汎用日記帳 4.0.1


kiss = function(s){
s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^\(\^\* \)|\( \*\^\)\^\*\)|\(\*\^_\^\*\)\/?)/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss'>$1\x3c/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\\(\*⌒ー⌒\*\)/)/g, "\x3cspan class='kiss'>$1\x3c/span>");
s = s.replace(/(\(\*\^▽\^\*\)\/)/g, "\x3cspan class='mark2'>$1\x3c/span>");
s = s.replace(/(❤)/g, '\x3cspan class="harts">$1\x3c/span>');
return s;

subHeaderDisp = function(str){
var t0 = str.match(/\x3ctitle>(.+?)\x3c\/title/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
t0 = t0.replace(/at eclat cyber city/, "");
var t1 = str.match(/id="site_info">(.*?)\x3c\/div/) ? RegExp.$1 : "";
if(t1 == "") t1 = "...";
echo("headerDisp", "\x3cdiv class='t0'>\x3cspan>" + t0 + "\x3c/span>\x3c/div>\x3cdiv class='t1'>" + t1 + "\x3c/div>"

Fx.s103 = function(s){
 var str = s.replace(/(href=")http:\/\/www\.eclat\.cc/g, "$1");
 str = str.replace(/(href=")(\/home\/[\w\-]+\/diary|\/cgi\-bin\/diary.cgi)([^"]*)/g, "$1main.html\?diary=172198\&uri=$2$3");

str = str.replace(/(\x3ca href=")\/home\/([\w\-]+)\/".*?>(.+?)(\x3c\/a>)/g,
str = str.replace(/(href=")\/home\/([\w\-]+)i\/" target="_blank"/g, '$1main.html\?diary=172198\&user=$2"');

str = str.replace(/(href=")\/cgi-bin\/diary_form.+?id=(\d+")/g, "$1main.html\?diary=172231\&page=$2");
str = str.replace(/(href=")\/cgi-bin\/diary_editor.+?id=(\d+")/g, "$1main.html\?diary=172233\&page=$2");
str = str.replace(/(href="main\.html\?[^"]+") target="_blank"/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/(\x3cdiv class="entry C\d+" id="A)(\d+)(">\s*\x3cdiv class="entry_date">)(\d{4} \d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d)/g, '$1$2$3\x3cspan class="arc">A$2\x3c/span> at $4 \x3ca href="main.html?diary=172231\&page=$2" title="update">eDisp\x3c/a>');
str = str.replace(/(\x3cdiv class=")for-owner">(\x3ca href="main.html\?diary=172231\&page=)(\d+)">編集(\x3c\/a>)(\x3c\/div>)/, '$1disp_eDisp">A$3 : $2$3" title="edit">eDisp$4 / \x3ca href="/cgi-bin/diary_form.cgi?oid=yadokari;mode=edit;article_id=$3" title="normal_edit">normal_form$4$5');

return kiss(str);

entry = function(){
Fx.imgCNT = 0;
var uri = Fx.loc.match(/uri=(.+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=yadokari";
Fx.user = uri.match(/(\/home\/|oid=)([a-z0-9\-]+)/) ? RegExp.$2 : "yadokari";

Fx.user = RegExp.$1; uri = "/cgi-bin/diary.cgi?oid=" + Fx.user;
echo("fxUri", '\x3ca href="' + Fx.loc + '">Fx.uri\x3c/a>');
echo("userUri", '\x3ca href="' + uri + '" target="' + (Fx.user == 'yadokari' ? '_self' : '_blank') + '">User.uri\x3c/a>');

var m = Fid("modeDisp");
var all = Fx.user == "all";

var o = Fcn(Fid("sys21"), "div", "link");
echo(Ftag(o[0], "div")[0], "エントリー一覧");
Ftag(m, "ul")[0].style.display = "none";
uri = uri.replace(/(n=)\d+/, "$1100");
} else {
var a = Ftag(m, "a");
for(var i = 1; i < a.length; i++){
a[i].href = a[i].href.replace(/(user=)([\w\-]+)/,
function(e0,e1,e2){ return e1 + Fx.user; });
uri = uri.replace(/(;n=)\d+/,"") + (Fx.user == "all" ? ";n=100;" : ";n=25");
Fx.e(uri, "no103Entry");

imgShow = function(src){
var obj = echo("imgDisp", "\x3cimg src=" + src + " />");

obj.style.top = (document.documentElement.scrollTop + 50) + "px";
obj.style.display = "block";
imgSrc = function(uri){
var a = Fx.imgCNT++;

var src = uri.match(/(href|src)=("[^"]+")/i) ? RegExp.$2 : "";
var obj = Fid("imgLinkDisp");
var o = Fap(obj, Fcea('javascript:imgShow(' + src + ')', "IMG-" + Fx.imgCNT));

o.className = "img_hack";
Fap(obj, Fctn(" "));
return '\x3ca class="img_hack" href=javascript:imgShow(' + src + ')>IMG-' + Fx.imgCNT + ' \x3c/a>';
Lo.no103Entry = function(str){
if(str.match(/\x3cdiv id="menu">(.+)\x3cdiv id="main">(.+)/)){
var m1 = RegExp.$1;
var m3 = m1.split("\x3chr />");
var m2 = RegExp.$2;
m2 = m2.replace(/\x3c\/div>\x3c\/body>\s*\x3c\/html>/, "");
m2 = m2.replace(/(\x3ca [^>]+>)(\x3cimg[^>]+>)(.*?\x3c\/a>)/g, "$2 $1Link_image$3");
m2 = m2.replace(/\x3cimg([^>]+)>/g, function(e0,e1){ return imgSrc(e1); });
m2 = m2.replace(/\x3c\/?(font|center)[^>]*>/gi, "");
m2 = m2.replace(/(<h2>)(\d{4})年(\d\d)月の記事(<\/h2>)/,'$1for $2/$3/$4');
m2 = m2.replace(/(<h2>)(\d{4})年の記事(<\/h2>)/,'$1Index of $2$3');
m2 = m2.replace(/<dt>(\d{4})年(\d\d)月<\/dt>/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
return '<dt>\x3ca href="/home/'+ Fx.user + '/diary/' + e1 + '/' + e2 + '/">for ' + e1 + '/' + e2 + '/\x3c/a></dt>';});

m2 = m2.replace(/(\x3c)(div|span) style="[^"]+"/g, "$1$2");
m1 = m1.replace(/(\x3cli class="C)(\d+)/g, function(e0,e1,e2){ return e1 + ("00" + e2).slice(-3); });
m1 = m1.replace(/(\x3ca class="link_year"[^>]+>)(\d{4})(\x3c\/a>)/g, "$1Index of $2$3 for");
echo("menuEx1", '\x3cdiv id="m2ex">\x3c/div>\x3cdiv id="m2ex2">' + Fx.s103(m1) + '\x3c/div>');
echo("mainEx1", '\x3cdiv id="m3ex">' + Fx.s103(m2) + '\x3c/div>');
} else {
echo("mainEx1", "\x3cdiv class='nonUser'>\x3cspan>" + Fx.user + "\x3c/span> さんは退会しているかも知れません\x3c/div>");
if(Fx.user == "all") allDiaryEntry();

Lo.no103Entry.err = function(){
echo("mainEx1", "\x3cdiv class='nonUser'>ひとつもエクラの日記を書いていないみたいです\x3c/div>");

allDiaryEntry = function(){
var o = Fcn("main","div","import_cite");
var s = "",n = 1;

for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
if(echo(o[i]).match(/user=([\w\-]+)/)) s += RegExp.$1 + " ";
s = s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").split(" ").sort().join(" ") + " ";
 s = s.replace(/([\w\-]+ )(\1{0,})/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
  var f = e2.split(" ").length;
  return "<li>\x3cspan class='Res'>E:" + ("0" + (n++)).slice(-2) + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan class='all_oid'>\x3ca href='main.html?diary=172198&user=" + e1 + "'>" + e1 + "\x3c/a>\x3c/span> ( \x3cspan>" + f + "\x3c/span>件 )</li>";}

var s1 = "\x3cdiv class='m2ex_box'><ul class='user_entry'>" + s + "</ul>\x3c/div>";
o = Fcn("main","div","entry_date");

s = "";
for(i = 0; i < o.length; i++){
if(echo(o[i]).match(/(\d{4}\s\d\d\/\d\d)/)) s += RegExp.$1 + " : ";

 s = s.replace(/(\d{4}\s\d\d\/\d\d\ : )(\1{0,})/g, function(e0,e1,e2){
  var f = e2.split(" : ").length;
  return "<li>\x3cspan class='D1'>" + e1 + "\x3c/span> \x3cspan class='D2'>" + f + "\x3c/span>人</li>";}

s1 = "\x3cdiv class='m2ex_box'><ul class='days_count'>" + s + "</ul>\x3c/div>" + s1;
echo("m2ex",s1 );


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document.title = "103 汎用日記帳 4.0.1";
