x3cbr\s?\/?>/gi, "\n")
) + "&value=" +
encodeURIComponent(a.className == "tr_act" ?
Ftag(a2,"textarea")[0].value : echo(a2.lastChild).replace(/\x3cbr\s?\/?>/gi, "\n")
e2Entry("oid=" + Fx.uoid + "&mode=update" + str);

listEntry = function(){
if(!Vis.login) Vis.oid = null;
Fx.uoid = Vis.oid || "default";
var s = "/home/" + Fx.uoid + "/profile.html";
echo("infoMsg", "update page : <$$a href='" + s + "' target='_blank'>" + s + "<$$/a> <button onclick='fSize(0)'>10pt</button><button onclick='fSize(1)'>11pt</button> ←内容の欄の文字サイズです(^-^y");
Fx.e(s, "lis2");
fSize = function(s){
Fid("mainDisp").className = "fSize1" + s;
Lo.lis2 = function(){
var s = Re.lis2.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var str = s.match(/(\x3ctbody>.+?\x3c\/tbody>)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
str = str.replace(/(\x3c\/tbody>)/, "<tr><th></th><td></td></tr>$1");
str = str.replace(/(\x3cth>)(.*?)(\x3c\/th>)/g, "$1\x3cdiv class='d1'><nobr><button onclick='deleteRow(this)'>削除</button><button onclick='insertRow(this)'>新規挿入</button></nobr>\x3c/div>\x3cdiv class='d2'>$2\x3c/div>$3");
str = str.replace(/(\x3cdiv class='d)1'>(.+?)(\x3c\/div>)/, "$10'>ここは変更不可です$3");
str = str.replace(/(\x3ctd>)(.*?)(\x3c\/td>)/g, "$1\x3cdiv class='d3'><button onclick='editEntry(this)'>編集と表示</button><button onclick='submitEntry(this)'>送信</button>\x3c/div>\x3cdiv class='d4'>$2\x3c\/div>$3");
str = str.replace(/\x3cbutton.+?\/button>/, "");
str = "\x3ctable cellpadding='3' cellspacing='5' class='tb1' id='listTable'>" + str + "\x3c/table>";
echo("listDisp", str);
window.onerror = function(){
Fid("listTable").className = "tb1";
return true;


<$$img src="files/yosei_0.gif" align="left" alt="" /><$$div class="header">
<$$a href="main.html?no=118"> ■#118 汎用プロフィール更新エディタ<$$/a>.......φ(Ver1.0)<$$/div>
<$$div id="infoMsg"><$$/div>
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div class="updateInfo">
■更新履歴<$$br />
・2009/05/18 Ver1.0として公開。
.header { margin-bottom:.5em; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; }
#infoMsg {
background-color:#eee; padding:.25em .5em;
border:1px solid #dcdcdc; margin:.5em 2em;
border-radius:8px; -moz-border-radius:8px;
#listTable { width:100%; }
td,th { vertical-align:top; }
th { background-color:lavender; padding:.5em;
border:1px solid #ccc;
border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px;
.d0 { margin-bottom:.5em; font-weight:normal;
.d1 { margin-bottom:.25em;}

.d4 { font-family:"MS Pゴシック";
line-height:1.3em; border:1px dashed #0c0;
border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px;
padding:.5em; color: #896952; margin-top:.25em;
.d3 { color:#808080; background-color:#fff; font-weight:normal; }
td textarea { width:100%; }
tr.tr_act textarea, tr.tr_slp .d2, tr.tr_slp .d4 { display:block; }
tr.tr_slp textarea, tr.tr_act .d2, tr.tr_act .d4 { display:none; }
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.tb2 { background-color:steelblue; }
textarea { border:1px solid #ccc; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; }
#mainDisp.fSize10 .d4 { font-size:10pt; }
#mainDisp.fSize11 .d4 { font-size:11pt; }
.updateInfo {
document.title = "汎用プロフィール更新エディタ(1.0)";
コメント (0)

Fx.arc = 155541;
Re_com = function(s){
s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
return s.match(/\x3ctextarea[^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
Re_user = function(s){
s = s.match(/投稿者: ([^<]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "-";
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
Re_uri = function(n){
return "/cgi-bin/diary_editor.cgi?oid=" + Vis.oid + ";type=comments;id=" + n;
Fx.ini = function(){
Fx.page = Fx.loc.match(/page=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
Fx.viewNum = Fx.loc.match(/n=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : Fx.page != 0 ? 25 : 0
Fx.p1 = Fx.loc.match(/s=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : (Fx.page - 1) * 25 + 1;
var n = Number(RegExp.$1) - 1;
var a = Fx.topics[n];
var n1 = Number(RegExp.$2);
var n2 = Number(RegExp.$3);
Fx.p1 = n1;
Fx.viewNum = n2 - n1 + 1;
echo("listDispInfo", RegExp.$1 + " [ " + n1 + " - " + n2 + " ]");
Fx.p2 = 1;
Fx.st = 25426;
var n = Math.floor(Fx.k.length / 25);
var s = "■過去ログのリンク(全" + Fx.k.length + "件)\x3cbr />";
for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++){
s += "\x3ca href='main.html?no=117&page=" + i + "' " + (i == Fx.page ? "class='now'" : "") + ">P" + ("0" + i).slice(-2) + "\x3c/a> ";
var s = "";
for(i = 0; i < Fx.topics.length; i++){
s = "・\x3ca href='main.html?no=117&topics=" + (i + 1) + "'>" + RegExp.$1 + "\x3c/a>\x3cbr />" + s;
s = "■過去ログのトピックス<$$br />" + s;
echo("me_link", s);
if(Fx.viewNum !== 0) Fx.show();
else mainPage();
mainPage = function(){
var o = Fid("listDisp");
a = Fap(o, Fce("div")); a.id = "nancyanMainDisp";
a = Fap(o, Fce("div")); a.id = "hazukiMainDisp";
a = Fap(o, Fce("div")); a.id = "mainDispBottom";
echo(a, "思いっきり中途半端ですけれど・・・休憩です(^-^;");
Fx.e(Re_uri(29495), "nancyanMain");
Fx.e(Re_uri(29496), "hazukiMain");
Lo.nancyanMain = function(){
var s = Fx.col2(Fx.col(Re_com(Re.nancyanMain.responseText)));
s = "\x3cimg src='/home/nancyan/files/hitoshi-2.jpg' alt='' align='left' />" +
s + "\x3cbr clear='left' / >";
echo("nancyanMainDisp", s);
Lo.hazukiMain = function(){
var s = Fx.col(Re_com(Re.hazukiMain.responseText));
echo("hazukiMainDisp", Fx.col2(s));

Fx.show = function(){
if(Fx.p2 <= Fx.viewNum){
Fx.num = Number(Fx.k[Fx.p1 - 1]) + Fx.st;
Fx.col2 = function(s){
return s.replace(/ /g, "\x3cbr \/>");

Fx.col = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^\(\^\* \))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\( \*\^\)\^\*\)|^^|\(#\^\-\^#\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss2'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\(\^\-\^y|\(\*\^\-\^\*\)|\(\*\^_\^\*\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kao1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(愛|大好き)/g, "\x3cspan class='big'>$1\x3c\/span>");
return s;
Lo.bbs = function(){
var s = Re.bbs.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
s = Fx.dec(s).match(/\[data\][\s0-9]+\[\/data\]/g);
s = s.join(" ").replace(/\[\/?data\]/g, "");
s = s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
Fx.k = s.split(" ");

entry = function(){
Fx.k = key(Fx.str, "data").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(" ");
Fx.topics = key(Fx.str.replace(/\r?\n/g, ""), "linkTitle").replace(/\x3cbr \/>/g, "").split(",");
} else {
Fid("noLogin").style.display = "block";
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText;
var c = Re_com(s);
c = Fx.col(c);
var user = Re_user(s);
var uid = user == "葉月" ? "hazuki" : user == "なんちゃん" ? "nancyan" : "other";
var o = Fap(Fid("listDisp"), Fce("div"));
o.className = "u_" + uid;
echo(o, '[ ' + Fx.p1 + ' ] \x3cspan class="data_no">' + (Fx.num - Fx.st) + '\x3c/span> \x3cspan class="Res">R' + Fx.num + '\x3c/span> \x3cspan class="user">' + user + '\x3c/span> : ' + '\x3cspan class="msg">' + c + '\x3c/span>');


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.imgDisp { text-align:center; }
#chatInfo {
margin:.5em 2em; border:1px dotted #ccc;
border-radius:.8em; -moz-border-radius:.8em; padding:.25em;
#hako { margin-right:240px;}
.t1,.t2 { width:100%; }
.td1 { width:100px; text-align:center; color:#808080; }
.td1 a { color:blueviolet; }
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.edit { margin-left:.5em; color:blueviolet;}
#update { color:darkgreen; }
#noLogin { display:none; }
.m1 { text-align:center; margin-bottom:1em;
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#fx_link { margin:1em 23px; border:1px dashed skyblue;
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#me_link { margin:1em 23px; border:1px dashed magenta;
padding:.5em; text-align:left;
border-radius:.4em; -moz-border-radius:.4em;
#listDispInfo {
#fx_link a { text-decoration:underline; }
div.u_hazuki span.msg, div.u_botanic span.msg { color:#896952; }
div.u_nancyan span.msg { color:#000; }
.kiss1 { color:red; }
.kiss2 { color:magenta; }
.kao1 { color:blueviolet; }
.big { font-size:13pt; color:#b22222; }
.data_no {border:1px solid darkgreen; -moz-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px;
padding-left:.25em; padding-right:.25em; background-color:yellow; color:#000;
<$$div id="linkDisp">
<$$div class="m1"><$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?no=117">#117 言葉の箱・過去ログ<$$/a><$$br />

<$$img src="h$$ttp://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki.gif" alt="心を込めて歌うリトル葉月" alt="なんちゃんと葉月の晴れ姿" class="gif1" />
<$$div id="chatInfo">
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=114">#114 言葉の箱・チャット版<$$/a><$$br />
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=115">#115 言葉の箱・閲覧版<$$/a><$$br />
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=116&uri=/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html">#116 言葉の箱・編集<$$/a>
<$$div id="fx_link"><$$/div>
<$$div id="me_link"><$$/div>

<$$div id="hako">
<table class="t1"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">
<$$img src="h$$ttp://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/hazuki_utau.gif" alt="心を込めて歌うリトル葉月" /></td><td class="td2">
<table class="t2"><tbody><tr><td class="logo1">言葉の箱の過去ログ</td></tr>
<tr><td class="td3">
<$$div id="listDispInfo"><$$/div>
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>

<$$div id="noLogin">
<$$img src="files/yukikko2b.gif" alt="" /><$$br />
document.title = "言葉の箱・過去ログ";
Fx.footerAdd = "(C)2007-2009 日記「春を待つ君に」の言葉の箱より 葉月 \x3ca href='/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html' target='_blank'>diary\x3c/a> \x3ca href='main.html?no=103&uri=/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html'>#103\x3c/a> \x3ca href='/home/botanic/' target='_blank'>botanic@eclat\x3c/a> \x3cbr />";
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=5;s=172", "bbs");
キス(*^(^* )の始まり:326-350,

4012 4010 4008 4007 4004 4002 4001 3997 3995 3994 3993 3992 3991 3990 3987 3986 3985 3984 3982 3981 3980 3977 3974 3973 3953 3950 3947 3946 3943 3934 3932 3928 3916 3915 3914 3913 3907 3906 3903 3902 3901 3900 3899 3898 3897 3896 3895 3890 3889 3888 3887 3886 3885 3884 3880 3879 3877 3876 3875 3874 3871 3870 3869 3868 3867 3866 3861 3860 3859 3858 3854 3850 3849 3847 3846 3831 3830 3829 3827 3825 3822 3821 3820 3818 3816 3809 3808 3807 3804 3795 3794 3781 3780 3779 3778 3777 3776 3775 3774 3773 3772 3771 3770 3768 3762 3759 3758 3756 3755 3744 3743 3739 3738 3737 3736 3735 3734 3733 3730 3720 3709 3705 3701 3696 3695 3694 3687 3678 3677 3675 3668 3667 3666 3664 3659 3646 3641 3631 3628 3627 3624 3622 3617 3616 3614 3611 3610 3606 3605 3603 3596 3592 3586 3583 3582 3580 3579 3578 3577 3555 3553 3544 3539 3538 3537 3532 3526 3524 3521 3520 3519 3511 3510 3508 3507 3502 3495 3494 3488 3479 3475 3468 3463 3454 3449 3447 3446 3445 3444 3443 3442 3441 3440 3439 3438 3437 3435 3434 3433 3432 3431 3430 3429 3428 3427 3426 3425 3424 3423 3422 3421 3420 3419 3418 3414 3413 3410 3400 3397 3394 3393 3392 3391 3390 3389 3388 3387 3386 3385 3383 3382 3380 3374 3371 3367 3364 3362 3361 3360 3359 3358 3357 3356 3355 3354 3353 3352 3351 3350 3349 3348 3347 3346 3345 3344 3342 3327 3322 3315 3307 3306 3305 3304 3303 3302 3301 3300 3299 3298 3297 3296 3295 3294 3293 3291 3277 3275 3274 3266 3260 3259 3251 3250 3248 3241 3236 3235 3234 3231 3224 3223 3222 3220 3218 3216 3215 3213 3212 3211 3205 3204 3199 3195 3190 3175 3174 3172 3171 3165 3164 3156 3154 3152 3151 3150 3148 3145 3144 3142 3134 3129 3111 3106 3096 3087 3085 3083 3080 3077 3076 3075 3073 3072 3071 3069 3067 3066 3065 3064 3062 3061 3055 3047 3046 3045 3044 3043 3042 3041 3040 3039 3038 3037 3036 3035 3034 3033 3029 3026 3025 3017 3015 3014 3013 3012 3011 3010 3009 3008 3006 3005 3004 3003 3002 3001 3000 2999 2998 2997 2996 2995 2994 2993 2991 2990 2979 2975 2973 2971 2970 2969 2968 2967 2966 2965 2964 2963 2962 2961 2959 2958 2957 2956 2955 2953 2950 2946 2942 2919 2912 2910 2908 2907 2906 2905 2904 2903 2901 2900 2899 2898 2896 2894 2891 2888 2887 2872 2867 2864 2863 2862 2861 2859 2858 2856 2855 2844 2838 2834 2832 2829 2826 2825 2824 2823 2822 2821 2820 2819 2818 2817 2815 2810 2807 2804 2797 2796 2795 2794 2793 2792 2791 2790 2785 2782 2766 2760 2758 2757 2754 2744 2743 2737 2734 2728 2727 2726 2725 2724 2722 2721 2720 2719 2718 2717 2716 2713 2712 2702 2700 2699 2697 2696 2694 2692 2691 2686 2685 2682 2678 2677 2675 2674 2673 2672 2671 2670 2669 2668 2667 2665 2664 2663 2662 2661 2660 2659 2658 2657 2656 2655 2654 2653 2652 2651 2650 2649 2648 2647 2646 2645 2644 2643 2642 2641 2639 2638 2636 2633 2628 2623 2620 2618 2617 2616 2615 2614 2613 2612 2611 2590 2589 2588 2587 2586 2583 2582 2579 2578 2575 2574 2573 2572 2570 2569 2567 2566 2564 2559 2557 2548 2547 2546 2545 2543 2542 2541 2539 2538 2533 2532 2531 2526 2521 2515 2509 2508 2507 2506 2505 2504 2503 2502 2501 2500 2499 2498 2496 2495 2493 2492 2491 2490 2488 2487 2486 2485 2484 2483 2482 2481 2480 2479 2478 2477 2476 2475 2474 2473 2472 2471 2470 2469 2468 2467 2466 2461 2460 2458 2451 2449 2435 2431 2429 2427 2419 2417 2416 2415 2414 2413 2412 2410 2409 2408 2407 2405 2404 2401 2400 2397 2396 2394 2375 2373 2367 2364 2361 2360 2358 2357 2356 2355 2354 2353 2352 2351 2350 2348 2345 2343 2337 2336 2335 2330 2328 2325 2320 2319 2318 2317 2316 2314 2313 2311 2310 2309 2308 2307 2306 2305 2304 2303 2302 2301 2300 2299 2298 2297 2296 2293 2291 2286 2282 2272 2269 2268 2253 2247 2244 2243 2236 2231 2226 2225 2217 2214 2210 2205 2203 2202 2201 2200 2199 2198 2196 2195 2194 2193 2192 2190 2189 2187 2184 2183 2182 2181 2180 2179 2178 2176 2175 2164 2162 2155 2154 2151 2150 2149 2148 2147 2146 2145 2144 2143 2142 2141 2140 2139 2138 2137 2136 2133 2132 2128 2111 2107 2097 2091 2089 2088 2087 2084 2083 2081 2080 2079 2078 2077 2076 2074 2073 2071 2070 2069 2063 2060 2050 2047 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 2000 1987 1985 1980 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1957 1953 1941 1939 1925 1923 1920 1915 1912 1907 1903 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1863 1856 1851 1844 1842 1841 1839 1836 1826 1811 1804 1799 1798 1797 1796 1795 1791 1788 1787 1772 1770 1766 1765 1764 1763 1762 1761 1759 1756 1755 1753 1751 1750 1748 1747 1746 1745 1743 1742 1729 1725 1718 1716 1713 1708 1703 1702 1701 1699 1695 1688 1686 1677 1676 1675 1673 1672 1670 1669 1667 1658 1650 1647 1644 1643 1642 1641 1640 1639 1638 1637 1635 1634 1633 1632 1631 1628 1627 1613 1612 1611 1610 1608 1599 1595 1590 1589 1587 1585 1577 1563 1560 1552 1550 1545 1544 1543 1542 1541 1540 1538 1537 1535 1534 1532 1531 1529 1528 1527 1525 1524 1522 1521 1520 1519 1518 1510 1504 1501 1497 1493 1492 1491 1490 1488 1483 1469 1467 1464 1461 1457 1453 1452 1451 1449 1448 1437 1436 1433 1432 1431 1430 1429 1428 1427 1426 1425 1424 1423 1422 1421 1420 1419 1418 1414 1412 1411 1410 1408 1407 1406 1404 1403 1389 1385 1380 1372 1369 1345 1342 1340 1337 1329 1313 1310 1309 1308 1307 1306 1305 1304 1303 1301 1293 1292 1291 1290 1287 1286 1285 1284 1283 1282 1281 1280 1279 1277 1276 1275 1272 1265 1254 1252 1245 1244 1243 1241 1236 1234 1225 1223 1217 1216 1214 1213 1212 1211 1210 1209 1208 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 1202 1200 1198 1197 1196 1195 1194 1192 1191 1174 1171 1167 1166 1165 1164 1163 1162 1160 1159 1158 1157 1156 1153 1152 1151 1139 1136 1133 1132 1131 1126 1125 1122 1116 1113 1112 1111 1110 1095 1094 1073 1067 1066 1065 1059 1057 1054 1051 862 834 812 801 787 783 781 775 746 744 743 738 736 724 716 711 710 709 708 669 667 642 640 637 624 622 605 604 592 591 585 577 576 575 571 570 553 552 528 527 526 524 501 500 499 488 487 469 447 446 443 442 435 432 405 400 399 392 390 386 366 365 361 360 357 355 348 332 299 292 290 288 287 286 285 284 258 257 255 254 231 230 228 227 163 162 159 156 154 153 149 148 147 128 124 122 121 120 119 115 114 91 89 88 87 82 81 80 78 55 54 53 52 17 16 9 8 0
コメント (0)

汎用コメント更新システム Ver1.0
updateRes = function(){
msgDispShow = function(n){
Fid("entryDisp").style.display = n ? "block" : "none";
Fid("listDisp").style.display = n ? "none" : "block";

up2 = function(o,n){
Fx.up = false;
Fx.editNum = n;
if(Fx.act != null) Fx.act.className = "snum";
Fx.act = o.previousSibling;
Fx.act.className = "act";
Fid("postButton").value = echo(Fx.act) + "(*^(^* ) 編集!";
Fx.e(Re_uri(n), "up2e");

Lo.up2e = function(){
var s = Re.up2e.responseText;
Fid("poster_name").value = Re_user(s);
var o = Fid("chatMsg");
o.value = Re_com(s);
newPost = function(){
Fx.up = true;
Fid("postButton").value = "\(*⌒ー⌒*)/新規!";
var o = Fid("chatMsg");
o.value = "";
if(Fx.act != null) Fx.act.className = "snum";
Fx.act = null;

postSubmit = function(){
var str = Fid("chatMsg").value;
if(str == "" || str.length > 200){
alert(str == "" ? "白紙ですよ(^-^;" : "文字数が200を超えています(^-^;");
var dat = Fx.up ? "article_id=" + Fx.arc +
"&" + "poster_name=" + encodeURIComponent(Fid("poster_name").value) +
"&" + "comment=" :
"mode=update" + "&" + "oid=" + Vis.oid + "&" + "type=comments" + "&" +
"id=" + Fx.editNum + "&" + "text=";
dat += encodeURIComponent(str);
Fx.ent = updateRes;
req = Freq();
req.onreadystatechange = reqEntry;
req.open("post", "/cgi-bin/diary_" + (Fx.up ? "comment" : "editor") + ".cgi", true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
counter = function(){
var n = Fid("chatMsg").value.length;
echo("cntInfo", " " + n);
Re_com = function(s){
s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
return s.match(/\x3ctextarea[^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
Re_user = function(s){
s = s.match(/投稿者: ([^<]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "-";
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
Re_uri = function(n){
return "/cgi-bin/diary_editor.cgi?oid=" + Vis.oid + ";type=comments;id=" + n;
Lo.koto = function(){ Fx.kotoMain(Re.koto.responseText); };
Fx.kotoMain = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var s1 = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry">(.+?)\x3cdiv class="for-owner">/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
s1 = s1.replace(/(\x3cdiv class="entry)/g, "$1116");
echo("entryDisp", s1);
Fx.arc = s.match(/id="A(\d+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
var max = s.match(/id="comments">コメント \((\d+)\)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
s = s.replace(/>\s+</g, "><");
s = s.replace(/(\x3cdiv class=)"comment_element">(\x3ca)[^>]+(>編集\x3c\/a>)\x3ca.+?id="C(\d+)" href="\/home\/([a-z]+)\/" [^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/a>/g, "$1'u_$5'>$2 class='edit' href='javascript:void(0)' title='もっと追加して♪' onclick='up2(this,$4);'$3 \x3cspan class='Res'>R$4\x3c\/span> \x3cspan class='user'>$6\x3c\/span>");
var r = s.match(/\x3cdiv class='u_[a-z]+'>.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
if(r == null) return;
for(var i = 0; i < r.length; i++){
r[i] = r[i].replace(/>/, function(e0){
return "> \x3cspan class='snum' id='s" + max + "'>[ " + (max--) + " ]\x3c/span>";});
r = r.join("");
r = r.replace(/(\x3cspan class=")comment_body/g, "$1msg");
echo("listDisp", Fx.col(r));
var o = Fid("chatMsg");
o.value = "";
Fx.kotoba = function(){ Fx.e(Fx.pageUri, "koto");};

entry = function(){
Fx.pageUri = Fx.loc.match(/uri=(.+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "/home/nancyan/diary/2009/03/1236494495.html";
if(Vis.oid == "nancyan" || Vis.oid == "botanic"){
Fid("postButton").disabled = false;
} else {
Fid("noLogin").style.display = "block";

Fx.col = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^\(\^\* \))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\( \*\^\)\^\*\)|^^|\(#\^\-\^#\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss2'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\(\^\-\^y|\(\*\^\-\^\*\)|\(\*\^_\^\*\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kao1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(愛|大好き)/g, "\x3cspan class='big'>$1\x3c\/span>");
return s;

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.act { background-color:#ffefff; color:red; }
.edit { margin-left:.5em; color:blueviolet;}
#update { color:darkgreen; }
#noLogin { display:none; }
.m1 { text-align:center; margin-bottom:1em;
.now { text-decoration:underline; color:red; }
#fx_link { margin:1em; border:1px dashed skyblue;
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padding:.5em 1em;
#me_link { margin:1em; border:1px dashed magenta;
border-radius:.8em; -moz-border-radius:.8em;
padding:.5em 1em;
div.u_hazuki span.msg, div.u_botanic span.msg { color:#896952; }
div.u_nancyan span.msg { color:#000; }
.kiss1 { color:red; }
.kiss2 { color:magenta; }
.kao1 { color:blueviolet; }
.big { font-size:13pt; color:#b22222; }

<$$div id="linkDisp">
<$$div class="m1"><$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?no=116">#116 汎用コメント更新システム<$$/a><$$br />
<$$img src="http$$://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki_anzendaiichi.gif" alt="ヘルメット姿の二人" width="192" height="96" class="gif1" /><$$br />
<$$br />

<$$div class="linkInfo">
■<$$a href="javascript:location.reload()">再読み込み<$$/a>
<$$br />

<$$div id="fx_link"><$$/div>
<$$div id="me_link"><$$/div>
<$$div id="hako">
<table class="t1"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">
<$$img src="http$$://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/hazuki_utau.gif" alt="心を込めて歌うリトル葉月" /><$$br />[ <$$a href="javascript:newPost();" title="黒板消しだよ!うぅ!">(ノ><)ノCLS<$$/a> ]</td><td class="td2"><$$form accept-charset="UTF-8">

<table class="t2"><tbody>
<tr><td>お名前 : <$$input type="text" id="poster_name" size="20" class="input1" /></td>
<$$textarea id="chatMsg" cols="50" rows="3" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()"><$$/textarea></td>
</tr><tr><td><$$input type="button" value="\(*⌒ー⌒*)/新規!" onclick="postSubmit()" id="postButton" disabled="disabled" title="言葉よ飛んでいけ~~" /> 文字数 :
<$$span id="cntInfo">0<$$/span>/200(max)</td>
<$$div id="entryMenu">
<$$a href="javascript:msgDispShow(1)">本文の表示<$$/a> |
<$$a href="javascript:msgDispShow(0)">コメントの表示<$$/a>
<$$div id="entryDisp" style="display:none"><$$/div>
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>

<$$div id="noLogin">
<$$img src="files/yukikko2b.gif" alt="" /><$$br />
document.title = "汎用コメント更新システム";
コメント (4)

Fx.arc = 155541;
Re_com = function(s){
s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
return s.match(/\x3ctextarea[^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
Re_user = function(s){
s = s.match(/投稿者: ([^<]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "-";
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
Re_uri = function(n){
return "/cgi-bin/diary_editor.cgi?oid=" + Vis.oid + ";type=comments;id=" + n;
Fx.ini = function(){
Fx.p1 = Fx.page * 25;
Fx.p2 = 25;
Fx.st = 25426;
var n = Math.floor(Fx.k.length / 25);
var s = "■過去ログのリンク(全" + Fx.k.length + "件)\x3cbr />";
for(var i = n; i > 0; i--){
s += "\x3ca href='main.html?no=117&page=" + i + "' " + (i == Fx.page ? "class='now'" : "") + ">P" + ("0" + i).slice(-2) + "\x3c/a> ";
s = "■言葉の箱(最新500件)>\x3cdiv class='msg2'>※最新のコメントが上になります。リンクではなくコマンドで25件分ずつ表示の切り替えを行います。\x3c/div>";
for(i = 1; i <= 20; i++){
s += "\x3ca href='javascript:msgView(" + i + ");'>S" + ("0" + i).slice(-2) + "\x3c/a> ";
echo("me_link", s);

if(Fx.page == 0){
} else {
Fx.show = function(){
if(Fx.p2 > 0){
Fx.num = Number(Fx.k[Fx.p1 - 1]) + Fx.st;
Lo.koto = function(){ Fx.kotoMain(Re.koto.responseText); };
Fx.kotoMain = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
s = s.replace(/(id="C\d+" )(target="_blank">葉月\x3c)/g, '$1href="/home/botanic/" $2');
Fx.msgMax = s.match(/id="comments">コメント \((\d+)\)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
s = s.replace(/>\s+</g, "><");
s = s.replace(/(\x3cdiv class=)"comment_element">\x3ca[^>]+>編集\x3c\/a>\x3ca.+?id="C(\d+)" href="\/home\/([a-z]+)\/" [^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/a>/g, "$1'u_$3'> \x3cspan class='Res'>R$2\x3c\/span> \x3cspan class='user'>$4\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\x3cspan class=")comment_body/g, "$1msg");
Fx.msgData = s.match(/\x3cdiv class='u_[a-z]+'>.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
msgView = function(n){
var n1 = n - 1;
var no = n1 * 25;
var r = Fx.msgData.slice(no, no + 25);
var max = Fx.msgMax - no;
for(var i = 0; i < r.length; i++){
r[i] = r[i].replace(/>/, function(e0){
return "> \x3cspan class='snum' id='s" + max + "'>[ " + (max--) + " ]\x3c/span>";});
r = r.join("");
r = Fx.col(r);
echo("listDisp", r);

Fx.col = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^\(\^\* \))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\( \*\^\)\^\*\)|^^|\(#\^\-\^#\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss2'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\(\^\-\^y|\(\*\^\-\^\*\)|\(\*\^_\^\*\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kao1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(愛|大好き)/g, "\x3cspan class='big'>$1\x3c\/span>");
return s;

Fx.kotoba = function(){
Fx.e("/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html", "koto");

entry = function(){
Fx.k = key(Fx.str, "data").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(" ");
Fx.page = Fx.loc.match(/page=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
} else {
Fid("noLogin").style.display = "block";
Fx.footerAdd = "(C)2007-2009 日記「春を待つ君に」の言葉の箱より 葉月 \x3ca href='/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html' target='_blank'>diary\x3c/a> \x3ca href='main.html?no=103&uri=/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html'>#103\x3c/a> \x3ca href='/home/botanic/' target='_blank'>botanic@eclat\x3c/a> \x3cbr />";
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText;
var c = Re_com(s);
c = Fx.col(c);
var user = Re_user(s);
var uid = user == "葉月" ? "hazuki" : user == "なんちゃん" ? "nancyan" : "other";
var o = Fap(Fid("listDisp"), Fce("div"));
o.className = "u_" + uid;
echo(o, '[ ' + Fx.p1 + ' ] \x3cspan class="Res">R' + Fx.num + '\x3c/span> \x3cspan class="user">' + user + '\x3c/span> : ' + '\x3cspan class="msg">' + c + '\x3c/span>');

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div.u_hazuki span.msg, div.u_botanic span.msg { color:#896952; }
div.u_nancyan span.msg { color:#000; }
.kiss1 { color:red; }
.kiss2 { color:magenta; }
.kao1 { color:blueviolet; }
.big { font-size:13pt; color:#b22222; }

<$$div id="linkDisp">
<$$div class="m1"><$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?no=115">#115 言葉の箱・閲覧版<$$/a><$$br />

<$$img src="h$$ttp://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyann_hazuki_wedding.gif" alt="なんちゃんと葉月の晴れ姿" class="gif1" />
<$$div id="chatInfo">
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=114">#114 言葉の箱・チャット版<$$/a><$$br />
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=117">#117 言葉の箱・過去ログ<$$/a>
<$$div id="me_link"><$$/div>
<$$div class="imgDisp">
<$$img src="h$$ttp://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki.gif" alt="" class="gif1" /><$$br /><$$br />
<$$div id="fx_link"><$$/div>

<$$div id="hako">
<table class="t1"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">
<$$img src="h$$ttp://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/hazuki_utau.gif" alt="心を込めて歌うリトル葉月" /></td><td class="td2">
<table class="t2"><tbody><tr><td class="logo1">なんちゃんと葉月の言葉の箱</td></tr>
<tr><td class="logo2">☆閲覧版です(^-^y
<$$img src="http://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki_maruta.gif" width="164" height"78" alt="丸太の上で仲良し" /> 500件まで。♪


<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>

<$$div id="noLogin">
<$$img src="files/yukikko2b.gif" alt="" /><$$br />
document.title = "言葉の箱・閲覧版";

[data]4012 4010 4008 4007 4004 4002 4001 3997 3995 3994 3993 3992 3991 3990 3987 3986 3985 3984 3982 3981 3980 3977 3974 3973 3953 3950 3947 3946 3943 3934 3932 3928 3916 3915 3914 3913 3907 3906 3903 3902 3901 3900 3899 3898 3897 3896 3895 3890 3889 3888 3887 3886 3885 3884 3880 3879 3877 3876 3875 3874 3871 3870 3869 3868 3867 3866 3861 3860 3859 3858 3854 3850 3849 3847 3846 3831 3830 3829 3827 3825 3822 3821 3820 3818 3816 3809 3808 3807 3804 3795 3794 3781 3780 3779 3778 3777 3776 3775 3774 3773 3772 3771 3770 3768 3762 3759 3758 3756 3755 3744 3743 3739 3738 3737 3736 3735 3734 3733 3730 3720 3709 3705 3701 3696 3695 3694 3687 3678 3677 3675 3668 3667 3666 3664 3659 3646 3641 3631 3628 3627 3624 3622 3617 3616 3614 3611 3610 3606 3605 3603 3596 3592 3586 3583 3582 3580 3579 3578 3577 3555 3553 3544 3539 3538 3537 3532 3526 3524 3521 3520 3519 3511 3510 3508 3507 3502 3495 3494 3488 3479 3475 3468 3463 3454 3449 3447 3446 3445 3444 3443 3442 3441 3440 3439 3438 3437 3435 3434 3433 3432 3431 3430 3429 3428 3427 3426 3425 3424 3423 3422 3421 3420 3419 3418 3414 3413 3410 3400 3397 3394 3393 3392 3391 3390 3389 3388 3387 3386 3385 3383 3382 3380 3374 3371 3367 3364 3362 3361 3360 3359 3358 3357 3356 3355 3354 3353 3352 3351 3350 3349 3348 3347 3346 3345 3344 3342 3327 3322 3315 3307 3306 3305 3304 3303 3302 3301 3300 3299 3298 3297 3296 3295 3294 3293 3291 3277 3275 3274 3266 3260 3259 3251 3250 3248 3241 3236 3235 3234 3231 3224 3223 3222 3220 3218 3216 3215 3213 3212 3211 3205 3204 3199 3195 3190 3175 3174 3172 3171 3165 3164 3156 3154 3152 3151 3150 3148 3145 3144 3142 3134 3129 3111 3106 3096 3087 3085 3083 3080 3077 3076 3075 3073 3072 3071 3069 3067 3066 3065 3064 3062 3061 3055 3047 3046 3045 3044 3043 3042 3041 3040 3039 3038 3037 3036 3035 3034 3033 3029 3026 3025 3017 3015 3014 3013 3012 3011 3010 3009 3008 3006 3005 3004 3003 3002 3001 3000 2999 2998 2997 2996 2995 2994 2993 2991 2990 2979 2975 2973 2971 2970 2969 2968 2967 2966 2965 2964 2963 2962 2961 2959 2958 2957 2956 2955 2953 2950 2946 2942 2919 2912 2910 2908 2907 2906 2905 2904 2903 2901 2900 2899 2898 2896 2894 2891 2888 2887 2872 2867 2864 2863 2862 2861 2859 2858 2856 2855 2844 2838 2834 2832 2829 2826 2825 2824 2823 2822 2821 2820 2819 2818 2817 2815 2810 2807 2804 2797 2796 2795 2794 2793 2792 2791 2790 2785 2782 2766 2760 2758 2757 2754 2744 2743 2737 2734 2728 2727 2726 2725 2724 2722 2721 2720 2719 2718 2717 2716 2713 2712 2702 2700 2699 2697 2696 2694 2692 2691 2686 2685 2682 2678 2677 2675 2674 2673 2672 2671 2670 2669 2668 2667 2665 2664 2663 2662 2661 2660 2659 2658 2657 2656 2655 2654 2653 2652 2651 2650 2649 2648 2647 2646 2645 2644 2643 2642 2641 2639 2638 2636 2633 2628 2623 2620 2618 2617 2616 2615 2614 2613 2612 2611 2590 2589 2588 2587 2586 2583 2582 2579 2578 2575 2574 2573 2572 2570 2569 2567 2566 2564 2559 2557 2548 2547 2546 2545 2543 2542 2541 2539 2538 2533 2532 2531 2526 2521 2515 2509 2508 2507 2506 2505 2504 2503 2502 2501 2500 2499 2498 2496 2495 2493 2492 2491 2490 2488 2487 2486 2485 2484 2483 2482 2481 2480 2479 2478 2477 2476 2475 2474 2473 2472 2471 2470 2469 2468 2467 2466 2461 2460 2458 2451 2449 2435 2431 2429 2427 2419 2417 2416 2415 2414 2413 2412 2410 2409 2408 2407 2405 2404 2401 2400 2397 2396 2394 2375 2373 2367 2364 2361 2360 2358 2357 2356 2355 2354 2353 2352 2351 2350 2348 2345 2343 2337 2336 2335 2330 2328 2325 2320 2319 2318 2317 2316 2314 2313 2311 2310 2309 2308 2307 2306 2305 2304 2303 2302 2301 2300 2299 2298 2297 2296 2293 2291 2286 2282 2272 2269 2268 2253 2247 2244 2243 2236 2231 2226 2225 2217 2214 2210 2205 2203 2202 2201 2200 2199 2198 2196 2195 2194 2193 2192 2190 2189 2187 2184 2183 2182 2181 2180 2179 2178 2176 2175 2164 2162 2155 2154 2151 2150 2149 2148 2147 2146 2145 2144 2143 2142 2141 2140 2139 2138 2137 2136 2133 2132 2128 2111 2107 2097 2091 2089 2088 2087 2084 2083 2081 2080 2079 2078 2077 2076 2074 2073 2071 2070 2069 2063 2060 2050 2047 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005 2000 1987 1985 1980 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1957 1953 1941 1939 1925 1923 1920 1915 1912 1907 1903 1895 1894 1893 1892 1891 1890 1889 1888 1887 1863 1856 1851 1844 1842 1841 1839 1836 1826 1811 1804 1799 1798 1797 1796 1795 1791 1788 1787 1772 1770 1766 1765 1764 1763 1762 1761 1759 1756 1755 1753 1751 1750 1748 1747 1746 1745 1743 1742 1729 1725 1718 1716 1713 1708 1703 1702 1701 1699 1695 1688 1686 1677 1676 1675 1673 1672 1670 1669 1667 1658 1650 1647 1644 1643 1642 1641 1640 1639 1638 1637 1635 1634 1633 1632 1631 1628 1627 1613 1612 1611 1610 1608 1599 1595 1590 1589 1587 1585 1577 1563 1560 1552 1550 1545 1544 1543 1542 1541 1540 1538 1537 1535 1534 1532 1531 1529 1528 1527 1525 1524 1522 1521 1520 1519 1518 1510 1504 1501 1497 1493 1492 1491 1490 1488 1483 1469 1467 1464 1461 1457 1453 1452 1451 1449 1448 1437 1436 1433 1432 1431 1430 1429 1428 1427 1426 1425 1424 1423 1422 1421 1420 1419 1418 1414 1412 1411 1410 1408 1407 1406 1404 1403 1389 1385 1380 1372 1369 1345 1342 1340 1337 1329 1313 1310 1309 1308 1307 1306 1305 1304 1303 1301 1293 1292 1291 1290 1287 1286 1285 1284 1283 1282 1281 1280 1279 1277 1276 1275 1272 1265 1254 1252 1245 1244 1243 1241 1236 1234 1225 1223 1217 1216 1214 1213 1212 1211 1210 1209 1208 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 1202 1200 1198 1197 1196 1195 1194 1192 1191 1174 1171 1167 1166 1165 1164 1163 1162 1160 1159 1158 1157 1156 1153 1152 1151 1139 1136 1133 1132 1131 1126 1125 1122 1116 1113 1112 1111 1110 1095 1094 1073 1067 1066 1065 1059 1057 1054 1051 862 834 812 801 787 783 781 775 746 744 743 738 736 724 716 711 710 709 708 669 667 642 640 637 624 622 605 604 592 591 585 577 576 575 571 570 553 552 528 527 526 524 501 500 499 488 487 469 447 446 443 442 435 432 405 400 399 392 390 386 366 365 361 360 357 355 348 332 299 292 290 288 287 286 285 284 258 257 255 254 231 230 228 227 163 162 159 156 154 153 149 148 147 128 124 122 121 120 119 115 114 91 89 88 87 82 81 80 78 55 54 53 52 17 16 9 8 0[/data]
コメント (0)

Fx.arc = 155541;
Fx.u = 27879;
Fx.timeCount = 0;
Lo.updateRes = function(){
if(Fx.up) Fid("chatMsg").value = "";
Lo.cMaxNumUpdate = function(){};
msgDispShow = function(){
var a = Fid("msgDisp").style;
var f = a.display == "block";
a.display = f ? "none" : "block";
Fid("listDisp").style.display = f ? "block" : "none";

up2 = function(o,n){
Fid("Led_0").className = "le2";
Fx.up = false;
Fx.editNum = n;
if(Fx.act != null) Fx.act.className = "snum";
Fx.act = o.previousSibling;
Fx.act.className = "act";
Fid("postButton").value = echo(Fx.act) + "(*^(^* ) 編集!";
Fx.e(Re_uri(n), "up2e");
Lo.up2e = function(){
var s = Re_com(Re.up2e.responseText);
var o = Fid("chatMsg");
o.value = s;
newPost = function(){
Fx.up = true;
Fid("postButton").value = "\(*⌒ー⌒*)/新規!";
var o = Fid("chatMsg");
o.value = "";
if(Fx.act != null) Fx.act.className = "snum";
Fx.act = null;

postSubmit = function(){
var str = Fid("chatMsg").value;
if(str == "" || str.length > 200){
alert(str == "" ? "白紙ですよ(^-^;" : "文字数が200を超えています(^-^;");
var dat = Fx.up ? "article_id=" + Fx.arc +
"&poster_name=" + encodeURIComponent(Fx.handle) +
"&comment=" :
"mode=update&oid=" + Vis.oid + "&type=comments&id=" + Fx.editNum + "&text=";
dat += encodeURIComponent(str);
Fx.e("diary_" + (Fx.up ? "comment" : "editor"), dat, "updateRes");
counter = function(){
var n = Fid("chatMsg").value.length;
echo("cntInfo", " " + n);
loginCheck = function(){
Fx.e(Re_uri(Vis.oid == "nancyan" ? 29262 : 29261), "lc");
Lo.lc = function(){
var s = Re_com(Re.lc.responseText);
logoutSet = function(){
var n = 29262;
if(Vis.oid == "botanic" || window.name == "main_botanic") n = 29261;
Fx.e(Re_uri(n) + ";mode=update;text=0", "ls");
loginSet = function(){
var n = 29262;
if(Vis.oid == "botanic" || window.name == "main_botanic") n = 29261;
Fx.e(Re_uri(n) + ";mode=update;text=1", "ls");
Lo.ls = function(){};
Re_com = function(s){
s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
return s.match(/\x3ctextarea[^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
Re_user = function(s){
s = s.match(/投稿者: ([^<]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "-";
return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
Re_uri = function(n){
return "/cgi-bin/diary_editor.cgi?oid=" + Vis.oid + ";type=comments;id=" + n;

Fx.show = function(){
if(Fx.p2 > 0){
Fx.num = Number(Fx.k[Fx.p1 - 1]) + Fx.st;
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText;
if(Fx.befStr != s){
Fx.befStr = s;
Fx.kotobanoHako = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var max = s.match(/id="comments">コメント \((\d+)\)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
s = s.replace(/>\s+</g, "><");
s = s.replace(/(id="C\d+" )(target="_blank">葉月\x3c)/g, '$1href="/home/botanic/" $2');
s = s.replace(/(\x3cdiv class=)"comment_element">\x3ca[^>]+>編集\x3c\/a>\x3ca.+?id="C(\d+)" href="\/home\/([a-z]+)\/" [^>]+>(.+?)\x3c\/a>/g, "$1'u_$3'><button class='edit' title='もっと追加して♪' onclick='up2(this,$2);'>編集</button> \x3cspan class='Res'>R$2\x3c\/span> \x3cspan class='user'>$4\x3c\/span>");
var r = s.match(/\x3cdiv class='u_[a-z]+'>.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
r = r.slice(0, 10);
var cMaxNum = r[0].match(/R(\d+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : 0;
for(var i = 0; i < r.length; i++){
r[i] = r[i].replace(/>/, function(e0){
return "> \x3cspan class='snum' id='s" + max + "'>[ " + (max--) + " ]\x3c/span>";});
r = r.join("");
r = r.replace(/(\x3cspan class=")comment_body/g, "$1msg");
r = Fx.col(r);
echo("listDisp", r);
/* Fx.e(Re_uri(Fx.u) + ";mode=update;text=" + cMaxNum, "cMaxNumUpdate"); */
Fx.col = function(s){
var s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^\(\^\* \))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\( \*\^\)\^\*\)|^^|\(#\^\-\^#\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss2'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\(\^\-\^y|\(\*\^\-\^\*\)|\(\*\^_\^\*\))/g, "\x3cspan class='kao1'>$1\x3c\/span>");
s = s.replace(/(愛|大好き)/g, "\x3cspan class='big'>$1\x3c\/span>");
return s;

Fx.kotoba = function(){
led_loop = function(){
Fid("Led_0").className = Fid("Led_0").className == "le1" ? "le0" : "le1";
if(Fx.timeCount == 5){
Fx.timeCount = 0;
Fx.setTimer3 = function(){ Fid("Led_1").className = "le3"; };
Fx.setTimer2 = function(){
Fid("Led_1").className = "le4";
setTimeout("Fx.setTimer3()", 1500);

Fx.setTimer = function(){
Timer = setInterval("led_loop()", 1000);
Fx.timeCount = 0;

entry = function(){
Fx.leTimer = false;
if(Vis.oid == "nancyan" || Vis.oid == "botanic"){
Fid("postButton").disabled = false;
Fx.leTimer = true;
Fx.handle = Vis.oid == "nancyan" ? "なんちゃん" : "葉月";
Fx.you = Vis.oid == "nancyan" ? "葉月" : "なんちゃん";
Fx.befStr = "";
window.onunload = logoutSet;
echo("chatInfo", "\x3cspan>⇒\x3c/span> " + Fx.you + "はログイン中です");
} else {
Fid("noLogin").style.display = "block";

leTimerSet = function(){
var f = Fx.leTimer = !Fx.leTimer;
echo("leTimerButton", "自動更新の" + (f ? "停止" : "開始"));
Fid("leTimerButton").className = f ? "le5" : "le2";
f ? Fx.setTimer() : clearInterval(Timer);
window.onerror = function(){
return true;

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<$$div id="linkDisp">
<$$div class="m1"><$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?no=114">#114 言葉の箱・チャット版<$$/a><$$br />
<$$img src="http$$://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/gakusei_nancyan_hazuki.gif" alt="青春時代のなんちゃんと葉月" width="192" height="96" class="gif1" />

<$$div class="linkInfo">
⇒ <$$span id="Led_0" class="le0">■<$$/span><$$span id="Led_1" class="le3">■<$$/span> <button onclick="leTimerSet()" id="leTimerButton" class="le5">自動更新の停止</button>

<$$br /> 5秒毎に内容を取得して更新させています。ボタンでタイマーのオンオフができます。
<$$img src="http$$://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyann_hazuki_wedding.gif" alt="なんちゃんと葉月の晴れ姿" width="192" height="96" class="gif1" />
<$$div class="linkInfo" id="chatInfo">..<$$/div>
<$$div class="linkInfo">
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=115">#115 言葉の箱・閲覧版<$$/a><$$br />
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=116&uri=/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html">#116 言葉の箱・編集<$$/a><$$br />
⇒ <$$a href="main.html?no=117">#117 言葉の箱・過去ログ<$$/a>
【<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/home/nancyan/diary/2008/05/1212187516.html">#103でソースを読んでみる<$$/a>】<$$br />
<$$br />

<$$img src="http$$://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/nancyan_hazuki.gif" alt="" class="gif1" /><$$br /><$$br />
<$$div id="fx_link"><$$/div>
<$$div id="me_link"><$$/div>
<$$div id="hako">
<table class="t1"><tbody><tr><td class="td1">
<$$img src="http$$://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/hazuki_utau.gif" alt="心を込めて歌うリトル葉月" /><$$br />[ <$$a href="javascript:newPost();" title="黒板消しだよ!うぅ!">(ノ><)ノCLS<$$/a> ]</td><td class="td2">
<table class="t2"><tbody><tr><td class="logo1">なんちゃんと葉月の言葉の箱</td></tr>
<$$form accept-charset="UTF-8">
<$$textarea id="chatMsg" cols="50" rows="3" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()"><$$/textarea>
<$$div class="formButton"><$$input type="button" value="\(*⌒ー⌒*)/新規!" onclick="postSubmit()" id="postButton" disabled="disabled" title="言葉よ飛んでいけ~~" /> 文字数 :
<$$span id="cntInfo">0<$$/span>/200(max)
<$$div class="infoMsg">
 <$$a href="javascript:msgDispShow();">仕様<$$/a> |
検証用 ⇒
<$$a href="javascript:loginCheck()">loginCheck<$$/a>
<$$div id="msgDisp" style="display:none;">
■フラグの設定<$$br />
 ・R29259 : 葉月の更新フラグ Fx.h2<$$br />
 ・R29260 : なんちゃんの更新フラグ Fx.n2<$$br />
 ・R29261 : 葉月のチャット要求フラグ Fx.h1<$$br />
 ・R29262 : なんちゃんのチャット要求フラグ Fx.n1<$$br />

 ・ページ構築時にkeyを用いて取得してFxに保存しておく。同時に相手の更新フラグをクリアする。<$$br />
 ・チャットを要求するとフラグがセットされる。相手のフラグがセットするまでタイマー割り込みで状態を取得する。<$$br />
 ・チャットの解除も相手に分かるようにする。<$$br />
<$$br />
■定数・変数・関数<$$br />
 ・Fx.arc : 言葉の箱の記事番号 (155541)<$$br />
 ・Fx.up : 新規コメントの投稿時にtrue、編集時にfalseとなる。<$$br />
 ・Vis.oid : nancyan | botanic<$$br />
 ・Fx.handle : なんちゃん | 葉月<$$br />
 ・Fx.n1 : 0 | 1 | 2 ⇒ なんちゃん専用ログイン・チャット要求変数。<$$br />
 ・Fx.h1 : 上と同じ(葉月専用)<$$br />
 ・Fx.n2 : 0 : 1 ⇒ なんちゃん専用更新フラグ<$$br />
 ・Fx.h2 : 上と同じ(葉月専用)<$$br />
<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>

<$$div id="noLogin">
<$$img src="files/yukikko2b.gif" alt="" /><$$br />
document.title = "言葉の箱・チャット版";
Fx.footerAdd = "(C)2007-2009 日記「春を待つ君に」の言葉の箱より 葉月 \x3ca href='/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html' target='_blank'>diary\x3c/a> \x3ca href='main.html?no=103&uri=/home/botanic/diary/2009/01/1232370238.html'>#103\x3c/a> \x3ca href='/home/botanic/' target='_blank'>botanic@eclat\x3c/a> \x3cbr />";
コメント (5)

なんちゃんと葉月のヤドカリの部屋 コメントノート特別仕様

counter = function(){
var n = Fid("newPostForm").comment.value.length;
echo("cntInfo", " " + n);

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");

var s1 = s.match(/\x3ca name="commentNote" id="commentNote">\x3c\/a>(.+)\x3ca name="commentNoteEnd" id="commentNoteEnd">\x3c\/a>/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
echo("yadokari", s1);
var s2 = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="comment_element">.+?\x3c\/div>/);
echo("responses", s2.join(""));
s = s.replace(/\x3cform.+?\x3c\/form>/, function(e0){
return '\x3cform id="newPostForm" accept-charset="UTF-8">\x3cdiv class="formInfo">\n\x3cinput type="text" size="16" name="poster_name" \/> 文字数 : \x3cspan id="cntInfo">0\x3c\/span>\/200(max)\x3c\/div>\n\x3ctextarea name="comment" cols="60" rows="4" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()">\x3c\/textarea>\n\x3cdiv class="formButton">\x3cinput type="button" value="投稿" onclick="newPostSubmit()" \/>\x3c\/form>';

updateRes = function(){

newPostSubmit = function(){
var o = Fid("newPostForm");
var dat = "article_id=" + Fx.arc +
"&" + "poster_name=" + encodeURIComponent(o.poster_name.value) +
"&" + "comment=" + encodeURIComponent(o.comment.value);
Fx.ent = updateRes;
req = Freq();
req.onreadystatechange = reqEntry;
req.open("post", "/cgi-bin/diary_comment.cgi", true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");

Fx.s105 = function(s){
return s.replace(/(\x3ca.+?href=")(\/home\/)([\w\-]+)(\/" target=")(_blank|_top)([^>]+)(.+?)(\x3c\/a>)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8){
return e1+e2 + "nancyan\/main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + e3+e6+e7 + " \x3cspan class='all_entry'>(" + e2+e3+"/)\x3c/span> " + e8 }

entry = function(){
if(window.name == "main_nancyan") Fid("footerDisp").style.display = "block";


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.oid { font-size:16pt; color:#896952; font-weight:bold; }
#footerDisp { display:none; }

<$$div id="yadokari"><$$/div>
<$$div id="responses"><$$/div>
document.title = "なんちゃんと葉月のヤドカリの部屋";
コメント (0)

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.match(/\x3ctextarea.+?>(.+)\x3c\/textarea>/) ? Fx.dec(RegExp.$1) : "";
Fx.chat = s.replace(/\t/g, "\n");
s = s.replace(/\t/g, "\x3cbr \/>\n");
echo("listDisp", s);
updateRes = function(){
Fid("newPostData").value = "";
updateTime = function(){
var d = new Date();
var s = d.toLocaleString();
s = s.replace(/(\d+)年(\d+)月(\d+)日/, "$1 $2/$3");
s = s.replace(/ (\d\/)/, " 0$1");
return s;
newPostSubmit = function(){
var obj = Fid("newPostData");
Fx.chat = "\x3cspan class='user'>" + (Vis.oid == "nancyan" ? "なんちゃん" : "葉月") + "\x3c/span> : \x3cspan class='dat" + (Vis.oid == "nancyan" ? "1" : "0") + "'>" + obj.value + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan class='date'>(" + updateTime() + ")\x3c\/span>\n" + Fx.chat;
var dat =
"category_id=694&category_name=&article_title=" +
encodeURIComponent("恋のチャットシステム") +
"&article_sentences=" +
encodeURIComponent(Fx.chat) +
"&" + "mode=update&article_notify=0&article_id=157211" +
"&oid=" + Vis.oid + "&before=edit";
Fx.ent = updateRes;
req = Freq();
req.onreadystatechange = reqEntry;
req.open("post", "/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi", true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
return false;

entry = function(){
if(Vis.oid == "nancyan" || Vis.oid == "botanic"){
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=" + Vis.oid + ";mode=edit;article_id=157211");


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#newPostData {
background-color:#ffefff; border:1px solid skyblue;
#footerDisp { display:none; }
<$$img src="/home/nancyan/files/yukikko2b.gif" alt="雪っ子" />

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<$$input type="text" size="50" id="newPostData" />
<$$input type="submit" value="送信(*^(^* )" />


<$$div id="listDisp"><$$/div>

document.title = "エクラのチャットシステム";
コメント (5)

CALEN = 111;
entry = function(){
var a = RegExp.$1;
Fx.e(a, "pageShow");
else {
Fx.cnt = 0;
Fx.user = Fx.loc.match(/user=([\w\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan";
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=100");
Fx.d = new Array();
Fx.num = -1;
Fx.cpage = 0;
Fx.cnum = 0;
Fx.mode = Fx.loc.match(/mode=(\w+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "list";
echo("userLinks", "\x3ca href='main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + Fx.user + "&mode=list'>mode:list\x3c/a> | \x3ca href='main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + Fx.user + "&mode=show'>mode:show\x3c/a>");
counter = function(){
var n = Fid("newPostForm").comment.value.length;
echo("cntInfo", " " + n);

Lo.pageShow = function(){
var s = Re.pageShow.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
Fx.arc = s.match(/id=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
s = s.split(/\x3cdiv id="main">/)[1];
s = s.replace(/\x3c\/div>\x3c\/body.+/, "");
s = s.replace(/\x3cdiv class="entry_date">(.+?)\x3c\/div>(.+?\x3cdiv class="entry_info">)(.+?c=)(\d+)(.+?)(\x3c\/div>)/, "$2$3$4$5 \/ \x3cspan>C$4\x3c\/span> : at $1$6");
s = s.replace(/(\x3cdiv class="entry)/g, "$12");
s = s.replace(/\x3cform.+?\x3c\/form>/, function(e0){
return '\x3cform id="newPostForm" accept-charset="UTF-8">\x3cdiv class="formInfo">\n\x3cinput type="text" size="16" name="poster_name" \/> 文字数 : \x3cspan id="cntInfo">0\x3c\/span>\/200(max)\x3c\/div>\n\x3ctextarea name="comment" cols="60" rows="4" onkeypress="counter()" onchange="counter()" onclick="counter()">\x3c\/textarea>\n\x3cdiv class="formButton">\x3cinput type="button" value="投稿" onclick="newPostSubmit()" \/>\x3c\/form>';

echo("listDisp", s);
  var a = RegExp.$1,o;
  if(o = Fid(a)) o.scrollIntoView();
updateRes = function(){

newPostSubmit = function(){
var o = Fid("newPostForm");
var dat = "article_id=" + Fx.arc +
"&" + "poster_name=" + encodeURIComponent(o.poster_name.value) +
"&" + "comment=" + encodeURIComponent(o.comment.value);
Fx.ent = updateRes;
req = Freq();
req.onreadystatechange = reqEntry;
req.open("post", "/cgi-bin/diary_comment.cgi", true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
if(Fx.cnt == 0){
"\x3ca href='main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + Fx.user + "'>" + Fx.user + "@eclat diary commentNote.\x3c/a> \x3cspan id='cPage'>0\x3c/span>/" +
(s.match(/全カテゴリ \((\d+) 件\)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "") +
" ( \x3cspan id='cNum'>0\x3c/span> )"
var num = 0;
var title = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry_title">.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
var date = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry_date">.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
var msg = s.match(/\x3ca href="[\w\-\/]+.html#comments">コメント \(\d+\)\x3c\/a>/g);
var ac = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry C\d+" id="A\d+">/g);

var fu = function(s){ return s.replace(/\x3c\/?div[^>]*>/g, "");};
var str,no,o;
var obj = Fid("commentList");
for(var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++){
no = msg[i].replace(/.+\((\d+)\).+/, "$1");
if(no == "0") continue;
/* if(Fx.cpage == 10) break;*/
Fx.cnum += Number(no);
if(Fx.cpage % 10 == 0){
o = Fap(obj, Fce("li"));
o.style.color = "#fff";
Fap(o, Fce("hr"));

Fx.d.push(title[i].replace(/^.+?href="|".+$/g, ""));
o = Fap(obj, Fce("li"));
o.id = "B" + Fx.num;
echo(o, "\x3cspan class='s1'>" + fu(date[i]) + "\x3c/span> / " +
"\x3cspan class='s2'>" + fu(title[i].replace(/(.html)/, "$1#comments").replace(/(href=")/g, "$1main.html?no=111\&uri=")) + "\x3c/span> / " +
"\x3cspan class='s5'>" + ac[i].replace(/.+(C\d+).+(A\d+).+/, "$1 $2") + "\x3c/span> " +
"\x3cspan class='s3'>..... (\x3c/span> " +
"\x3cspan class='s4'>" + no + "\x3c/span> " +
"\x3cspan class='s3'>)\x3c/span>"
echo("cPage", " " + Fx.cpage);
echo("cNum", " " + Fx.cnum);
if(Fx.num != -1){
Fx.n2 = 0;
if(s.match(/(\/cgi-bin\/diary.cgi\?oid=[\w\-]+;n=100;s=\d+)">\x3cspan title="より古い記事へ"/)){

} else {
if(Fx.num != -1){
Fx.n2 = 0;

commentEntry = function(){
Fx.e(Fx.d.shift(), "com");
Fx.s105 = function(s){
return s.replace(/(\x3ca.+?href=")(\/home\/)([\w\-]+)(\/" target=")(_blank|_top)([^>]+)(.+?)(\x3c\/a>)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8){
return e1+e2 + "nancyan\/main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + e3+e6+e7 + " \x3cspan class='all_entry'>(" + e2+e3+"/)\x3c/span> " + e8 }

Lo.com = function(){
var s = Re.com.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var num = s.match(/id="comments">コメント \((\d+)\)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
if(num > 700 && Lo.com.user != "botanic"){
s = "コメントの基準値を越しています";
} else {
s = s.replace(/.+?\x3c\/form>/, "");
s = s.replace(/\s{2,}/g, "");
s = s.replace(/(\x3c\/div>)\1.+?$/, "");
s = s.replace(/\x3c!\-[^>]+>/g, "");
if(Fx.mode == "list"){
var re = s.match(/\x3ca class="comment_auther".+?\/a>/g);
s = re.join(" - ").replace(/\x3c\/?a[^>]*>/g, "");
s = "\x3cspan class='list2'> : \x3c/span>" + s;
var o = Fap(Fid("B" + Fx.n2), Fce("span"));
o.className = "list3";
echo(o, s);
} else {
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca class="comment_auther" name=")C(\d+)/g,
" \x3cspan class='Res'>R$2\x3c/span> $1$2");
s = Fx.s105(s);
var o = Fap(Fid("B" + Fx.n2), Fce("div"));
echo(o, s);

if(Fx.d.length > 0){


#listDisp { margin-left:4em; margin-right:4em; }
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td.td0 { width:360px; text-align:center; }
td.td1 { vertical-align:top; padding-top:2em; }
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span.list2 { color:darkgreen; }
span.list3 { color:#808080; }
.s3 { color:#808080; }
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.s4 { color:tomato; }
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.oid { font-size:16pt; color:#896952; font-weight:bold; }
#footerDisp { display:none; }
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tbody>
<tr><td class="td0">
<$$img src="/home/nancyan/files/bata_anime_002.gif" alt="comment_note" />
<$$form action="/home/nancyan/main.html">
<$$input type="hidden" name="no" value="111" />
userID <$$input type="text" size="16" name="user" value="" />
<$$input type="hidden" name="mode" value="list" />
<$$input type="submit" value="取得" />
</td><td class="td1">
<$$div class="logo">Eclat Diary Comment Note.<$$/div>
<$$div class="logo2">大切な言葉を探して ~エクラのコメントノート~<$$/div>
<$$div id="diaryInfo"><$$/div>
<$$div id="userLinks"><$$/div>
<$$div style="color:red;">※更新作業用のページです<$$/div>

<$$div id="listDisp">
<$$ul id="commentList"><$$/ul>
<$$div id="msgDisp" style="display:none">
document.title = "エクラの日記コメントノート更新作業用ページ";
コメント (9)

エクラの日記コメントノート Ver1.0
entry = function(){
Fx.cnt = 0;
Fx.user = Fx.loc.match(/user=([\w\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan";
Fx.e("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=100");

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
if(Fx.cnt == 0){
"\x3cspan class='oid'>" + Fx.user + "@eclat diary commentNote.\x3c/span> " +
(s.match(/全カテゴリ \((\d+) 件\)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "")
var title = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry_title">.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
var date = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry_date">.+?\x3c\/div>/g);
var msg = s.match(/\x3ca href="[\w\-\/]+.html#comments">コメント \(\d+\)\x3c\/a>/g);
var ac = s.match(/\x3cdiv class="entry C\d+" id="A\d+">/g);

var fu = function(s){ return s.replace(/\x3c\/?div[^>]*>/g, "");};
var str,no,o;
var obj = Fid("commentList");
for(var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++){
no = msg[i].replace(/.+\((\d+)\).+/, "$1");
if(no == "0") continue;
o = Fap(obj, Fce("li"));
echo(o, "\x3cspan class='s1'>" + fu(date[i]) + "\x3c/span> / " +
"\x3cspan class='s2'>" + fu(title[i].replace(/(.html)/, "$1#comments")) + "\x3c/span> / " +
"\x3cspan class='s5'>" + ac[i].replace(/.+(C\d+).+(A\d+).+/, "$1 $2") + "\x3c/span> " +
"\x3cspan class='s3'>..... (\x3c/span> " +
"\x3cspan class='s4'>" + no + "\x3c/span> " +
"\x3cspan class='s3'>)\x3c/span>"
if(s.match(/(\/cgi-bin\/diary.cgi\?oid=[\w\-]+;n=100;s=\d+)">\x3cspan title="より古い記事へ"/)){



.s3 { color:#808080; }
.s1 { color:#896952; }
.s4 { color:tomato; }
.s5 { color:blueviolet; }
.oid { font-size:16pt; color:#896952; font-weight:bold; }
#footerDisp { display:none; }
#110 エクラの日記コメント帖<$$br />
<$$img src="/home/nancyan/files/yosei_0.gif" alt="" /><$$br />
<$$form action="/home/nancyan/main.html">
<$$input type="hidden" name="no" value="110" />
userID <$$input type="text" size="16" name="user" value="" />
<$$input type="submit" value="取得" />
<$$div id="listDisp">
<$$div id="diaryInfo">

<$$ul id="commentList"><$$/ul>

document.title = "エクラの日記コメントノート";
コメント (0)

Fx.w = function(o){
return typeof(o) == "string" ? Fid(o) : o;
show = function(o){
Fx.w(o).style.display = a.tagName != "SPAN" ? "block" : "inline";
hide = function(o){
Fx.w(o).style.display = "none";
CALEN = Fx.no;
Fx.al = function(e){ return "main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&uri=" + e; };

Fx.s103 = function(s){
return (s.replace(/(href=")http:\/\/www\.eclat\.cc/g, "$1").
function(e0,e1,e2,e3){ return e1 + Fx.al(e2 + e3); }
Fx.s104 = function(s){
return (s.replace(/\x3c!\-\-ARTICLE id="(\d+)"\-\->(.+?\x3c\/span>)/g,
return (e2 + ' | <$$a href="' +
Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";s=" + e1 + ";n=1") +
'"><$$span class="Res">A' + e1 + '<$$/span><$$/a> | '
Fx.s105 = function(s){
return s.replace(/(\x3ca.+?href=")(\/home\/)([\w\-]+)(\/" target=")(_blank|_top)([^>]+)(.+?)(\x3c\/a>)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8){
return e1+e2 + "nancyan\/main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + e3+e6+e7 + " \x3cspan class='all_entry'>(" + e2+e3+"/)\x3c/span>" + e8 }
Fx.s106 = function(s){
return ( s.replace(/(\x3cdt>)(\d{4})年(\d\d)月(\x3c\/dt>)/g,
return (e1 + '<$$a href="' +
Fx.al("/home/" + Fx.user + "/diary/" + e2 + "/" + e3 + "/") +
'">' + e2 + '年'+ e3 + '月<$$/a>' + e4
Fx.s107 = function(s){
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca [^>]+>)(\x3c\/a>)/g, '$1<$$span class="red">半角空白<$$/span>$2');
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca [^>]+>) {1,}(\x3c\/a>)/g, '$1<$$span class="red">全角空白<$$/span>$2');
return s;

Lo.addJan = function(){
var a,b,c;
var s = Re.addJan.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var o = Ftag(Fid("sys1"), "dl")[0];
var a = Fap(o, Fce("dt"));
Fap(a, Fcea(Fx.al("/home/" + Fx.user + "/diary/" + RegExp.$1 + "/01/"), RegExp.$1 + "年01月"));
} else return;
a = Fap(Fap(o, Fce("dd")), Fce("ul"));
s = Fx.s103(s);
s = s.replace(/id="(\d+).+?\x3cdiv class="entry_date">(\d{4} \d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d).+?\x3cdiv class="entry_title">(\x3ca href="[^"]+")[^>]+(>.+?\x3c\/a>)/g,
var b = Fap(a, Fce("li"));
var c = Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";s=" + e1 + ";n=1");
echo(b, '<$$span class="time">' + e2 + '<$$/span> | <$$a href="' + c + '"><$$span class="Res">A' +
e1 + '<$$/span><$$/a> | ' + e3 + e4
return "";

Lo.addTopMenu = function(){
var s = Re.addTopMenu.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/^.+?\x3cdiv id="menu"/g, "");
var re = s.match(/\x3cul.+?\x3c\/ul>/g);
if(Fx.ajax) Fx.sBef.p2 = echo("sys21");

Fx.re1 = function(s){
s = s.replace(/(\x3cli [^>]*class="C)(\d+)(">)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return e1 + e2 + e3 + '<$$span class="Res">C' + ("00" + e2).slice(-3) + '<$$/span> '; });
return s;
Fx.re2 = function(s){
return s.replace(/(diary\.cgi[^"']+)("|')/g, '$1;n=20$2');

subMenuDisp = function(str){
var a,b,o,re,len;
re = str.match(/\x3cul.+?\x3c\/ul>/g);
len = re.length;
Fx.isAll = false;
if(len == 1){
a = Fx.s107(re[0].replace(/(\x3cli.+?n=\d+)(.+?\x3c\/li>)/, "$1;c=0$2"));
a = a.replace(/(\x3ca.+?c=)(\d+)([^>]+>)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return "C:" + ("00" + e2).slice(-3) + e1 + e2 + e3;}
o = a.match(/\x3cli.+?\x3c\/li>/g);
a = "<$$ul class='link_text'>" + o.join("") + "<$$/ul>";
a = a.replace(/(C:\d{3})(\x3ca.+?>)/g, '<$$span class="Res">$1<$$/span> $2');
echo("M4", a);
Fx.isAll = true;
if(Fx.user != Fx.oUser && len != 1){
echo("M3", re[len - 2].replace(/(\x3ca class="link_year"[^>]+>)(\d{4})(\x3c\/a>)/g,
"<$$span class='Res'>Y$2<$$/span> $1$2年の記事一覧$3<$$/li><$$li class='mon'>")
a = Fx.re1(Fx.re2(Fx.s107(re[len - 1])));
a = a.replace(/(\x3cli class="C\d+">)/, function(e0,e1){
b = Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user);
return '<$$li class="C0"><$$a href="' + b + '");>全カテゴリ<$$/a><$$/li>' + e1; }

echo("M4", a);
if(Fx.toShow1 && len == 4) Fx.addTopMenu1(re[0],re[1]);
if(len == 3) echo("M0", Fx.re1(re[0]));
Fx.addTopMenu1 = function(a,b){
echo("M1", Fx.re1(Fx.s103(a)));
var a = Fx.s103(b).replace(/("to">)to/g, "$1⇒");
a = a.replace(/(\x3cli>)(.+?#C)(\d+)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return e1 + '<$$span class="Res">R' + ('0000' + e3).slice(-5) + '<$$/span> ' + e2 + e3;}
echo("M2", a);
Fx.toShow1 = false;
setTimeout("sys22entry()", "500");

subHeaderDisp = function(str){
var t0 = str.match(/\x3ctitle>(.+?)\x3c\/title/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
t0 = t0.replace(/at eclat cyber city/, "");
var t1 = str.match(/id="site_title">(.*?)\x3c/) ? RegExp.$1 : "エクラの新着日記";
if(t1 == "") t1 = Fx.user + "’diary";
var t2 = str.match(/id="site_info">(.*?)\x3c/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
if(t2 == "") t2 = "...";
echo("headerDisp", "<$$div class='t0'><$$span>" + t0 + "<$$/span><$$/div><$$div class='t1'>" + t1 + "<$$/div><$$div class='t2'>" + t2 + "<$$/div>"

Fx.eLinks = function(o,n){
var a = Ftag(typeof(o) == "string" ? Fid(o) : o, "a");
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
a[i].href = Fx.al(a[i].href.replace(/http:\/\/www.eclat.cc/g, ""));
Fx.noUser = function(){
hide("sys21"); hide("sys22"); hide(Ftag(Fid("modeDisp"),"ul")[0]);
Fid("sys11").className = "noUser";
echo("sys11", "退会しているかも知れません <$$a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>履歴で戻る<$$/a>");

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/<$$div\sclass="entry_info">.+?<$$\/div>/g, "");
s = Fx.s103(s);
s = s.split('<$$div id="menu">');
if(s.length == 1){
Fx.noUser(); return;
Fx.user = s[0].match(/\/home\/([a-z0-9\-]+)\//) ? RegExp.$1 : "all";
Fx.toShow1 = Fx.user != Fx.oUser;
var s1 = s[1].split('<$$div id="main">');
Fx.oUser = Fx.user;
if(Fx.toShow1 && !Fx.isAll) Fx.e("/home/" + Fx.user + "/diary/", "addTopMenu");
else setTimeout("sys22entry()", 500);
sys22entry = function(){
var a = Fid("sys1").offsetHeight - Fid("sys2").offsetHeight;
if(a > 0 ) Fid("sys22").style.height = a + "px";

var a = RegExp.$1,o;
if(o = Fid(a)) o.scrollIntoView();


Lo.entry.bef = function(){
var s = Lo.entry.uri.replace(/#.*$/, "");
Fid("calenUri").href = Fx.al(s);
Fid("userUri").href = s;
Fx.uri = s;

sub_add_entry_date = function(){
var a = Ftag(Fid("sys11"), "div");
var f,no,date,c;
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
b = a[i];
if(b.className && b.className == "entry_date"){
date = echo(b);
no = (f = Fid('responses')) ?
Ftag(f, 'form')[0].article_id.value : b.parentNode.id.substring(1);
echo(b, '<$$span class="Res">A' + no + '<$$/span> ' + date + ' ' +
Po.dateByDay(date,1) + " " +
' <$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=' + no + '" target="_blank">編集<$$/a>'
subMainDisp = function(str){
var a,b,o;
var uri = Lo.entry.uri;
var main = str.replace(/(\x3c\/div>\x3c\/body>|\x3c\/body>).+?/g, "");
main = main.replace(/\[(beforeExec|body|cssText|exec|boot)\](.+?)(\[\/\1\])/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return "<$$div class='code'>[" + e1 + "]<$$/div><$$div class='codeDef code_" + e1 + "'>" +
e2.replace(/\x20\x20/g, " ") + "<$$/div><$$div class='code'>" + e3 + "<$$/div>"
main = main.replace(/\[(include)\](.+?)\[\/\1\]/g, function(e0,e1,e2){return Fx.dec(e2)});
main = Fx.s105(main);
main = Fx.s104(main);

if(main.match(/\x3chr \/>/)){
var s1 = main.split("<" + "hr />");
main = s1.shift();
main += s1.join("");
if(Fx.user == "all") main = main.replace(/target="(_top|_blank)"/g, "");

main = main.replace(/(\x3ca[^<]+name="C)(\d+)/g, ' <$$span class="Res">R$2<$$/span> $1$2');

main = Fx.t2n(Fx.s106(main));
echo("sys11", main);

if(Fx.user != "all") sub_add_entry_date();
else {
var o2 = Fcn(Fid("sys11"), "span", "all_entry");
var a = [], s = " ",n = 1;
for(var i = 0; i < o2.length; i++){
b = echo(o2[i]).replace(/(\(\/home\/|\/\)$)/g,"");
s += b + " ";
s = s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(" ").sort().join(" ") + " ";
s = s.replace(/([\w\-]+ )(\1{0,})/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
var f = e2.split(" ").length;
return "\x3cli>\x3cspan class='Res'>E:" + ("0" + (n++)).slice(-2) + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan class='all_oid'>\x3ca href='" + Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + e1) + "'>" + e1 + "\x3c/a>\x3c/span> ( \x3cspan class='all_no_" + (f > 2 ? 1 : 0) + "'>" + f + "\x3c/span>件 )\x3c/li>";}
var o1 = Fap(Fid("M0"), Fce("ul"));
o1.className = "all_list";
echo(o1, s);

Fx.e(RegExp.$1 + "01/", "addJan");

sub_month = function(){
var a = Ftag(Fid("M3"), "a");
var a1 = a.length;
for(var i = 0; i < a1; i++){
if(a[i].href.replace(/(^.+?'|'.+$)/g,"") == Fx.uri) break;
var s1 = "次月<<";
if(i > 1){
var n1 = i - 1;
if(a[n1].className != "link_month") n1--;
s1 = "\x3ca href=" + a[n1].href + ">" + s1 + "\x3ca/a>";
var s2 = ">>前月";
if(i < a1 - 2){
n1 = i + 1;
if(a[n1].className != "link_month") n1++;
s2 = "\x3ca href=" + a[n1].href + ">" + s2 + "\x3c/a>";
var o = Ftag(Fid("sys11"), "h2")[0];
var a = Fap(Fid("sys11"), Fce("h2"));
a.innerHTML = o.innerHTML = s1 + " " + o.innerHTML + " " + s2;

entry = function(){
var uri = Fx.getDiaryUri(Fx.loc);
Fx.user = uri.match(/(\/home\/|oid=)([a-z0-9\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$2 : "nancyan";
var m = Fid("modeDisp");
var all = Fx.user == "all";
echo(Ftag(m, "span")[0], all ? "all 新着日記100件" : Fx.user);
var o = Fcn(Fid("sys21"), "div", "link");
for(var i = 1; i < 4; i++) o[i].style.display = "none";
echo(Ftag(o[0], "div")[0], "エントリー一覧");
Ftag(m, "ul")[0].style.display = "none";
uri = uri.replace(/(n=)\d+/, "$1100");
} else {
var a = Ftag(m, "a");
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
a[i].href = a[i].href.replace(/(user=)([\w\-]+)/,
function(e0,e1,e2){ return e1 + Fx.user; });
if(Fx.user == "nancyan" && self != top && document.referrer.match(/menu\.html$/) && uri.match(/c=19$/)){
o = top.menu_nancyan.document.getElementById("fxDisp");
if(o.innerHTML == "") o.innerHTML = "\x3cembed src='h" +
"ttp://www.geocities.jp/musicgarden_jp/haruwomatukimini.mp3' width='112' height='27' autostart='true' loop='true' repeat='true'>\x3c/embed>\x3cdiv style='cursor:pointer' onclick='fxDispHide()' title='閉じます'>春を待つ君に by 葉月\x3c/div>";

body {
ul {
padding:0px; margin-left:26px; margin-top:0px;
li { margin:0px; }

#userForm {
background-color:#339; line-height:1em;
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border:2px outset white;
border-radius:8px; -moz-border-radius:8px;
#userForm .logo {
background:url(files/hamu_folder1.gif) no-repeat;
padding-left:40px; color:#fff; height:35px;
font-weight:bold; font-family:"Times New Roman";
#userForm .logo_title {
font-size:12pt; padding-top:.5ex; padding-bottom:.25ex; }
.logo_title span { font-size:8pt; color:#eee; }
.logo_title a { color:gold; }
#userForm .inp { text-align:center; color:#fff; white-space:nowrap;}
#userForm a:link { color:gold; }
#userForm a:visited { color:yellow; }
#userForm a:hover {color:#fff;}

#modeDisp {
margin:1em 1em 1em 0; padding:.5em 0px;
border:1px dashed tomato;
-moz-border-radius:10px; border-radius:10px;
#modeDisp div.link_info {
margin-left:1em; font-weight:bold;
padding-left:20px; line-height:1.1em;
font-family:Verdana; color:#808080;
background:url(files/res.gif) no-repeat;
#modeDisp div.link_info span { color:red; }
#modeDisp ul { margin-top:.5em; margin-bottom:.5em; }
#modeDisp ul li { margin-bottom:.25em; }
#modeDisp a { text-decoration:none; color:#000; }
#modeDisp a:hover { color:blue; }

#infoDisp a { border:1px solid #808080; background-color:#ffefff;
padding:.25em .5em; -moz-border-radius:10px; border-radius:10px;
.hide { display:none; }
div.entry, #archive_yearlist {
background:url(files/ch2-w.gif) repeat-y;
border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px;
border:1px solid #ccc; padding-bottom:1em;
#sys22 {
border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px;
border:1px dashed #ccc;
.noUser {
background:url(files/yukikko2b.gif) no-repeat center 100px;
margin:8em 0em;
.all_entry { color:darkgreen; }
.all_oid { font-family:"Times New Roman"; font-size:11pt; color:blue; }
.all_no_0 { color:darkgreen; }
.all_no_1 { color:red; }
<$$div id="sysDisp">
<$$div id="sys2">
<form action="/home/nancyan/main.html" method="get" id="userForm">
<$$div class="logo">
<$$div class="logo_title"><$$a href="main.html?no=109">Eclat Diary<$$/a> 3.0.1<$$/div>
<$$span><$$a href="#" id="calenUri">Fx.uri<$$/a><$$/span> |
<$$span><$$a href="#" id="userUri" target="_blank">User.uri<$$/a> <$$/span>
<$$div class="inp" >
<input type="hidden" name="no" value="109" />
* <input type="text" size="12" name="user" /><input type="submit" value="取得" />
<$$div id="modeDisp">

<li class="link_here">#103

<$$div id="sys21">
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">前後の記事<$$/div>
<$$div id="M0"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">最新の記事<$$/div>
<$$div id="M1"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">最新のコメント<$$/div>
<$$div id="M2"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">過去記事一覧<$$/div>
<$$div id="M3"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">カテゴリ一覧<$$/div>
<$$div id="M4"><$$/div>
<$$div id="sys22"><$$/div>
<$$div id="sys1">
<$$div class="sys1_container">
<$$div id="headerDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="sys11"><$$/div>


document.title = "エクラ汎用日記帳Ver3.0";
コメント (7)

コメント (1)

コメント (0)



1:トップページシステム領域(1) ⇒ execとnancyan_hazuki_messageの領域:08/11/28:重要:進行,
2:トップページシステム領域(2) ⇒ cssTextの領域:09/07/02:重要:進行,
3:トップページシステム領域(3) ⇒ beforeExecの領域:09/07/02:重要:進行,
4:トップページシステム領域(4) ⇒ bodyの領域:09/07/02:重要:進行,
9:エクラの汎用ログイン Ver1.0:09/11/07:ツール:進行,
17:Eclat Cyber City 汎用メニューエディタ Ver1.0:09/11/09:ツール:進行,
18:Eclat Cyber City 汎用メインエディタ Ver1.0:09/11/09:ツール:進行,
19:音楽の小部屋 ~あなたの創った音楽をいつも聴きたくて~:09/01/30:汎用:進行,
24:日記カテゴリの一覧表(Ver2.0)|| <$$a href="/home/nancyan/diary/2008/05/1209569371.html">【日記のカテゴリに思うこと】<$$/a>:08/05/01:ツール:終了,
25:足跡取得ルーチン(ログ編)|| <$$a href="/home/nancyan/diary/2008/05/1210082542.html">【足跡を追いかけてみた】<$$/a>:08/05/06:ツール:終了,
99:ログ || 【<$$a href="main.html?sys_footprint&user=poem">sys_footprint&user=poem<$$/a>】:07/12/04:データ:終了,
102:ファイル管理システムVer3.0 ※このページ:08/07/01:カレン:進行,
103:エクラ汎用日記帳Ver3.0.1 → 別名定義・sys_diary:09/01/23:ツール:進行,
104:エクラ汎用足跡Ver3.0 → 別名定義・sys_footprint:08/07/28:ツール:進行,
105:エクラ汎用掲示板Ver2.0 ⇒ 別名定義・sys_bbs:08/11/27:ツール:進行,
113:なんちゃんと葉月のヤドカリの部屋 コメントノート特別仕様:09/03/16:重要:進行,
114:春を待つ君に ~なんちゃんと葉月の言葉の箱・チャット版~:09/04/10: ツール:進行,
115:春を待つ君に ~なんちゃんと葉月の言葉の箱・閲覧版:09/04/25:ツール:進行,
116:汎用コメント更新システム Ver1.0:09/04/26:ツール:進行,
117:春を待つ君に ~なんちゃんと葉月の言葉の箱・過去ログ:09/04/29:ツール:進行,
119:汎用CSS Ver2.0:09/06/10:ツール:進行,
141:エクラ会員名簿 Ver1.0:08/07/15:リスト:進行,
145:エクラの日記のデータ移行会員名簿 #146-#153をデータとして利用:08/11/30:リスト:進行,
146:DATA P1 2004/10/26-28登録、35名。3名退会。A1-A10638:08/11/30:データ:進行,
147:DATA P2 2004/10/29登録、24名。2名退会。A10639-A17012:08/11/30:データ:進行,
148:DATA P3 2004/10/30登録、21名。2名退会。A17013-A23884:08/11/30:データ:進行,
149:DATA P4 2004/10/31登録、28名。A23885-A30922:08/11/30:データ:進行,
150:DATA P5 2004/11/1-2登録、32名。4名退会。A30923-A36542:08/11/30:データ:進行,
151:DATA P6 2004/11/3-7登録、31名。4名退会。A36543-A49027:08/11/30:データ:進行,
152:DATA P7 2004/11/8-9登録、8名。1名退会。新規投稿開始。A49028-A55555:08/11/30:データ:進行,
153:DATA P8 2004/11/10以降登録、現在36名。A55556-:08/11/30:データ:進行,
156:eclat cyber city みんなの掲示板:09/08/30:エータ:進行,
161:裏足跡 Ver1.0:09/06/30:ツール:進行,
163:【研究課題】高度なレベル1 足跡:09/11/12:ツール:進行,
164:【研究課題】高度なレベル1 足跡の実験結果(二回目):09/11/12:リスト:進行,
180:汎用エディタ Ver1.0 ※フレームを操作します。:08/07/15:ツール:進行,
182:You tube:09/08/13:ツール:進行,
185:エクラの日記のカテゴリ一覧 Ver2.0:09/11/01:ツール:進行,
コメント (3)

ns = function(s){ return s.replace(/<.+?>/g, ""); };
Fx.s107 = function(s){
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca href=")http:\/\/www.eclat.cc/g, "$1");
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca href=")\/home\/([\w\-]+)\/" target="_blank(">.+?)(\x3c\/a)/g,
"$1main.html?no=105&user=$2$3 \x3cspan>(/home/$2/)\x3c/span>$4");
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca href=")(\/cgi\-bin\/bbs.cgi[^"]+)/g,
return s;
Fx.s108 = function(s){
return s;
/* .replace(/\x26lt;(\/?font)/gi, "\x3c$1").replace(/\x26gt;/gi, ">"); */

menuEntry = function(){
var o = Fid("sys11");
var n1 = Ftag(o, "li");
var obj = Fid("M1");
var a,no;
for(var i = 0; i < n1.length; i++){
a = Ftag(n1[i], "span");
echo(Fap(obj, Fce("li")),
"\x3cspan class='Res'>" + echo(a[0]) + "\x3c/span> " +
"\x3ca href='#" + n1[i].id + "'>" +
"\x3cspan class='li2'>" +
ns(echo(a[1])) + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan>⇒\x3c/span> " +
ns(echo(Ftag(n1[i], "div")[1])) + "\x3c/a>"

Lo.entry = function(){
var str = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
var maxNo = str.match(/過去の記事 \(総件数: (\d+) 件\)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 0;
var navi = str.match(/(\x3cdiv )id(="navigation".+?div>)/) ? RegExp.$1 + "class" + RegExp.$2 : "";
var s = "", n1 = Math.ceil(maxNo / 20);
var f = n1 > 99;
for(var i = 1; i <= n1; i++){
s += "\x3ca " + (pageMode && pageNo == i ? "class='act' " : "") +
"href='main.html?no=105&user=" + Lo.entry.user +
"&page=" + i + "'>P" + ((f ? "00" : "0") + i).slice(f ? -3 : -2) + "\x3c/a> ";
echo("eLinks", s);
s = str.replace(/(^.+\x3cul>|\x3cul>.+)/g, ".");
s = s.replace(/(no=")(\d+)("\-\->\s*)(\x3cli )/g, "$1$2$3$4id='bbs_no$2'");
s = s.replace(/\-\->\s+\x3c!\-\-/g, "");
var dat = s.split(/\x3c\!\-\-.+?\-\->/);
dat.shift(); dat.pop();
 if(pageMode) dat.reverse();
echo("sys11", Fx.s108(Fx.s107(navi + "<ul>" + dat.join("") + "</ul>" + navi)));
var a = RegExp.$1,o;
if(o = Fid(a)) o.scrollIntoView();
else alert(a + "の記事は見当たりませんでした")
Lo.entry.bef = function(){
var f = Lo.entry;
var s = f.uri.replace(/#.*$/, "");
Fid("calenUri").href = "main.html?no=105&uri=" + s;

Fid("userUri").href = s;
Fx.uri = s;
var o = Fid("userForm");
o.user.value = f.user;
Fx.getBbsUri = function(s){
return (
s.match(/uri=(.+)$/) ? RegExp.$1 :
"/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=" +
(s.match(/user=([a-z0-9_\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan") +
";n=20" +
(s.match(/page=(\d+)/) ? ";s=" + (Number(RegExp.$1) * 20 - 1) : "") +
(s.match(/(#.+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "")

entry = function(){
var s = Fx.loc;
pageMode = s.indexOf("page=") != -1;
pageNo = s.match(/page=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : -1;
Fx.user = s.match(/(user|oid)=([\w\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$2 : "nancyan";
var n = pageNo;
"Fx.user:\x3cspan>" + Fx.user + "\x3c/span> mode:" +
(pageMode ? "page \x3cspan>P" + n + "\x3c/span> (No." +
(20*(n-1)) + " - No." + (20*n-1) + ")" : "default")
if(s.match(/uri=(.+)/)) Fx.e(RegExp.$1);
else {
var a = "/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=20;s=" + (pageNo * 20 - 1);
if(s.match(/(#.+)/)) a += RegExp.$1;

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#eLinks a.act { color:red; background-color:yellow; }
.li2 { color:darkgreen; }
div.msg { margin-left:1em; color:steelblue; font-weight:bold; }

#sys21 .link {
margin-bottom:1em; margin-right:1em;
border:1px dashed magenta;
border-radius:14px; -moz-border-radius:14px;
<$$div id="sysDisp">
<$$div id="sys2">

<$$div class="menuInfo">
<$$div class="logo"><$$a href="main.html?no=105">エクラの掲示板Ver2.0<$$/a><$$/div>
<$$div id="infoDisp">
<$$span><$$a href="#" id="calenUri">現在参照リンク<$$/a><$$/span>
<$$span><$$a href="#" id="userUri" target="_blank">ユーザー参照<$$/a>
<form action="/home/nancyan/main.html" method="get" id="userForm">
<$$span class="userFormName">user : <input type="text" size="16" name="user" class="userName" />
<$$div class="pageType"><input type="radio" name="no" value="103" />日記帳
<input type="radio" name="no" value="104" />足跡
<input type="radio" name="no" value="105" checked="checked" />掲示板
<input type="submit" value="取得" />


<$$div id="sys21">
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">pageMode<$$/div>
<$$div class="msg">※古い記事が上になります<$$/div>
<$$div id="eLinks"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">ページ内リンク<$$/div>
<ul id="M1"></ul>

<$$div id="sys1">
<$$div id="headerDisp">
<$$div class="sys1_title">Eclat BBS<$$/div>
<$$div id="pageInfo">..<$$/div>
<$$div id="sys11"><$$/div>


document.title = "エクラ汎用掲示板Ver2.0";

コメント (5)

<$$img src="files/hamu_folder1.gif" alt="" height="35" width="35" />このページは汎用足跡掲示板のシステムです。<$$br />
<$$a href="main.html?sys_footprint">このページを実行すると表示されます<$$/a>

Fx.footprint = function(user){
Fx.user = user;
Fx.uri = "/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=" + user;
Fx.mode = "footprint";
ft = function(o){

Fx.ent = function(){

case "css" : Fx.ent_css(); break;
case "source" : Fx.ent_source(); break;
default : break;

Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/^.+?(<body\s)/, "$1").replace(/(<\/body>).+?$/, "$1");
s = s.replace(/(counter">)(.+?<$$\/div>)/, "$1<$$div id='uP'>.<$$/div>\x3cdiv class='since'>$2<$$/div>");
Fx.owner = s.match(/class="add"/) ? true : false;
s = s.replace(/\x3cdiv\sid="back.+\x3c\/div>/, "");
s = s.replace(/\x3ccolgroup.+?\/colgroup>|\x3ctd\sclass="add".+?\x3c\/td>/g, "");

s = s.replace(/(\d)\s\s時/g, "(0$1)").replace(/(\d\d)\s時/g, "($1)");
s = s.replace(/(<caption>)(.+?)(\d+)(.+?<\/caption>)/g, "$1■$2<$$span>$3<$$/span>$4");
s = s.replace(/(<caption>)(.+?)(<\/caption>)/, "$1$2 ⇒ <$$a href='javascript:Fx.o1();'>重複しているIDは<$$span id='u1'>.<$$/span>件です<$$/a>$3");
s = s.replace(/(day">)(\d{4}\s\d\d\/\d\d)/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return e1 + e2 + " " + Po.dateByDay(e2,1);}
n = 1;
s = s.replace(/(date">)(\d{4}\s\d\d\/\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d)/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return 'no">' + n++ + '\x3c/td>\x3ctd class="' + e1 + e2;}
s = s.replace(/([a-z0-9_\-]+)(<$$\/a><\/td>\s*<$$td\sclass="message)(">)(.*?)(<\/td>)/g,
return (
e1 + e2 + (e4 == "" ? " non" : "") + e3 +
"<$$a href=javascript:Fx.footprint('" + e1 + "')>" +
(e4 == "" ? "言葉は少なめ" : e4.replace(/^(.{20}).+/, "$1..")) + "" + e5
s = s.replace(/(<table\s)/g, "$1cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' ");
s = s.replace(/(\swidth=")(\d+)(")/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return e1 + Math.floor(e2 * .5) + e3;
s = s.replace(/\t/g, "\n");
Fid("sysDisp").innerHTML = s;
Fid("cssDisp").value = "";
Fid("sourceDisp").value = "";
Fid("eclat_diary").href = "main.html?no=103&user=" + Fx.user;
Fid("eclat_bbs").href = "main.html?no=105&user=" + Fx.user;
setTimeout("afterExec()", 50);

mlinks = function(s, n){
var s2 = ["main", "profile", "friends", "links", "bbs", "footprint", "diary",
"bbs", "footprint", "diary"];
return "<$$a href='" + (s < 4 ? "/home/" + n + "/" : s < 7 ? "/cgi-bin/" : "main.html?sys_") +

afterExec = function(){
var obj = Fid("messages");
var o = Ftag(obj, "tr");
var str = " ",n = 0,a,b,c,c1,o1;
var r = "<a target='_blank' href='";
var s2 = ["main", "profile", "friends", "links", "bbs", "footprint", "diary",
"bbs", "footprint", "diary"];

for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
o1 = Ftag(o[i], "td");
b = Ftn(Ftag(o1[2], "a")[0]);
a = b + " ";
if(str.indexOf(a) != -1){
o[i].className = "sec";
} else str += a;
o1[0].innerHTML = r + "/home/" + b + "/menu.html'>" + Ftn(o1[0]) + "";
c1 = Ftn(o1[1]);
c = c1.split(" ");
cc = 0;
o1[1].innerHTML =
c[0].replace(/(\d)/g, function(e0,e1){
return r + "../" + b + "/" + s2[cc++] + ".html'>" + e1 + "";}) + " " +
c[1].replace(/(\d\d|\/)/g, function(e0,e1){
return r + "/cgi-bin/" + s2[cc++] + ".cgi?oid=" + b + ";n=30'>" + e1 + "";}) + " " +
c[2].replace(/(\d\d|:)/g, function(e0,e1){
return r + "main.html?sys_" + s2[cc++] + "&user=" + b + "'>" + e1 + "";}) + " " +
Fid("u1").firstChild.nodeValue = n;
var r1 = r + "/home/" + Fx.user + "/";
var r2 = r + "/cgi-bin/";
"\x3ca href='main.html?sys_footprint&user=" + Fx.user + "'>Fx.user(" + Fx.user + ")\x3c/a>" +
" ⇒_self / " + r1 + "'>home\x3c/a> " + r1 + "menu.html'>menu\x3c/a> " +
r1 + "main.html'>main\x3c/a> " + r1 + "profile.html'>profile\x3c/a> " +
r1 + "friends.html'>friends\x3c/a> " + r1 + "links.html'>links\x3c/a> " +
r2 + "bbs.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=30'>bbs\x3c/a> " +
r2 + "diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";n=30'>diary\x3c/a> " +
r2 + "footprint.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + "'>footprint\x3c/a> ⇒_blank"

var o = Fid("rer");
var op = o.options;
var ne = false;
for(var i = 0; i < op.length; i++){
if(op[i].value == Fx.user){
ne = true;
var a;
o.insertBefore(op[i], op[0]);
} else {
a = Fce("option");
Fap(a, Fctn(Fx.user));
a.value = Fx.user;
if(op.length == 0){
Fap(o, a);
} else {
o.insertBefore(a, op[0]);
o.selectedIndex = 0;

Fx.o1 = function(){
var o = Fid("messages");
o.className = o.className == "" ? "userSec" : "";

Fx.o2 = function(s){
Fx.uri = "/home/" + Fx.user + "/" + s + ".css";
Fx.mode = "css";

Fx.o3 = function(s){
Fx.uri = "/home/" + Fx.user + "/" + s + ".html";
Fx.mode = "source";

Fx.ent_css = function(){
var o = Fid("cssDisp");
var str = Fx.str.replace(/\ /gm, " ");
o.className = "show";
o.value = str;

Fx.dispClose = function(s){
var o = Fid(s + "Disp");
o.className = o.className == "show" ? "hide" : "show";

Fx.ent_source = function(){
var o = Fid("sourceDisp");
var str = Fx.str.replace(/\x09/gm, " ");
o.className = "show";
o.value = str;

selChange = function(){
var o = Fid("rer");

.hide { display:none; }
.show { display:block; }
form { margin:0; }
body {margin:0; font-size:10pt; padding-left:1em; }
a {text-decoration:none;}
div.sysDispBefore {
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background:url(files/hamu_folder1.gif) no-repeat; padding:10px 38px 15px;
#counter {
background:url(files/y_line_b.gif) no-repeat left 10px; display:block;
text-align:left; padding:15px 0px 20px 50px;
#counter div.user {
font-family:"Arial Black"; color:blueviolet;
font-size:13pt; margin-bottom:4px;
#counter div.since { color:darkgreen; }

caption {color:#000; text-align:left; font-size:10pt; margin-right:.25em;
padding:.25em; border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; line-height:1em;
background-color:lavender; white-space:nowrap;
caption span {color:steelblue; margin-left:.25em; margin-right:.25em; }
#messages { width:65%; float:left; margin-right:.25em;}
td {border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; line-height:1em; padding:.25em; font-size:10pt; white-space:nowrap; }
td.non {text-align:right;}
.message a:link {color:steelblue;}
.message a:visited {color:darkgreen;}
.message a:hover {color:magenta;}
.non a:link {color:tomato;}
td.user_id a:visited {
background-color:yellow; color:red;
td.user_id a:hover {
color:magenta; background-color:transparent;
div.ds1 {float:left;}

a img {border:none;}
span.day0 {color:red;}
span.day1 {color:#808080;}
span.day6 {color:blue;}

td.graph img {
#days td.graph img { border-top-color:orange; }
#hours td.graph img { border-top-color:lime; }
#wdays td.graph img { border-top-color:steelblue; }


td.count {text-align:right;}
td.wday {color:#808080;}
td.no {text-align:right;}
#footerDisp { clear:both; margin-right:1em; }
#messages.userSec tr.sec {display:none;}
#userSelect { width:150px; }
#uP { color:#808080; white-space:nowrap; }
#cssDisp {width:90%; background-color:#eeeeff;}
#sourceDisp {width:90%; background-color:#ffefff; }
#footprintMenu { margin-bottom:.5em; }
#footprintMenu div { white-space:nowrap; }
#footprintMenu a { text-decoration:underline; }
.since { white-space:nowrap; }
.fxxForm { background-color:lavender; text-align:center; white-space:nowrap; }
select{ font-size:10pt; width:20em;}
a.btn { color:darkgreen; }
a.btn:hover { background-color:darkgreen; color:#fff; }
#sysDisp a { text-decoration:underline; }
<$$div class="sysDispBefore"><$$a href="main.html?sys_footprint">sys_footprint/汎用足跡<$$/a><$$/div>

<$$div id="footprintMenu">
<$$div>■CSSの表示 ⇒
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('common');">common<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('main');">main<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('menu');">menu<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('profile');">profile<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('bbs');">bbs<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('bbs_form');">bbs_form<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('diary');">diary<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('links');">links<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('friends');">friends<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o2('footprint');">footprint<$$/a> |
【<$$a href="javascript:Fx.dispClose('css');" class="btn">表示・非表示<$$/a>】
<$$textarea id="cssDisp" cols="80" rows="20" class="hide"><$$/textarea>
<$$div>■ソースの表示 ⇒
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o3('main');">main.html<$$/a>
<$$a href="javascript:Fx.o3('menu');">menu.html<$$/a> |
【<$$a href="javascript:Fx.dispClose('source');" class="btn">表示・非表示<$$/a>】
■<$$a href="#" id="eclat_diary">エクラの日記<$$/a>
■<$$a href="#" id="eclat_bbs">エクラの掲示板<$$/a>
<$$textarea id="sourceDisp" cols="80" rows="20" class="hide"><$$/textarea>
<form name="Fxx" class="fxxForm">
<$$span id="FxxLink">
ユーザー入力:<input type="text" size="20" name="user" /><input
type="button" onclick="ft(this.form)" value="取得" />
履歴:<select id="rer"></select><input type="button" onclick="selChange()" value="取得" />
<$$div id="sysDisp"><$$/div>

<iframe name="main_nancyan" width="0" height="0"frameborder="0"></iframe>


Fx.user = Fx.loc.match(/user=([a-z0-9_\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan";
document.title = "ECLAT 汎用足跡 [" + Fx.user + "]";
コメント (5)

エクラ汎用日記帳 3.0.1
Fx.w = function(o){ return typeof(o) == "string" ? Fid(o) : o;};
show = function(o){
Fx.w(o).style.display = a.tagName != "SPAN" ? "block" : "inline";
hide = function(o){ Fx.w(o).style.display = "none";};
CALEN = Fx.no;
Fx.al = function(e){ return "main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&uri=" + e; };
Fx.s103 = function(s){
return (s.replace(/(href=")http:\/\/www\.eclat\.cc/g, "$1").
function(e0,e1,e2,e3){ return e1 + Fx.al(e2 + e3); }
Fx.s104 = function(s){
return (s.replace(/\x3c!\-\-ARTICLE id="(\d+)"\-\->(.+?\x3c\/span>)/g,
return (e2 + ' | <$$a href="' +
Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";s=" + e1 + ";n=1") +
'"><$$span class="Res">A' + e1 + '<$$/span><$$/a> | '
Fx.s105 = function(s){
return s.replace(/(\x3ca.+?href=")(\/home\/)([\w\-]+)(\/" target=")(_blank|_top)([^>]+)(.+?)(\x3c\/a>)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8){
return e1+e2 + "nancyan\/main.html?no=" + CALEN + "&user=" + e3+e6+e7 + " \x3cspan class='all_entry'>(" + e2+e3+"/)\x3c/span>" + e8 }
Fx.s106 = function(s){
return ( s.replace(/(\x3cdt>)(\d{4})年(\d\d)月(\x3c\/dt>)/g,
return (e1 + '<$$a href="' +
Fx.al("/home/" + Fx.user + "/diary/" + e2 + "/" + e3 + "/") +
'">' + e2 + '年'+ e3 + '月<$$/a>' + e4
Fx.s107 = function(s){
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca [^>]+>)(\x3c\/a>)/g, '$1<$$span class="red">半角空白<$$/span>$2');
s = s.replace(/(\x3ca [^>]+>) {1,}(\x3c\/a>)/g, '$1<$$span class="red">全角空白<$$/span>$2');
return s;
Lo.addJan = function(){
var a,b,c;
var s = Re.addJan.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "");
var o = Ftag(Fid("sys1"), "dl")[0];
var a = Fap(o, Fce("dt"));
Fap(a, Fcea(Fx.al("/home/" + Fx.user + "/diary/" + RegExp.$1 + "/01/"), RegExp.$1 + "年01月"));
} else return;
a = Fap(Fap(o, Fce("dd")), Fce("ul"));
s = Fx.s103(s);
s = s.replace(/id="(\d+).+?\x3cdiv class="entry_date">(\d{4} \d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d).+?\x3cdiv class="entry_title">(\x3ca href="[^"]+")[^>]+(>.+?\x3c\/a>)/g,
var b = Fap(a, Fce("li"));
var c = Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user + ";s=" + e1 + ";n=1");
echo(b, '<$$span class="time">' + e2 + '<$$/span> | <$$a href="' + c + '"><$$span class="Res">A' +
e1 + '<$$/span><$$/a> | ' + e3 + e4
return "";
Lo.addTopMenu = function(){
var s = Re.addTopMenu.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/^.+?\x3cdiv id="menu"/g, "");
var re = s.match(/\x3cul.+?\x3c\/ul>/g);
if(Fx.ajax) Fx.sBef.p2 = echo("sys21");
Fx.re1 = function(s){
s = s.replace(/(\x3cli [^>]*class="C)(\d+)(">)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return e1 + e2 + e3 + '<$$span class="Res">C' + ("000" + e2).slice(-4) + '<$$/span> '; });
return s;
Fx.re2 = function(s){
return s.replace(/(diary\.cgi[^"']+)("|')/g, '$1;n=20$2');

subMenuDisp = function(str){
var a,b,o,re,len;
re = str.match(/\x3cul.+?\x3c\/ul>/g);
len = re.length;
Fx.isAll = false;
if(len == 1){
a = Fx.s107(re[0].replace(/(\x3cli.+?n=\d+)(.+?\x3c\/li>)/, "$1;c=0$2"));
a = a.replace(/(\x3ca.+?c=)(\d+)([^>]+>)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return "C:" + ("000" + e2).slice(-4) + e1 + e2 + e3;}
o = a.match(/\x3cli.+?\x3c\/li>/g);
o.sort(); o.reverse();
a = "<$$ul class='link_text'>" + o.join("") + "<$$/ul>";
a = a.replace(/(C:\d{4})(\x3ca.+?>)/g, '<$$span class="Res">$1<$$/span> $2');
echo("M4", a);
Fx.isAll = true;
if(Fx.user != Fx.oUser && len != 1){
echo("M3", re[len - 2].replace(/(\x3ca class="link_year"[^>]+>)(\d{4})(\x3c\/a>)/g,
"<$$span class='Res'>Y$2<$$/span> $1$2年の記事一覧$3<$$/li><$$li class='mon'>")
a = Fx.re1(Fx.re2(Fx.s107(re[len - 1])));
a = a.replace(/(\x3cli class="C\d+">)/, function(e0,e1){
b = Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user);
return '<$$li class="C0"><$$a href="' + b + '");>全カテゴリ<$$/a><$$/li>' + e1; }
echo("M4", a);
if(Fx.toShow1 && len == 4) Fx.addTopMenu1(re[0],re[1]);
if(len == 3) echo("M0", Fx.re1(re[0]));
Fx.addTopMenu1 = function(a,b){
echo("M1", Fx.re1(Fx.s103(a)));
var a = Fx.s103(b).replace(/("to">)to/g, "$1⇒");
a = a.replace(/(\x3cli>)(.+?#C)(\d+)/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
return e1 + '<$$span class="Res">R' + ('0000' + e3).slice(-5) + '<$$/span> ' + e2 + e3;}
echo("M2", a);
Fx.toShow1 = false;
setTimeout("sys22entry()", "500");
subHeaderDisp = function(str){
var t0 = str.match(/\x3ctitle>(.+?)\x3c\/title/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
t0 = t0.replace(/at eclat cyber city/, "");
var t1 = str.match(/id="site_title">(.*?)\x3c/) ? RegExp.$1 : "エクラの新着日記";
if(t1 == "") t1 = Fx.user + "’diary";
var t2 = str.match(/id="site_info">(.*?)\x3c/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
if(t2 == "") t2 = "...";
echo("headerDisp", "<$$div class='t0'><$$span>" + t0 + "<$$/span><$$/div><$$div class='t1'>" + t1 + "<$$/div><$$div class='t2'>" + t2 + "<$$/div>"
Fx.eLinks = function(o,n){
var a = Ftag(typeof(o) == "string" ? Fid(o) : o, "a");
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
a[i].href = Fx.al(a[i].href.replace(/http:\/\/www.eclat.cc/g, ""));
Fx.noUser = function(){
hide("sys21"); hide("sys22"); hide(Ftag(Fid("modeDisp"),"ul")[0]);
Fid("sys11").className = "noUser";
echo("sys11", "退会しているかも知れません <$$a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>履歴で戻る<$$/a>");
Lo.entry = function(){
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
s = s.replace(/<$$div\sclass="entry_info">.+?<$$\/div>/g, "");
s = Fx.s103(s);
s = s.split('<$$div id="menu">');
if(s.length == 1){
Fx.noUser(); return;
Fx.user = s[0].match(/\/home\/([a-z0-9\-]+)\//) ? RegExp.$1 : "all";
Fx.toShow1 = Fx.user != Fx.oUser;
var s1 = s[1].split('<$$div id="main">');
Fx.oUser = Fx.user;
if(Fx.toShow1 && !Fx.isAll) Fx.e("/home/" + Fx.user + "/diary/", "addTopMenu");
else setTimeout("sys22entry()", 500);
sys22entry = function(){
var a = Fid("sys1").offsetHeight - Fid("sys2").offsetHeight;
if(a > 0 ) Fid("sys22").style.height = a + "px";
var a = RegExp.$1,o;
if(o = Fid(a)) o.scrollIntoView();
Lo.entry.bef = function(){
var s = Lo.entry.uri.replace(/#.*$/, "");
Fid("calenUri").href = Fx.al(s);
Fid("userUri").href = s;
Fx.uri = s;
sub_add_entry_date = function(){
var a = Ftag(Fid("sys11"), "div");
var f,no,date,c;
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
b = a[i];
if(b.className && b.className == "entry_date"){
date = echo(b);
no = (f = Fid('responses')) ?
Ftag(f, 'form')[0].article_id.value : b.parentNode.id.substring(1);
c = Ftag(b.parentNode, "a")[0].href.replace(/no=103/,"no=116");
echo(b, '<$$span class="Res">A' + no + '<$$/span> ' + date + ' ' +
Po.dateByDay(date,1) + " " +
' <$$a href="main.html?sys_update3&page=' + no + '">編集<$$/a>' +
' | <$$a href="' + c + '">レス管理<$$/a>'
subMainDisp = function(str){
var a,b,o;
var uri = Lo.entry.uri;
var main = str.replace(/(\x3c\/div>\x3c\/body>|\x3c\/body>).+?/g, "");
main = main.replace(/\[(beforeExec|body|cssText|exec|boot)\](.+?)(\[\/\1\])/g, function(e0,e1,e2,e3){
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s = s.replace(/([\w\-]+ )(\1{0,})/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
var f = e2.split(" ").length;
return "\x3cli>\x3cspan class='Res'>E:" + ("0" + (n++)).slice(-2) + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan class='all_oid'>\x3ca href='" + Fx.al("/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + e1) + "'>" + e1 + "\x3c/a>\x3c/span> ( \x3cspan class='all_no_" + (f > 2 ? 1 : 0) + "'>" + f + "\x3c/span>件 )\x3c/li>";}
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o1.className = "all_list";
echo(o1, s);

Fx.e(RegExp.$1 + "01/", "addJan");

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return e1 + b;}
a[0].target = "_blank";
sub_month = function(){
var a = Ftag(Fid("M3"), "a");
var a1 = a.length;
for(var i = 0; i < a1; i++){
if(a[i].href.replace(/(^.+?'|'.+$)/g,"") == Fx.uri) break;
var s1 = "次月<<";
if(i > 1){
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s1 = "\x3ca href=" + a[n1].href + ">" + s1 + "\x3ca/a>";
var s2 = ">>前月";
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n1 = i + 1;
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entry = function(){
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var m = Fid("modeDisp");
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echo(Ftag(o[0], "div")[0], "エントリー一覧");
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<$$div class="logo_title"><$$a href="main.html?no=103">Eclat Diary<$$/a> 3.0.1<$$/div>
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* <input type="text" size="12" name="user" /><input type="submit" value="取得" />
<$$div id="modeDisp">

<li class="link_here">#103

<$$div id="sys21">
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">前後の記事<$$/div>
<$$div id="M0"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">最新の記事<$$/div>
<$$div id="M1"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">最新のコメント<$$/div>
<$$div id="M2"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">過去記事一覧<$$/div>
<$$div id="M3"><$$/div>
<$$div class="link">
<$$div class="link_title">カテゴリ一覧<$$/div>
<$$div id="M4"><$$/div>
<$$div id="sys22"><$$/div>
<$$div id="sys1">
<$$div class="sys1_container">
<$$div id="headerDisp"><$$/div>
<$$div id="sys11"><$$/div>
document.title = "エクラ汎用日記帳 3.0.1";
コメント (2)

ファイル管理システム 3.2

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var dat = key(Re.entry.responseText, "Data").split(",");
var s1 = "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' border='1'><tbody>";
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d = i / 20;
s += "<table class='pLink' id='P" + d + "'><tbody><tr><td class='p0'>";
s += "■P" + d + " : " + (i < 100 ? "メイン" : "カレン") + "システム・テンポラリ (" +
((d % 5) + 1) + ")";
s += "</td><td class='p1'>" +
"<$$a href=javascript:history.go(-1);>JS:履歴で戻る<$$/a> | " +
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s += s2;
s += s1;
if(i == 0){
s += "<tr><th class='t0'>番号</th><th class='t1'>タイトル</th>" +
"<th class='t2'>作成日</th><th class='t3'>分類</th>" +
"<th class='t4'>状態</th><th class='t5'>編集</th></tr>";
} else {
s += "<tr><td class='t0'>\x3ca href='main.html?no=" +
(i > 99 ? 103 : 105) + "&uri=/cgi-bin/" +
(i > 99 ? "diary" : "bbs") + ".cgi?oid=nancyan;s=" +
(i > 99 ? 146295 + i : i) + ";n=1'>" + ("00" + i).slice(-3) + "\x3c/a></td>";
c = dat[i - 1].split(":");
s += "<td class='t1'><$$a href='main.html?no=" + i + "'>";
if(c[1] == "" ){
s += "領域確保<$$/a></td>";
} else {
e = c[1].split("|" + "|");
s += e[0] + "<$$/a>";
if(e.length == 2) s += " → " + Fx.dec(e[1]);
s += "</td>";
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s += "<td class='t3'>" + (c[3] == "" ? "未定" : c[3]) + "</td>";
s += "<td class='t4'>" + (c[4] == "" ? "まだ" : c[4]) + "</td>";
s += "<td class='t5'><$$a href='main.html?sys_update" +
(i < 100 ? "&page=" + i + "'>【1】" : "2&page=" + (146295 + i) + "'>【2】<$$/a>") + "<$$a href='main.html?sys_update3&calen=" + i + "'>【3】<$$/a></td></tr>";
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<$$div class="nan">
<$$a name="pageTop" id="pageTop"><$$/a>
<$$div class="pageInfo">
<$$div class="pageTitle">
<$$a href="main.html?no=102">#102 ファイル管理システム Ver3.2<$$/a>
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update3&page=146397">編集<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update3&page=146401">データ編集<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update3&page=146396">ファイル更新システムVer3.0の更新<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update3&page=146395">Boot編集<$$/a><$$br />


<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="cnt">

<td><$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;s=136695;n=1">
diaryUpdateSystem<$$/a>(内容確認) |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=136695">更新<$$/a> |
トップ更新 ⇒ <$$a href="main.html?sys_update&page=1">#1<$$/a>
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update&page=2">#2<$$/a>
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update&page=3">#3<$$/a>
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update&page=4">#4<$$/a> |
<$$a href="/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=4;s=4">bbs<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=105&uri=/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=4;s=4">#105
<td width="100">要のファイル</td></tr>

<td><$$a href="main.html?sys_diary">sys_diary(#103)<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/home/nancyan/diary/2008/05/1212187495.html">確認<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=146398">更新<$$/a> |
<$$a href="./diary/2008/06/1212846372.html">メモ<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=146838">更新<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/home/nancyan/diary/2008/06/1212846372.html">#103<$$/a>

<td><$$a href="main.html?sys_footprint">sys_footprint<$$/a>(エイリアス) |
<$$a href="main.html?no=103&uri=/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;s=146399;n=1">内容確認<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=130684">更新<$$/a></td>

<$$a href="#P0">P0<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P1">P1<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P2">P2<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P3">P3<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P4">P4<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P5">P5<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P6">P6<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P7">P7<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P8">P8<$$/a>
<$$a href="#P9">P9<$$/a>

<td>【<$$a href="#P5">P5が重要<$$/a>】</td></tr>

<td><$$a href="diary/2008/01/1199167239.html">一行掲示板<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=138345">update<$$/a></td>

<td>/home/nancyan/ ⇒
<$$a href="menu.html">menu<$$/a> |
<$$a href="main.html">main<$$/a> |
<$$a href="profile.html">profile<$$/a> :
<$$a href="main.html?no=40">#40<$$/a>
<$$a href="main.html?no=41">#41<$$/a> |
<$$a href="links.html">links<$$/a> |
<$$a href="friends.html">friends<$$/a>

<td class="g"><$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=nancyan">/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi<$$/a> ⇒
■<$$a href="main.html?sys_update2&page=0">拡張新規投稿<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="main.html?no=16"><$$span>#16<$$/span> “なんちゃんと葉月”の日記の領域確保<$$/a>

<td class="g">/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan ⇒ ■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan"><$$span>C0<$$/span>$$-全て<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=1"><$$span>C1<$$/span>$$-日記<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=19"><$$span>C19<$$/span>$$-ポエム<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=253"><$$span>C253<$$/span>$$-ツール<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=255"><$$span>C255<$$/span>$$-カレン・システム<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=372"><$$span>C372<$$/span>$$-一行掲示板<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=373"><$$span>C373<$$/span>$$-エクラ探訪<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=573"><$$span>C573<$$/span>$$-領域確保<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=635"><$$span>C635<$$/span>$$-メモ帳<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=694"><$$span>C694<$$/span>$$-チャットシステム<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=823"><$$span>C823<$$/span>$$-エクラのカレンダー<$$/a> |
■<$$a href="/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;c=851"><$$span>C851<$$/span>$$-ヘルの小部屋<$$/a> |
<$$a href="./diary/menu.html">日記のメニュー<$$/a></td>

<td class="g"><$$a href="/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=nancyan">bbs.cgi<$$/a>(掲示板)|
<$$a href="/cgi-bin/bbs_form.cgi?oid=nancyan">bbs_form.cgi<$$/a> |
<$$a href="/cgi-bin/profile_editor.cgi?oid=nancyan&mode=load">profile_editor.cgi<$$/a> ⇒
■<$$a href="main.html?no=118"><$$span>#118<$$/span> 汎用プロフィールエディタ<$$/a>


<td><$$a href="/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi?oid=nancyan">/cgi-bin/footprint.cgi<$$/a> (足跡) | <$$a href="main.html?no=104&user=log2">log2<$$/a> | <$$a href="main.html?no=104&user=log3">log3<$$/a></td>

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<option value="diary">日記 / コラム</option>
<option value="links">リンク集</option>
<option value="friends">友達リスト</option>
<option value="footprint">足跡</option>
<input type="hidden" name="oid" value="nancyan" />
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⇒ ■<$$a href="main.html?no=18"><$$span>#18<$$/span> 汎用メインエディタ<$$/a></td>
<td>menu ⇒ top</td></tr>

<td><$$a href="/cgi-bin/config.cgi?oid=nancyan">config.cgi<$$/a> |
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<table class="calenForm"><tbody>
<input type="radio" name="no" value="103" checked="checked" />日記帳
<input type="radio" name="no" value="104" />足跡
<input type="radio" name="no" value="105" />掲示板
<input type="text" size="20" name="user" />
<input type="submit" value="取得" /><input type="reset" value="クリア" />
<$$div id="systemDisp" class="sys"><$$/div>

document.title = "ファイル管理システムVer3.2";
コメント (0)


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Lo.bbs = function(){
var s = Re.bbs.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
Fx.dec2 = false;
Fx.txt0 = Fx.dec(RegExp.$1);
Fx.dec2 = true;
echo("txt0", Fx.txt0);
if(s.match(/(\x3cinput type="text")( name="title"[^<]+)/)){
echo("l3", RegExp.$1 + " size='30'" + RegExp.$2);
Lo.entry = function(){
toTextNo = 0;
var s = Re.entry.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
Fx.dec2 = false;
Fx.txt0 = Fx.dec(RegExp.$1).replace(/(\x26)amp;/g, "$1");
Fx.dec2 = true;
echo("txt0", Fx.txt0);
echo("l2", RegExp.$1 + " onchange='selChg1()'" + RegExp.$2);
if(s.match(/(\x3cinput type="text")( name="article_title"[^<]+)/)){
echo("l3", RegExp.$1 + " size='30'" + RegExp.$2);
echo("txt1", key(Fx.txt0,"beforeExec").replace(/^\t+|\t+$/g, ""));
echo("txt2", key(Fx.txt0,"cssText").replace(/^\t+|\t+$/g, ""));
echo("txt3", key(Fx.txt0,"body").replace(/^\t+|\t+$/g, ""));
echo("txt4", key(Fx.txt0,"exec").replace(/^\t+|\t+$/g, ""));
if(s.indexOf('name="article_notify" value="1" checked="checked"') != -1){
Fid("diaryOpen1").checked = true;
updateSubmit = function(){
if(Fx.CNT > 20000){
var o = Fid("topForm");
var dat = "&mode=update&oid=" + Vis.oid + "&before=edit" +
"&article_notify=" + (Fid("diaryOpen1").checked ? 1 : 0) + "&article_id=" + Fx.c +
"&category_id=" + echo(o.category_no) + "&category_name=&article_title=" +
encodeURIComponent(echo(o.article_title)) + "&article_sentences=" +
echo("updateInfo", "submit now !");
echo("updateCntDisp", "更新" + updateCNT + "回目");
Lo.en1 = function(){
var s = Re.en1.responseText;
echo("updateInfo", "update : " + (new Date()).toLocaleString() + " ....done.");

counter = function(){
var str = echo("txt0").replace(/\r?\n/g, " ");
var s = str.length;
Fx.CNT = s +
(s - str.replace(/<|>/g, "").length) * 3 +
(s - str.replace(/"/g, "").length) * 5 +
(s - str.replace(/\x26|'/g, "").length) * 4;
echo("cDisp", Fx.CNT + "/20000(max)");
selChg1 = function(){
var o = Fid("topForm");
echo(o.category_no, o.category_id.options[o.category_id.selectedIndex].value);
showText = function(n){
if(n == toTextNo) return;
Fid("txt" + toTextNo).style.zIndex = 1;
Fid("txt" + n).style.zIndex = 10;
Fid("btn" + toTextNo).className = "cm2";
Fid("btn" + n).className = "cm3";
Fid("txt" + n).focus();
toTextNo = n;
textUp = function(n){
var a, h = n == 1 ? -20 : n == 0 ? 20 : n == 2 ? -88 : 0;
(a = Fid("textForm")).style.height = (a.offsetHeight + h) + "px";
(a = Fid("bottomForm")).style.top = (a.offsetTop + h) + "px";
(a = Fid("footerDisp")).style.top = (a.offsetTop + h) + "px";
repStr = function(fg){
var o = Fid("txt" + toTextNo);
s = echo(o);
echo(o, fg ? encodeMiho(s) : decodeMiho(s));

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<$$form id="topForm">
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タイトル:<$$span id="l3"><$$/span>
<$$span id="l2"><$$/span> カテゴリ番号:<$$input type="text" name="category_no" value="" size="6" />

<$$div id="cmdDisp">
<$$a class="cm1 cmr" href="javascript:repStr(1)">置 換<$$/a
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<$$a class="cm3" href="javascript:showText(0)" id="btn0">全 文<$$/a
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><$$a class="cm2" href="javascript:showText(3)" id="btn3">本 文<$$/a
><$$a class="cm2" href="javascript:showText(4)" id="btn4">実 行<$$/a>
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<$$textarea id="txt0" cols="100" rows="24" onmousedown="counter()" onkeypress="counter()"><$$/textarea>
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<$$textarea id="txt2" cols="100" rows="24"><$$/textarea>
<$$textarea id="txt3" cols="100" rows="24"><$$/textarea>
<$$textarea id="txt4" cols="100" rows="24"><$$/textarea>
<$$form id="bottomForm">
<$$input type="button" value="送信" onclick="updateSubmit()" id="updateButton" disabled="disabled" />
<$$span id="cDisp">0/20000(max)<$$/span>
<$$span id="diaryOpen">
<label><input type="checkbox" id="diaryOpen1" />公開</label><$$/span>
<$$span id="updateCntDisp">更新0回目<$$/span>
<$$span id="updateInfo">done.<$$/span>
document.title = "ファイル更新システム 3.0.2";
コメント (0)

Fid = function(obj){ return document.getElementById(obj) };
Fce = function(str){ return document.createElement(str) };
Fctn = function(str){ return document.createTextNode(str) };
Fap = function(a,b){ return a.appendChild(b) };
Ftag = function(a,b){ return a.getElementsByTagName(b) };
Ftn = function(o){ return o.firstChild ? o.firstChild.nodeValue : ""; };

Fcn = function(o,a,b){
var o = Ftag(o, a),a,n = [];
for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
a = o[i]; if(!a.className) continue;
if(a.className == b) n.push(a);
return n;

Fcea = function(a,b){
var o = Fce("a"); o.href = a;
return o;
Po = new Object();
Po.dateByDay = function(date, type){
var c = (new Date(date.replace(/(^\d{4})\s/, "$1/"))).getDay();
var d = type ? ["日","月","火","水","木","金","土"] :
return '\x3cspan class="day' + (!c ? 0 : c > 5 ? 6 : 1) + '">(' + d[c] + ')\x3c/span>';

Re = new Object();
Lo = new Object();
Vis = new Object();

Fx.e = function(uri,key){
if(key == undefined) key = "entry";
Lo[key].uri = uri;
Lo[key].file = uri.match(/(bbs|diary|footprint).cgi/) ? RegExp.$1 :
uri.match(/\/diary\//) ? "diary" : "other";
Lo[key].mode = Fx.loc.match(/fx=no/) ? 1 : 0;
Lo[key].user = uri.match(/(\/home\/|oid=)([\w\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$2 : "nancyan";
if(typeof(Lo[key].bef) == "function") Lo[key].bef();
var a = Re[key] = Freq();
a.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(a.readyState == 4){
if(a.status == 200){
} else {
if(typeof(Lo[key].err) == "function") Lo[key].err();
else Fx.err();
a.open("get", uri.replace(/#.*$/, ""), true);
echo = function(){
var a = arguments;
var n = a.length;
var o = typeof(a[0]) == "string" ? Fid(a[0]) : a[0];
if(n == 1) return o.innerHTML;
else o.innerHTML = Fx.t2n(a[1]);

Fx.t2n = function(s){ return s.replace(/\t/g, "\n") };
Fx.loc = document.URL;
Fx.err = function(){};

reqEntry = function(){
if(req.readyState == 4){
if(req.status == 200){
Fx.str = req.responseText;
} else Fx.err();

Fget = function(){
var uri = Fx.uri;
req = Freq();
req.onreadystatechange = reqEntry;
req.open("GET", uri, true);

Fx.footer = function(){
var s = "sys_update&page=" + Fx.no;
if(Fx.no > 99 && Fx.no < 200){
s = "sys_update2&page=" + (146295 + Fx.no);
"\x3chr size=1 noshade='noshade' />" +
"(C)2007-2009 main.html改(1.1) なんちゃん \x3ca href='" + Fx.loc + "'>self\x3c/a> " +
"\x3ca href='main.html?no=1'>top\x3c/a> \x3ca href='main.html?" + s +
"' id='footerEdit' target='_blank'>EDIT\x3c/a> \x3ca href='/cgi-bin/main_editor.cgi?oid=nancyan'>update\x3c/a> " +
"\x3ca href='/home/nancyan/' target='_top'>nancyan@eclat\x3c/a>  "

Fx.ent = function(){
if(Fx.file == "css"){
var s = Fx.str.replace(/ /g, "&" + "nbsp;");
s = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\x3cbr />");
Fid("mainDisp").innerHTML = s;

if(Fx.file== "diary" || Fx.file == "bbs" || Fx.file == "article"){
var str = Fx.dec(Fx.str);
var a = key(str, "reDirect");
if(a != ""){
location.replace("main.html?" + a);
Fx.bef = key(str, "beforeExec");
Fx.body = key(str, "body");
Fx.exe = key(str, "exec");
Fx.css = key(str, "cssText");
if(Fx.bef != "") eval(Fx.bef);
if(Fx.css != "") Fx.cssText(Fx.css);
echo("mainDisp",Fx.body != "" ? Fx.body :
"\x3cdiv class='nonOwner'>申し訳ありませんがログインしていないか\x3cbr />" +
"編集権限を持ち合わせていないと思われます。\x3cbr />\x3cbr >" +
"\x3ca href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>仕方がないので履歴で戻る\x3c/a>"
if(Fx.exe != "") eval(Fx.exe);

Fx.dec = function(s){
var e = "_";
s = s.replace(/\[\[(.+?)\]\]/gm, function(e0,e1){
return e1.replace(/\x3cbr \/>/g, "\/\/\/");
s = s.replace(/(\x26)amp;/g, "$1");
s = s.replace(/\x3cbr \/>/g, " ");
s = s.replace(/\x26quot;/g, '"');
s = s.replace(/\x26lt;/g, "<").replace(/\x26gt;/g, ">");
s = s.replace(/\x26#39;/g, "'");
s = s.split("&" + "#95;").join(e);
s = s.split(e + e + ".").join(">").split(e + e).join("<$$");
s = s.replace(/<$$\-/g, "\&" + "lt;");
s = s.replace(/>\-/g, "\&" + "gt;");
s = s.replace(/\/\/\//g, "\x3cbr \/>");
s = s.replace(/\$\$/g, "");
s = s.replace(/(\x3cimg\s)yukikko/g, '$1src="files/yukikko2b.gif" alt="" width="350" height="190"');
s = s.replace(/(\x3cimg\s)hamu(\d)/g, '$1src="files/hamu_folder$2.gif" alt="" height="35" width="35"');
return s;

Fx.rep = function(s){ return s; };

Fx.bbsUri = function(){ return "/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi?oid=nancyan&n=1&s=" + Fx.no };
Fx.diaryUri = function(){
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(Fx.no * 1000);
return (
"diary/" + date.getFullYear() + "/" +
("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "/" + Fx.no + ".html"

Fx.times = function(n, fg){
var a = new Date();
a.setTime(n * 1000);
return (
(fg ? "diary/" : "") + a.getFullYear() +
(fg ? "/" : " ") + ("0" + (a.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "/" +
(fg ? n + ".html" : ("0" + a.getDate()).slice(-2) + " " + ("0" + a.getHours()).slice(-2) +
":" + ("0" + a.getMinutes()).slice(-2))

Fx.articleUri = function(){
return "/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=nancyan&mode=edit&article_id=" + Fx.no;

Fx.loader = function(){
case "bbs" : Fx.uri = Fx.bbsUri(); break;
case "diary" : Fx.uri = Fx.diaryUri(); break;
case "article" : Fx.uri = Fx.articleUri(); break;
default : break;


Fx.cssText = function(s){
var cs = { "b":"border", "m":"margin", "p":"padding" };
var cp = { "l":"left", "r":"right", "t":"top", "b":"bottom", "1":"radius" };
var str = s.replace(/\r?\n/g, " ");
str = Fx.rep(str);
str = str.replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//g, "");
str = str.replace(/[^\}]+\{\s*\}/g, "");
str = str.replace(/([pmb])\-([lrtb1]):/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return cs[e1] + "-" + cp[e2] + ":";}
var o = document.styleSheets;
o = o[o.length -1];
document.createStyleSheet ?
o.cssText = str :
str.replace(/.+?\{.+?\}/g, function(e){o.insertRule(e, o.cssRules.length); return "";});

Fx.getDiaryUri = function(str){
if(str.match(/uri=(.+)$/)) return RegExp.$1;
var user = str.match(/user=([a-z0-9_\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "nancyan";
var no = str.match(/page=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 1196521475;
var type = str.match(/pageType=([a-z]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "def";
var uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + user + ";n=20";
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(Fx.pageNo * 1000);
uri = "/home/" + user + "/diary/" + date.getFullYear() + "/" +
("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + "/" + no + ".html";
return uri;
Fx.getCalenUri = function(n){
return "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=nancyan;n=1;s=" + (146295 + n);

checkFrame = function(s){};

Fx.bootSystem = function(){
var o = document.body;

Ftag(o, "div")[0].id = "mainDisp";
Fx.mode = Fx.loc.match(/fx=no/) ? "Link" :
document.cookie.match(/mode=Ajax/) ? "Ajax" : "Link";
Fx.file = Fx.loc.match(/file=([a-z_0-9\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "bbs";
Fx.no = Fx.loc.match(/no=(\d+)/) ? Number(RegExp.$1) : 1;
Fx.dec2 = true;
case "update" : Fx.no = 10; Fx.file = "bbs"; break;
case "update2" : Fx.no = 136695; Fx.file = "article"; Fx.dec2 = false; break;
case "diary" : case "diry2" : Fx.no = 103; break;
case "bbs" : Fx.no = 105; break;
case "footprint" : Fx.no = 104; break;
default : break;
if(Fx.no > 99 && Fx.no < 200) Fx.uri = Fx.getCalenUri(Fx.no);
else {
case "bbs" : Fx.uri = Fx.bbsUri(); break;
case "diary" : Fx.uri = Fx.diaryUri(); break;
case "article" : Fx.uri = Fx.articleUri(); break;
default : break;
cVis = function(key){
document.cookie =
key.toUpperCase() + "=" + escape(Vis[key]) + "; path=/home/nancyan/;" +
"expires=Tue, 31-Dec-2030 23:59:59;";

Lo.sVis = function(){
var s = Re.sVis.responseText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\t");
Vis.from = s.match(/name="from" value="([^"]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
Vis.oid = s.match(/name="address" .+?eclat.cc\/home\/([\w\-]+)\//) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
if(Vis.from != null) cVis("from");
if(Vis.oid != null) cVis("oid");

gVis = function(){
var s = unescape(document.cookie) + ";";
Vis.sid = s.match(/SID=([a-z0-9]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
Vis.home = s.match(/HOME=1/) ? true : false;
Vis.login = Vis.sid != null ? true : false;
Vis.oid = s.match(/OID=([\w\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
Vis.from = s.match(/FROM=([^;]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
if(Vis.login && Vis.oid == null) Fx.e("/cgi-bin/bbs_form.cgi?oid=nancyan", "sVis");

if(Fx.boot) Fx.bootSystem();
else Fx.boot = true;

コメント (1)












コメント (0)






















コメント (1)




 これは・・って調べたら。login.cgi logout.cgi diary_form.cgi diary_editor.cgi config.cgi upload.cgi menu_editor.cgi main.editor.cgi profile_editor.cgi links_editor.cgi friends_editor.cgi css_editor.cgiが表示されるし更新できたのです。

 規制が掛かっているのは、bbs.cgi bbs_form.cgi diary.cgi diary_comment.cgi footprint.cgi footprint_logger.cgiのようです。





コメント (2)







 d.replace(/\/home\/([0-9a-z\-]+)/g, function(e0,e1){if(Fx.b.indexOf(e1 + " ") != -1) Fx.b += e1 + " "; return "";});







コメント (1209)














コメント (5)