wrote A157732 2009 03/25 23:46 (水)




トゥルルル♪ ドキドキ・・・

トゥルルル♪ はちきれそうな心

トゥルルル♪ もしもし、葉月?

初めて聞く あなたの優しい声

嬉しくて嬉しくて 甘えてしまったの

だって ずっと泣いていたんだもの

嬉しくて嬉しくて また泣いてしまいました

大好きです 愛しています この言葉を

ちゃんと声にして あなたに伝えたかったの

なんちゃん、あなたが 大好きです 愛しています 

これからもずっと ずっと・・・!


Your voice

I wanted to hear your voice that I loved .

And I wanted to send my voice to you.

I showed courage as hard as possible.

Ring ring♪

My heart is fluttering.

Ring ring♪ 

My heart seems to burst.

Ring ring♪ 

Are you Hazuki?

Your gentle voice to hear for the first time.

I have been happy, have been happy and have fawned on you.

It's because I was crying all the while.

I have cried again for joy for joy.

"I love you" "I love you"

I made these words a voice properly and wanted to tell it to you.

nancyan, I love you.  I love you.  

It is much all the time from now on! (* ^)(^-^y